Hollis St, Alvaston Swarkestone Rd Chellaston

English Martyrs
Hollis St, Alvaston
DE24 8QU
St Ralph Sherwin
Swarkestone Rd Chellaston
DE73 5UA
6th Sunday of the Year - A
15/16 February 2014
Responsorial Psalm: “They are happy who follow God’s law!”
Sunday Masses
6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv)
Grainne McKeefry RIP
9.00am Mass (Chell)
Simon Gresham RIP
10.30am Mass (Alv)
People of the Parish
5.00pm Mass (University)
12.00 noon Baptism of Elizabeth Grace Warrington
9.00am Mass (Alv)
7.30pm SVP Meeting in the Sacristy
Series of talks at the University after the 5.00pm Mass in
the Multi-Faith Centre – starting at 6.00pm
16 February
- The Legacy of Pope Benedict
300 Lottery: The next draw will take place next Sunday 16 Feb
Maureen Lewsley Int
after the 9.00am Mass. Please let your reps have any payments or
new subscriptions today!
10.00am Mass (Chell)
Private Intention
Education Sunday - 16 February: Invitation to all to view
12 noon Mass (Alv)
Private Intention
12 noon Mass (Alv)
Private Intention
10.00am Mass (Alv)
Alfredo Florek RIP
Private Intention
7th Sunday of the Year - A
6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv)
9.00am Mass (Chell)
10.30am Mass (Alv)
5.00pm Mass (University)
Confessions: Mon: Alv 8.30am
Tues: Chell 9.30am
Wed: Alv 11.30am
Jan Karasinki RIP
People of the Parish
Michelle Meighan RIP
Thurs: Alv 11.30am
Alv 9.30am
Alv 5.45pm
SVP Annual Raffle:
First prize £3000, Second prize £2000,
Third prize £1000, plus 10 x £100 and 10 x £50. Tickets are
available from any SVP member or from the Piety stall. Thank you
for your support throughout the past year.
Confirmation Classes are due to start on Thursday 27 February
at St John Fisher School from 4.30-5.30pm. Candidates must be 11
years or over at the time of confirmation on 18 June. Application
forms should be sent in to Father Brentnall as soon as possible.
Mothers’ Prayers: During 24 years of Mothers Prayers there
Readers for next weekend
6.30 pm
M Heffernan/R Merrison
A Bourke/M Belshaw
C Wilson/F Connolly
Money Matters:
Parish Offertory Collection
Sick & Retired Priests Fund:
Crib Collection for Faith in Families:
SRS Candle Collection for CAFOD:
English Martyrs' Fundraising
Church Organ:
Saint Ralph Sherwin Fundraising:
Stained glass window:
"Actions not Words" - a short presentation of the charity work
undertaken by pupils of the 6 Houses of St. Benedict Academy.
This will follow the 9.00am Mass at St. Ralph Sherwin.
Cleaners: P Hand, B Booth, J Smith
Prayers for the Sick: Please pray for Martin Smith, Fr John
Guest, Gwyn Moran, Caroline O'Hara-Smith, Monsignor Joseph
Phelan, Monsignor Paul Watson, Anne Eames, Clive Haworth,
Matthew Melbourne, Noel Walsh and for all the sick and
have been a great many wonderful answers to prayers including
children coming off drugs, children returning home after being absent
for many years, children’s health problems improved and healing
and reconciliation of estranged relationships with parents. Mothers
Prayers are said in over 100 countries around the world. Many
Mothers share with us how their faith has grown and how comforted
they’ve been, knowing that they are not on their own and that other
mothers around the world are praying for them. You are invited to a
talk on Sat, 22 Feb. at 11.00 at: St George and all Soldier Saints
Roman Catholic Church, Village Street. For full details of the day
see the poster on the notice board or contact: Helen Wright on
Tel: 01332 608905
Women’s World Day of Prayer: The annual service 2014 is
7pm on Friday 7 March at St Peter’s Chellaston. All welcome.
There has been a request for three readers from St Ralph Sherwin.
Contact Veronica Clayton - Tel 01332 706317 or email:
veron.clayton@gmail.com for more details if interested.
Sick & retired Priest Fund: The next collection will be on
22/23 Feb.
SVP Collection: 8/9 March
Please pray for all those who have died. May they rest in peace.
The Diocesan Year Book is available for 2014 – price £3.00.
This year’s front cover shows the Holy Father on Palm Sunday.
Chellaston Ecumenical Lent Group: If you are interest in
joining this group, please sign the list at the back of St Ralph
Sherwin. More details next week.
Father M Brentnall [Parish Priest]
Father Slawomir Hermanowicz [Assistant Priest]
Parish numbers - 01332 574474 & 07773366120
Email: englishmartyrs@nrcdt.org.uk
“Good As New” Clothes Sale – 21/22 March at Derby
University: Give your wardrobes a ‘spring clean’ and let us have
any spare, good quality clean clothes and accessories. We aim for
better quality clothes – well above those usually found in Charity
Shops. Tickets to Drinks & the Opening of the Sale on Friday 21
March are also available. You will be greeted with a glass of ‘fizz’
and canapés, and you will get the first chance to buy the items on
sale (before the general public) as well as participate in a Grand
Draw. Tickets £10 each. Full details on the notice board
St. Patricks Day Celebration Committee are holding a
Brendan Grace (the grand master of comedy) Concert at the Derby
Irish Centre on Saturday 29 March. Tickets £15. Contact
07941621488. Tickets limited, so book early.
St John Fisher Academy are looking to appoint 2 upper KS2
Teachers for Sept 14. For further details and an application pack
please contact Mrs Harlow the School Business Manager 01332
572154 or email admin@stjohnfisher.derby.sch.uk Closing date 24
Feb @12:00pm.
Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy, Grimsby are seeking to
appoint a Key Stage 2 Teacher and an EYFS teacher. For further
details please contact the Academy office on 01472 357982 or
emailoffice@smp.nelcmail.co.uk . Closing Date: 28 Feb at
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Academy, Nottingham
requires from September 2014 a Deputy Headteacher. This is an
exciting opportunity to become involved in the future leadership and
development of our popular school. For details please email:
admin@ourladyops.nottingham.sch.uk. Closing date: 3rd March.
Saint Thomas Catholic VA Primary School, Ilkeston are seeking
to recruit a Headteacher.
Please contact the school for an
application pack and/or to arrange a visit - Tel: 0115 932 550 or
e-mail: info@st-thomas.derbyshire.sch.uk. Closing date for
applications: 9 March
Diocese gives the go-ahead for the establishment of a new
‘Newman House’ to serve the Catholic Community at the
University of Derby.
A Catholic ethos-based residence; a house of study and house
of prayer to provide spiritual and pastoral support for students.
To provide for long-term funding for this new venture, it is
necessary to build up a good capital base. For this reason we
are asking for support from the wide Catholic community.
How can you become a friend of Newman House Derby?
 A regular annual contribution of £60 (i.e. just £5 per
 A donation to fit your purse
Payments by direct
Cheques can be made payable
debit may be made to:
Derby Chaplaincy DV
Derby Chaplaincy DV
(Lloyd’s TSB)
Sent to: FAO Fr Mark Brentnall
Acc #: 00416639
16 Hollis Street, Alvaston,
Sort code: 30-96-18
Derby, DE24 8QU.
Access 2 Art: Sessions are every Monday & Tuesday 10.00am -3.00pm in
the Parish Hall. There is a disabled toilet in the hall.
Contact Claire on 07792686082.
Slimming World: Monday sessions 5.30pm and 7.30pm with the new
consultant Tracy Clements. For any info please ring her on 07896193797.
Rainbows: Fun and games for 5-7 year old girls. Tuesday evenings during
term time, in the Parish Hall, 5.00-6.00pm. Call Diane on 07505 949034 or
Claire on 07929 425133 for more details.
Brownies: For girls 7-10 years old. Tuesday evenings during term time in the
Parish Hall, 6.15-7.30pm. Fun and games, craft, cooking, trips out to bowling,
cinema etc, working for badges and annual ‘Pack Holiday’.
If you’re
interested girls, call Diane on 07505 949034.
Line Dancing: Tuesday evening from 8.00pm till approximately 10.30pm in
the Parish Hall. These sessions are only for intermediate standard or above,
no beginners. For further information please contact Lynne Breakwell on
07720 585017.
"Squiggles" Parent and Toddler Group: Thursday morning from
9.30am - 11.00am. For further information please phone Clare Hill on
07947171223 or see the poster at the back of church or on the church hall
Taekwondo: Thursday evening in the Parish Hall. Children 5.30-6.30pm,
Adults 7.00-8.00pm. Call Simon on 07584 677350 for details.
Hiring of the Parish Hall: For Parish Hall bookings please call the
hall Manager (Frances Connolly) on 572286 between 10.00am &
2.00pm Monday to Friday. If not available please leave a message
with a phone number and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Increases in charges for deposits and all parties, applicable from
January 1st 2014.
Hall Events
Sun 16 Feb:
Mon 17 Feb :
Tues 18 Feb:
Wed 19 Feb:
Thurs 20 Feb:
Fri 21 Feb:
Sat 22 Feb:
Sun 23 Feb:
26 Feb:
5 Mar
14 Apr:
27 Apr:
Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm
Slimming World 5.30pm & 7.30pm
Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm
Line dancing 8.00-10.30pm
Wednesday Club 2-4.00pm
Taekwondo 5.30-6.30pm & 7.00-8.00pm
Bingo 7.30-9.00pm Doors open at 7.00 approx
Private Party 1-4pm
Bluebell Park Care Home Visit 2.30pm
Mission Prayers for Chellaston – St Peter’s Church 6.30pm
Agape – Methodist Schoolroom 7.00pm
Padley Gift Day
PPC Minutes: The minutes of the meeting which took place on
2 December 2013 are now on the noticeboard for your information.
World Book Day – 6 March: To celebrate World Book Day, the
school are holding a second hand book sale.
If anyone has any good quality children’s books that they could
donate for the sale, it would be much appreciated.
In case of an emergency in the parish (ie: a person needing the last sacraments) firstly call the parish number 01332 574474/07773 366120; if the priest is
unavailable please call one of the following: St George’s on 01332 767038, St Joseph’s on 01332 343777, St Alban’s on 01332 672914 or St Mary’s on 01332
If the person is in hospital you should ask them to call the Duty RC Chaplain.
Editor’s Note: If you have any items for the newsletter next week, please contact Anne Walsh 01332 753147 or email: