Reading Topics Chapter 32 Part 1 Visuals 1 Opening Quote

Reading Topics Chapter 32 Part 1
1 Opening Quote **** Who? How is this IRONIC?
2 PC 747 – PC 751 Subject?
3 Chart 749 Title? Key to Treaty? 5 countries?
4 photo 752 Who? Doing what? Who is he?
5 adv 754 What replaces horses and mules on Farms in the 1920’s? Negative?
6 election 1924 3 candidates and parties…who won?
7 PC 756- Chart 757 Subject? How much did GB owe? Fr. Owe?
8 Who were the 3 Republican Presidents in the 1920’s?
9 Why is the 1920’s described as a roller-coaster ride?
10 How to now serve the public good?
11 Describe US Foreign Policy during the 1920’s?
The Republican “Old Guard” Returns
12 How does text describe Harding’s “interior & mind?”
13 “Ohio Gang?”
14 Sec. of State? Sec. of Treasury? Sec. of Commerce? (not corrupt)
15 The “worst”…(2) why?
GOP Reaction at the Throttle
16 Does Harding continue the Progressive reforms of the last 20 years?
17 What group takes over? Business doctrine?
18 How many S.C. justices does Harding appoint in his 3 years? Chief Justice?
19 Supreme Courts actions Pro or Anti …progressive reforms?
20 Adkins v. Childrens Hospital, 1923? Case reversed? Invalidated? Why?
21 Anti-Trust laws under Harding…? (3)
22 Hoover as Secretary of Commerce…urged businesses to ___________ ___________ rather that be
___________ by ________ ______________?
The Aftermath of War
23 Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920? Purpose to save?
24 Membership in Unions? New Gov’t pro or anti union?
25 New Gov’t Agency? Purpose?
26 New Veterans Organization founded by TR jr.?
27 Adjusted Compensation Act****or Bonus Bill, 1922 outcome? 1924 outcome? Cost?
America Seeks Benefits Without Burdens
28 How does Congress finally achieve peace in WW1, 1921?
29 Does Harding support League of Nations?
30 Over what…does a rivalry develop in the Middle East? Black Gold?
31 On what issue does Harding “seize the initiative?”
32 Washington Naval Conference, 1921*** purposes (2)? Ratio?
33 5-power, 4-power, 9-power Treaties? Concessions to Japan?
34 Most significant-Insignificant treaty in World History… 1928? Details…Nobel Peace Prize?
Hiking the Tariff Higher
35 Fordney-McCumber Tariff, 1922? % increase? What was done for the 1st time?
36 Under Harding and Coolidge how many increases and decreases?
37 “Ominous Chain Reaction?” consequences (2)?
Stench of Scandal
38 Charles R. Forbes? Action-$?
39 Teapot Dome Scandal*** Where? Subject? Who? What? $$?
40 In America everyone is assumed guilty until ____________ ________?
41 Scandal – Atty Gen.? what sold?
42 What happens to Harding when he returns from Alaska? Who becomes Pres?
Silent Cal Coolidge
43 Coolidge- From where? Virtues (4)? Nickname?
44 Coolidge became the “high priest of _____ ____ ______ _______? He believed What?
45 Was Coolidge Corrupt like Harding?
Frustrated Farmers
46 Do Farmers benefit during WW1?
47 What machine was working a revolution on the farm?
48 What problem occurs in 1920’s Agriculture****? Cause? 1in 4?
49 Farm Bloc’s favorite proposal 1924-28? Coolidge’s Action?
A Three-way Race for the White House in 1924
50 Election 1924…Repub. Nominee? Dem’s split by (5)? Progressives nominate?
Foreign Policy Flounderings
51 What FP Doctrine continues with Coolidge?
52 Where was there an exception? (2)
53 Overshadowing all Foreign Policy problems in the 1920’s**** was what?
54 US International Financial position reversed, How? 1914-1922?
55 Key knot in the debt tangle>
56 Allies protested…why?
Unraveling the Debt Knot
57 Due to America’s Insistence on repayment….France and Britain pursued $$$ to pay back USA from
who? How? Effect on German economy? Bread cost? German Society?
58 Dawes Plan, 1924 (chart 757) ? Hoover, 1931? Who pays by 1976? Does the USA ever get its $$?