CV - Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis


Curriculum Vitae

January 2016

NAME: Gillian Mary Mulvale


DeGroote School of Business

McMaster University

1280 Main Street West, DSB 426

Hamilton, Ontario

L8S 4M4

Telephone: (905) 525-9140 ext. 24707

Mobile: (289) 983-0741



Postdoctoral Fellowship, Health Policy, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis,

McMaster University/Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Hamilton/Toronto, ON


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Health Research Methodology, McMaster University, Faculty of

Health Sciences, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Hamilton, ON (2006).

Graduate Diploma, Health Services and Policy Research , Ontario Training Centre in Health

Service and Policy Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2006).

Master of Arts (M.A.), Economics , University of Western Ontario, Department of Economics,

London, ON (1984).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Economics, University of Waterloo, Department of Economics, Waterloo,

ON (1983).


July 2012 – present Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management (tenure track),

DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University

Sept. 2012 – present Member, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA),

McMaster University.



Member, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR)

Member, Academy of Management

Member, Design in Mental Health Network



July 2012 - present Assistant Professor , Health Policy and Management, DeGroote School of

Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

2007 – 2008 Primary Care Research Associate , Centre for Health Economics and

Policy Analysis, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, and Ontario

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Primary Care Team, Toronto,


1999-2001 Research Coordinator , Centre for Health Economics and Policy

Analysis, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

1997-1999 Sessional Lecturer, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.



Other Relevant Employment

2012 Director, Applied Research and Policy Analysis

Services Research Foundation, Ottawa, ON.

, Canadian Health

2010-2012 Director Healthcare Financing and Transformation

Services Research Foundation, Ottawa, ON.

, Canadian Health

2008– 2010 Senior Policy Advisor – Mental Health Strategy , Mental Health

Commission of Canada, Ottawa, ON.

1993-1999 Consultant, ECCO Consulting, Oakville, ON.

1987-1993 Economist, Economics and Forecasts Division, Ontario Hydro, Toronto,



1985-1987 Economist , Strategic Planning and Business Analysis, General Motors of

Canada, Oshawa, ON.

1984-1985 Economist , Economic Research and Analysis, Finance Canada, Ottawa,



Editorial Boards

Guest Editor, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, Special Issue 1: Responses to the Mental Health Strategy for Canada: Canadian and International Perspectives on

Mobilizing Change , January 2014 – present

Guest Editor, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, Special Issue 2: Responses to the Mental Health Strategy for Canada: Canadian and International Perspectives on

Mobilizing Change , January 2014 – present

Grant and Personnel Committees


Executive Positions

Member, Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services Child and Youth Mental Health

Funding Allocation Model Advisory Panel, October 2015 – continuing.

Board Member, Peer Support Accreditation & Certification Canada (PSACC) (May 2015 – continuing)

Member Advisory Committee, Mental Health Commission of Canada Consensus Conference on Child to Adult Mental Health Service Transitions for Emerging Adults. (January -

November 2015)

Co-Chair, CAHSPR, HHR theme group. (2014- continuing)

Advisory Committee Member, McMaster Health Forum on Addressing Student Mental

Health Needs at McMaster University. (2013)

Member, Consumer Group, Mental Health Commission Canada. (2012)

Advisory Committee Member, McMaster Health Forum on Suicide Prevention. (2012)

Member, Science Advisory Committee, Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2011-



Journal Referee

Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics , 1 review, 2016

BMC Pediatrics , 1 review, 2015

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention, 1 review, 2015

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy , 1 review, 2014

Healthcare Policy Journal , 1 review 2014, 1 review 2013

External Grant Reviews

Movember Canada, Men’s Mental Health Peer Review Committee, June 2014.

CIHR Health Policy and System Management Research (HPM) Peer Review Committee,

December 2013.

Movember Canada, Men’s Mental Health Peer Review Committee Men’s Mental Health

Peer Review Committee, September 2013.

CIHR Health Policy and System Management Research (HPM) Peer Review Committee,

July 2013.

CIHR Health Policy and System Management Research (HPM) Peer Review Committee,

December 2012.

Conference Referee

Academy of Management (AOM) Human Resources Division Conference, Context and

Concepts in Human Resource Management, (1 Paper), 2015.

International Centre of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Twelfth Workshop on

Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry (4 papers), 2015.

 “Frontiers in Health Policy Conference”, Health Policy PhD Program, McMaster

University, 2015

 “Frontiers in Health Policy Conference”, Health Policy PhD Program, McMaster

University, 2014

 Discussant at “Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy”, Department of Political

Science, McMaster University, 2013.

Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference

Abstract Review, 2011.



My area of focus is on improving care coordination across health professions, sectors, and stages


of the lifespan through the development of health policy and management frameworks that promote interprofessional, person and family-centred care, with applications in mental health and primary health care. I derive theoretical approaches from interdisciplinary training in health policy analysis, health economics and health research methods. My research frequently adopts participatory approaches to involve policy-advisors, health system managers and other stakeholders to facilitate knowledge exchange, build common ground and support implementation.


Health Policy Analysis

Health Care Funding and Resource Allocation

Health Economics



2015 Top Abstract Poster from Canada: 15 th

International Health Workforce Conference,

London and Cambridge, UK

2015 Davey Award, Gold Medal from The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA), for Experience based Design web and mobile application, myEXP, developed in partnership with WeUsThem (award recipient).

2014/9 Ontario Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation

2014 McMaster Student Union Merit Award Nomination for New Faculty

2006 Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellowship, Centre for Health Economics and Policy

Analysis/Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

2004 Ontario Training Centre in Health Services and Policy Research Stipend

2003 Studentship Award, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster


2002 Doctoral Fellowship Award, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis,

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

2002 Graduate Teaching Internship Award, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

2001 Graduate Scholarship, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

2002 Graduate Scholarship, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

1983 Graduate Scholarship, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

1979 Arts Entrance Scholarship, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.



COURSES TAUGHT (last five years)


HTH SCI 4D03 Special Topics in Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Instructor: 1 student, September to December, 2015.

HTH SCI 4D03 Special Topics in Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Instructor: 1 student, January to May, 2015.


Business C729: Independent Research Project, DeGroote School of Business [MBA], Instructor:

1 student, September – December 2015.

Business C721: Health Policy Analysis , DeGroote School of Business [MBA], Instructor: 3 sections, September – December 2015.

Business C715: Health Care Funding and Resource Allocation , DeGroote School of Business

[MBA], Instructor: 1 section, January – April 2015.

Business C721: Health Policy Analysis , Instructor: 1 section, DeGroote School of Business

[MBA] January – April 2015.

Business C721: Health Policy Analysis , Master Global Health Sciences, Instructor: 2 sections,

September – December 2014.

Health Policy 711 Doctoral Seminar: Career Development . Instructor: 2 sessions, September -

October 2014.

Health Policy 799: Social Organizational Theory and Health Systems , Health Policy [PhD]

Independent Study Course. Instructor, co-taught with Glen Randall, 2 students, July-August,


Business C700: Introduction to Health Care Funding and Resource Allocation . Instructor: 1 session, June 2014.

Business C715: Health Care Funding and Resource Allocation , DeGroote School of Business

[MBA], Instructor: 1 section, January-May, 2014.


Business C721E: Health Policy Analysis , DeGroote School of Business [MBA], Instructor: 1

Section, January – May 2014.

Health Policy 798: Independent Study in Health Policy (Economic Thinking) , Health Policy

[PhD] Independent Study Course. Instructor: 1 student, 3 sessions, co-taught with John Lavis and

Jeremiah Hurley, January – May, 2014.

Business C721: Health Policy Analysis , Master Global Health Sciences, Instructor: 2 sections,

September – December, 2013.

Health Policy 711: Doctoral Seminar, Career Development . Instructor: 1 session, September -

October 2013.

Business C700: Introduction to Health Care Funding and Resource Allocation . Instructor: 1 session, June 2013.

Business C721: Health Policy Analysis , DeGroote School of Business [MBA]. Instructor: 1

Section, January – May 2013.

Business C721: Health Policy Analysis , Master Global Health Sciences. Instructor: 2 sections,

September – December 2012.

Health Policy 711: Doctoral Seminar, Communicating in the Policy Environment: Lessons from the field. Instructor: 1 session, March 2012.

HRM 738: Health Policy Analysis, Ideas and Research Knowledge: The Importance of

Language in Designing a Framework for a Mental Health Strategy For Canada. Guest Lecturer:

1 session , March 2009.

Nursing 702: The Canadian Health Care System: Organization and Policy , for students in the

Ontario Training Centre for Health Services and Policy Research at McMaster University.

Guest Lecturer: 1 section, January - May 2009.

Health Policy 711: Doctoral Seminar, Effective Communication in the Health Policy


Guest Lecturer: 1 session, January 2009.

