Intro CLE A through K

 In the year of our Lord
 AUC/Ab Urbe
 CE/Common Era
 Before noon
 A tragically weak or vulnerable point
 To infinity…and beyond
 To the point of (sea) sickness
 Things to be done
 Agwra/forum
 Food and drink of the gods
 Delos
 Delphi
 Eris
 Wedding of Peleus and Thetis
 God of War
 Cretan Princess
 Some-time bride of Theseus, Dionysus
 Delos
 Mentes, Parthenos
 Odyssey, Athena goes to Telemachus disguised as the
family friend, Mentes.
 “Mentes” tells T. to call a meeting to remove his
mother’s (Penelope) suitors and come with “him” to
Pylos and Sparta to learn of his father, Odysseus.
 Titan
 Father of the Hesperides,
 Entry room of a house or building
 Atrus-a-um - black
 Octavian
 Great nephew & heir of
 31, near Actium on Ionian
Sea, defeats Antony and
 27, Augustus, the First
 Gaius Julius Caesar
 Ides of March 44 BC
 Seize the day
 Quam credulens minimun postero
 Dido
 Punic Wars
 Hannibal
 Beware
of the
 Pluto’s pet
 Caos
 Nothingness, a void
 Ferryman of the Styx
 Flavian Amphitheatre
Co-head of Republican
Government, two per
 Horn of plenty
 Son of Uranus and Gaia
 King of the Titans
 Also sons of Uranus and Gaia
 Locked in Tartarus, freed by Saturn
 Polyphemus
 Apollo
 The Python
 Pythia
 Goddess of Harvest
 Vergil, lettuce
 Many people like food for breakfast e.g. eggs
 I
 The home of the blessed
 God of Desire
 Son of Aphrodite/Venus
 Ides of March, 44 BC
 Kai su, teknon
 And the other (things)
 From the books
 Clotho spins it
 Lachesis measures it
 Atropos cuts it
 The end (of a scene)
 Finisterre
 Fresh painting, accomplished on drying plaster
 Matrix of tesserae
 Erinyes: Alecto,
Tisiphone, Megaera
 Euminides
 Colchis
 King Aetees, Jason, Medea
 Simple gold panning or an
Allegory of Metallurgy?
 Stheno, Euryale and Medusa
 Underworld
 Husband to
 Carthaginian general, 2nd Punic War
 Elephants
 Cannae
 Zama, 202 BC
 Man-killing Hektor
 Champi0n of Troy
 Doppelganger of Achilles
 Of Troy…but she’s actually Greek.
 Sister /wife of Zeus
 Mother of Hephaestus
 Enemy of Aeneas
 Strangled serpents
 12 Labors
 Argo
 Messenger god
 Goddess of the Hearth
 Iliad, rage
 Odyssey, man
 Chios
 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000
 That is (to say)
 Boy who flew too high & his inventor father
 Escape from Crete
 Hubis
 15 March 44 BC
 Usually on the 13th
 Kalends, nones, ides
 Illion Illium= Troy
 2nd century BC,
 …And the Argonauts
 Argonautica
 Medea
 Colchis
 Juppiter
 Jovial=sanguine, happy, ebullient