English Martyrs - St John Fisher

English Martyrs
Hollis St, Alvaston
DE24 8QU
St Ralph Sherwin
Swarkestone Rd Chellaston
DE73 5UA
1st Sunday of Lent - B
21/22 Feb 2015
Responsorial Psalm: “Your ways, Lord, are faithfulness and love for those who keep your covenant”
Sunday Masses
6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv)
9.00am Mass (Chell)
10.30am Mass (Alv)
5.00pm Mass at the University
9.00am Mass (Alv)
10.00am Mass (Chell)
7.00pm Benediction
730pm Polish Mass (Alv)
7.00pm (Alv)
7.00pm Lent Prayer Hour at St Ralph Sherwin
12 noon Mass (Alv)
Eileen Wyrobeck RIP
People of the Parish
Michelle Meighan RIP
Coffee Morning: The Rainbows and Brownies will be holding a
coffee morning in the Parish Hall after the 10.30am Mass today
Sunday, 22 February. Please come and join us.
Fred Monk RIP
Eileen Peterkin RIP
300 Lottery: If you currently pay by cash, please consider
Chris Bickerton Int.
setting up a Standing Order through your bank instead. This is
very simple to do and makes sure that you don’t miss a payment. It
also makes it much easier for us to administer the lottery. Please see
your reps for details
Valerie Lloyd RIP
Churches Together in Chellaston: This year four Lent groups
Private Intention
2nd Sunday of Lent - B
6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv)
Phil Sanders RIP
9.00am Mass (Chell)
People of the Parish
10.30am Mass (Alv)
Susan Gorman RIP
12 noon Baptism of Francesco George Filigheddu
5.00pm Mass at the University
Confessions: Mon-Sat: ½ hr before Mass
Readers for next weekend
6.30 pm
R Merrison/M Heffernan
M Belshaw/L Spencer
F Connolly/C Wilson
Money Matters:
Parish Offertory Collection
Sick & Retired Priests Fund:
Mosaic Fund: £100
will meet in Chellaston from Monday 23 Feb for 5 weeks. The four
groups will be following the York course “Praise Him”. There is a
choice of venue/day and time. Please sign the list at the back of
church if you wish to join one of these groups.
CAFOD Lent Fast Day Friday 27 February: Just a reminder that
the CAFOD Lent Fast envelopes will be collected on 28 Feb/1
Mar. We are fortunate this year in that any donations given will
be doubled by UKAid, up to £5 million pounds. This will enable
more projects to be supported and sustained in areas of great
need. Please complete the Gift Aid section on the envelope.
Thank you for your support and prayers for the work of CAFOD
Offertory envelopes for use from 1 April will be distributed on
Payments to the parish by cheque should be made payable to:
English Martyrs Derby RCP
Prayers for the Sick: Please always keep in your prayers the sick
and housebound of this parish including Anne Smith, Frank Watkins,
Eileen Kennedy, Linda Charles, Trevor Savage and Christine Knight
Please keep in your prayers the following families whose loved
one died last February: Bridget Mary Fahy and Ronald Harry
Clifton – May they rest in peace
Sunday 1 March 10.30 at English Martyrs
Forms for 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation are
available at the back of church and at St John Fisher School. Classes
for 1st Holy Communion start on Wed 25 February at 6.30 pm in the
church hall; Confirmation classes begin on Thurs 16 April at 6.00pm
in the church hall. All forms should be returned to the parish office.
I will be placing a proof for a ‘Book of Remembrance’ in the
Sacred Heart chapel – please check to see if your loved ones
details are correct. I intend to have a nice book prepared with
lovely writing etc and placed in a glass case open for the relevant
month. Many thanks. Fr Brentnall
Baptism in the parish: From the New Year parents hoping to have
their children baptised at English Martyrs will be encouraged to attend
a pre-baptism course – these will be run around the deanery. The
next courses will be at Our Lady of Lourdes, Mickleover on Tuesday
10 March at 7.30pm, 19 May at St Georges, Normanton and 16 June
at St Hugh’s, Borrowash.
Centenary Scarf Project - St. Ralph Sherwin: To help achieve
our target of 100 hand knitted or crocheted scarfs, please donate any
spare wool in the yellow bag in church.
Father M Brentnall [Parish Priest]
Father Slawomir Hermanowicz [Assistant Priest]
Contact on: 01332 574474 or 07773366120 or Email englishmartyrs@nrcdt.org.uk or www.englishmartyrsparish.org.uk
Newsletter Administration: Anne Walsh on: annew505@gmail.com or Dawn Hallsworth on: dawn.hallsworth@gmail.com
Catechesis, Youth, Evangelisation: Mr Thomas Vause via the parish email
Piety Stall:
A selection of gifts & cards for many occasions
available. Missals available from £7.99, various prayer books, statues,
candles, Mass cards etc. Anything specifically required please ask.
SVP Annual Raffle: Tickets now on sale- 50p each, books £5 - Top
prize £3000 down to £50 so plenty of chances to win, more important
this raffle helps the society of the SVP to continue it's vital work of
helping the poor, disadvantaged and lonely, young and elderly.
