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A project of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project/
Cerrell Associates Inc.
November 2011
Proposal for
Talking about Los Angeles:
A dialogue with the next mayor
 In March 2013, voters in the City of Los Angeles will be asked to select its next
mayor from a wide field of very qualified candidates. Many political observers
believe this race will be one of the most interesting and important in the
nation. The next Mayor of Los Angeles will face unprecedented challenges – a
budget deficit of unmatched proportions, a failing state government, declining
services and a fleeting base of businesses – large and small – upon which to
build a vibrant city. In addition, voter apathy and a growing distrust of
government likely means that a small percentage of the city’s voter base could
determine the outcome of the election.
 Voters should make a decision of this magnitude after a careful and thoughtful
engagement on the issues – not solely on who spends the most on campaign
ads and attack mailers or who can boast the greatest number of
endorsements. This decision should be made on the issues, the candidates’
vision and the leadership skills necessary to take Los Angeles into the future.
The Plan
 To that end, we propose a series of conversations – six over the course of the
election cycle beginning in February 2012 and continuing through the early part
of 2013 – devoted to important topics vital to the future of Los Angeles. Each
conversation will be moderated by a recognized issue expert/opinion leader
and candidates will be given the opportunity to express their ideas and discuss
their vision for Los Angeles in 2013 and beyond. More than sound bites or
clever debate tactics, this series is designed to be an honest exploration of the
issues and will help shape the future of Los Angeles.
 The events will be held at campuses throughout Los Angeles – proposed venues
include the University of California—Los Angeles, Harbor College, California
State University Northridge, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Community College, and the University of Southern California – representing
the geographic and community diversity that makes Los Angeles so unique.
 Sponsors will be asked to partner with conversation organizers including the
Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP) and Cerrell Associates,
Inc. (CAI) – to help underwrite the effort.
Advisory Committee
Carol Schatz, Central Cities Association (CCA)
Stuart Waldman, Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA)
Cheryl Parisi, American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Stuart Kwoh, Asian Pacific Legal Center
Bruce Saito, LA Conservation Corps
Tracy Rafter, Los Angeles County Business Federation
Arturo Carmona, Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM)
Helen Torres, Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE)
Tom Saenz, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
Celeste Alleyne, Microsoft
Lewis McAdams, Friends of the LA River
Maria Casillas, Chief of School, Family, & Parent/Community Services, LAUSD
Dan Schnur, Director, Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC
Stuart Kwoh, Asian Pacific Legal Center
Erin Glen, United Families Assoc. of Lunch Trucks
Alejandro Menchaca, Latino Professional Network
Gary Tobben, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Celeste Alleyne, Microsoft
Marvin Martinez, Los Angeles Harbor College
Pastor Charles Blake, West Angeles Church of God
Please note: Advisory Committee still in formation.
Conversation topics will include:
Transportation, goods movement and infrastructure
Environment, green technology, resource protection, energy policies
Quality of life issues –public safety, neighborhoods, city services
Business climate, job creation and the local economy
Education and workforce development
Envision LA –a general discussion about the future of Los Angeles
Dates and Venues
• Debate one: Los Angles Trade Tech
• Transportation, goods movement and infrastructure: February 23, 2012.
• Debate two: Harbor College
o Education and workforce development: March 28, 2012.
Debate three: CSUN
o Quality of life issues-public safety, neighborhoods, city services: May 9, 2012.
Debate four: LMU
o Business climate, job creation and the local economy: November 13, 2012.
Debate five: TBD
o Education and workforce development: January 13, 2013.
Debate six: USC
o Envision LA -a general discussion about the future of Los Angeles: February 21, 2013.
**Datessubject tochange
Key event components:
• Student Voter Registration or YouthVote drives at each campus leading up to the
discussion events.
• Social Media – live blogging by student leaders and political pundits from the events,
creation of series’ website, Facebook, Twitter feeds with links to campaign and
candidate information as well as sponsors. Participants will be able to register for
events online and post commentary about the events to foster additional on-line
dialogue. The website will also host a regular blog tracking the mayoral candidates
and their positions on the issues.
• Real time data captured by audience participants – allowing for immediate feedback
on key issues which can be posted on the series’ website and shared with media.
• Sponsorship/broadcast of events by key media outlets.
• Event moderators will be thought/opinion leaders.
Sponsorship Packages
1. $50,000 - Platinum Event Sponsor
o Top line logo placement on all event materials including backdrop behind candidates during
discussion, logo on all materials including website and printed collateral.
o Corporate recognition by discussion hosts at the beginning and end of each event.
o Corporate executive introduction of discussion host during at least one discussion event.
o VIP reception with mayoral candidates and advisory board members at kick-off discussion
o VIP reserved seating for six at all events.
o Opportunity to provide quotes for all media releases relating to events—pre- and postdiscussion media availability.
o Distribution of corporate collateral materials at all events.
o Opportunity to participate in voter registration efforts with SVREP and college student
organizations, if desired.
o Opportunity to provide questions to be used by hosts during discussion events.
o Advisory board membership.
Sponsorship Packages
2. $25,000 - Gold Event Sponsor
o Second tier logo placement on all event materials including backdrop behind
candidates during discussion, logo on all materials including website and
printed collateral.
o Corporate recognition by discussion hosts at the beginning and end of each
o VIP reception with mayoral candidates and advisory board members at kick-off
discussion event.
o VIP reserved seating for four at all events.
o Distribution of corporate collateral materials at all events.
o Opportunity to participate in voter registration efforts with SVREP Voters and
college student organizations, if desired.
o Opportunity to provide questions to be used by hosts during discussion events.
Sponsorship Packages
3. $15,000 - Silver Sponsor
o Third tier logo placement on event materials including website and printed
o VIP reception with mayoral candidates and advisory board members at kick-off
discussion event.
o VIP reserved seating for two at all events.
o Distribution of corporate collateral materials at all events.
o Opportunity to participate in voter registration efforts with SVREP and college
student organizations, if desired.
Sponsorship Packages
4. $10,000 - Bronze Sponsor
o Logo placement on event materials, including website and printed collateral.
o VIP reserved seating for two.
o Distribution of corporate collateral materials.
The Southwest Voter Registration Education Project and Cerrell
Associates Inc. are thrilled to bring this mayoral dialogue series
to the Los Angeles community. The next Mayor of Los Angeles
will have a significant impact on the future our of great city and
we must ensure that the constituents of our city make the most
informed decision. We hope you will consider becoming
involved in this project through our sponsorship opportunities.
Contact April Popescu for more information. / 323-466-3445