Stamp Anatomy of the Ear In the image provided color the structures

Anatomy of the Ear
1. In the image provided color the structures associated with the external ear pink, color the
structures of the middle ear yellow and color structures associated with the inner ear purple.
2. ________________________ is a tube that connects the middle ear with the upper part of the
throat. When this tube is open air pressure can equalize on both sides of the eardrum.
3. ________________________ vibrates due to the impact of sounds waves. Reproduces
frequency in the form of sound waves.
4. ________________________ and __________________ are the sense organs for equilibrium
and balance. Hair cells within the canals perceive balance and position in space both aid in
balance and have nothing to do with balance.
5. What is cerumen? What is the function of cerumen?
6. ________________________ funnels sound toward the eardrum.
7. ________________________ connects the middle ear with the lower half of the cochlea, aids in
fluid motion and serves to equalize hydraulic pressure.
8. Which shape do the following bones have?
a. Malleus bone
c. Stapes bone
b. Incus bone
9. ________________________ terminates in the brain stem near the point where the pons and
medulla are joined.
10. ________________________ this is the part of the ear you can see with the naked eye it does a
bad job of directing sound waves towards the external auditory canal.
11. ________________________ transfer vibrations from the ossicles to the cochlea.
12. ________________________ deliver sound vibrations to inner ear fluid and amplify sound by
approximately 30 dB.
13. The tympanic membrane is also known as the _______________________.
14. ____________________ is the snail shaped sense organ for hearing. It converts stimuli from
the outside environment into nerve impulses which are interpreted by the brain.
15. The bony labyrinth is a series of cavities and consists of _________________________________.
16. What is the purpose of the hair found in the outer ear?