Sample Timeline

Timeline: World War II Looms
Failure of the World War I Peace Settlement:
How did the treaty of Versaille fail to
secure justice and peace?
The Treaty of Versaille caused anger and
resentmentinstead of justice and peace.
Germany didn't think that it was fair that that
they got blames for starting the war. Also, both
Germany and Russia resented the fact that
they were stripped of some of their colonial
Joseph Stalin Transforms the Soviet Union:
How did Stalin gain total control of the
Soviet Union? How many deaths was he
responsible for?
Stalin gained control by establishing a
totalitarian governments in which he controlled
all citizens. In his quest to purge all those who
threated him historian estimate that he was
responsible for the deaths of 8 to 13 million
Rise of Fascism in Italy: What was Italian
Fascism? Why did Italians elect
Mussolini as their leader?
Italian Fascism was a form of government
which stressed nationalism and placed the
interested of the state above those of the
individual. In a time of large unemployment and
inflation, the Italian people looked for a strong
leader and they found that in Benito Mussolini.
Americans cling to Isolationism: Why did
Americans resort to Isolationism after
WWI? What were the Neutrality Acts?
Americans felt that they were dragged into
WWI and as a result they decided to isolate
themselves in order to avoid involvement in
any future war. In an effort to keep the U.S. out
of any wars, Congress passed Neutrality Acts
which outlawed arm sales or loans to nations at
war and nations engaged in civil wars.
Neutrality Breaks Down: How did
President Roosevelt break neutrality?
Who was he trying to help?
Because China had not declared war on China,
President Roosevelt found a loop hole around
the Neutrality Acts and was able to send arms
and supplies to China. Roosevelt was trying to
help China because they were being violently
attacked and invaded by Japan.
Militarists Gain Control in Japan: What ideology
did militarist Japanese share with Hitler?
Why is Manchuria important?
Militarists in Japan believed that they needed
more living space. In order to gain more land,
militarists launched an attack and seized
control of the Chine province of Manchuria in
1931. Within months, Japanese troops
controlled the entire province (which was rich
in natural resources that Japan did not have)
Before the attack on Pearl
Harbor there was lots of
turmoil happening around
the world. Briefly expalin
what was happening in
countries like Italy, Russia,
Germany and Japan. Do you
think that President
Roosevelt’s decision to help
China contributed to the
attack on Pearl Harbor?
Nazis Take Over Germany: Explain Adolf
Hitlers ideas of purification and
Hitler wanted racial purity (meaning that he
wanted to create an Aryan race) in order to
achieve this he sought to get rid of inferior
races such as Jews, Slavs and all other non
whites. Hitler also believed that Germany
should expand and create more living space, he
achieved this by invading other countries such
as Poland.