
What does it mean for you to
make progress in your life?
What does it mean for a whole
country to make progress?
Progressive Party
LO: Students will be able
to evaluate the impact of
the Progressive Movement
on the Presidency. 5(C)
Teddy Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
DOL: Students will
evaluate which
presidencies was the
most “Progressive”
and explain why citing
at least one policy
Progressive Era:
Two main goals to make society
better for people:
2. Government
1. People get more
access to government fixes social
(like voting)
Progressive Party:
aka “Bull Moose Party”:
Formed by Teddy Roosevelt
to bring these ideas to
Lost presidential election but
won some Congress seats
Third Parties:
Take votes from
main parties;
Get their ideas
adopted by main
Video Clip
Why did Teddy
Roosevelt join the
Bull Moose Party?
What was the
Create a Chart--Under Notes
Progressive Presidents
Teddy Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Use pgs 118-121 in
BROWN book
Identify as many
policies as you
can for each
Which president do
you think was the
MOST Progressive?
Explain WHY with
at least one
Why is the Era we are studying
called “Progressive”?
Reformers and Muckrakers -pg24
LO: Students will be
able to evaluate the
impact of muckrakers
and reform leaders in
the Progressive Era.
DOL: Students will
create a foldable of
Progressive Era reform
leaders and muckrakers
that ranks the people by
importance of their
Social Gospel Movement
Christians called for social reforms, emphasized
idea that each man is his “brother’s keeper”
(Christian duty to help, problems are not God’s will)
Salvation Army
Wanted: end child labor, safer work conditions
Writers who exposed the abuses of
industrial society and government
Spread of newspapers and magazines
made this popular
Example: “The Jungle,” Upton Sinclair
“[T]he meat would be shoveled into carts,
and the man who did the shoveling would
not trouble to lift out a rat even when he
saw one-- there were things that went into
the sausage in comparison with which a
poisoned rat was a tidbit. There was no
place for the men to wash their hands
before they ate their dinner, and so they
made a practice of washing them in the
water that was ladled into the sausage.”
How do you
think someone
reading this in
1906 would
have reacted?
Reformers and Muckrakers Foldable
Your foldable should include for each person:
1. What problems were they solving?
2. What did they do?
3. What was the effect?
4. Illustration, picture, or symbol
Upton Sinclair
Ida B. Wells
Jane Addams
Susan B Anthony
What is a “settlement house”?
How is it “Progressive”?
Look in your foldable from yesterday.
Progressive Era- Quiz Day
LO: Students will be
able to evaluate the
impact of Progressive
Era reforms, reformers,
and muckrakers.
DOL: Given 6 MC
questions, students will
answer 5 correctly to
evaluate the impact of
Progressive Era reforms
and reformers with 80%
You have 25
minutes to finish
working on your
Members of the Progressive Movement
generally supported the idea that the
federal government should...
A. prevent unfair business practices
B. restrict immigration to the US
C. reduce the number of small farms
D. abolish private property ownership
Books like The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
and rise of Political Machines exposed
problems that resulted from...
A. naturalization of immigrants
B. environmental conservation
C. westward expansion
D. rapid industrialization
During the early 1900s, the term
“muckrakers” was used to describe...
A. people who demonstrated against war
B. writers who exposed the evils in American society
C. newspaper columnists who reported on celebrities
D. Politicians who criticized Progressive Era
When Susan B Anthony was arrested for
her actions in the election of 1872, she
was fighting for...
A. the Sixteenth Amendment
B. Settlement Houses
C. Judicial Review
D. Women’s suffrage
The publication of The Jungle by Upton
Sinclair was instrumental in getting
members of Congress to...
A. enact stronger anti-trust laws
B. support conservation of public lands
C. establish a system of meat inspection
D. legalize strikes by workers’ unions
Which goal was shared by both
Populists and Progressives?
A. the free coinage of silver
B. expansion of opportunities for immigrants
C. equality for African Americans
D. greater control of Government by the people