Catalog - Clover

Trinity Library Catalog
(as of 8/01/2011)
Non-Fiction (Title)
1001 more questions on the Bible - Piatt, Larry
1st & 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians - Blair, Edward P. (224.2)
24 hours that changed the world - Hamilton, Adam (232.9)
365 devotions - Wilmoth, Eileen H., ed. (242.6)
5 crucial questions about Christianity - Short, Tom
52 hymn story devotions - Adams, Lucy Neeley (242)
A beautiful offering - Thomas, Angela (248.8)
A biblical standard for evangelists - Graham, Billy (269.2)
A call to faithfulness - Floyd, Pat
A gentle thunder - Lucado, Max (242.5)
A grace disguised - Sittser, Gerald L. (248.8)
A journey into prayer - Christenson, Evelyn (248.3)
A matter of dignity - Potok, Andrew (362.4)
A month of meditations for men (242)
A song flung up to heaven - Angelou. Maya (818.5)
A woman's walk with God - Cragg, Sheila (242.6)
Accept no limitations - Kimbrough, Marjorie L (248.8)
Achieving your financial potential - Kays, Scott (332)
Active parenting today - Popkin, Michael H. (649)
Africa: Lord, hang onto me and don’t let go - Oldham, Martha
An adventure in healing & wholeness - Wagner,James K.
An early journey home - Froehlich, Mary Ann (259.6)
Angels among us - Guideposts editors (235.3)
Angels: God’s secret agents - Graham, Billy (235.3)
Arm yourself against the enemy's schemes - Moore, Beth (248.4)
Ask him anything: God can handle your hardest questions - Ogilvie, Lloyd J.
Attitude is your paintbrush - Moore, James W. (248.4)
Balanced living - Pitstick, Mark R. (613)
Beside blessings - Swindoll, Charles R. (242.6)
Beyond limitations - Kimbrough, Marjorie L.(248.8)
Beyond the walls - Hollis, James W., Jr.(269.2)
Billy Graham: personal thoughts of a public man (Frost, David (B/Gr)
Book of Bible lists - Willmington, H.L. (220)
Boundaries: when to say yes, when to say no to take control of your life - Cloud, Henry
Bringing out the best in your child - Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich (649.1)
Called out of darkness - Rice, Anne (813.5)
Called to be God's people - Huggins, Kay E.
Can man live without God? - Zacharias, Ravi (239)
Celebration of discipline - Foster, Richard (248.8)
Chicken soup for the golden soul - Canfield, Jack (810.8)
Chicken soup for the mother's soul - Canfield, Jack (810.8)
Choosing Naia - Zuckoff, Mitchell (362.3)
Concerning prayer - Pearce, Mary Kathryn (248.3)
Conduct becoming to a woman - Magalis, Elaine
Confessions of a prairie pilgrim - White, Woodie W. (287.6)
Confronting the controversies - Hamilton, Adam (241)
Congratulations! You're going to be a grandmother - Carter, Lanie (306.8)
Contagious Christianity [study of 1 Thessalonians]- Swindoll, Charles R. (227)
Conversations of the heart - White, Woodie W. (248.4)
Courage for the chicken hearted - Freeman, Becky (248.4)
Dancing with words - Buckley, Ray
Dark clouds/Silver linings - Hart, Archibald D.(158)
Daughters of the desert - Murphy, Claire Rudolf (220.9)
Diary of daily prayer - Shepherd, J. Barrie (242.2)
Disciplines of the Christian life - Harkness, George (248.4)
Discover your children's gifts - Fortune, Don (234.13)
Discovering the biblical world - Frank, Harry Thomas (220.9)
Drawing from wisdom’s well - Ulterino, Gloria (264.7)
Ecology of a cracker childhood - Ray, Janisse (975.8)
Embracing the world - Vennard, Jane E. (248.3)
End of the spear - Saint, Steve (986.6)
Eternal security - Stanley, Charles F. (234)
Eternity, reclaiming a passion for what endures - Stowell, Joseph M. (248.4)
Every life is a plan of God - Sanders, J. Oswald (248.4)
Exodus: the journey to freedom - Keels, Christine & Bernard
Experiencing God - Blackaby, Henry & Richard (231)
