McCarthyism Hannah etc new

McCarthyism 6-9 and 13
What is HUAC? Describe its mission
under McCarthy.
HUAC: "The House Un-American Activities Committee, a committee of the
U.S. House of Representatives, investigated allegations of communist
activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War.“
First created in 1938 by Martin Dies
McCarthy was able to call a number of Communists to this group
Who were the Hollywood Ten?
What happened to them?
The names were Alvah Bessie, Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, Edward
Dymytryk, Ring Lardner Jr., John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel
Ornitz, Robert Adrian Scott, and Dalton Trumbo. They refused to negotiate
with the HUAC with their interrogations on their associations to the
Communist party.
They were cited for contempt of congress and each man was found guilty
and had to go to jail for 1 year and pay a $1000 fine.
Their more lasting punishment was that studio executive did not want their
business for being associated with radical politics.
8. When such people as Larry Parker and Roy Huggins
“named names,” what happened to the people they
named? If you were “named” and refused to talk, what
When these people were named they were investigated by the FBI, were
rejected by their neighbors and community, and were practically isolated
from society.
If one of us were to be named and refused to talk, we would most likely
found to be guilty and be put in quarantine until some sort of confession
was made. Because if we didn't plea guilty or non-guilty all they have to
go on is that we are hiding something and
9. Who were some people
that couldn’t work? Why?
The people that refused to cooperate with looking into the known
communists within the United States faced jailing time or risked losing their
jobs. Some people that were called to testify, even if they cooperated
had the risk of losing their jobs.
Hollywood Blacklist
Hollywood Ten:
First occurred on November 25th, 1947
Alvah Bessie, Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, Edward Dmytryk , Ring Lardner
Jr., John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, Robert Adrian Scott, and
Dalton Trumbo.
Ronald Regan and Walt Disney
13. Prediction: What bearing does all
of this have on the play we are about
to read?
How easy it is to judge people on their views and punish them for it.
Works Cited
"Joseph McCarthy." Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Simkin, John. "McCarthyism and the Red Scare: Anti-Communism in the
United States." Ed. Peter McMillan. Spartacus Educational. Spartacus
Publisher Ltd.,Web. 14 Oct. 2014.