
McCarthyism and the Few
The term, McCarthyism, was originally coined to label the activities of Senator “Joey” McCarthy.
Employing the Big Lie Technique of Dr. “Joey” Goebbels and others, this emotional, egocentric, and selfdestructive individual became the tool of the Few during the Second Red Scare (1947-1957) in the USA.
Fueled by the fear of a communist takeover of America, this demagogic individual (along with many
others) attacked the more progressive and helpless elements of American society.
During his time, thousands of citizens were accused of being communists or communist supporters.
They were subjected to aggressive investigations, and they were questioned before government or
private-industry panels, committees or agencies. (The reader is referred to the speeches, investigations,
and hearings of “Joey” and to the various anti-communist activities of the FBI- especially under the
emotional, egocentric, and self-destructive J. Edgar Hoover- and to the hearings of the HUAC of the US
Congress.) The primary targets of such investigations were public sector employees, individuals in the
entertainment industry, educators, and union activists. Without due process, these individuals suffered
loss of employment, destruction of their careers, and imprisonment.
Most Americans stood by and did nothing. These included Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. If it
were not for the efforts of Edward R. Murrow and his courageous like (William L. Shirer), the Few would
have enslaved American society. The efforts of McCarthy have been vilified by later generations of
Americans with a strong feeling that it could not happen again.
The term, McCarthyism, is now utilized, more generally, to describe reckless, unsubstantiated
accusations as well as demagogic attacks on the character and the patriotism of political opponents.
That is, the current tactics of the Few that are being conducted through their willing subcontractors. In
their continued attempts to destroy the global, middle class, the Few have been increasing their control
of the world’s power and wealth. Again, individuals are standing by and doing nothing.
Who are the Few?
An effort to delineate them was attempted previously (2010): …. ”they are the elite, and they are the
super powerful. They are beyond the rules of law and order. They are expert at not being labeled or
discovered. They are wealthy, and they are immune to the suffering of people not like themselves.
They fix the game of life, and then they claim that they have earned their successes (like inheriting their
family’s money). They are against programs that help the Many. They hate diversity (or any individuals
that are different from them). And, above all, they feel they must maintain a cheap labor force in order
to promote their power and their wealth. Upward mobility must be selective”…. and it must be
controlled by them.
In the USA, the American Few (the business and the political elite) have transformed the USA into an
oligarchy (the rule of the Many by the Few)….”The individuals of the American Royalty have much in
common with each other. They are not democrats or republicans. They are not of the left
(progressives), or the middle (centralists), or the right (conservatives). They are not of the lower,
middle, or upper class. They have no geographic definition or national loyalty”….
Some of their current subcontractors are re-incarnations of “Joey” McCarthy. They are Glenn Beck,
Rush Limbaugh, and Chris Christie. These emotional, egocentric, and self-destructive individuals make
reckless, unsubstantiated accusations as well as demagogic attacks on the character and the patriotism
of the political opponents of the Few. They are psychopathological liars. That is, they can make
themselves believe anything for the right price. It still amazes me how cheaply their values can be
purchased and transformed into the values of the Few.
But, they are many others who are eagerly waiting to serve the Few in the beginning of the line and
some others who are eagerly waiting to serve the Few at the end of the line. Some of these deserve
honorable mention. Mention should be given to Rick Perry of Texas, Peter King of New York, Scott
Walker of Wisconsin, Rick Scott of Florida, Rick Snyder of Michigan, Sarah Palin of Alaska, John
Boehner of Ohio, Karl Rove of Colorado, and the US Supreme Court. (In recent years, Thomas and
Scalia, acting in tandem, have undermined the trust of the American people in the Supreme Court.
Thomas’ and Scalia’s votes in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case of 2010, for
example, almost rank with the votes of the Taney Court in the Scott v. Sandford case of 1857.)
To the Many, it is happening again in America! The Few are trying to weaken us. McCarthyism is on the
rise. The propaganda machine is running at a high rate of speed. The Few are attempting to ignore or
to destroy the due process rights of the Many through the control of American institutions.
Remember, Goebbels stated that the Third Reich would stand for over a thousand years because of the
purity and inherent power of the German race (after repeatedly applying the final solution to people not
like them). Stalin and Mao felt the same way about their purity and their power of their nationalities.
And, they repeated applied their own final solutions. (PS: Stalin and Mao are considered the greatest
mass murders of all time with “Joey” being in first place.) Adolf Hitler, “Joey” Stalin, and Mao Zedong
lasted how long before the Many had enough of their sadistic cruelty? Please believe me. They did not
last as long as their propaganda machines predicted. They were eliminated in less than 70-years.
Also, remember that the Few are more visible today than they were in past generations. (The control of
the flow of information is much more difficult.) And, what can be understood from the flow of
information can also be used to foster change. There are many of us, and there are few of them. At
last count, we are nearly 7 billion (310,000,000 and growing in population and diversity in the USA).
How many of them do you think there are? Their number is approximately 0.25% x 7 billion.
I have an idea! Why don’t we stop working? What would happen? A process to control the Few would
be initiated by the Many. Finally, please be aware of politicians by the name of “Joey”. Good-by to all
the past “Joeys”. That is, we must say good-by to Goebbels, to McCarthy, to Stalin, and to the Few who
controlled and used them in the 20th Century. Now, the Many must face and contain the present and
the future efforts of the Few and their “Joeys” and their “Ricks”. ….”What do you think?”….