Fascism Rises in Europe & Hitler Comes to Power

Random Fact of the Day
Drunk drivers in San Salvador, the
capital of El Salvador, can be
punished by death before a firing
Focus Question – You’ll answer this
at the end of class…
• Explain three ways that Joseph Stalin controlled
the people of the Soviet Union in order to
strengthen himself and the country.
Write anything you need to help you write a
paragraph about this at the end.
From Lenin to Stalin
Stalin and Totalitarian Society
• Police State
• Secret police monitored telephone lines, read mail, and
planted informers everywhere
• Children told authorities about disloyal remarks that their
parents would make
• Great Purge: Stalin eliminated any potential opponents
inside of the Communist party, even those who helped in
the revolution led by Lenin
• 8 million to 13 million Russians were killed
• "Who's going to remember all this riff-raff in ten or twenty
years time? No one. Who remembers the names now of
the boyars Ivan the Terrible got rid of? No one."
Vsevolod Meyerhold
• Theater director in the Soviet Union
• Arrested in 1939 for apparently spying for Japanese and British
• "The investigators began to use force on me, a sick 65-year-old man.
I was made to lie face down and beaten on the soles of my feet and
my spine with a rubber strap... For the next few days, when those
parts of my legs were covered with extensive internal
hemorrhaging, they again beat the red-blue-and-yellow bruises with
the strap and the pain was so intense that it felt as if boiling water
was being poured on these sensitive areas. I howled and wept from
the pain. I incriminated myself in the hope that by telling them lies
I could end the ordeal. When I lay down on the cot and fell asleep,
after 18 hours of interrogation, in order to go back in an hour's time
for more, I was woken up by my own groaning and because I was
jerking about like a patient in the last stages of typhoid fever."
Stalin and Totalitarian Society
• Russian Propaganda and Censorship
• Government controlled all newspapers, movies, and radio
• No space for individual creativity if it didn’t glorify the
• Page 446-447
• Stalin Video
Worse than Hitler?
• Around 11 million people were
estimated to be killed in the
Holocaust by the Nazis, 6
million of those being Jews
• Five Year Plans and
• An accepted figure of how many
Soviets he had killed? 20
Stalin and Totalitarian Society
• Education and Indoctrination
• Schoolchildren learned the virtues of the Communist party
• Students and professors who questioned the party could lose
jobs or be thrown in jail
• State-supported youth groups formed the future of the party
• Religious Persecution
• League of the Militant Godless spread propaganda attacking
religion…”museums of atheism” were established
• Police destroyed churches and synagogues
• Persecution of Christians
• Religious leaders were killed or sent to labor camps
April 22nd, 2013
• Videos!
• Butcher Paper and Gallery Walk – Notes
• Nazi and Italy Discussion – Tomorrow
A full-grown bear can run
as fast as a horse.
South African earthworms
can grow to be 22 feet long!
The Rise of Fascism
The Nuts and Bolts of Fascism
• Fascism: a political
movement that promotes
an extreme form of
nationalism and militarism
• Basic Principles of Fascism
• Totalitarian in nature
• State more important than
the individual
• Charismatic leader
• Action-oriented
Features of Fascism
• Political Features
• Nationalist
• Racist
• Supreme leader and one-party
• Cultural Features
• Censorship
• Indoctrination
• Secret Police
• Economic Features
• Economic functions controlled
by the government
Reading Assignments
Read assigned section and record the title AND three
significant facts or points on your piece of butcher paper.
• Economic Crisis in Germany
• Page 471 – Second Paragraph
• Rise of the Nazis, Part One
• Page 478 – First two paragraphs
• Mein Kampf
• Page 478 – Paragraphs three and four
• Hitler Becomes Chancellor
• Page 478 – Last paragraph; Page 479 – First two paragraphs
• The Fuhrer is Supreme
• Page 479 – Fourth paragraph
• War on the Jews
• Page 479-480 – Last paragraph
• Mussolini Takes Control
• Page 476 – Last Paragraph; Page 477 – First two paragraphs
• Il Duce’s Leadership
• Page 477 – Third Paragraph
Germany Post World War I
Discussion Bingo
• Fill in the middle space with a free space…fill in
the spaces with some of these words…
Il Duce
Bread prices
Hitler’s Youth
Vienna Art School
Treaty of Versailles
Nuremburg Laws
poison gas
Beer Hall
• Fill in the spaces with some of these words, and
when you hear ME SAY THE WORD, x it
out…winner gets extra credit.
Meanwhile, in Germany…
The value of the German mark had decreased after
Translation, the value of one piece of German
currency was not as great as it used to be. In
essence, one mark could not buy you as much as it
used to.
Remember that Germany was trying to rebuild their own
country AND pay reparations to Great Britain,
France, etc. Its economy could not handle it.
Fascism Rises in Europe
Here Comes Hitler
Hitler Rises to Power in Germany
• Adolf Hitler was a WWI
soldier who twice won the
Iron Cross, medal for
• In 1919 he joined a political
group that would later be
named the National
Socialist German Workers’
Party, or Nazis.
• The party adopted the
swastika, or hooked cross
as its symbol.
• Nazis also set up a private
police called the “storm
troopers” or Brown shirts.
The Rise of Adolf Hitler
• Hitler was a great
organizer and public
• The Nazi party chose him
as their der Fuhrer, or
• After a failed coup attempt
in 1923, Hitler served 9
months in jail.
