Y6 Spring Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,
Happy New Year to you and welcome to another exciting term in Year 6! As you are already aware,
Mrs. Snow has moved to another role in school and I have increased my hours to four full days. I am
very exciting about teaching the other subjects as well as just the Maths and Literacy! Every Friday,
Mr. Flower will be teaching Year 6. His main subject will be Science and he will teach Friday’s Maths
and Literacy lessons, as well as some PSHCE.
Thrills and Spills Topic
Our new topic will explore themes of extreme sports, theme parks and fairgrounds. Our educational
visit has been confirmed for Wednesday 22nd January 2014. Please send in £2.50 in a named
envelope by Friday January 17th January. On the day of the trip, the children will need to wear warm
clothes with long sleeves and legs, gloves, hats and thick socks. It might be a cold day! The coach will
be leaving at 8.45 am, so on arrival to school, Year 6 children should report directly to the back lane
gate for registration, where we usually leave for school visits. We cannot wait for late arrivals due to
the strict timings of our sessions.
SATs Preparation
This is the term where we really (really!) have to knuckle down and get fully prepared for SATs which
are during the week commencing 12th May 2014.
Here are some Maths websites/APPs I recommend for revision
ipad APPs:
Rising Stars Achieving Level 4
Doodle Maths
The term begins with Pittville School representatives teaching Games skills on Tuesday mornings and
a specialist Gymnastics coach teaching on Wednesday afternoons. The children will require PE kits
(white T shirt, blue/black shorts and pumps) to be kept in school. They may also bring in tracksuit
bottoms and tops (preferably navy/black) when the weather is colder. Swimming is in the Summer
Before School Sessions
I will be opening the classroom early for Year 6 children for specific groups on specific days. The
children involved are invited to come in and start work early at 8.45am, when the school gates open.
This will be run on a trial basis in the first instance and I will notify the children involved.
Tuesday morning: Level 6 Taster Maths group
Thursday morning: Level 6 Taster SPAG group
Attached is a Homework timetable for this term, with deadlines and the teacher responsible clearly
marked. Following the success of the more open ended ‘free choice’ Literacy homework for
Victorians, there is a similar system for Literacy homework for this term. Please note, it will be vital
for your child to keep their Home/School diaries in school to make notes where deadlines are
flexible or finishing class tasks is required.
And Finally….
Thank you for all of your cards, presents and best wishes at Christmas time!
Please do not hesitate to come and see me or Mr. Flower if there are any queries we can help with.
Mrs. Helen Calder
Mr. Steven Flower
Day homework set Subject
Teacher in charge
3 times a week
Home reading
Checked by T/TA on
Guided Reading
(Blue home/school day. See timetable
in Home/School
Work on project:
Deadline: Monday
Topic is anything to 24TH March 2014
do with Thrills and
Mrs. Calder
Tuesday: (Green
Choose from
weekly tasks.
Deadline following
Monday weekly
Mrs Calder
(Yellow folder)
Thursday: (Pink
Spelling weekly
sheet and spelling
Deadline: Testing
and new lists every
Deadline: Monday
Mrs Calder
Mr. Flower