
Procedure: Each student will obtain a blank mask. Students may purchase either a
ceramic or cardboard mask at local craft stores, used paper plates, or create their
own mask from other materials as the base of this project.
Objective: You are to explore your personality: your characteristics,
hopes, dreams, preferences, fears etc through art.
Materials needed:
1. Masks: A few dollars at an arts/crafts store. Must cover whole face
and have cut outs for eyes.
2. Decorations: Supply own decorations: could paint or color (to
save $ share paint with other students, Mrs. Lambert will not
supply), use ribbons, sequins, beads, feathers, flowers, magazine
pictures, photographs- anything that represents you! Use things
you can make or find around the house, no need to spend money
on anything besides the mask.
a. Everything MUST be school appropriate
3. Copies of “Please Hear What I’m Not Saying”
1. You need to pick the personality theory you most agree with and explain it,
as well as using it to explain YOU. The following information must be
included in each personality approach as well as any other additional
information you feel is appropriate and meaningful:
A. Psychoanalytic – Sigmund Freud and his theory, sources of
instinctual energy, levels of consciousness, personality structures as
interacting systems including the id, ego and superego, defense
mechanisms, psychosexual stages of development, Neo-Freudians,
Projective tests, TAT and an evaluation of the psychoanalytic model
or approach.
B. Social Cognitive– Where is this theory derived from?, B.F. Skinner,
Julian Rotter’s Expectancy Theory, Albert Bandura’s Social Learning
Theory and reciprocal determinism, locus of control Seligman’s
learned helplessness theory, and an evaluation of the behavioristic
C. Dispositional/Trait – Basic assumptions, personality type theories
come from where historically?, Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell,
Hans Eysenck, William Sheldon and body types, factor analysis, how
consistent are personality traits over the lifespan?, and evaluating
the trait perspective
D. Humanistic – Definition and common components, review Abraham
Maslow’s theory, Carl Rogers, importance of self-esteem (compare
individualistic and collectivistic cultures) and evaluation of this
You can type or write up this information on paper or put it on a poster.
You will present this evaluation form to me before your group presents.
***The final grade for this project will incorporate a group grade and
individual grade as follows:
1. Research Project – Presentation…………………………___/25 pts
(Individual grade - you will be graded individually on the following:
2. Research Project – Visual……………………………….___/25 pts
3. Individual Mask Project – External Mask (includes write-up)…___/25pts
4. Individual Mask Project – Inner Mask (includes write-up)……___/25 pts
5. Total Points Earned…………………………………………_____/100pts