150423 Minutes Draft

Library Leadership Council Meeting
DRAFT Spring Meeting, April 23-24, 2015
Centralia, WA
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Participants: Andrew Hersh-Tudor, Deb Gilchrist, Melissa McBurney, Michelle Bagley, Beth Hill,
Steve Gance, Tim Fuhrman, Vivienne McClendon, Lynn Kanne, Nina Pitts, Stan Horton, Jeanne
Leader, Tammy Siebenberg, Jane Blume, Mindy Coslor, Lauri Kram, Sharon Simes, Kirsti Thomas,
Jennifer Dysart, Sue Kennedy, Guy Hollingbury, Wai-Fong Lee, Rand Simmons, Maggie Stuart
Online Participants: Cheyenne Rouduin, Doug @ Clover Park, Stacy@Walla2, Eric Palo, Howard
Fuller, Mike from Bates, Jennie @ Bates
Chair Kennedy called the meeting to order at 12:25
Alma Project Cost Allocation Model
Andrew Tudor presented the cost allocation model, gave an overview of how the project fits with
the vision of the 21st century library, reviewed the project goal (to secure a statewide ILS), and
presented a history of the project. Key landmarks in the project history include: formed a group to
explore LMS options, developed a vision statement, chose to use the existing Orbis Cascade
document, State Board said that the Alma Project would require a new contract.
Members expressed concerns about ongoing costs.
Andrew described the contract as sole-source, supported by presidents, BAC, the State Board, and
IC. The contract will include an opt-out option. Fixed costs will be shared by all. Tony Gibbons will
serve as the liaison between LLC and exLibris.
LLC will identify our principles and values about sharing the costs, so that they are equitable, fair,
and maximize participation. LLC will select the funding model.
The membership was encouraged to talk with their VPs to prepare them for the upcoming IC
Tudor led a small-group brainstorming session to identify organizational values. The most
frequently designated were:
Fairness & equity/looking out for the group
Sue Kennedy described potential implementation funding models.
50/50 model - similar but doesn't include base cost
20-40-40 model - 20% of the cost would be a base cost across institutions, 40% on FTE,
40% on bib records (excluding eBooks)
SB is looking for recommendation on funding model and about the $500,000 subsidy - the
recommendation would go to BAC and IC.
Follow-up discussion addressed fairness, barriers, ongoing costs, and the cost of support.
Action Tim Fuhrman - moved to approve 50-50 model for implementation. The motion was
seconded by Stan Horton.
Discussion - equal buy-in into implementation process.
Motion carries, with 1 opposed and 1 abstention
Andrew Tudor led a discussion about the potential for $500,000 (principles for allocation) and
explained that the funds must support implementation not ongoing costs, and must focus on
maximizing participation. The funds could be use a few different ways, such as: 1 - defray project
cost, or 2- concentrate according to need. A suggested was made that LLC members return to their
colleges to determine their institution's level of need.
The membership addressed the issue of when colleges will have to pay. The system will pay
exLibris by wave. Membership dues will be paid upon implementation. Deb Gilchrist explained to
the membership that the cost can be split between fiscal years.
Andrew recommended that colleges determine cost needs and forward that information to the LLC
by April 30.
Action Mindy Coslor made a motion that LLC authorize Andrew Tudor to carry through with the
plan to gather cost needs. The motion was seconded by Tim Fuhrman.
Andrew reminded the membership that May 14 is the deadline to say that we're committed.
Andrew outlined a plan for a Recommendation to the State Board about how to use the $500,000 Colleges need to be presented with costs, colleges will determine additional need, we consider how
to use the $500,000 to maximize participation, and also considering time as a resource.
Information should be back to the group by April 30.
Deb Gilchrist gave an example of the discussions that could take place at the colleges to prepare VPs
for IC. Deb's example - what she would like Christy to bring to her - "I know what my costs are, I
could be in the 2nd wave, here's how much it will cost." Deb also mentioned that LLC reps should
talk on their campuses about the cost of not adopting the new ILS and suggested that we focus on
the impact that it will have on students.
Beth proposed an amendment to the 500,000 recommendation
Andrew described the recommendation as the process by which we illustrate to each campus the
cost; we then look at the cost and the difference between resources and cost, and conduct an initial
analysis for how to use the $500,000 for maximum participation. We may send the information
back to campuses with a second proposal.
Stan Horton seconded the amendment.
The membership was reminded that the duration of the project is 18 months and can be divided
into 6 month segments. Once the vendor is involved the clock starts ticking.
A question was posed about the timeline.
There will be gaps between each wave. First wave will start in September. Each college will have 6
months to make the transition. A recommendation was made that the go live date should not
happen during an academic quarter.
