CHS Syllabus 10-11 juniors for website

Syllabus/Grading Policy
Mrs. McNeal
Cathedral High School College Prep 2010-2011
Grade 11
Course Objectives
Students will write essays using weaving with the Jane Schaffer method
Students will demonstrate mastery of vocabulary connected to the texts
Students will use elements of fiction to interpret reading assignments
Students will compose their own autobiographical essay
Students will read and show understanding of novels
Students will write a minimum of 4 essays
Students will write a research paper
Reading Assignments
Fall Semester:
Prentice Hall Anthology
Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
Spring Semester:
Prentice Hall Anthology
Tortilla Flat, John Steinbeck
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
***Book checks will be done randomly and will count as a grade.
Homework will be assigned daily. It is necessary that you complete all
assignments. Homework is an important part of your grade and ensures that you are able
to keep up in class. If you choose to not complete homework, you are putting yourself
behind. The homework assignments consist of a variety of tasks, including reading,
vocabulary, and writing.
Late Work
Your assignments are given a due date and I expect you to adhere to that date.
Any work turned in late will fact deductions for tardiness – ranging from 4 points to 50%
depending on the extent of the lateness (i.e. assignments turned in 2-3 weeks late will be
Grades are based on points. Each assignment will be given a point value.
Possible assignments include homework, participation, quizzes, tests, oral reports, written
reports, and class work. At the end of the semester, points will be totaled and given a
letter grade as follows:
90% of points and higher
70%-79% of the points
59% or lower
80%-89% of the points
60%-69% of the points
Tests, quizzes, class work, projects, and homework will comprise approximately 85% of
your grade; therefore you MUST do the work. The final is worth 15%.
All grades will be available on Powerschool. Please check your grades often.
I do not fail any students. My students who do not accumulate enough points to
pass have chosen to fail themselves.
In accordance with school policy, students will be given grades every five weeks.
I expect you to have the following supplies:
Pens (black, but at least 1 other color for editing)
White Out – scribble marks are not acceptable
Notebook (may be shared with another class/subject)
Folder (for returned work)
1. No Swearing – If you wouldn’t say it to your minister or priest, don’t say it
at all.
Consequences: 25 push-ups or squats or 1 hour detention
2. Have your books every day.
Consequence: $1.00 fine each day book is not in class (for book rental)
3. Be ready, in your seat, and quiet when the bell rings.
Consequences: You will be required to get an “Admit Slip” and it
will count towards your detention.
4. Be polite. Welcome to the world. We all have to co-exist with people
we may or may not like – be polite. Leave your problems at the door.
Consequences: If you are rude to me, a substitute, or another
student, minimum punishment is a one half hour detention with
me, maximum is a referral to the Dean.
5. Clean up after yourselves! I do not have any children in this school, so
I don’t clean up after anyone. You are an adult now.
6. Take responsibility for your actions.
All rules from the handbook apply in this room (i.e. food, drinking,
electronic devices, hats)