English III - Fort Bend ISD

Syllabus for Pre-Ap English II
Instructor: Deanna Eiland
Elkins High School
Contact Information:
Phone: 281-634-2600
E-mail: deanna.eiland@fortbend.k12.tx.us
Educational Background:
Masters of Education: Educational Leadership, Dallas Baptist University
Masters of Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Dallas Baptist University
Bachelor of Science in Education: Secondary Language Arts, New Mexico State University
Associate in Education, New Mexico State University
Teaching Experience: 13 years at the High School Level
Course Description:
Students in this course will consider themes of diversity, identity, and acceptance of others through a study of
a variety of classic, modern, and contemporary world and American literature. The course will take a process
approach to the teaching of writing. Students will work to refine the writing skills developed in Freshman
English. Assignments will focus on writing appropriately for different occasions, audiences, and purposes.
Activities and assignments will afford students the opportunity to expand their vocabulary, refine their
responses to literature and their understanding of various media, and improve their speaking, listening, and
presentation skills. Writing assignments will continue to improve students' essay writing and research skills. All
units incorporate skills from the state frameworks in a cumulative fashion. Students work to develop the
specific frameworks skills, strive for proficiency, and continue to reinforce and maintain those skills as outlined
in the framework's four strands of language, literature, composition, and media. Level one and Level 2 will be
differentiated by teaching methods, the pace of the course, and the relative difficulty of materials and
 “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
 The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
“The German Student” By Washington Irving
“Desiree’s” Baby” by Kate Chopin
 “Antigone” by Sophocles
 “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare
 “The Whole Town is Sleeping” by Ray Bradbury
 The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
 “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr
This is not an exhaustive list, just some of the major pieces we will cover in English II this year.
In addition to those mentioned above, there will be supplemental reading, including non-fiction essays and
poetry. The course introduces the student to a variety of authors. The purpose is to learn abut these authors
and their particular views of the human experience, and understand better what ideas were current in their
times and perhaps still are today. Through reading, writing and oral communication, students will continue to
develop and refine skills in critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Student Evaluation/Grading
The following assignments will occur weekly over the course of the school year.
 Weekly Reading Grade (Silent Sustained Reading)
 Poetry Notes/Analysis
 Vocabulary Test
 Reading Logs
 Participation
• Outside Reading is a Requirement
1. Students will have reading from their issued literature textbook, as well as novels, essays and
2. Activities will be assigned in association with the requirement.
• Participation
1. Students are required to verbally contribute to the classroom discussion at least once a day.
• Vocabulary Tests
1. Weekly vocabulary tests shall be administered every Friday (exception would be a four day week
ending on Thursday).
Essays/Research Papers
1. Students shall be required to write essays, as well as complete a research paper over the course of the
school yea.r
2. All formal papers MUST BE TYPED.
3. Rubrics/Requirements shall be distributed for each writing assignment
Other assignments will include: Formal testing, quizzes over literature, in class essays, one page response
papers, lengthy writing projects will include a research paper and an anyalysis paper, grammar activities, class
participation, presentations, and homework.
Expected Behavior and Attitude:
Please show respect for the teacher, your fellow classmates, and yourself.
The classroom is a place where everyone should feel safe and able to participate without fear or abuse
of any kind.
Please be in your seat reading when the bell rings.
Please come to class prepared to learn; this includes bringing all necessary
materials. (paper, textbooks, pens, binder, etc al)
Please participate in classroom activities and assignments.
Please do not throw objects of any kind in the classroom.
Please do not interrupt others (speaking while another student or I am speaking). We each deserve
respect and consideration when we are speaking!
Please do not use profanity. Also, do not insult, badger, or tease other students.
All ipods, handheld video game systems, cellular phones, digital cameras or any other type of
electronic devices must be turned off and put away during class. If seen or heard these items will
be confiscated and turned over to the office.
Required Materials:
I expect students to come to class prepared. This includes bringing all of the necessary materials and
supplies.If students have difficulty obtaining supplies, please see me for solutions. Otherwise, it is expected
that ALL students will come to class prepared with:
It is your responsibility to have the required supplies with you in class at all times. Be sure you replenish your supplies
as needed throughout the year. You must bring the following supplies to class everyday:
1. Folder/binder/notebook—One three-ring binder or folder with dividers. Dividers are suggested to be labeled as
Reading Log
Poetry Notes
Writing Workshop
STAAR/ AP Practice
2. Paper—wide-ruled notebook paper. You will need a large supply of paper due to the amount of writing you will
be doing this year.
3. Writing utensils (pens)- Additionally, you will need different colored highlighters for annotations.
4. Post-it notes—any size, any color. You will need a large amount of these. If you can get a variety of sizes that
would be your best bet. These will be used for annotations.
5. Buying books—it is HIGHLY recommended to any student to buy the books we will be reading this year. That
way, you will be able to write in the books as you need and use them in the future for college. Be sure to check
the ISBN number before purchasing books, as translations and page numbers may be different if they are
different versions. (See “Course Overview” page for ISBN numbers.)