Kirsti Thomas described the preparation process, which includes cleanup and the normalization of
data, and suggested that staff should be reminded that it is going to take time to figure out how to
do things differently. Read manuals, get on mailing lists, have weekly meetings for each functional
group. Ensure that there is communication between cohort members and between members of
other cohorts. Prepare a timeline in advance.
Michelle Bagley suggested that libraries simplify in advance of migration. Libraries should also take
a look at business process prior to migration and take the time to clean it up. Look at policies,
profiles, etc.
The membership was reminded that a big training and an online training will be provided by
A concern was expressed that Wave 3 of the ALMA implementation will conflict with the first wave
of the CTC Link implementation.
Day 1 adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
April 24 Day 2
Robert Cox, Centralia's VP of Student Services welcomed LLC members to the college and
complimented us on working together on a statewide effort, noting that the consortium will reduce
barriers to student success.
Approval of Minutes
After 2 changes to the previous minutes, Jane Blume made a motion to approve the minutes.
Seconded by Beth Hill. Minutes approved.
State Library
Rand Simmons reported that changes in his duty should allow him to do more outreach. He would
like to visit college libraries and administrators. Visits will likely start in July. The State Library's
budget request of $2.4 was fully funded by both the Senate and the House. A portion of the funds
requested were a backfill for lost revenue. The library did significant cutting over the past year in
order to live within its means. The Library's funds are in a revenue account which is based on the
housing industry, which did not do well. The Library may have funding equivalent to the 13-15
allotment. The Library is planning to refine some of the things that it is doing. The Central Library
in Tumwater is a research library housing information about Washington state history and
government and is the chief collector of state agency publications. Thousands of people use the
documents. In addition to giving excellent service, the Library plans to expand reach beyond the
walk-in patron. The potential to reach more people is greater if the Library expands its virtual
presence. Staff will be working on digitizing processes, but will continue to maintain existing
collections. The Library needs to be branded. The Library has not done a good job of letting people
know about what the Library does and why it is relevant. The collection grows and grows because
the Library cannot discard. The Library may be able to discard if there are electronic copies
available. Library leadership will be talking about this with Senators in DC. The Library needs to
grow and manage historic government publications and is hoping for new building to house library
and state archive. Funds for IT Academy need to be replenished for the next biennium. If funds are
replenished, this $1.5 million can be counted toward maintenance of effort. There are over 12,000
eLearners in IT Academy after 20 months. We had 20 months of IT academy.
Approval of Treasurer's Report - Andrew Tudor reported that nothing has changed since the last
report. The balance of funds is currently $5,441.93. Jeanne Leader made motion to approve. Jane
Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Alma Project Cost Allocation Activity
Sue Kennedy asked membership to divide into groups for discussions about the Alma project cost
allocation. Groups were instructed to make a list of concerns.
Report Outs
Sharon Simes and Kirsti Thomas – Would it be possible for libraries to have an in-kind arrangement
to offset implementation costs? How do we combine two libraries using different systems? Will we
have to travel for training? Will there be training available for Primo?
Jane Blume – What is the exact date when we will find out other implementation costs? We need to
determine Alma support structure and ongoing costs. We need to create a better upfront
communication system than what we've had. When will the SBCTC step out? How will we create
the LLC Alma structure and bylaws? What is our timeline for creating bylaws and structure? Are
there other assumptions that we should be aware of? What will the structure of LLC consortium
Mindy Coslor – her group talked about doing a survey - what do people still need? The group also
discussed the importance of bringing in new directors and aren't participating. There's a lot of
turnover – we need to make sure that people are willing to participate.
Beth Hill – Our questions that have already been stated. Our biggest concern is the actual support
costs to see where we stand and what we might need.
AT - created a document listing group input and addressed several of the questions. In-kind is
possible. Shared systems should be turned over to our liaison (Tony). On-site training is the
exLibris model which is mostly online and not sufficient. We may offer on-site (in the state of
Washington) training, which will likely require travel. CLAMS if offering Alma/Primo training at
the upcoming meeting and recommends that we encourage staff to attend. We should know final
costs by April 30. About communication – Andrew noted that no one makes presentation to board
or other groups before we know about it. Jane commented that libraries could have had a heads-up
about negotiations. Regarding who will be doing what – Andrew can get the descriptions for us.
The State Board will be the fiscal agent responsible for the contract. Mark Jenkins will be our
liaison. His office will not be housing support. We will have the ability to have paid staff who will
share responsibilities across the system. Andrew suggested that we have one of our meetings at the
State Board in order to get more information. Andrew will keep his document live to record more
information as it becomes available.
