FINAL ONLINE Syllabus Template

This syllabus template has been formatted to comply with basic accessibility standards, using
appropriate headings and text styles. Be sure to DELETE template information, such as this
comment (all template information is in orange).
Instructor Name Here
Course Title
Office Hours: online, by appointment
Term: Spring 2015 8WK2
Credit Hours: 3
Delivery Method: ONLINE
PLEASE NOTE: In the event of a college closing or course cancellations due to weather, online
classes will remain in session.
Course Description
-----copy & paste from the course catalog------
-----list if any-----
Add / Drop Dates
First day of class:
Withdraw with 100% refund:
Withdraw with 50% refund:
Withdraw with a W grade
Last day of class:
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
-----copy & paste from the course approval form if available------
Course Materials
-----textbook title(s), subscription info, external course materials that require a log in----
-----textbook title(s)----
Necessary skills/equipment (webcam, headset, etc.)
Information about external sites used (VoiceThread, Google Docs, etc.) and where to find
information about getting an account?
Online Course Delivery
(Below is an example of what you would write here. Make it relevant for your course.)
This course is delivered completely online through Desire2Learn (D2L). While you are not
required to log in during specific days or times, this is not a self-paced course. It is important
that you follow the attendance/participation guidelines and meet due dates and deadlines for
all class activities (readings, assignments, discussions, quizzes, exams, etc.). Materials will be
released to you each week and assignments will be due each week.
The academic week will begin on Monday 12:01am and end Sunday at 11:59pm.
Computer/Browser Requirements
System requirements and software recommendations for accessing content within
Desire2Learn can be found online at
Technical Support
D2L Technical support is available 24 hours a day at 1-877-325-7778 or You may also contact a Mercy College Instructional Technologist
at 419-251-1796 or 419-251-1762 (9:00 – 5:00; Monday – Friday).
Instructional Help & Instructor Feedback
(Below is an example of a communication policy. Make it relevant for your course.)
Questions of a general nature should be posted to the virtual office. Personal or confidential
issues should be handled through email. Do not post questions about test or exam questions;
email me with those questions. Emergency situations can be handled by (email, call, text).When
communicating with me by email, put the following in the subject line of the email:
course title – subject of the email (e.g., RAD 400 – Quiz 2 Question)
I will respond to email and messages in the discussion board within 24-48 hours on school days.
For large weekly assignments, you can generally expect feedback within 7 days.
(Below is an example. Make it relevant for your course.)
Assignment or Category
Discussion boards
Weekly Quiz
Article Critique
Media Project
Weekly Reflections
Midterm Exam
# of submissions w/ points
7 @ 20 points each
6 @ 40 points each
8 @ 10 points each
Final Exam
Grading Scale
The grading scale is based on 1000 possible points.
719 and below
Learning Activities & Expectations
(Explain your online teaching methods: what tools will you be using in the online classroom?
Will there be group work or projects? At the very least, this is a good place to introduce your
weekly/module format. The following is an example.)
Readings & Presentations (Course Objectives: 2 & 3)
Weekly content will be consumed in a variety of formats including but not limited to textbook
readings, scholarly articles, films on demand, or other web resources. Reading assignments may
be demanding, please plan accordingly.
Discussion Board (Course Objectives: 2 & 3)
You will participate in weekly discussions including article sharing, critical thinking, and debates.
After creating your initial posted, you will respond to two other classmates, and reply to
comments directed towards you. Original, well-formed thoughts and scholarly citations will be
expected (for the textbook or other course materials, list at least the title and page numbers.
For online sources, include a link). Initial posts are due on Thursdays at 11:59 PM, and
responses are due Sundays at 11:59 PM.
Weekly Reflection: (Course Objectives: 2 & 3)
You will compose a weekly reflection of your experiences during the week. The reflection is not
limited to school/clinical experiences. This is the opportunity for you and I to connect and talk
to each other.
Weekly Quiz (Course Objectives: 1, 2 & 3)
You will have one Weekly Quiz that will cover information presented within the module.
Questions will be primarily multiple-choice and quizzes will be timed.