Fabulous after 50 - Mitchell, Shirley (248.8)
Faith and betrayal - Denton, Sally (978)
FaithLift - Mason, Babbie (234.2)
Families - Jenkins, Jerry B., ed. (306.8)
Family: The ties that bind …and gag! - Bombeck, Erma
Favorite Bible passages - Downall, Donn C., ed. (242.5)
Finding faith - Gallagher, Sharon (248.2)
Finding your place after divorce - Streeter, Carole Sanderson (155.6)
For real people only - Larsen, Sandy (248.8)
Fortysomething and single - Smith, Harold Ivan (305.9)
From Mary to Lydia - Mohney, Nell W. (220.9)
From the eye of the storm - Wogaman, J. Philip (973.9)
Gentle persuasion: creative ways to introduce your friends to Christ - Aldrich, Joseph
C. (248.5)
Give me an answer that satisfies my heart & my mind - Knechtle, Cliffe (230)
Glory: Christian poems
God came near - Lucado, Max (232.1)
God does care (231.6)
God was here and I was out to lunch - Moore, James W. (248.4)
God’s power to change your life - Warren, Rick (248.4) 3 copies
God’s story - Lotz, Anne Graham (222.1)
Great women of faith - Hardesty, Nancy A.(280)
Growing compassionate kids - Johnson, Jan (649.1)
Growing deep in the Christian life - Swindoll, Charles R. (230)
Handle with prayer - Stanley, Charles F.(248.3)
Healing wisdom from the Bible - Gibson, James E. (242.5)
Hebrews; James; 1&2 Peter; 1, 2, 3 John: Jude (Genesis to Revelation series ) Schoville, Keith (227)
He's gonna toot and I'm gonna scoot - Johnson, Barbara (301.4)
Honestly - Walsh, Sheila (248.8)
How children raise parents - Allender, Dan B. (248.8)
How long, o Lord: stories of twentieth century Korea - Ogle, George Ewing
How to build an exciting singles ministry - Davidson, Don (259)
How to give away your faith - Little, Paul (248.5)
How to handle adversity - Stanley, Charles F. (248.8)
How to listen to God - Hill, Doug (248.4)
How to listen to God - Stanley, Charles F. (248.4)
How to live almost happily with a teenager - Davitz, Lois & Joel (649.1)
How to succeed at being yourself - Meyer, Joyce (248.8)
I once knew a woman - Jenkins, Barbara (920.7)
I'd rather teach peace - McCarthy, Colman (303.6)
If experience is such a good teacher, why do I keep repeating the course - Kalas, J.
Ellsworth (170.44)
If I live to be100 - Ellis, Neenah (305.26)
If you’re going the wrong way…turn around - Moore, James W. (248.4)
I'm so glad you told me - Johnson, Barbara (301.4)
Immanuel: Reflections on the life of Christ - Card, Michael (232.9)
Improving your serve; strengthening your grip; dropping your guard - Swindoll, Charles
R. (248.4).
In defense of creation - The United Methodist Council of Bishops (230)
In favor of growing older - Smith, Tilman R. (305.2)
In His steps - Sheldon, Charles (813.4)
In the arms of angels - Anderson, Joan Wester (235.3)
In the grip of grace - Lucado, Max (248.4)
Inside Islam - Miller, John, ed. (297)
Interludes - Andersen, Linda (242.6)
Islam, Christianity, and the West - Armour, Rollin (261.2)
Islands, the universe, home - Ehrlich, Gretel (814.5)
Jesus Christ (set of 8) - Graded Press (232)
Joshua, Judges and Ruth (from Genesis to Revelation series) - Newell, Ray (222)
Journey into joy - DeKruyter, Arthur (248.4)
Joy & strength for the pilgrim's way- Tileston, Mary Wilder
Last things first - Wilmore, Gayraud S. (236)
Leaking laffs between Pampers and Depends - Johnson, Barbara (301.4)
Lessons I learned in the dark, steps to walking by faith, not by sight - Rothschild,
Jennifer (B/Ro)
Life changing answers to depression - Smith, Harold Ivan (248.8)
Life in Christ - Stott, John R.W. (232)
Life of the beloved - Nouwen, Henri J.M. (248.4)
Like the dew that waters the grass - Racine, Marie M.B.
