Essay Questions

College U.S. History II
Chapter 33
Essay Questions
Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What weaknesses existed beneath the surface of the 1920’s prosperity, and how did these
weaknesses help cause the Great Depression?
2. The three Republican presidents of the 1920’s are usually lumped together as essentially
identical in outlook. Is it right to see them that way, or were the personal or political
differences between them at all significant?
3. In what ways did the Washington Conference, Kellogg-Briand Pact, and Stimson doctrine
fall short of ensuring American national security?
Some terms and ideas you should become familiar with.
Warren G. Harding
Charles Evan Hughes
Harry M. Daugherty
Harding appoints Supreme Court justices
Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1 920
Merchant Marine Act of 1920
Impact of the American Legion
Washington Disarmament Conference
Four Power Treaty
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Col. Charles R. Forbes
Whiskey-Ring scandal
Calvin Coolidge
Congressional “farm bloc”
Election of 1924
U.S. as a creditor nation
European debtors default on payments
One-year moratorium on debt payments
Herbert Hoover
Agricultural Marketing Act
Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930
Depression of overabundance
Rugged Individualism
Hoover Dam project
Nordis-LaGuardia Anti-injunction Act
Bonus Army
Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Bombing of Shanghai
Ohio Gang
Albert B. Fall
laissez-faire economics
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital
Harding Administration’s attitude towards anti-trust laws
Railway Labor Board
Adjusted Compensation Act
Five-Power Naval Treaty
Nine-Power Treaty
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law
Teapot Dome scandal
Harding’s unexpected death
Farm overproduction
Coolidge’s vetoes hinder farmers
World Court
Central Am. and Caribbean armed intervention
Dawes Plan
Election of 1928
Alfred Smith
Federal Farm Board
Black Tuesday
“Trickle-down” economics
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
“yellow-dog” contracts
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Stimson doctrine
Good Neighbor Policy