
Missouri Western State University
Physical Education Lesson Plan Guide
Title of Lesson
# of Students 25
Age / Grade 5th
Total Time 45
Lesson Objectives (including Standard or Benchmark)
Objective 1- Students will be able to hit the bowling pins using correct form from 60 feet
away three out of five times. (National Association of Sport and Physical Education 1,
3)(show me standard PE 4) (hm1e5)
Objective 2- Students will be able to score bowling correctly without calculators 75% of
the time. (Show me standards MA 1) (hm2b5)
Objective 3- Students will understand the rules, form and dimensions of bowling and its
alleys by being tested by a written assessment and getting a 75% or higher. (Show Me
Standards PE 4) (hm2b5)
Objective 4- Students will be able to participate in their groups and be respectful to each
other and the equipment 100% of the time. (National Association of Sport and Physical
Education 5, 6, 7)(Show me standards PE 2) (pa2a5)
Formative Assessments:
Objective 1- I will watch the students bowl and make sure they are using proper form and
are hitting the pins on a regular basis.
Objective 2- I will have the students do examples on the whiteboard of how to score
Objective 3- I will ask questions about the rules, form and dimensions of bowling at the
end of every class as review.
Objective 4- I will visually watch and listen to the students in their groups. I want to see
and hear them being respectful all the time.
Summative Assessments:
Objective 1- I will have the students do a skills pre and post test where they will see how
many times they can knock down at least one pin. Each student will get 5 rolls.
Objective 2- In my written pre and post test, most points come from scoring bowling
correctly. They will be tested over this.
Objective 3- In the written test there will also be questions about the rules, form, and
dimensions of bowling. These facts are essential to learn when bowling.
Objective 4- As a teacher I would give daily grades based on cooperation and
participation in class. If the students give effort and show respect to all their classmates
Are there any cultural contributions that you can identify in this lesson? If so, what
are they?
There are no cultural contributions for this lesson
How will you accommodate for the various cultural learning styles in your class?
I will make sure to verbally explain the three step approach, walk through the steps to
help visual learners, and then have the students walk through the steps with me to help
the bodily kinesthetic learners. With all these types of learning styles I should be able to
reach the students.
How will you accommodate this lesson for students with learning disabilities or
special needs?
For the students that need accommodations I will have a catchy cues to help remind them
of the steps to bowling. They will be left, right, left, roll. I will then start them 15 feet
from the pins and call out the cues to the kids and they will walk through them.
Equipment, Materials and Preparation
5 medicine balls
5 exercise balls
5 half stability balls
5 jump ropes
3 noodles
4 cones
4 chairs
5 rubber bowling balls
5 sets of pins
5 score cards
5 pencils
5 clipboards
Gym Set-up
Learning Styles
Bodily-kinesthetic- Kids will be learning to work their body to do what their brain is
telling them to do. Most kids will be new to the three step approach and will have to learn
how to do it through movement.
Visual Spatial- Students will have to be aware of their surrounding for safety purposes.
This is a simple thing but a very important thing.
Musical- I like to play music in my classes once we have gotten through the instruction
part of the lesson. The students seem to relax and get into the groove of the activity when
music is on. Some of them learn skills better when they get to listen and interact with
Anticipatory Set
The white house has a single bowling lane in it for the president to use. (1 min)
Stations: Use stations as warm ups. They are medicine ball, exercise balls, half
stability balls, jump rope, stretching station, jumping hurdles, and dips. I will rotate them
through these things every two minutes. I think this is a good choice of a warm up
because it gets them moving and heart rate up. Bowling is not a very vigerous activity so
I want them to get some cardio in. (12 min)
Transition: Have students clear gym to prepare for upcoming lesson. (1 min)
Practice We will review keeping score in bowling and have them practice on the
whiteboard (5 min)
Instruction # 1
Prepare students Today we will learn the three step approach. (30 seconds)
Central Demonstration Full Speed (1 time) This is how to bowl with the 3 step
approach (30 seconds)
Explain TLP/ SAM’s (Formative Assessment) (3 min)
1. Hold bowling ball in dominant hand with thumb, middle and ring finger
in the appropriate holes.
2.Bring ball up to chin and face target
3. Step with non dominant foot around two feet in distance
4.Repeat step three with dominant foot.
5. On third step with non dominant foot swing arm back in a pendulum
6. As third step hits ground arm will swing forward on same axis
7. fingers will release the ball when it is close to the ground
8. Follow through with dominant arm up in the air and dominant leg
behind non dominant leg. This should make an X with your leg
Demonstrate (slow speed) (1 min)
Dry Run Students will practice the three step approach without a ball (1 min)
Students will get into groups of five. Each will have a job: pin setter, ball returner,
middle man, bowler, and scorer. Each person will rotate through the positions. They will
rotate after each frame. The rotation will go from scorer to bowler to middle man to ball
returner to pin setter. (20 min)
Questions to check (2 min)
1 Can someone show me a three step approach?
2 Which fingers go in the holes of the bowling ball?
3 How long is the bowling lane?
Set Up For Next Class
The students will set up the Warm up for the next class (2 min)
Will someone please show me the three step approach. Will someone verbally describe
the three step approach to me. I want the students to lead the summary on the three step
Homework (2 min)
Have the students go home and practice rolling a ball at the target. This way they can
have better aim for the post test.