Living forward - Smith, John F. (306.3)
Living life boldly - Roberts, Ted (248.4)
Loving God - Colson, Charles (248.4) 2 copies
Making Jesus Lord - St. Clair, Barry (248.4)
Meeting Jesus again for the first time - Borg, Marcus J. (232.9)
Melissa: the story of a very special baby - Baumgartner, Diane (209.2)
Melmark, the home that love built - Krentel, Mildred (362.4)
Messiah: prophecies fulfilled - Kennedy, D. James (232.1)
Minding God’s business - Simpson, Megan Demarest (267)
Miracles and other wonders - Sellier, Charles (231.7)
Miriam, Mary and me - Wilson, Lois (220.9)
Molder of dreams - Doud, Guy Rice (977.6)
Moments together for couples - Rainey, Dennis (242.2)
My utmost for His highest - Chambers, Oswald (242.2)
Nature’s way - McGaa, Ed (299.7)
No place left called home - Cogswell, James A. (362.5)
Normal is just a setting on your dryer - Clairmont, Patsy (242)
On the rez - Frazier, Ian (978.3)
Our community now and in God's future - Merrill, Timothy
Our unmet needs - Stanley, Charles (248.4)
Out of the saltshaker and into the world evangelism - a way of life- Pippert, Rebecca
Manley (269.2)
Outside the gate - Sano, Roy I. (227.8)
Parenting isn't for cowards - Dobson, Dr. James (649.1)
Paul (set of 8) - Graded Press (220.9)
Portraits of perseverance: 100 meditations from the book of Job - Gariepy, Henry
Positive thinking for every day of the year - Peale, Norman Vincent (242)
Power of the plus factor - Peale, Norman Vincent (248.4)
Prayer - Yancey, Philip (2 copies) (248.3)
Prayer that works - Briscoe, Jill (248.3)
Prayer walking - Prevention editors (248.3)
Prayer, opening your heart to God - Hybels, Bill (248.3)
Prayers to grow by (248.3)
Praying in the Wesleyan spirit - Chilcote, Paul (242.8)
Prodigals and those who love them - Graham, Ruth Bell (248.4)
Promises of love for a woman of faith (242.6)
Psalms - Peterson, Eugene H. (223)
Race and prayer - Boyd, Malcomn, ed. (291.1)
Raising sexually pure kids - LaHaye, Tim & Beverly (649.6)
Reluctantly single - Smith, Harold Ivan (305.9)
Rescue - Phillips, Jean
Rescue manual for parents: how to successfully survive the teenage years - Luce, Ron
Resolving conflict in marriage - Hines, Darrell L. (248.8)
Revelation unveiled - LaHaye, Tim (228)
Sabbath - Muller, Wayne (291.3)
Satan’s whispers, breaking the lies that bind - Hughes, Robert Don (235.4)
Secrets of an irresistible woman - McKinney-Hammond, Michelle (646.7)
Servants, misfits, and martyrs - Howell, James C (270)
Set free - Leon-Hartshorn, Iris de (305.8)
Shalom, salaam, peace - Stokes, Allison
Simply understanding the Bible - Jensen, Irving L. (220)
Single adult ministry: the next step - Fagerstrom, Douglas, ed. (259)
Starving for attention - O’Neill, Cherry Boone (B/On)
Storm warning - Graham, Billy (236)
Success God’s way - Stanley, Charles F. (248.4)
Success is never ending, failure is never final - Schuller, Robert H. (158.1)
Sweatshop warriors - Louie, Miriam Ching Yoon (331.4)
Talking with God - Stokes, Mack B. (248.3)
The 7 habits of highly effective families - Covey, Stephen R. (646.7)
The A to Z guide to Bible application - The Livingstone Corporation (248.8)
The apostle Paul: an introduction to his writings and teaching - Soards, Marion L.
