Slides - University of York

Safety in Interactive Systems
Christopher Power
Human Computer Interaction Research Group
Department of Computer Science
University of York
• Usually in HCIT, we have talked about
properties of the interactive system as being
facets of usability
• However, there are other properties that we
often need to consider – safety is one of them
• Informally, safety in interactive systems
broadly means preventing incidents that can
lead to catastrophic loss, either from the
human, the machine or the organisation
Example case: High Speed Train
• A high speed train crashed in Spain 25 July 2013
• The train derailed at 192 km/h on a curve that was only
rated for 80 km/h
• 79 people died, hundreds more injured
• The following were ruled out:
Mechanical failure in the train
Technical failure in the track
• What is left?
– The media referred to it as “Human Error”
Human error
• We often talk about “human error” – but this
term is kind of meaningless
• Why is it meaningless though?
– Because life is messy … there are lots of routes to
any given error
– Observed phenomena may be caused by many
underlying factors, some related to the human,
some to the device and some to the
Reason’s “Swiss Cheese” Model of
Human Error
• John Reason proposed a model in 1990 for
understanding where error occurs by
categorizing them by the process where they
• Proposed that errors could occur in one
process be propagated forward in a system.
• Forms the basis for the Human Factors
Analysis and Classification System (HFACS)
Swiss Cheese Model
• Each process is a layer of cheese, with holes
where errors can slip through:
HFACS: Swiss Cheese Model
• In most cases safe-guards in other processes catch them
and correct them.
HFACS: Swiss Cheese Model
• However, sometimes the holes in the system line up, and an error makes it
all the way to the end with the effects of the error being realised.
Unsafe Acts
• Unsafe acts are those that are tied to the action cycle
involving humans and system interaction.
Errors and violations
Returning to the train accident …
• What went wrong?
• The driver was distracted at 192 km/h for 2
minutes by a call on his work phone
– It was to inform him that there was a change in
the platform he would be coming in on
• At 192 km/h that’s a looooong time to be on
the phone
– By the time he came off the phone, it was too late
for him to stop
Train Accident Sources of Error
• Where were the potential sources of error?
No policy on the length of call that one should have
while in control of the train – nothing to prevent this from
happening again
Call came in that was unexpected, but
within the regulations
Loss of attention due to call
Leads to delay in altering speed
An easier case …
• You are in a restaurant, and you have enjoyed
a nice meal. You offer to pay and the server
brings you the machine to pay by card. You
attempt to pay three times, and you find a
message ‘your card has been locked’
• What went wrong?
Unsafe Acts
• Similar to the interaction cycle discussed in
other modules:
– Errors deal with the perception, evaluation, integration and
executing actions.
– Violations deal with goals, intentions and plans
• How is this classification useful to us?
• In respect to error, there are two different
processes that we can undertake:
– Human Error Analysis – trying to capture where
errors can happen in the system, either
proactively (evaluation prior to incident) or
– Human Reliability Analysis – trying to capture the
probability that a human will have a fault in the
system at some point
Human Error Analysis Techniques
• There are around 40 different techniques that
I could point to in the literature
• Many of these have little empirical basis and
have never been validated
• Some have had some work done, but it is
debatable how well they work
• We’re going to look at different types of error
analysis methods over the next couple of
Error Modes
• Most modern techniques use
the idea of an “error mode”
• Error modes are categories of
phenomena that we see when
an incident occurs in the world
• These phenomena could have
many causes – we can track
back along the causal chain
• Alternatively we can use the
phenomena we see (or
suspect will happen) and
compare it to interface
components to see what
might happen in the future
• SHERPA stands for “The Systematic Human Error
Reduction and Prediction Approach”
• Developed by Embrey in the mid-1980s for the nuclear
reprocessing industry (but you cannot find the original
• Has more recently been applied with notable success
to a number of other domains
• (Baber and Stanton 1996, Stanton 1998, Salmon et al. 2002, Harris
et al. 2005…)
• Has its roots in Rasmussen’s “SRK” model (1982)…
• Skill-based actions
– Those that require very little conscious control e.g. driving a car on a
known route
• Rule-based actions
– Those which deviate from “normal” but can be dealt with using rules
stored in memory or rules which are otherwise e.g. setting the timer
on an oven
• Knowledge-based actions
– The highest level of behaviour, applicable when the user has either run
out of rules to apply or did not have any applicable rules in the first
place. At that time the user is required to use in-depth problem
solving skills and knowledge of the mechanics of the system to
proceed e.g. pilot response during QF32 incident
SHERPA Taxonomy
• SHERPA, like many HEI techniques has it’s own cut-down
taxonomy, here drawn up taking cues from SRK
• Uses prompts are firmly based on operator behaviours
as opposed to listing conceivable errors in taxonomic
• The taxonomy was “domain specific” (nuclear), but
SHERPA has still been shown to work well across other
domains (see references)
• Rather than have the evaluator consider what
psychological level the error has occurred at, the
taxonomy simplifies this into the most likely
manifestations (modes) for errors to occur
SHERPA Taxonomy
• The headings for SHERPA’s modes are
(expanded next):
– Action (doing something like pressing a button)
– Retrieval (getting information from a screen or
instruction list)
– Checking (verifying action)
– Selection (choosing one of a number of options)
– Information Communication (conversation/radio
call etc.)
