MAC1105 * 0824 College Algebra on the Internet

Course Syllabus – MGF1106 Math for Liberal Arts I – Fall 2010
Course Prefix/Number: MGF1106–1300 ONLINE
Course Title: Mathematics for Liberal Arts I
Course Credit Hours: 3
Instructor Name and Contact Information: Mrs. Lucia Bushway
Bldg 4 / Rm 335
850-857-6020 (x 6020)
Prerequisites or Co-Requisites: MAT1033
Course Description:
Presents topics that illustrate both the aesthetic aspects and the practical applications of mathematics.
Intended for students who require only general education mathematics courses. Major course topics:
systematic counting, probability, statistics, history of mathematics, geometry, sets, logic. (Gordon Rule
Course: Theoretical Math) and (General Studies Course: MAT/MAT)
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. identify sets and their properties and construct Venn diagrams to represent given information
2. demonstrate logic concepts and apply the rules of logic to solve problems
3. identify and apply geometric principles and formulas to solve problems
4. demonstrate counting techniques
5. apply methods for computing probabilities
6. identify and calculate, with the aid of appropriate calculator, basic statistical measures; analyze
7. research specific topics from the history of mathematics and complete projects as assigned
Topics Covered:
Logic, systematic counting, geometry, sets, probability, statistics, history of mathematics
About this Course:
This course is delivered completely online. You must have consistent and reliable access to the Internet.
Learning at a distance may be a very different environment for many of you – and learning mathematics
at a distance is VERY different from other online courses. You will generally set your own schedules,
participate in class activities at your convenience, and work at your own pace – within the time deadlines
for the course. You may spend some additional time online during the first few weeks while you become
acclimated to the online class format and you may feel overwhelmed. You should also be prepared to
spend approximately 6-8 hours or more per week online completing lessons, activities, and participating
in class discussions – requiring MORE time and MORE work than are required in a face-to-face section.
Finally, you may want to incorporate these tips to help you get started:
1. Set a schedule – check the course web sites early in the class week to see what CONTENT tasks
you'll need to work on for the week.
2. Become very familiar with the sites and how to use them. They are tools to help you learn!
3. Team up with your classmates to discuss class assignments and questions you might have. Check
the CLASSLIST link for biography info and email addresses.
4. Ask questions when you need answers. Ask and answers questions on the DISCUSSIONS site and
join the online Elluminate help sessions.
5. If you have problems, contact me ASAP! I will help you come up with a solution.
Resources: Thinking Mathematically, Robert Blitzer, 5th edition WITH MyMathLab student access kit.
MyMathLab is required in order to complete homework and tests and includes the entire electronic
version of the textbook. Purchase of the hard copy of the textbook is optional and is dependent on your
learning style and personal needs. You may purchase the hard copy WITH MyMathLab student access kit
at the UWF bookstore or from any other usual textbook sources. You may purchase MML by itself from by credit card (Visa, MC, AMEX, Discover) or PayPal.
In either case, you will have access to the complete electronic version of the textbook and all the
electronic help features.
The course score will be computed as follows:
45% three tests; 15% HW and quizzes; 15% history project; 25% comprehensive final exam
Information on the history project will be posted on eLearning/D2L.
The course grade will be assigned according to the following scale:
93 and above
59 and below
Note: All missed tests, exam and HW will earn scores of zero. Contact me immediately. Absolutely no
make-up tests will be given. If a student misses a test, then I assign a zero for the missed test score.
With approved documented justification from the student, I will record the student‘s final exam grade in
place of the missed test score; otherwise, the zero score will remain. This arrangement is only available
once per student per class. Everyone must take the final exam. There are no opportunities for extracredit work for grade enhancement purposes.
Proctored exam information and proctor form:
Here is the proctored exam form I want you to use (Mrs. Bushway‘s Proctor Form) and some UWF
information about proctored exams ( in general.
If you live away from the Pensacola area and want to take the final exam in your distant area, you must
let me know during the first several weeks of class – and arrange for your proctor well before the
exam. I must approve any proctoring arrangement.
Students who live near UWF will take the exam Thursday morning December 9 at UWF – time and
location details will be announced.
***No notes*** are allowed on the final exam (wherever you take it), and several forms of identification
are required to take the exam.
Additional information about another proctoring option is outlined on the following pages.