The Bible Jesus read - Yancey, Philip (221.6)
The Bible promise book (242.6)
The Black church in the post-civil rights era - Pinn, Anthony B. (280)
The case for a Creator - Strobel, Lee (212.1)
The day death died - Green, Michael (232.5)
The Dead Sea Scrolls - Burrows, Millar (220.9)
The enduring human spirit - Tindell, Charles (305.2)
The fine art of being imperfect - Boyd, R. Maurice (242)
The gift of forgiveness - Stanley, Charles (234.5)
The good women of China -Xinran (305.4)
The hard sayings of Jesus - Bruce, F. F. (232.9)
The heartache no one sees - Walsh, Sheila (248.8)
The hidden adventure - Hansel, Tim (248.4)
The Holy Spirit in the Wesleyan heritage - Stokes, Mack B. (231)
The Lakota way - Marshall, Joseph M. (398.2)
The man in the mirror - Morley, Patrick (248.8)
The measure of a man - Getz, Gene A. (248.8)
The mystery of God's will - Swindoll, Charles R. (248.4)
The New Testament world in pictures - Stephens, William H. (225.9)
The other face of America - Ramos, Jorge (305.8)
The power of the blood of Christ - Murray, Andrew (232.3)
The practice of Godliness - Bridges, Jerry (248.4)
The practice of loving kindness - Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan (177)
The priceless ingredient - Anderson, Norman (252)
The priesthood of all believers - Eastwood, Cyril (230)
The purpose driven life - Warren, Rick (248.4)
The ragamuffin gospel - Manning, Brennan (231.6)
The renewed mind - Christenson, Larry (248.4)
The resurrected Jesus - Kena, Kwasi I. (232)
The scalpel and the silver bear - Alvord, Lori Arviso (B/Al)
The second messiah - Knight, Christopher (366.1)
The secret power of speaking God's word - Meyer, Joyce (248.4)
The single again handbook - Jones, Thomas F .(305.9)
The ten commandments from the back side - Kalas, J. Ellsworth (241.5)
The ten(der) commandments - Mehl, Ron (241.5)
The thirteen apostles - Kalas, J. Ellsworth (225.9)
The Thomas factor - Pratney, Winkie (234.2)
The top ten list for Christians: priorities for faithful living - Moore, James W. (248.4)
The treasure principle - Alcorn, Randy (241.6)
The useful Proverbs - Miller, Kathy Collard (223)
The winning family - Hart, Dr. Louise (649.1)
The wonderful spirit-filled life - Stanley, Charles F. (248.4)
Thin again - Halliday, Arthur W.
Through the back door of the church - Mallonee,Thomas L. (287)
To educate is to teach to live - Campbell, Barbara E.
Too busy not to pray: slowing down to be with God - Hybels, Bill (248.3)
Treasures found in passing - Mann, Leonard (305.2)
Twelve extraordinary women - MacArthur, John (220.9)
Twelve ordinary men - MacArthur, John (232.9)
Unbelieving husbands and the wives who love them - Fanstone, Michael (248.4)
Walnut Street United Methodist Church: 200 years of continuity (977.1)
We are one in the Lord - Denning, Dennis (253)
Weather of the heart - Tchividjian, Gigi Graham (248.8)
What happens when we pray for our families - Christenson, Evelyn (248.3)
What happens when women pray - Christenson, Evelyn (248.3)
What matters most - Evans, Tony (248.4)
What would Jesus do? - Sheldon, Garrett W. (241)
What’s the big deal? Why God cares about sex - Jones, Stan & Brenna (241.6)
When bad Christians happen to good people - Burchett, Dave (241)
When God strikes the match - Brown, Dr. Harvey R.
