
Riverside Preparatory
Junior to Senior
Transition, Graduation
Requirements and
RP Staff, Student & Parent
We, as a staff, are here to assist and guide you and your student to their
senior graduation and college admission
Students are responsible for maintaining good grades, researching &
applying for colleges, scholarships, registering for the SAT/ACT, etc
Parents are responsible to ensure students remain on track with grades and
to prepare their students for life after high school (i.e., see above)
As a staff we cannot complete college applications, SAT/ACT registration,
financial aid. All of these contain personal information that our staff should
not have access to or knowledge of regarding our parents and students
#1 & #2 college complaints: students are not ready academically (RP’s job)
and students are not independent, have no initiative and rely on parents to
handle everything (your job)
Social Studies
Visual/Performing Art
Foreign Language
Senior Project
40 credits
30 credits
20 credits
30 credits
10 credits
20 credits
20 credits
5 credits
55 credits
Additional Grad
Pass both sections of the California
High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Math
and Language Arts
Note: If all graduation requirements are met but
student has not passed the CAHSEE, a certificate
of completion will be issued
If a senior is taking a full day schedule
they will be required to take both a Math
and Science class.
RPHS Advanced Placement Classes
AP English Language
AP Calculus AB/BC
AP Biology
AP English Literature/Comp
AP World History
AP United States History
Exam fee of $89 due in mid-March. If the exam is not
taken, student will not receive weighted credit on their
high school transcript. Student and parent are required
to sign an AP contract with their AP teacher.
College Subject Credit
College Elective Credit
College Placement Exams Waived
For successful completion of Advanced Placement exams
with a score of: 3, 4, or 5
Concurrent Enrollment
The concurrent enrollment process is the responsibility of the parent and student.
When a student enrolls at a community college, they become a student of the college
and are entitled to all college services, such as: academic counseling, college
guidance, financial aid, etc. VVC and BCC have a full staff of college counselors who
can meet and assist with the class selection and answer any questions you may have
about their program.
Steps to Enrollment (visit VVC/BCC websites: (
Application for admission
Orientation and Assessment
Principal/Counselor authorization
Submit documentation to admissions and records
Register for classes
Pay fees
Once steps 1 and 2 have been completed, please leave all necessary forms
(including completely filled out concurrent enrollment form and
assessment results) with Mrs. Craft. Mrs. Sanchez will review the
application request and meet with student to discuss the enrollment.
Please note: Mrs. Sanchez cannot advise on college classes. If you have
questions regarding VVC/BCC classes and schedules, you will need to meet
with a VVC/BCC counselor to discuss your concerns.
What is the NCAA Clearinghouse?
Ensures the academic eligibility of student athletes in
division I and Division II.
All Division I & II athletes must go through the
Clearinghouse in order to play in college.
Division I: range of eligibility requirements for both
core GPA and SAT or ACT scores (combined).
Division II: core GPA must be 2.0+, SAT 820+.
A-G Requirements- CA only
CSU and UC Eligibility
World (1 yr) and American/Gov (1yr)
(B) English
4 years
(C) Math
3 years (through Alg II/Trig)
(D) Science
2 years from Bio/Chem/Physics
(E) Foreign Language 2 years same language
(F) Visual Performing Art 1 year-long course
(G) Elective 1 year academic elective
**a_g only for CA schools. Out of state colleges have
different admission requirements**
College Entrance Exam - ACT
ACT Exam (CSU or UC)
Preferred test of Cal State Pomona and Cal State
San Luis Obispo
4 subject tests:
English, Reading, Science, Math
36 Highest score with a composite score
of the average all 4 exams
Optional writing exam
College Entrance Exam-SAT
SAT Reasoning Exam (UC/CSU)
Three Subjects: Reading
Writing Math
800 Highest Score per subject X 3 = 2400
(Taken late spring or summer of 11th grade year)
* *CSU does not calculate the writing test score into
Must be completed by December of Senior Year!
Reach, Target and Safety Colleges
Reach College
For a school you’ve dreamed of attending, even if it is selective and you may not
meet all the requirements for admission. With a little luck – who knows? The only
risk is a rejection and the cost of an application fee.
Target College
Review several schools whose admission requirements seem to match your
qualifications well. You stand a good chance of being accepted, although it may not
be a “sure thing.”
Safety College
Have at least one school on your list that you know will accept you, no matter what,
in case your other choices don’t work out for you. This is a school you would still be
very happy to attend.
Application Dates
CSU October 1 - November 30
UC November 1 – November 30
Yearly Expense of Colleges
Community CSU
$ 480
$ 3,476
$ 9,100
$ 1,422
$ 1,351
$ 1,500
$ 9,042
$ 12,200
$ 3,325
$ 2,500
$ 17,194
$ 25,300
California State Universities
23 Campuses
Channel Islands
Dominguez Hills
East Bay
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Maritime Academy
Monterey Bay
Polytechnic Pomona
San Bernardino
San Diego
San Francisco
San Jose
San Luis Obispo
San Marcos
California State University
Minimum 2.0 GPA - Calculated A-G courses grade 10 - 11
 4 years of English
 3 years Math (Alg I, Geometry, Algebra II)
 2 years of History (World/American)
 1 year of Life Science (Biology)
 1 year of Physical Science (Chemistry or Physics)
 2 years Foreign Language (same language)
 1 year Visual/Performing Arts (yearlong, same discipline)
 1 year Academic Elective
 SAT I Reasoning Exam (reading and math) or ACT Exam
(with essay)
Minimum requirements checked first then GPA
University of California
10 Campuses
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Los Angeles
UC Merced
UC Riverside
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
UC San Diego
UC San Francisco
University of California
Minimum 3.0 GPA - Calculated A-G courses grade 10 - 11
4 years of English
3 years (4 preferred) of Math (Alg. I/Geometry/Alg II)
2 years of History (World/American/Gov)
2 years (3 preferred) from the areas of Biology, Chemistry, and
2 years Foreign Language (same language, 3 years preferred)
1 year VPA ( year-long, same discipline)
1 year of Academic Elective (g elective)
SAT I Reasoning and two SAT II Single Subject exams required or
the ACT (must include writing exam). Note: SAT II single subject
exams will not be required for Fall 2012 and thereafter.