ProctorU Student Instructions
(Updated July 1, 2010)
ProctorU is one of three options available to faculty and students at UWF:
1. Option 1:
a. Your instructor may arrange for and schedule a classroom at UWF where students come
to take the exam while the course instructor proctors.
i. Check with your instructor.
2. Option 2:
a. Students arrange for an exam proctor using the UWF proctor guidelines:
ii. Coordinate these actions with your instructor.
3. Option 3:
a. ProctorU (see below)
Getting started with ProctorU is easy. Just follow these simple steps:
 Visit the UWF ProctorU portal:
o Watch the video introductory videos.
o Visit the following links at the top of the portal:
 Technical Specifications,
 How It Works, and
 Getting Started
Need a webcam? ProctorU recommends the Microsoft Lifecam VX1000 (or higher models).
o This camera, or an acceptable alternative, is available at Best Buy, Office Depot, Office
Max, Target, Wal-Mart, or
 Alternative webcams must have a microphone for you to communicate with your
proctor and meet the required specifications listed on the “Technical
Specifications” link.
Create an account by selecting the
o Be sure to provide a valid email address and a phone number where you can be reached
when you are taking an exam.
o On this page, as a new student you will select.
 New Users: Request Login ID
 Fill in ALL of the requested data.
o Also on this page watch the demo video, “How ProctorU Works.”
At the time of your exam, please return to and click on the blinking button, asking you to “click
here to start.”
o Be on time for your scheduled exam appointment with ProctorU!
 Being late may affect the amount of time you will have to complete
your exam.
You will be required to pay for the ProctorU service ($22.50) at the time of the exam
with a valid credit card.
ProctorU will take a picture (snapshot through the webcam) at the beginning of the test period.
The snapshot will be of you and your valid photo ID. ProctorU may also record sessions of the
exam if deemed necessary.
o Students should:
 Dress appropriately.
 Warn other people at their location that:
 An exam is being conducted,
 That they (the other people) should stay out of the room, and
 That if they (the other people) come in the room for any reason they too
should be appropriately dressed.
Be advised, the ProctorU representative can see your (the student’s) computer desktop.
o If needed, the ProctorU representative has the ability to remotely control your computer
to assist in the resolution of some technical issues.
 This is only done with your permission.
Students are encouraged to schedule exams with ProctorU 4-weeks in advance. If 4-weeks is
not possible, schedule exams as soon as possible to ensure an exam time (within your instructors
designated time period) that is convenient to you.
o ProctorU requires that you schedule your exam no later than three days in advance.
 If your instructor schedules the exam for a Friday, you must make your exam
appointment with ProctorU (through the UWF ProctorU portal) no later than the
Tuesday preceding the exam date.
 Failure to do so will incur a $5.00 penalty from ProctorU.
o Students must:
 Contact ProctorU (
 Self-register for the exam.
 Be Prepared with a Credit Card to pay the proctor fee ($22.50).
 Note: if you take longer than 2 hours to complete the exam, you may
incur an additional fee ($8.50/hour).
***Note: Absolutely no make-up tests or quizzes will be given. Quizzes may be given at the discretion
of the instructor. Students are expected to adhere to the test schedule in this syllabus and must adjust
their personal matters accordingly. If a student misses a test, then the instructor will assign a zero for the
missed test score. With approved documented justification from the student, the instructor will record the
student’s final exam grade in place of the missed test score; otherwise, the zero score will remain. This
arrangement is only available once per student per course. The final exam is mandatory for every
student. There are no opportunities for “extra credit” work for grade enhancement purposes.
Students with a documented disability who require specific examination or course related academic
accommodations should contact the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) by email at or by phone at (850) 474-2387.
Expectations for Academic Conduct – Plagiarism Policy:
As members of the University of West Florida, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for
excellence in performance, integrity—personal and institutional—is our most precious asset. Honesty in
our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity. Accordingly,
we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work of others. We pledge to share
community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply with established policies of fairness.
Cooperation and competition are means to high achievement and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is
expected unless our directive is to individual performance. We will compete constructively and
professionally for the purpose of stimulating high performance standards. Finally, we accept adherence to
this set of expectations for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic
Plagiarism Policy (Word format):
Plagiarism Policy (Adobe format):
Student Handbook:
Important Dates:
Withdrawal Deadlines:
All courses for term with partial refund; automatic grade of WR
Individual courses or all courses for term; automatic grade of W;
no individual withdrawals after this date.
