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Psychology homework
G10B Mugi
1::Define the following words
1. Sensation
A physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body
2. Perception
The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through sense
3. Absolute threshold
It is weakest amount of a stimulus that can be sensed.
4. Difference threshold
The minimum amount of difference that can be detected between two stimulus.
5. Signal detection theory
Method of distinguishing sensory stimuli that takes into account not only their strength but also such elements as
the setting, your physical state, your mood, and your attitudes.
2::What is sensory adaptation; give an example from your own life
When I came to Thailand, I could not adapt to the noise of BTS and could not sleep well because my condominium is
near the railway. But now i can sleep even though there is loud noise because Now I am able to do not care about it and
i adapted to the environment.
3::In a short paragraph, summarize how the eye products vision.
The light enters through pupil which determines the amount of light by opening wide or small. Then light encounters
lens which adjust to the distance of objects by changing its thickness. The retina (consists of neurons) is the surface that
acts like the film in a camera. And the photoreceptor, which is a kind of neuron, carries the visual input to the brain. In
the brain, information is relayed to the visual area of the occipital lobe.
4:: Explain the difference between the two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones.
Rods: Sensory only to the brightness light. They allow us to see in black and white.
Cones: Provides color vision
5::What is color blindness? What do these people see when they look at a red apple or a red traffic light
People who do not have normal color vision is called color blindness.
When they look at red color...
Absence of red retinal photoreceptor: see brown
Absence of blue retinal photoreceptor: see shocking pink
Absence of green retinal photoreceptor: see ocher
6::Give some reasons for complete blindness. How can someone who is blind compensate for their lack of vision?
-Damage of optic nerve
-Destroy part of the eye
-Cloudy vision/getting old
-A lazy eye
-Retina damage
Way to compensate: Braille characters
7::Why do you think studying the eye and vision is important when studying psychology?
Learning vision is important for psychology because we can know the differences of mind or feelings between normal
vision people and blindness (or color blindness) people by studying vision in psychology. And then, if we can understand
how they behave and how they feel or think, maybe we can help them more effectively and it will cause every society to
be united, or understand each other.