When I'm in His presence - Donihue, Anita Corrine (248.4)
Where angels walk - Anderson, Joan Wester (235.3)
Where does a mother go to resign? - Johnson, Barbara (301.4)
Where miracles happen - Anderson, Joan Wester (231.7)
Who is Jesus? - Moore, Eleanor A., ed.
Who's who in the Bible - Comay, Joan (220.9)
William Sheppard, Congo’s African American Livingstone - Phipps, William E. (B/Sh)
Women of spirit - Martin, Katherine (305.4)
Women of Sufism - Helminski, Camille Adams, ed. (297.4)
Worship & evangelism - Langford, Andy (264)
Wuhu diary - Prager, Emily (951.1)
Yearning to know God’s will - Morris, Danny E. (248.4)
Yes, Lord, I have sinned, but I have several excellent excuses - Moore, James W.
You can make a difference - Collins, Gary (248.4)
Your invitation to full life - Pilch, John J. (248.4)
Your tomorrows can be different from your yesterdays - Wright, H. Norman
Trinity Library Catalog
(as of 8/01/2011)
Fiction - Author
Blackstock, Terri - Never again good-bye
Bradshaw, Gillian - The beacon at Alexandria
Brunstetter, Wanda E. - Lydia's charm
Cutrer, William - False positive
Dekker, Ted - Blink
Dekker, Ted - Thunder of heaven
Drapper, Sharon - Copper sun
Elwood, Roger - The christening
Girzone, Joseph - Joshua
Girzone, Joseph - Joshua and the children
Girzone, Joseph - The shepherd
Gunn, Robin - Sister chicks
Halaby, Laila - West of the Jordan
Henke, Roxanne - After Anne
Higgs, Liz - Fair is the rose
Higgs, Liz - Grace in the eyes
Higgs, Liz - Thorn in my heart
Higgs, Liz - Whence come a prince
Holmes, Marjorie - Three from Galilee
Kelly, Leisha - Emma's gift
Kelly, Leisha - Katie's dream
LaHaye, Tim - Apollyon
LaHaye, Tim - Assassins
LaHaye, Tim - The indwelling
LaHaye, Tim - Left behind
LaHaye, Tim - The mark
LaHaye, Tim - Soul harvest
LaHaye, Tim - Tribulation force
Leanne, Shelly - Joshua's Bible
Lewis, Beverly - The confession (2 copies)
Lewis, Beverly - The covenant
Lewis, Beverly - The crossroad
Lewis, Beverly - The Englishmen
Lewis, Beverly -The prodigal
Lewis, Beverly - The reckoning (2 copies)
Lewis, Beverly - The revelation
Lewis, Beverly - The shunning
Mead, Alice - Year of no rain
Noble, Diane - The last storyteller
Oke, Janette - The birthright
Oke, Janette - A bride for Donnigan
Oke, Janette - The calling of Emily Evans
Oke, Janette - The distant beacon
Oke, Janette - A gown of Spanish lace
Oke, Janette - Julia's last hope
Oke, Janette - Love finds a home
Oke, Janette - Measure of a heart
Oke, Janette - Roses for mama
Oke, Janette - The sacred share
Peart, Jane - Shadow of fear/ A perilous bargain (2 in 1)
Pella, Judith - Homeward my heart
Peterson, Tracie - The coming storm
Peterson, Tracie - The dream anew
Peterson, Tracie - Land of my heart
Peterson, Tracie - A tapestry of hope
Peterson, Tracie - These tangled threads
Phillips, Michael - The color of your skin ain't the color of your heart
Phillips, Michael - Together is all we need (2 copies)
Phillips, Michael - When grows the heather in Devon
Rivers, Francine - The priest
Rivers, Francine - The warrior
Snelling, Lauraine - Daughter of Twin Oaks
