Health Occ. What you need to know.

Sports Medicine 2
What you need to know.
Everything in this PPT and on syllabus
is subject to change to keep my sanity!
Introduction to Self
University of Idaho
Bachelors in Physical Education (teaching)
Bachelors in Athletic Training
5th year in the district
1 yr @Centennial
4 yrs @Rocky Mountain
2 yrs @Eagle ATC Asst.
2 dogs
Lucas Patrick
Lucy Belle
Love sports
Couldn’t play a college sport so did the next best
From St. Maries, ID
Actually my address is a Hwy!
5 Nephews
Reed 5
Landon 2
Mason 3
Resor 6
Joe 1
This is a college course!
Mainly skills, quizzes and tests.
Only 90 minutes of class time.
No homework so spend 10 minutes a day studying/reading and practicing skills.
Use time wisely in class.
Intro to skill in class AND THEN practice in AT clinic lab time.
Put the time in outside of class.
Rarely homework 
Average unit is 6 class days; very short.
There is a reason we do what we do.
Practice will help you remember.
Your grade only effects you so take responsibility.
You get out of this what you put into it.
I'm not a babysitter; be on task or lose points.
Fix the problem before your parents have to know.
Ms. Kraack’s Classroom Rules
Seating chart
No phones.
 I will take it.
 Eventually your parent will
have to get it.
 Keep on vibrate or turn off
No iPods. Exception:
 Test day.
No food.
 I have to pick up too much
 Huge pet peeve.
 Again I have to pick it up.
 You will pick up every scrap
of paper if it happens.
Golden rule
These can change at any point.
Kraack’s Advice:
Ask: you never know what you’re
going to get away with.
Fire/Lock Down Drill
 Proceed calmly and quickly to
the exit.
 Take a R out the room and R
out main doors towards south
 Stay in a group as far into the
grass as possible.
 Look for the black and red
hat; usually a taller person will
hold it.
 Wait patiently to go inside.
Lock Down
 Proceed to top left corner
of the room. (cabinet)
 Stay calm.
 Be quiet and out of site.
 Wait patiently to return
to desks.
Grizz Period
7:15 – 7:40
How do I get it?
 If you missed a warm up, quiz or test,
done during this time.
 If you have an F (59% and below)
How will I know if I’m in it?
 Check PowerSchool regularly.
 Pass given on Monday for that week*.
 Did you miss something?
Do I have to go?
 Yes, must go the next available Grizz
day once you get the pass* or you know
you have an ‘F’.
 If all the class work is done and you
have all notes, you are free to go after
you check in with me.
What do I do as soon as I come in for
 Sign the check in sheet whether you
stay or go.
 Inform Ms. Kraack of quiz or test you
need to take.
 Show notes and class work.
 Discuss situation with me.
**If I’m not here, see Mrs. White.
Quiz, test, absent, warm up.
What do I do in Grizz?
 Possible take quiz or test; do warm up
 Finish class work.
 Finish notes from class.
 Check in with me to see what needs to
Daily Points and Cheating
Warm Ups
PPT on board that must
be completed for 2 daily
Only get 5 minutes after
bell rings; turn in to top
black file holder on table.
If tardy, you must come
in to next available Grizz
period to gain points.
I can check attendance.
These will make a
difference in your grade if
See BSU Student Code of Conduct
Don’t do it; not worth it.
Ways to cheat (not a how to):
 Look at someone else’s answer
 Allowing someone to look at your
answer sheet.
 Having phone or iPod concealed.
 Putting a cheat sheet on the ground
or anywhere else.
Consequences (depends on # offense):
 Test taken away.
 Referral to V.P. ASAP.
 All fill in the blank test for full
 Possible seclusion for next test.
Hall Passes & Folders
Hall Passes
 Located with teacher.
 I have 2 and they are
 You get 5 per semester.
Once out you will not be
permitted to leave.
I keep track of time.
 One person out at a time.
Every student has their
own manila folder in
black milk crate on back
shelves (coming).
Listed by class and then
by alphabetical order.
These are used to hand
back any materials handed
in (test answer sheets)
Hand outs if you missed a
day and got something
from me.
Ms. Kraack’s Area
White table:
 Pencil
 Stapler
 3 hole punch
 Writing utensil in
Vandal mug
 Colored Pencils
Black file holders
 Top to hand anything
you want me to see.
 App. A – packet A
with word parts App.
B – packet B with
 Computer (mine)
 Scissors
 Glue Sticks
How to be successful!
Use time wisely in class.
Visit the website
 Remind Text Messages: Text @mskraack to 81010
Look at the board everyday.
 Current unit and day in the unit.
 Page number where the unit is in the book
 Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT): objectives for that day.
 Homework: things that need to be done.
 Important Dates: when and what is due.
 Day 1-7: what you will need for the next class day.
Study and practice outside of class.
Remember my advice?