Physical Science Lesson Plans

Biology Lesson Plans
Unit 8: Taxonomy
Key Concepts and Skills:
1. Modern classification systems have an evolutionary basis:
a. Relate the pattern of increasing complexity of organ systems to the theory of evolution.
b. Understand how shared characteristics within a common classification may indicate a common
c. Explain how phylogenetic trees and cladograms show evolutionary relationships.
d. Select common sequences of DNA as evidence of shared ancestry.
2. Energy is needed by all organisms to carry out processes within the cell (Revisited):
a. Understand how organisms obtain the energy needed to sustain life.
b. Analyze the processes of energy transformation and conversion within types of organisms, such as
plants and animals.
c. Compare the complexity of organisms to their method of obtaining energy.
Monday (1/5)
1. Activating Strategy- Classification Rap with Lyrics
2. Kingdoms of Organisms
Tuesday (1/6)
1. Activating Strategy: Animal Grouping
2. Kingdoms of Organisms/Continued
3. Differentiated Instruction: Frame Game
Wednesday (1/7)
1. Activating Strategies: FishSorting
2. General Classification and Relationship to Evolution
3. How Shared Characteristics Indicate Common Ancestry.
Thursday (1/8)
1. Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms:
Notebook Check:
Assessments: ______
Friday (1/9)
1. DNA Sequences and Evolution
Monday (1/12)
1. Lab: Nailing Cladistics
Tuesday (1/13)
1. Quiz
2. Notebook Check
3. Unit Questions Due
Wednesday (1/14)
1. Cladogram/Phylogenetic Tree Practice
Thursday (1/15)
1. Review Quiz
Friday (1/16)
1. Test: Taxonomy
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