6. Antibacterial wipes, antibacterial gel, and/or tissue—if you know you have allergies or need to use tissues on a
regular basis, it would be wise to bring your own supply.
1. Once the bell has rung, the students are expected to be in the classroom, ready to work. Sharpening pencils,
throwing away trash, crumpling up papers, etc. should be done before or after class, not during. Also, if you
need to speak to me, you should do it before or after class.
2. The student must take care of bathroom or locker trips before or after class. We only have a limited time period
together every day, and it is important you are in class to hear, learn, write, read, explore, etc. I will expect you
to do what you need before or after class.
3. Tardies are strictly enforced. We will follow the school tardy policy.
4. If you were absent, it is your responsibility to make up the work. Do not ask me about the work you have
missed once class starts. You can get the information from the calendar that is given to you in class. If you
need clarification, you must talk to me before or after class. Read further about make-up work in the “Make Up
Work” section.
5. When collecting papers, if you do not pass a paper in at the time that it is called for, I will not take it. It is your
responsibility to have your work completed on time, and it is your responsibility to turn it in on time.
6. I will always be honest with you, and I expect the same in return. That honesty includes doing your own work.
You can expect that if you get caught cheating, you will receive a zero on the assignment, including tests, along
with a write-up. If someone is helping you cheat (i.e. giving you the homework to copy), both of you will receive
zeroes and write-ups. This will have dire consequences for an honors student (NHS, etc.).
7. When dealing with fire drills, we will exit through the front of the building. You are to stay with me at all times,
as I will not run around searching for you.
8. Please respect the classroom and the books, etc., that are in the classroom. In addition, my belongings on my
desk are mine. Please do not touch them without permission. I will never go through your belongings out of
respect for you and your space; please reciprocate the same philosophy regarding my personal belongings.
9. Students are expected to stay in their seats until the dismissal bell rings. DO NOT stand up around the door or
around the room.
Above all, respect is expected in this classroom. I will treat you with respect, and I expect you will do the same
with me and others in the class. This classroom is to be a place where students feel safe, therefore, there are
to be no derogatory comments or disrespectful treatment of one another. If you have a problem with someone,
as hard as it may be, it needs to be left at the door. Please remember that above all, this is a place for learning.
If you are hurting other students’ education by your actions, this is a problem that will be dealt with in an
appropriate manner
Late Work Policy
According to EHS English Department’s policy for Pre-AP/Honors classes, daily grades will not be accepted late. For
major grades, each day the assignment is late is 10 points off the final assignment grade, up to five days. After those
five days, the assignment will not be accepted and will receive a zero. In order to alleviate the pressure of this, there is
the “No Foul” day. Still, you MUST be sure that you get the assignment in on the “No Foul” day, no matter what.
Whether you are absent or not, the assignment cannot be turned in later than the “No Foul” day without penalty. More
information about the “Foul Day” will be explained in detail upon the first assignment of the first major grade.
Re-teaching / Re- testing
If retesting is necessary, it must be student requested, followed by attendance at a least one after or before school
tutorial, and the request and retest must be completed within seven days. According to district policy, reteaching does
not require re-scoring.
Dear Students and Parents,
My goal as a teacher is to try and create a safe non-threatening environment where
each student feels comfortable sharing thoughts and ideas without the fear of ridicule
from others. I believe that if this type of environment can be created then that is when we
all learn from one another because we are listening and sharing openly. I feel that every
student deserves a chance at a positive educational experience and no one student or group
of students has the right to jeopardize that experience with poor behavior. In order to
insure a positive and orderly educational environment, the following classroom guidelines are
to be respected.
Respect will be demonstrated at all times. Every student has the right to a safe and
secure classroom; you do not have the right to impede or jeopardize that in any way.
Be respectful of yourself, your environment, your fellow classmates, and your
teacher. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2. Students will not prevent others from participating by shouting out answers or
putting anyone down. Any behavior that disrupts the learning environment, such as
horseplay, teasing or side talk will not be tolerated and will result in removal from
the classroom.
At any time during the school year you have questions or concerns about anything please
contact me either by e-mail or phone message. I have spent a lot of time planning and
preparing for the upcoming school year and I am excited about teaching your student this
year. I am looking forward to a great school year!
Other information you need to know:
All of the supplies listed in the syllabus need to be at school no later than
Wednesday, August 28, 2012.
The nine weeks average consists of 50% daily grades and 50% major grades.
Major papers have a “No Foul” day where it can be turned in one day late with no
penalty, but the paper MUST be turned in that day, regardless of circumstance.
According to Elkins High School English Department policy, daily work in the PreAP and AP classes is not accepted late. Major grades will accepted up to five
days late with 10 points off for each day late, up to five days.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Ms. Eiland
Please sign, date, and return by Friday August 26, 2011.
We have read Ms. Eiland’s syllabus and are aware of her classroom rules and expectations.
Remember that e-mail is the best and fastest way for me to contact you.