Personal Statement as part of application process
UC’s expect rigor and vary in selection criteria
Personal statement important !!!
Financial Aid- What Do I need to
Apply for a PIN online
Submit a FAFSA online
Submit a Cal Grant GPA form
January 1, 2014- March 2, 2014
Go online and look for scholarships
and grants…then…APPLY!
FAFSA & Cal Grant
It is extremely important to complete
It is the basis for all financial aid awards and offerings
It is a free application and on-line help is free as well
If you are being asked for money, you’re not at the correct website!
The FAFSA has a guided, straight forward application process; however, if this is your first-time
accessing the website it can be a bit intimidating so it is a good idea to complete a practice
worksheet before submitting the FAFSA.
The FAFSA 2013-14 Worksheet will help you for the January online FAFSA application
CAL Grant
Cal Grants are free money for college that is awarded to students who meet eligibility, income and
academic requirements. The money can be used to attend any California Community College, Cal
State University, University of California, private college, and most career technical or vocational
schools. The best thing of all, the money does not have to be paid back!
With a Cal Grant, you can get up to $9,700 a year to pay for college expenses at any qualifying
California college, university or career or technical school in California.
A Cal Grant verification report can be downloaded from the website. Students need to complete the
form and bring it to Mrs. Pfenning for verification.
Depending on which Cal Grant you get, the money can be used for tuition, room and board and
Step One:
Complete and submit the FAFSA by March 2nd 2014.
Step Two :
File a school certified GPA with the California Student
Aid Commission by March 2nd 2014.
Senior Time Table
for the SATs and/or SAT subject tests, and/or ACTs.
Register at NCAA Clearinghouse for Division I & II Athletics:
Narrow down college choices to top 5- visit those colleges if possible
Research colleges, scholarships & grants
Visit Riverside Prep website for senior information
Pay all fees owed to Riverside Prep
Senior Time Table
Take SAT and/or ACT if needed
Decide on top college choices
CSU application period is October to November
UC application period is November
Private colleges application period varies
Ask teachers/staff for recommendations.
Research scholarships and grants
Attend college open houses
Senior Time Table
Last month to take SAT/ACT
Register for FAFSA Pin (
Complete FAFSA form (
Send mid-year grades to colleges (if requested)
Continue looking for scholarships
Keep strong in academic course work
Pay all fees owed to Riverside Prep
Senior Time Table
Remember the importance of 2nd semester
 Submit FAFSA by March 2nd!!!
 Cal Grant Verification due by March 2nd!!!
(separate from the FAFSA and must by completed
by Mrs. Pfenning).
Pay for AP exams (if registered for AP courses).
Senior Time Table
April, May and June
Review your college responses and aid offers.
Make final decision on where to attend.
Send deposit by mid-May (most colleges)
Pay all fees owed to Riverside Prep
AP Exams (if registered)
Avoid senioritis- finish strong with grades
Scholarships and Grant research
2013 Senior College Acceptances!!
University of California:
UC Riverside ($10,000 Chancellor Scholarship), Honors program
UC San Diego
UC Irvine, Honors program
UC Santa Cruz
Cal State Universities:
Cal State Bakersfield
Cal State San Bernardino
Cal State LA Cal State Long Beach,
San Diego State University
Cal State Northridge
Cal State Humboldt
Cal Poly Pomona (Civil and Chemical Engineering majors)
Cal State Fresno
Cal State San Marcos
Cal State Maritime
Private Universities:
University of the Pacific and Whittier College
Out of State:
Ivy League:
Harvard (waitlist)
BYU Idaho
University of Colorado
Indiana State University
Oregon State
Louisiana State
Northern Arizona University
Southern Utah University ($10,500 Scholarship)
Wrap Up List
Discuss your final college
choices with your parents.
Make a calendar with deadlines
for admission, financial aid and
Give recommendation forms to
teachers and staff.
Make copies of all applications
you have sent out for your
Continue to focus on grades
Fill out the FAFSA
Follow up with colleges make
sure they received your
application and have submitted
all requirements.
NOTE: Male Students: You
must register for selective
service on your 18th birthday
to be eligible for federal and
state financial aid.
Watch the mail for acceptance letters
btw March 1 and April 1 and look out
for information on Financial aid btw
April 1 and May 1
Make your final decision and notify all
schools of your intent by May 1.
Request that your counselor send a
final transcript to your chosen college
by June.
Be sure you received your FAFSA
Complete any follow up paperwork
for the college of your choice.
If applicable apply for a Stafford Loan.
Receive orientation schedule from your
Get residence hall assignment from
your college.
Obtain course scheduling and cost
information from your college.