Ap Psychology Chapter 10 Review Questions

Ap Psychology Chapters 9 and 10 Review Questions
Chapter 9 Questions: Memory
1. Explain memory in terms of information processing.
2. Explain the process of encoding, and distinguish between automatic and effortful
3. Discuss the importance of rehearsal, spacing, and serial position in encoding.
4. Explain the importance of meaning, imagery, and organization in the encoding
5. Distinguish between iconic and echoic memory.
6. Describe memory capacity and duration.
7. Discuss research findings on the physical basis of memory.
8. Discuss what research with amnesia victims and animal conditioning studies
reveals about the brain mechanisms involved in the dual explicit-implicit memory
9. Contrast recall, recognition, and relearning measures of memory.
10. Describe the importance of retrieval cues, noting the effects of priming, contexts,
and moods on retrieval.
11. Broadly describe Schacter’s seven sins of memory as a categorization of the
ways in which we forget.
12. Discuss forgetting as either a form of encoding failure or storage decay.
13. Discuss the roles of interference and motivated forgetting in the process of
retrieval failure.
14. Discuss the evidence for memory’s being constructive.
15. Identify several ways in which real memories differ from false memories, and
discuss whether children are credible eyewitnesses.
16. Explain why memory researchers are suspicious of claims of long-repressed
memories “recovered” with the aid of a therapist.
17. Discuss strategies for improving memory.
Chapter 10 Questions: Thinking and Language
1. Describe the nature, function, and formation of concepts.
2. Discuss the major problem-solving strategies, and describe the nature of
3. Identify obstacles to problem solving.
4. Describe the heuristics that guide decision making, and explain how
overconfidence and framing can affect judgment.
5. Contrast the human mind and the computer as information processors,
and describe recent advances in artificial intelligence.
6. Describe the research on animal communication, and discuss the
controversy over whether animals have language.