• While in jail he wrote Mein
Kampf, My Struggle.
Mein Kampf – “My Struggle”
Hitler’s book set forth his beliefs
and goals for Germany.
1. Aryans, or Germans, were a
“master race”
2. Non-Aryan races such as
Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies
were “inferior”
3. Vowed to regain German
lands given away in the
Treaty of Versailles
4. Germany was “overcrowded”
and needed more
lebensraum, living space.
5. Promised to get space by
conquering Eastern Europe
and Russia.
Which of Hitler’s ideas do you think would have
been the most popular in Germany at the time?
1. Aryans, or Germans, were a “master race”
2. Non-Aryan races such as Jews, Slavs, and
Gypsies were “inferior”
3. Vowed to regain German lands given away in the
Treaty of Versailles
4. Germany was “overcrowded” and needed more
lebensraum, living space.
5. Promises to get space by conquering Eastern
Europe and Russia.
Hitler Becomes Chancellor
• By 1932 the Nazi’s became the largest political
• The German people turned to Hitler once
Germany’s economy collapsed in the Great
• 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor because
the conservatives believed they could control
• Once in office, Hitler called for elections to win a
majority of the seats in parliament.
• Why?
• 6 days before the election the Reichstag building
was destroyed by fire.
• Hitler blamed the Communists and his party gained more
• Hitler won his majority by a slim margin.
Germany Becomes a Totalitarian State
Hitler’s Control Methods
1. Banned all other
political parties
2. Arrested opponents
3. Created the SS
(Schutzstaffel), a
protection squad to
arrest enemies
4. Gestapo, or secret police
carried out campaign of
Economic Control
1. Banned strikes
2. Dissolved labor
3. Gave government
control over business
& labor
4. Put millions of
Germans to work on
infrastructure and
weapons (against the
Treaty of Versailles)
The Fuhrer’s Propaganda
Hitler wanted to control every aspect of German life.
• Burned and banned books that did not conform to Nazi
• Churches forbidden to criticize the government
• Schoolchildren forced to join the Hitler Youth (boys) or
League of German Girls.
• Twisted the philosophy of Nietzsche to support brute force
Heil Hitler, the Salute
Nazi Propaganda
Deep Thought Question
April 24th, 2013
Why do you think Joseph
Stalin (Soviet Union)
does not receive the
attention and notoriety
of a mass murderer like
Adolf Hitler (Germany)?
• Key role in Nazi ideology
• Jews made up less than 1% of the
German population
• Nazi’s blamed Jews for all of
Germany’s problems since WWI
• 1933 Nazi laws deprived Jews of
most of their rights
• November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht,
Night of Broken Glass – Nazi mobs
attack 1000’s of Jewish homes,
businesses and synagogues.
• Start of the process to eliminate the
Jews from German existence
Primary Source Questions
Mein Kampf
• What is Hitler doing when
he wrote the document?
• Brainstorm a title for this
section of the text.
• According to Hitler, what
is the goal of the Jews?
• What has to happen first
to establish a “new order of
things?” For Hitler, what
do you think that action
would look like?
• Who is the author? What is
his or her place in society?
• What is going on in history
when this document is
• Write a paragraph (3 to 5
sentences) summary of the
document using detail from
the text.
• If you were Jewish and were
in Germany after this event,
what would your response
be? List three possible
Characteristics of Fascism
• Fascism is a political
movement that promotes
an extreme form of
nationalism and
• Includes…
• Denial of individual rights
• One-party rule
• Nazism was the fascist
movement that developed
in Germany.
• Includes…
• Belief in racial superiority of
the German people
Fascism’s Rise in Italy
• Social unrest was fueled in
Italy over …
• disappointment of failure to
win large territorial gains in
the 1919 Paris Peace
• Rising inflation
• Rising unemployment
• The people wanted a leader
who would take action.
• Benito Mussolini founded
the fascist party in 1919.
• He publically criticized the
government and vowed to
give Italy strong
Arrested in Switzerland – 1903
Il Duce, The Leader
• October 1922, 30,000 fascist
supporters (called black shirts)
marched on Rome demanding King
Victor Emmanuel III put Mussolini
in charge of the government.
• The king agreed, but violence
• Mussolini took full power and
instituted the following…
• Abolished democracy
• Outlawed all political parties, except
the Fascists
• Secret police jailed his opponents
• Forced radio stations and paper
publications to publish fascist doctrine
• Allied with industry to control the
April 20th, 2012
• Hitler’s Rise to Power Video
• Make sure that you have turned in all WRITING
DOCUMENTS from your project.
• We will likely have a quiz next Tuesday or
Wednesday over the last couple of weeks –
a.k.a. the Road to World War II.
Random Fact of the Day
Hitler’s Birthday!
Adolf Hitler would have turned 123 today.
April 27th, 2011
Bellringer Questions
Write Q/A
1. Which of the following events did NOT happen to
Adolf Hitler before he became Chancellor?
Failed to meet his dream as a professional painter
Finished his high school education and attended college
Arrested for attempting to overthrow government
Wrote Mein Kampf, or “My Struggle”
2. List three ways that Hitler controlled the
German population.
April 18th, 2012
• Presentations
• Propaganda Posters
• Videos
• What is Fascism?
• Notes
• The Rise of Hitler and Mussolini
• Pairs Research and Main Points on Butcher
• Gallery Walk Notes