Midterm/Final Exams (Course Objectives: 1, 2 & 3)
In Module 4, there will be a timed midterm exam, covering information presented in modules
1-4. In Module 8 there will be a timed, comprehensive final exam primarily covering the
information presented in modules 5-8, but will contain questions from modules 1-4 as well. All
questions are multiple choice.
Attendance and Participation
(The following is an example. Make it relevant to your course.)
Because this is an online course, your attendance is based on your activity and participation
inside D2L. The following is a summary of everyone's expected participation in addition to the
learning activities described above:
● Log in to the course: AT LEAST 3 TIMES PER WEEK. Be sure you are logging in to the
course each week, including weeks with holidays or weeks with minimal online course
activity. You mind find it helpful to set a routine to log in at specific times throughout
the week to break up your workload and keep up with ongoing assignments or
discussions. If you have a situation that might cause you to miss an entire week of class,
discuss it with me as soon as possible.
● Check your Mercy College email, discussion board, & course news feed REGULARLY. All
communications between students, and between students and instructor, will take
place most commonly through discussion boards and email. I will also post important
updates and reminders to the Course News.
● Office hours and live sessions: OPTIONAL OR FLEXIBLE. All live, scheduled events for
the course, including my office hours, are optional. For live presentations, I will provide
a recording that you can watch later. If you are required to discuss an assignment with
me, please contact me at the beginning of the week if you need a time outside my
scheduled office hours.
Civility Statement
The online classroom is a special environment in which students and faculty come together to
promote learning and growth. It is essential to this learning environment that respect for the
rights of others seeking to learn and respect for the professionalism of the faculty are
maintained. Student conduct which disrupts the teaching/learning process shall not be
tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action and/or removal from the online class. Please take
a moment and read the following link concerning "netiquette"
Assignment Submission & Late Policy
(State your course policies. Please retain the D2L helpdesk section.)
All work must be submitted through D2L by the due date and time specified in the assignment
instructions. Emailed attachments will not be accepted.
Acceptable excuses (health related problems and religious observances) will allow for make-up
work so that students are not penalized. Please provide official documentation that has the
appropriate contact information (doctor’s excuse with name and telephone number).
Technical difficulty is NOT an acceptable excuse. If you encounter a technical issue that
prevents you from submitting an assignment in D2L, call the Desire2Learn 24/7 Help Desk (1877-325-7778).
The D2L Help Desk will:
● Attempt to resolve your issue by phone so you may continue working
● Document the date, time, duration of, and specifics around your technical issue
● Generate a ticket number which is sent to Mercy College
● I will use the information provided by the Help Desk to make an informed decision
regarding: accepting your assignment, reopening an assignment, or extending time on
an assignment.
NOTE: I have the right to refuse your assignment without a D2L Help Desk ticket number.
Course Schedule
Chapter Reading: Romans, Chapters 12-14
Weekly Quiz
Introduce Yourself
Weekly Reflection
Due Dates
Sunday 11:59 p.m.
Other Course Policies
ADA Statement
Accessibility Statement
Mercy College of Ohio is committed to making individuals with disabilities full participants in its
programs, services and activities through compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. If you require accommodations,
please contact the Office of Academic Accessibility.
Phone: 419-251-1710
Recording Policy
According to Policy 514, Mercy College of Ohio prohibits students from the recording and
transmission of classroom presentations with any faculty member unless that student has
obtained the expressed written consent of the faculty member, unless the student has a
documented disability as described in the ADA Statement listed above.
For purposes of this policy, a “recording” is a video or audio replication or photographic image
recorded on devices including, but not limited to, audio recorders, video recorders,
cellular/smart phones, digital cameras, media players, computers and other devices that record
images or sound.
To obtain permission, please present the Electronic Recording Release form to your instructor,
located here:
Academic Integrity
The purpose of education is to advance one’s own intellectual skills and knowledge and to
demonstrate the outcomes of these efforts. An essential and shared value in higher education
is presenting one’s own work and properly acknowledging that of others. Any violation of this
principle constitutes academic dishonesty and is liable to result in disciplinary action. Forms of
academic dishonesty include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
1. Plagiarism – submitting all or part of another’s work as one’s own in an academic
exercise, such as an examination, computer file, or written assignment. This includes,
but is not limited to, submitting papers written by someone else, such as a family
member or friend, or downloading parts of, or entire, term papers, from the Internet,
and then submitting them as your own work. It also includes use of another’s words as
one’s own, be that paraphrasing or direct quotation, without proper citation.
