
Chapter 7 – Memory
Fall 2014
Directions: Answer the following questions on the separate sheet of paper. This may be used to
help prepare for the next exam.
1. Define:
a. Encoding –
b. Storage –
c. Retrieval –
2. How does attention play the role of a filter?
3. What is the “cocktail party phenomenon”?
4. What is structural encoding?
5. What is phonemic encoding?
6. What is semantic encoding?
7. Which type of encoding results in more efficient recall?
8. What is elaboration? Provide an example.
9. How does imagery effect memory?
10. What is self-referent encoding?
11. What is Atkinson and Shiffrin’s model of memory?
12. Describe sensory memory.
13. Describe short-term memory.
14. Who came up with the “magic number 7”?
15. What is an example of chunking?
16. What is the capacity for long-term memory?
17. What are flashbulb memories? Provide one example.
18. What is the dual-coding theory?
19. What is a schema?
20. What is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon?
21. How does “context” influence memory?
22. What is the misinformation effect?
23. What did Ebbinghaus discover?
24. Does recognition or recall tests yield higher scores?
25. What is relearning?
26. What are the five reasons we may forget?
27. What is anterograde amnesia? Retrograde?
28. What is the controversy over recovered memories?
29. What are the different types of memory?
30. What are 3 ways to improve memory?