All courses for term: W or WF at the instructor's discretion
Friday, Sept 17, 2010
Friday, Oct 29, 2010
Friday, Dec 3, 2010
Withdrawal Policy: 10/29 (Automatic grade of W)
Late withdrawal deadline: 12/3 (W or WF at instructor’s discretion)
Students who are requesting a late withdrawal from class, must have the approval of their advisor,
instructor, and department chairperson (in that order) and finally, by the Academic Appeals committee.
Requests for late withdrawals may be approved only for the following reasons (which must be
1. A death in the immediate family.
2. Serious illness of the student or an immediate family member.
3. A situation deemed similar to categories 1 and 2 by all in the approval process.
4. Withdrawal due to Military Service (Florida Statute 1004.07)
5. National Guard Troops Ordered into Active Service (Florida Statute 250.482)
Requests without documentation should not be accepted. A request for a late withdrawal simply for
not succeeding in a course does not meet the criteria for approval and should not be approved.
Classes Suspended – FYI only:
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Holidays
Monday, Sept 6, 2010
Thursday, Nov 11, 2010
Thursday & Friday, November 25-26, 2010
While attendance is, of course, not a determining factor for your success in this course, you are
responsible for all material and all information included. Read ahead, then review so you’ll know what
questions you have. Do your homework and keep to our schedule.
You will complete all homework ONLINE on the CourseCompass website using MyMathLab. Because
this is an online course, you will also complete some specific HW exercises to upload to the DROPBOX
on eLearning. The uploads may be (1) handwritten and scanned as PDF documents or (2) completed in
MS Word using Equation Editor and saved as Word documents.
You are responsible for being able to work the problems assigned for homework. Be sure you understand
all problems and are able to show all steps in the solutions. Continue to work on homework assignments
until you earn a 100% for each section. Homework is due by each test date that covers that material.
Therefore, homework for
Ch 1 & 2 is due by Test 1,
Ch 3 & 9 is due by Test 2,
Ch 10, 11, & 12 (12.1, 12.2) is due by Test 3, and
Ch 12 (12.3-12.5) is due by the Final Exam.
The deadline for all HW is Thursday, Dec 9 @ 9 pm Central Standard Time. You will NOT have access
to HW after this time. Ask questions; use the help features and the ‘Ask My Instructor’ feature of the HW.
Here are the instructions for registering for CourseCompass and MyMathLab. Complete this required
registration as soon as possible so you can get started on your homework during the first week of class.
MyMathLab is the publisher’s material to support this online course. MyMathLab contains the complete
online version of your textbook with links to multimedia resources, such as video clips, PowerPoint slides,
and practice exercises correlated to the examples and exercises in the text. You will use MyMathLab for
your online homework. MathLab also generates a personalized study plan based on your results which
links you to unlimited tutorial exercises for further study. This allows you to practice until you have
mastered the skills. All the online homework and tutorial work you do is tracked in your MyMathLab
gradebook. Follow the instructions to register.
MyMathLab is an interactive website where you can:
 Practice to improve your math skills.
 Study more efficiently. Create personalized study plans with exercises that match your book.
 Get help when you need it. Includes multimedia learning aids like videos and animations.
 Talk to a live tutor via a toll free number: Sun-Th 4 pm – 11am (Central Time): 800-435-4084
What do you need to get started?
You need the following materials to register for your online course:
1. Your Valid UWF Email Address – check w/ the UWF ITS Helpdesk at 850-474-2075 or
2. The Course ID for this course: bushway91853
3. Your Student Access Code (which contains the electronic version of the textbook). Since this is a
new textbook, you have two options:
a. Buy a new textbook WITH Student Access Code at the UWF bookstore
b. Skip the physical textbook and buy the standalone Student Access Code only – online or
at UWF
Here’s the website ( where you can purchase a standalone
Student Access Code w/ credit card or PayPal.
Go to and click REGISTER in the student section. Follow the directions to
enroll in this CourseCompass course for this semester. Type the Student Access Code in ALL CAPS!
