St. Andrew`s C. E. Primary School Curriculum Statement for PSHE At

St. Andrew’s C. E. Primary School
Curriculum Statement for
At St Andrew’s we believe that every child should have the
right to develop a healthy self-esteem and a strong belief in
themselves. Our PSHCE curriculum aims to equip all children
with an understanding of themselves, their social groups,
their health and their role as a citizen in the street, town
and country that they live in. Our bespoke curriculum has
been developed by closely weaving in our Christian values
alongside the social and emotional aspects of learning. We
believe that our personal, social and emotional wellbeing is
the foundation of aspirational teaching and learning and
We will provide high quality teaching and
learning by provide opportunities for the children to develop
key social skills, an empathy for others, an awareness of
their health, their rights and their responsibilities as
citizens. Children will develop key skills in speaking and
listening. Ultimately children will be empowered to develop
their ‘voice’ in a wide range of social and emotional contexts.