The Giver

The Giver
Themes: In novels, author communicate “big ideas”
about certain topics.
What is Lowry trying to tell us
& the
Rules, Order
7 Basic Plots in Fiction (short stories and novels)
 Overcoming
the monster: The hero must destroy
the “monster” to restore balance to the world.
 Rags
to Riches: A good guy who is down on his
luck achieves a happy ending when his/her natural
talents are revealed
 The
Quest: The hero travels in search of a treasure
and must defeat evil and overcome powerful odds.
 Voyage
and Return: Otherwise normal protagonists
find themselves in an alien world & must make
their way back
Comedy: (As
in Shakespeare) Some
kind of confusion must be resolved
before the hero and heroine can get
back together
Tragedy: (As
in Shakespeare) A story
about a noble character who falls from
grace: everybody dies or is ruined
Rebirth: A
threat seems nearly
victorious, but events lead to
redemption, rebirth, and happiness.
Character Analysis
flat (one-sided character, one quality)
round (both the good & the bad, many qualities)
static (does not change)
dynamic (changes – internal)
Jonas’ mother
Jonas’ father
Setting: Time and Place
The Giver: in the future/our world
No suffering
Does not feel joy
No genuine relationships
No love/sexual attraction
No choices
No fighting/war
Perfect families
Restricted emotions
Tyranny (oppressive gov’t)
 (ruled by oligarchy = rule
by a group)
Genre: categories of text
The Giver
 Science fiction
Other genres
 Essay
 Nonfiction
 Biography
 Oral literature
 Fantasy
 Realistic fiction
 Historical fiction
Style: they way it is written
The Giver:
straightforward narrative
Simple language; shorter
sentences; not childish
Vague (not clear)
Other terms to describe style:
The Title: always ask how the title
links to a theme
The Giver, the title reflects
the central theme: Humans are
mean to share experiences
A “giver” and “receiver” tells
us that memories are meant to
be shared in order for people
to love & grow & thrive.
Point of View: Who is the narrator?
Can he/she read minds? Can we
trust him/her?
1st person (pronouns: I, my, we,
our, us)
Personal, intense, subjective,
2nd person (pronouns: you, your)
Reader is the center of
attention (e.g. instructions)
Limited? Then the reader only
knows the thoughts of one of the
Omniscient? Then the reader
knows the thoughts of all
Reminder: the narrator /persona
is NOT the same as the author
3rd person (pronouns: they, him,
her, it)
Objective when used for
research or reports
Subjective when used for an
“as told to” story
Symbols/Allegory/Imagery: What
stands for something else? Look
for two meanings
Symbols: a thing that represents something deeper and more
Allegory: a story where the characters and events are symbols
for ideas about human life
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Imagery: language that causes the reader to imagine pictures in
their minds (comparisons, appeals to the senses)
Examples of symbols in The Giver:
The color red = fire, intensity, love
Gabriel = a better future
The sled = memories, escape
Plot Parts: inciting incident, rising
action & complication, climax,
falling action conclusion
The Giver inciting incident: “Ceremony of Twelve”
Rising Action: Jonas in named as the Received & finds out
how difficult it is, and he becomes alienated from his society
Climax: Jonas watches his father kill the baby
Falling action: Escape to Elsewhere
Conclusion: Uncertain
Types of Conflict
Man vs man/society
Man vs nature
Man vs self
Analyze the Ending
Jonas abandons security and a life of ease
Jonas clearly is seeking freedom and choice (even a choice
to live)
Two choices: do Gabe and Jonas live or die?
Both outcomes turn the society upside down
Live: trailblazers
Die: memories are released for the community to deal with
How did the idea of “release” as it had been discussed
earlier in the book differ from the visual imagery of the
newchild’s actual release?
Why does it affect us this way?
What is more important: how they released or why they
Ideas Lowry wants us to note: secrecy, euphemisms,
order/systematic procedures