A. Log In to CourseCompass at, click on your MGF1106 course, and look
at the file tabs on the left side of the screen, and click on the tab at the bottom of the list:
Browser Check. Follow the directions to install MyMathLab and the other small programs that
allow the homework and practice problems to display properly.
B. Explore the CourseCompass site. You’ll find your homework (see tab labeled Homework), how
to enter your answers (Announcements or eBook), your online textbook (eBook or Multimedia
Library), lots of additional practice problems (Study Plan), and lots of additional resources that
you may find helpful.
Math Help:
Email me at The Math Tutor Lab is located in Bldg 4/302 and is staffed M-R 9am–
4pm, F 9am–1pm. The Learning Center is located in Bldg 52/151 and is staffed M-R 8am–9pm, F 8am–
UWF respects the right of instructors to teach and students to learn. The Student Code of Conduct sets
forth the rules, regulations and expected behavior of students enrolled at the University of West Florida.
Violations of any rules, regulations, or behavioral expectations may result in a charge of violating the
Student Code of Conduct. It is the student’s responsibility to read the Student Code of Conduct and
conduct themselves accordingly. You may access the current Student Code of Conduct at
Expectations for Academic Conduct / Plagiarism Policy:
As members of the University of West Florida, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for
excellence in performance, integrity - personal and institutional – is our most precious asset. Honesty in
our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity. Accordingly,
we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work of others. We pledge to share
community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply with established policies of fairness.
Cooperation and competition are means to high achievement and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is
expected unless our directive is to individual performance. We will compete constructively and
professionally for the purpose of stimulating high performance standards. Finally, we accept adherence to
this set of expectations for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic
Electronic Devices:
Standalone calculators may be used for homework and for tests/exams unless advance notice has been
given. However, you will still need to know how to show all your work. You may NOT use a cell phone as
your calculator. You may use no electronic devices during your final exam other than a standalone
Incomplete Grade I:
A grade of Incomplete will be given only if 65-70% of the course has been completed with a passing grade
and the student is unable to take the final exam due to extenuating circumstances that are documented
and approved by me.
Important Note:
Starting Fall 1997, there is a significant repeat course surcharge for the third and subsequent times a
student registers for a course; WR, W, and WF also count as attempts.
Important Numbers:
Pearson Student Tech Support – have course ID available
M-Fr 7-7 pm, Sun 4-11 (Central Time) – 800-677-6337 – be very specific as you describe your difficulty
Pearson Tutor Center – have course ID available
Sun-Th 4-11 pm (Central Time) – 800-435-4084
UWF Helpdesk – have course and section number available
850-474-2075 – be very specific as you describe your difficulty
MGF1106 Tentative Schedule for Fall 2010 – any changes will be announced by email and on
eLearning. NOTE: these weeks begin on Monday, but our sessions will begin on Wednesday.
Wk 1
Wk 2
Wk 3
Wk 4
Wk 5
Wk 6
Wk 7
Wk 8
Wk 9
Wk 10
Wk 11
Wk 12
Wk 13
Wk 14
Wk 15
Aug 23
Aug 30
Sept 6
Sept 13
Sept 20
Sept 27
Oct 4
Oct 11
Oct 18
Oct 25
Nov 1
Nov 8
Nov 15
Nov 22
Nov 29
Thurs Dec 9
1 – Aug 23
2 – Sept1
3 – Sept 8
4 – Sept 15
5 – Sept 22
6 – Sept 29
7 – Oct 6
8 – Oct 13
9 – Oct 20
10 – Oct 27
11 – Nov 3
12 – Nov 10
13 – Nov 17
14 – Nov 24
15 – Dec1
Sections Covered
1.1, 1.2
1.3, 2.1, 2.2
2.3, 2.4
2.5, Test #1 (Sept 19-21)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3
3.4, 3.5, 3.6
3.7, 9.1, 9.2
9.3, Test #2 (Oct 17-19)
10.1, 10.2, 10.3
10.4, 10.5, 11.1
11.2, 11.3, 11.4
11.5, 11.6, 11.7,
12.1, 12.2, Test #3 (Nov 21-23)
12.4, 12.5, Review
Comprehensive Final Exam, time TBA
Ch 1 – Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Ch 2 – Set Theory
Ch 3 – Logic
Ch 9 – Measurement
Ch 10 – Geometry
Ch 11 – Counting Methods and Probability Theory
Ch 12 – Statistics