Sue Kennedy led a discussion on models - Alma ongoing costs, support models, and consortium
work. Ongoing costs include post-implementation fees, support, travel, supplies, and contingency
for unexpected costs. The group discussed ways to share costs, including the Orca model. In the
Orca model, each college’s percentage is calculated based on FTE, exLibris costs are totaled - the %
FTE is used to assign a portion of the exLibris cost, everyone pays $972 as part of the system
coordinator's salary plus a percentage of 80% of the coordinator's salary. A contingency fee is also
included. Jennifer Dysart suggested running that model so that everyone could see it. Another idea
is the 50-50 model, which tends to drive out libraries with larger collections. Jennifer – suggested
sending out multiple spreadsheets to illustrate the various models. Sue commented that the two
models, Orca and Baseline + FTE could be sent out quickly. Other models could follow.
Sue Kennedy addressed issues related to building a consortium, including identifying the needs of
the consortium and identifying a group to work on it. Other issues identified: consortium structure,
term of leadership, fiscal agent, bylaws, and technical staff. Other issues to consider: using mission,
vision and values to drive charter development and future decisions, a cost structure for those not
using Alma/Primo, determining how LLC will work with the consortium, and the need to stay in
touch with the State Board throughout the consortium creation process. Volunteers to work on the
consortium project include: Jeanne Leader, Nina Pitts, Vivienne McLendon, Mindy Coslor, and Jane
Blume. The group will make recommendations to the membership about next steps.
Updates and Standing Reports
ELC – Tim Fuhrman reported that ELC met last week. The meeting featured a - presentation from
Tyrell Thomson from UW about accessibility. Close captioning is an issue. There is discussion
about seeking a statewide solution. For this year’s ELC awards, two rose to the top: Bryan Walsh
from Peninsula College who created a shadow network for incarcerated students that looks like the
campus network and Shalaina Joiner from Lower Columbia College who created an online advising
tool in Canvas. Bryan Walsh is this year’s award recipient. Meeting participants visited the
Library Council – Jane Blume reported that the Library Council met in March at the State Library.
The Deputy Secretary of State discussed state support of the Library. Jane also reported that
Continuing Ed grants are being morphed into professional development grants. Libraries can apply
to bring training to individual libraries for a maximum of $3,000 per library per year. Specifics are
written in Jane’s report. The Council is planning to write a conflict of interest policy. The next
meeting is scheduled for May.
LSTA - Christy Flynn (online) - posted her report to the wiki. Updates on grant - Quill is working on
progress report due in April. Quill is working on grant templates. Reimbursements are going well
with TCC. With a new director, it is not certain that future grant funds will be managed by TCC.
Information Literacy Month Proclamation – Michelle Bagley asked the membership if there is an
interest in continuing with Information Literacy Month.
Action Mindy Coslor made a motion to support continuing Information Literacy Month. The
motion was seconded by Jane Blume. Motion carried.
Information Literacy Symposium – Several years ago LLC participated in an academic leadership
symposium. Orbis Cascade holds seed money - we could reinvigorate this concept for 2017. It
takes some months to prepare. Should we reach out to libraries in the Orbis Cascade alliance and
other library organizations to see if they are interested in sponsoring this event? Michelle will send
information out to those not attending this meeting.
Sue Kennedy mentioned that working pages on committees need to be updated. Cleaning this up
should be done in the near future. Committees need an explanation of why they were formed
Copyright Working Group- Stan Horton and Lauri Kram mentioned the University of Georgia suit
and Lauri mentioned that Edmonds is including copyright in its faculty contract negotiations. The
copyright committee determined that it was not possible to have a statewide policy on copyright.
Lauri mentioned that the State Board has a copyright document. Contracts need to be in sync with
this document. Jennifer Dysart added the work of this committee is probably done.
Student Outcomes Working Group – Assessment in Action document is available on the wiki. The
group is looking at what Assessment in Action could look like at the state level. The group is
exploring the possibility of using LSTA funds to leverage Assessment in Action. The group is also
asking ATD libraries for data about library impact on student retention and success. Erica (online)
said that she would like to join the group
The following members were elected to positions for 2015-2016:
Chair Elect – Beth Hill
Secretary – Maggie Stuart
Treasurer – Andrew Tudor
Outgoing Chair Sue Kennedy handed over reins to incoming chair to Melissa McBurney and called
for a round of applause for Sue.
Hosting – Vivienne offered to host a meeting later in the year. Melissa will ask Mark Jenkins about
holding the summer meeting at the State Board. Members east of the mountains will be
approached about hosting the spring 2016 meeting.
Timeline for Migration – the group was reminded that the first cohort will start in September. The
Second and third cohorts will launch at 6 month intervals. Melissa will poll the membership for
cohort preferences.
Late Report
IT Commission – Andrew reported that the IT commission met in Wenatchee. Key topics addressed
included CTC Link and cyber insurance. Cyber insurance covers costs related to stolen information,
including identity protection and credit card reporting. There is a new timeline for CTC Link. The
project will end at the original time. First Link will launch in August, 2016.
Melissa adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.