Tickets are available from SVP members or at the Piety Stall at the
back of Church. The draw is on 31st March 2015
Access 2 Art: Sessions are every Monday & Tuesday 10.00am -3.00pm in
the Parish Hall. There is a disabled toilet in the hall.
Contact Claire on 07792686082.
Slimming World: Monday sessions 5.30pm. Details of additional class in the
New Year coming soon.
Rainbows: Fun and games for 5-7 year old girls. Tuesday evenings during
term time, in the Parish Hall, 5.00-6.00pm. Call Diane on 07505 949034 or
Claire on 07929 425133 for more details.
Brownies: For girls 7-10 years old. Tuesday evenings during term time in the
Diocese gives the go-ahead for the establishment of a new ‘Newman
House’ to serve the Catholic Community at the University of Derby.
A Catholic ethos-based residence; a house of study and house of
prayer to provide spiritual and pastoral support for students.
To provide for long-term funding for this new venture, it is necessary
to build up a good capital base. For this reason we are asking for
support from the wider Catholic community.
How can you become a friend of Newman House Derby?
 A regular annual contribution of £60 (i.e. just £5 per month)
 A donation to fit your purse
Payments by direct
debit may be made to:
Derby Chaplaincy DV
(Lloyd’s TSB)
Acc #: 00416639
Sort code: 30-96-18
Cheques can be made payable to:
Derby Chaplaincy DV
Send to: FAO Fr Mark Brentnall
16 Hollis Street, Alvaston, Derby,
DE24 8QU.
Parish Hall, 6.15-7.30pm. Fun and games, craft, cooking, trips out to bowling,
cinema etc., working for badges and annual ‘Pack Holiday’. If you’re interested
girls, call Diane on 07505 949034.
Line Dancing: Tuesday evening from 8.00pm till approximately 10.30pm in the
Parish Hall. Beginners or anybody interested in learning are welcome to attend,
as well as those who are experienced, please contact Lynn for more details on
"Squiggles" Parent and Toddler Group: Thursday morning from
9.30am - 11.00am. For further information please phone Clare Hill on
07947171223 or see the poster at the back of church or on the church hall
Hiring of the Parish Hall: For Parish Hall bookings please call the hall
Manager (Frances Connolly) on 572286 between 10.00am & 2.00pm Monday
to Friday. If not available please leave a message with a phone number and
you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Increases in charges for deposits and all parties, applicable from January 1st
Hall Events
“Born for This” by CJM Music: We are delighted to announce
that the Students and Staff of Saint Benedict Catholic Academy are
presenting their interpretation of the Passion of Jesus through this
most moving production of the Stations of the Cross, set to the
powerful music of Jo Boyce and CJM Music. Please come and join us
at one of the following venues:
Tues 17 March 7.30pm St Joseph’s Church, Derby – Admission Free
Wed 18 March 7.30pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Mickleover –
Admission Free
Thurs 19 March 9.30am and 11.25am Saint Benedict Catholic
Academy – Admission Free*
*Please book for the Thursday 19th performances through:
mharrision@saintben.derby.sch.uk Tel: 01332 557032 X 400
A voluntary collection will be taken after each performance in aid of
Sun 22 Feb:
Mon 23 Feb:
Invitation to all singers - to sing with an ecumenical choir on
WW1 Banner: Please check the spellings on the typed sheet on the
Good Friday at 7.00pm in St. Peter's Church, Chellaston. Practices Thursdays through Lent 7.30-9.00pm in St. Peter's Meeting Room
Contact Choirmaster David Henshaw -Phone 01332 863182
Tues 24 Feb:
Wed 25 Feb:
Thurs 26 Feb:
Fri 27 Feb:
Sat: 28 Feb:
Sun 1 Mar:
Wed 4 Mar:
Sun 22 Mar:
Mon 30 Mar:
Brownies Coffee Morning
Slimming World 5.30pm
Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm
Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm
Rainbows 5-6.00pm
Brownies 6.15-7.30pm
Line dancing 8-10.30pm
Squiggles 9.30-11.00am
Mission Prayers for Chellaston 6.30-7.00pm at Saint
Ralph Sherwin
Padley Gift Day
AGAPE Meal – 7.00pm Methodist Schoolroom
table in St Ralph Sherwin, of the names of family members who took
part in WW1 before they become part of the new church banner
St John Fisher Parent & Parishioner Coffee Afternoon: We would
like to invite parents and parishioners to an informal coffee afternoon
in the school hall on Thursday 12 March at 2pm. Please join us for
coffee and a chat.
In case of an emergency in the parish (i.e: a person needing the last sacraments) firstly call the parish number 01332 574474/07773 366120; if the priest
is unavailable please call one of the following: St George’s on 01332 767038, St Joseph’s on 01332 343777, St Alban’s on 01332 672914 or St Mary’s
on 01332 346126. If the person is in hospital you should ask them to call the Duty RC Chaplain.
Editor’s Note: If you have any items for the newsletter next week, please contact Anne Walsh 01332 753147 or email: