History of Immigration Laws in the United States

History of Immigration
Laws in the United
I. National Amendments or Prohibitions to
A. Amendment 14
1. Civil Rights of Citizenship Granted to freed
African Americans
2. ratified in 1868
B. Amendment 15
1. Voting rights extended to African Americans
2. Ratified in 1870
II. Asian Exclusion Acts
A. Barring immigrants from citizenship & ownership of property
B. Chinese Exclusion Acts / Immigration Exclusion Act (1882)
1. Prohibited citizenship for Chinese immigrants.
2. Subsequent acts reinforcing the exclusion of Chinese
immigrant were passed in 1884, 1886 and 1888
3. In 1882, 1884, 1886, and 1888, Congress passed Chinese
exclusion acts, suspending immigration of Chinese laborers
and barring reentry of all Chinese laborers who departed and
did not return before the passage of the Act“
C. Immigration Act of 1917
1. Exclusion of Asian Indians
D. Immigrant Act of 1924
1. Exclusion of Japanese
2. The Immigration Act of 1924 barred entry of 'aliens
ineligible to citizenship
3. Japanese and other Asians were barred by the 1790
naturalization law stipulating that 'whites only' could be
naturalized as citizens
4. The 1924 act totally excluded them from immigration
E. The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934
1. Cut Filipino immigration to a quota of fifty persons per year
2. All Filipinos in the United States were reclassified as 'aliens.
F. Alien Land Laws (1913, 1920, and 1923)
1. prohibited Asian immigrants from owning land and other
forms of property through the legal construction of nonwhites
as aliens ineligible to citizenship
G. "Asia Barred Zone”
1. The 1917 immigration act denied entry to people from a
"barred zone" that included South Asia through Southeast
Asia and islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans
2. Excluded American possessions of the Philippines and Guam
H. Magnuson Act (1943)
1. lifted the barriers to citizenship for most immigrants of Asian
2. The Magnuson Act had three significant parts
a. It repealed the Exclusion Act of 1882
b. It established a quota for Chinese immigrants
c. It made Chinese eligible for citizenship
III. Immigration Quotas
A. For the first time, the United States passed a restrictive
immigration quota
1. The quota was designed to maintain the "character" of the
United States
2. It apportioned immigration certificates based on the
population of the United States in the year 1910.
3. In 1894, the Immigration Restriction League was founded
a. It supported literacy-tests for would- be immigrants.
b. The literacy test passed in Congress in 1896
c. Was vetoed by President Grover Cleveland, who
insisted that the United States should remain a haven
for all oppressed people.
B. President Theodore Roosevelt was a strong supporter of the literacy test
1. Responding to the assassination of President McKinley, he called
for the exclusion of anarchists
2. Congress promptly legislated the exclusion of anarchists
3. Four years later of those who were "imbeciles, feeble minded and
people, with physical or mental defects.“
C. In 1907, the Congress appointed a joint House-Senate Committee called
the Dillingham Commission
1. Its report called for the issuance of literacy tests.
2. It also suggested restrictive policies that would limit immigration
based on national origin.
3. The Congress passed a bill requiring a literacy test, but President
Wilson vetoed it.
4. In 1917, the Congress once again passed a bill requiring literacy for
5. Wilson once again vetoed the bill, but this time the Congress
overrode the veto.
D. In response to growing public opinion against the flow of
immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe
1. Congress passed first the Quota Act of 1921
2. Immigration Act of 1924 (the Johnson-Reed Act)
a. The 1924 law imposed a total quota on immigration of
165,000—less than 20 percent of the pre-World War I
b. It based ceilings on the number of immigrants from
any particular nation on the percentage of each
nationality recorded in the 1890 census
c. A blatant effort to limit immigration from Southern and
Eastern Europe
d. The 1924 Act, the annual quota for Italians was set at
less than 4,000
IV. Exclusion abolished
A. Asian Exclusion Repeal Acts
1. 1946, for Filipino and East Indian
B. McCarran-Walter Act (1952)
1. Abolished the 1917 ”Asia Barred Zone”
2. Allowed for immigration into the United States based on
ethnic quotas.
C. Immigrant Act (1965)
1. Eliminated immigration quotas
2. Establishing new criteria for immigrants
3. The 1965 act abolished 'national origin' quotas and specified
seven preferences for Eastern Hemisphere quota immigrants
a. Unmarried adult sons and daughters of citizens
b. Spouses and unmarried sons and daughters of permanent
c. Professionals, scientists, and artists of exceptional ability
d. Married adult sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
e. Siblings of adult citizens
f. Workers, skilled and unskilled, in occupations for which
labor was in short supply in the United States
g. Refugees from Communist-dominated countries or those
uprooted by natural catastrophe.