Ch7 Immigration laws - ANGLAIS CPGE

CHAPITRE 7 L’IMMIGRATION AUX ETATS-­‐UNIS LES LOIS (T.Jerebitz, MP) Lot of decisions was implemented by Congress or the States to keep control of newcomers when immigration became the main source of the population increase in USA. First in 1790 to become a citizen in the 13 States we have to be white and have 2 years of residency but war have to pass this requirement to 14 years. 2 others acts authorized deportation of people who could be dangerous for the safety of the US. 1790: uniform rules for 13 States for ciazenship 1819: Steerage Act, First significan federal law on immigraaon 1862: Homestead Act 1864: Conctract Labour law 1875: the Act of March 3rd The Steerage Act of 1819 limited the numbers of immigrant on a th
ship. Then in the middle of 19 century, some States enacted legislation for newcomers, especially paupers. For instance in California in 1962, Chinese immigrants had a capitation tax. Nevertheless, the 1962 Homestead Act and the Contract Labor Laws of 1864 favored immigration. One offered free land and the other encourage employed to hire immigrants. Chinese had difficulties to come in USA. Indeed some laws rd
restrict their coming like the Act of March 3 or the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and this one was the first to target a specific group. Until the Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act in 1973 Chinese couldn’t demand for citizenship but there is still a limit for 105 Chinese one year. Other immigration law authorized to bare the country for lunatics, polygamists, persons convicted of crimes, or people with contagious diseases. 2 January 1892: opening Ellis Island That was in 1892 on Ellis Island (a federal immigration station) that the operation of the Immigration Service (a Federal function) began. Many others laws restricted immigration or the rights to become citizen. Majorities of these laws was decided by the government but individual Sates have their restriction too. 1943: the Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act 1924: Naaonal Origins Act or Johnson Reed Act 2001: the Patriot Act In 1924, the Johnson Reect Act favored Northern and Western Europe Immigrants to 82% against the rest of the World but was repealed only in 1965. At times and their needs, the US government privileged immigrants from different countries. The 2001 Patriot Act amended the Immigrant and National Act to reduce aliens legible for admission and to deport all people suspect of terrorist activities. But they also offer a Green Card; recall the Permanent Resident Card, to 50000 immigrants coming from countries with a low immigration rate. That’s a computer which chooses randomly there, every year. Now more and more states have passed strict laws against the immigration. That’s right in states even if there are far from the borders of the country like Arizona. However all bills aren’t against illegal immigration for example in Utah where undocumented immigrants can work. 