2. Cheating – using or attempting to use unauthorized materials on an examination or
assignment, such as using unauthorized texts or notes or improperly obtaining, or
attempting to obtain, copies of an examination or answers to an examination. This also
includes sharing or receiving content, from exams or quizzes, by way of another student.
3. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty – helping another to commit an act of academic
dishonesty, such as substituting for an examination, completing an assignment for
someone else or sharing of computer files.
4. Fabrication – altering or transmitting, without authorization, academic information or
5. Multiple Submissions -- submitting the same paper/project for credit in multiple
classes, without permission of the instructors involved.
Reporting Cases of Academic Dishonesty
1. Each case of academic dishonesty must be reported to the appropriate Dean in a formal
written charge by the faculty member with firsthand knowledge of the violation, as soon
as possible after the incident is discovered.
2. The faculty member must have a discussion with the student, regarding violation of the
Academic Integrity Policy, within five class days after the incident is reported to the
3. The incident must then be documented on the Violation of Academic Integrity Policy
form before notification of the student by certified mail. Download form here:
4. The faculty member must inform the student of the charge, via certified mail delivery.
The written charge must contain the following:
a. The particular allegation;
b. The names of other participants or witness(es) when appropriate;
c. The date and time, location and relevant circumstances of the incident; and
d. A copy of the relevant sections of the College Catalog concerning academic
dishonesty and the appeal process
Penalty for Academic Dishonesty
During a student’s entire academic career at Mercy College, each incident of academic
dishonesty will be reported in writing to the appropriate Dean. A disciplinary notation for
academic dishonesty will be entered in the student’s academic record.
A student found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty will not have the option to
withdraw from the class in which the first incident occurred. A second finding of academic
dishonesty shall exclude a student from consideration for academic honors.
The penalty for the first incident of academic dishonesty will be a score of zero on the particular
item being submitted and a written warning. The second incident of academic dishonesty in the
same course as the first incident occurred or any other course will result in a failing grade for
the course in which the second infraction occurred. A third incident of academic dishonesty will
result in disciplinary dismissal, unless appealed. This may be appealed as outlined in the
“Student Academic Appeal Process” in the Student Handbook. The Dean shall then notify the
Registrar to enter the notation “dismissed for academic dishonesty” on the student’s academic
*Note: A college class day is defined as any day that the college holds classes including final
examination week.
The policy on academic integrity is published in the Mercy College of Ohio Catalog. It is the
student’s responsibility to know what constitutes academic dishonesty.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for
textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers
will be included as source documents in the reference base solely for the purpose
of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of service is subject to the Terms and
Conditions of Use posted on the web site.
Mercy College Learning Outcomes
The philosophy behind a Mercy College education is that an individual, regardless of his/her
chosen profession, needs to possess both a broad knowledge base and the knowledge that
characterize an education profession. At Mercy College, this knowledge base and the
knowledge that characterize an educated person. At Mercy College, this knowledge base and
these learning outcomes are emphasized in all courses.
A Mercy College student should be able to:
1. Exhibit proficiency and competency within one’s discipline in service to others.
2. Integrate critical thinking skills to reason logically using data from appropriate
disciplines to solve problems and make decisions.
3. Communicate clearly in both written and oral forms of expression.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of Catholic teachings within one’s ethical and
professional decision-making.
5. Display an understanding of cultures and experiences that characterize the global
Support Services
Contact – 419-251-1700 or
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday; Saturday hours vary
Closed Sundays and most holidays; Hours vary during the semester breaks
Link to OPAL –
Writing Tutoring and Writing Center
Clayton Chiarelott, Coordinator of the Writing Center
Available by appointment.
Math and Science Tutoring
Scott Hevner, M.S., Learning Support Specialist
Available by appointment
Career and Professional Development (Resumé and Career help)
Megan E. Gray
Available by appointment
Counseling Services
Lisa Sancrant, Ph.D, PCC-S, Director of Counseling
Office: 5812
Available by appointment
Please note: Schedules and Syllabus may be subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.