Snelling, Lauraine - The long way home
Snelling, Lauraine - Sisters of the Confederacy
Taylor, Theodore - Ice drift
Tenney, Tommy - Hadassah
Whitlow, Robert - List
Wick, Lori - Every storm
Wick, Lori - The princess
Wilder, Effie - Out to pasture/ Over what hill/ Older but wilder (3 in 1)
Wiseman, Beth - Plain paradise
Wiseman, Beth - Plain perfect
Wiseman, Beth - Plain pursuit
Wiseman, Beth - Plain promise
Wiseman, Beth - Seek me with all your heart
Trinity Library Catalog
(as of 8/01/2011)
Fiction - Title
A perilous bargain - see Shadow of fear/ A perilous bargain - Peart, Jane (2 in
A tapestry of hope - Peterson, Tracie
After Anne - Henke, Roxanne
Apollyon - LaHaye, Tim
Assassins - LaHaye, Tim
The beacon at Alexandria - Bradshaw, Gillian
The birthright - Oke, Janette
Blink - Dekker, Ted
A bride for Donnigan - Oke, Janette
The calling of Emily Evans - Oke, Janette
The christening - Elwood, Roger
The color of your skin ain't the color of your heart - Phillips, Michael
The coming storm - Peterson, Tracie
The confession - Lewis, Beverly
Copper Sun - Drapper, Sharon
The covenant - Lewis, Beverly
The crossroad - Lewis, Beverly
Daughters of China - Flinchbaugh, C. Hope
The distant beacon - Oke, Janette
The dream anew - Peterson, Tracie
Emma's gift - Kelly, Leisha
The Englishmen - Lewis, Beverly
Every storm - Wick, Lori
Fair is the rose - Higgs, Liz
False positive - Cutrer, William
A gown of Spanish lace - Oke, Janette
Grace in the eyes - Higgs, Liz
Hadassah - Tenney, Tommy
Homeward my heart - Pella, Judith
Ice drift - Taylor, Theodore
The indwelling - LaHaye, Tim
Joshua - Girzone, Joseph
Joshua and the children - Girzone, Joseph
Joshua's Bible - Leanne Shelly
Julia's last hope - Oke, Janette
Katie's dream - Kelly, Leisha
Land of my heart - Peterson, Tracie
The last storyteller - Noble, Diane
Left behind - LaHaye, Tim
List - Whitlow, Robert
Love finds a home - Oke, Janette
Lydia's charm - Brunstetter, Wanda E.
The mark - LaHaye, Tim
Measure of a heart - Oke, Janette
Never again good-bye - Blackstock, Terri
Out to pasture/ Over what hill/ Older but wilder - Wilder, Effie (3 in 1)
Plain paradise - Wiseman, Beth
Plain perfect - Wiseman, Beth
Plain pursuit - Wiseman, Beth
Plain promise - Wiseman, Beth
The priest - Rivers, Francine
The princess - Wick, Lori
The prodigal - Lewis, Beverly
The reckoning - Lewis, Beverly
The revelation - Lewis, Beverly
Roses for mama - Oke, Janette
The sacred share - Oke, Janette
Seek me with all your heart - Wiseman, Beth
Shadow of fear/ A perilous bargain - Peart, Jane
The shepherd - Girzone, Joseph
The shunning - Lewis, Beverly
Sister chicks - Gunn, Robin
Soul harvest - LaHaye, Tim
The story of a very special baby - Baumgartner, Melissa
These tangled threads - Peterson, Tracie
Thorn in my heart - Higgs, Liz
Three from Galilee - Holmes, Marjorie
Thunder of Heaven - Dekker, Ted
Tribulation force - LaHaye, Tim
The warrior - Rivers, Francine
West of the Jordan - Halaby, Laila
When grows the heather in Devon - Phillips, Michael
Whence come a prince - Higgs, Liz
Year of no rain - Mead, Alice