Taxonomy - Action
• Action modes:
A1: Operation too long/short
A2: Operation mistimed
A3: Operation in wrong direction
A4: Operation too little/much
A5: Misalign
A6: Right operation on wrong object
A7: Wrong operation on right object
A8: Operation omitted
A9: Operation incomplete
A10: Wrong operation on wrong object
Taxonomy - Retrieval & Checking
• Retrieval modes are:
– R1: Information not obtained
– R2: Wrong information obtained
– R3: Information retrieval incomplete
• Checking modes are:
C1: Check omitted
C2: Check incomplete
C3: Right check on wrong object
C4: Wrong check on right object
C5: Check mistimed
C6: Wrong check on wrong object
Taxonomy - Selection & Comms.
• Selection modes are:
– S1: Selection omitted
– S2: Wrong selection made
• Information Communication modes are:
– I1: Information not communicated
– I2: Wrong information communicated
– I3: Information communication incomplete
SHERPA Methodology
• SHERPA begins like many HEI methods, with a Hierarchical
Task Analysis (HTA)
• Then the ‘credible’ error modes are applied to each of the
bottom-level tasks in the HTA
• The analyst categorises each task into a behaviour, and
then determines if any of the error modes provided are
• Each credible error is then considered in terms of
consequence, error recovery, probability and criticality
Step 1 - HTA
• Using the example of a Sat-nav
Step 2 - Task Classification
• Each task at the bottom level of the HTA is
classified into a category from the taxonomy
Retrieval Action
Step 3 – Error Identification
• For the category selected for a given task, the
credible error modes are selected and a
description of the error provided
“Wrong selection made” – The
user makes the wrong selection,
clicking “point of interest” or
something similar
“Wrong information obtained” –
The user reads the wrong postcode
and inputs it
Step 4 – Consequence Analysis
• For each error, the analyst considers the
The user makes the wrong
selection, clicking “point of
interest” or something similar…
This would lead to the wrong
menu being displayed which may
confuse the user
The user reads the wrong postcode
and inputs it…
Depending on the validity of the
entry made the user may plot a
course to the wrong destination
Step 5 – Recovery Analysis
• For each error, the analyst considers the
potential for recovery
The user makes the wrong selection…
There is good recovery potential from
this error as the desired option will
not be available and back buttons are
provided. This may take a few menus
before the correct one is selected
The user reads the wrong postcode
and inputs it…
The recovery potential from this is fair,
from the perspective that the sat Nav
shows the duration and overview of
the route, so depending on how far
wrong the postcode is, it may be
noticed at that point
Steps 6, 7 – Probability & Criticality
• Step 6 is an ordinal probability analysis, where
L/M/H is assigned to the error based on
previous occurrence
– This requires experience and/or subject matter
• Step 7 is a criticality analysis, which is done in a
binary fashion binary (it is either critical or it is
not critical)
Step 8 – Remedy
• Step 8 is a remedy analysis, where error
reduction strategies are proposed under the
– Equipment, Training, Procedures, Organisational
The use of the term ‘address’ may confuse
some people when intending to input a
postcode…as postcode is a common entry,
perhaps it should not be beneath ‘address’
in the menu system
The user should check the
destination/postcode entered for validity.
The device design could display the
destination more clearly than it does to
offer confirmation to the user
• Output of a full SHERPA analysis (Stanton et al
• “Human error” is a misnomer – there are a number of
different things that contribute to failures in interactive
• SHERPA is an alternative to other inspection methods
• Claims in the literature point to it being “more easy to
learn” and “more easy to apply by novices” – which is
• Founded on some of the roots of HF work done in the
1970s but …
• … simplifies that work into something that can be
• Rasmussen, J. (1982) Human errors, a taxonomy for describing
human malfunction in industrial installations. The Journal of
Occupational Accidents, 4, 22.
• Baber, C. & N. A. Stanton (1996) Human error identification
techniques applied to public technology: Predictions compared with
observed use. Applied Ergonomics, 27, 119-131.
• Stanton, N. 1998. Human Factors in Consumer Products. CRC Press.
• Salmon, P., N. Stanton, M. Young, D. Harris, J. Demagalski, A.
Marshall, T. Waldman & S. Dekker. 2002. Using Existing HEI
Techniques to Predict Pilot Error: A Comparison of SHERPA, HAZOP
and HEIST. HCI-02 Proceedings.
• Harris, D., N. A. Stanton, A. Marshall, M. S. Young, J. Demagalski & P.
Salmon (2005) Using SHERPA to predict design-induced error on the
flight deck. Aerospace Science and Technology, 9, 525-532.
• Stanton, N., P. Salmon, G. Walker, C. Baber & D. Jenkins. 2005.
Human Factors Methods. Ashgate.
Action modes:
– A1: Operation too long/short
– A2: Operation mistimed
– A3: Operation in wrong direction
– A4: Operation too little/much
– A5: Misalign
– A6: Right operation on wrong
– A7: Wrong operation on right
– A8: Operation omitted
– A9: Operation incomplete
– A10: Wrong operation on wrong
Selection modes are:
– S1: Selection omitted
– S2: Wrong selection made
• Retrieval modes are:
– R1: Information not obtained
– R2: Wrong information obtained
– R3: Information retrieval
• Checking modes are:
C1: Check omitted
C2: Check incomplete
C3: Right check on wrong object
C4: Wrong check on right object
C5: Check mistimed
C6: Wrong check on wrong object
• Information Communication
modes are:
– I1: Information not communicated
– I2: Wrong information
– I3: Information communication