Nursing 706 . Introduction to Health Policy Analysis and Application to Colorectal Cancer

Screening Policy Development in Ontario , February 2008.


Contributions to Teaching Practice

Course/Curriculum Development:

2014 - 2016 Course Refinements to Business C721: Health Policy Analysis


Course Refinements to Business C715: Added a Showcase of Students’ Final

Work as a Poster Session for Community Members (Graduates of Masters in

Health Management Program)

2013 Development of new course - Business C715: Health Care Funding and Resource

Allocation launched January 1, 2014.

2012 – 2013 Course Refinements to Business C721: Health Policy Analysis

2014 - 2015 Course Refinements to Business C715: Health Care Funding and Resource




Shaghayegh Razavi, McMaster University, MSc. Global Health Sciences, Masters Thesis

Committee Supervisor, March 2013 – September 2014, completed.

Samantha, Brandow, McMaster University, MSc. Global Health Sciences, Scholarly Paper

Supervisor, completed August 2014, completed.

Kim Casier, McMaster University, Masters in Health Management, Scholarly Paper

Supervisor, June 2014, completed.

Amanda Frain, McMaster University, MSc. Global Health Sciences, Scholarly Paper

Supervisor, 2013, completed.

Jeff Graham, MSc. Global Health Sciences, Scholarly Paper Supervisor, 2013, completed.


Brieanne Olibris, McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business, Health Policy PhD

Program, Doctoral Supervisor, September 2015, in progress.

Christina Hackett, McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business, Health Policy PhD

Program, Doctoral Supervisor, September 2014, in progress.

Ashleigh, Miatello, McMaster University, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and


Biostatistics, Health Policy PhD Program, Doctoral Supervisor, January 2014, in progress.

Supervisory Committees

Mohammad Zaidalkilani, McMaster University, MSc eHealth, November 2015, in progress.

 Diana Vania, McMaster University, MSc. Global Health Sciences, Master’s thesis committee member, completed March 2014.

Heather Bullock, McMaster University Department of Clinical Epidemiology and

Biostatistics, Health Policy PhD Program, Doctoral Committee member, September 2014 in progress.

Jaime Ardila, McMaster University, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,

Health Policy PhD Program, Doctoral Committee member, March 2013 in progress.

Kim Wilson, University of Guelph, Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition,

Doctoral committee member, June 2009 – April 2015, completed.


Sandra Jelovac, PhD Student, McMaster University, Health Policy. Internship at Canadian

Health Services Research Foundation, Jan. to April 2012, completed.

Nolan Beanlands, B. Applied Sciences in Nanotechnology Engineering, University of

Waterloo. Internship at Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Jan. to April 2012, completed.

Adam Mills, PhD Student, University of Regina, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of

Public Policy. Embedded researcher within Saskatchewan Ministry of Health on behalf of

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Sept. 2011 to June 2012, completed.

Sharon Bishop, PhD Student, University of Regina, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of

Public Policy. Embedded researcher within Saskatchewan Ministry of Health on behalf of

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Sept. 2011 to June 2012, completed.

 Daphne Mayer, Lakehead University, Master’s in Public Health Program. Ontario Training

Centre in Health Services and Policy Research, Research Practicum with Mental Health

Commission of Canada. Sept. 2008 to March 2009, completed.

 Ursula Danner, Lakehead University, Master’s in Public Health Program. Ontario Training

Centre in Health Services and Policy Research, Policy/Research Practicum with Ontario

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Jan. to April 2007, completed.

Amanda Hammill, PhD Candidate, McMaster University, Health Research Methodology


Program. Policy/research Practicum with Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Jan. to May 2007, completed.



AHRQ Grant, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, ($17,000). A Primary-Care

Based Wraparound Model for Child and Youth Mental Health in Ontario: Impacts on Youth and

Families, Physicians and Services (2015). Mulvale, G., Olibris, B., May 2015-March 31, 2016.

Travel Award, McMaster Arts Research Board, Mulvale G., 2015.

Research Grant, McMaster Arts Research Board, ($4,200). (2015). Addressing Health systems

Sustainability and Coordination Through Policy Dialogue: What do Stakeholders Say About

Health Care Reform Options?

(2014). Mulvale, G., Millicic, S., Brandow, S., Jan. 2015 – Dec.


Research Honorarium, Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, ($5,700). Addressing

Health systems Sustainability and Coordination Through Policy Dialogue: What do Stakeholders

Say About Health Care Reform Options?

(2014). Mulvale, G., Millicic, S., Brandow, S., Jan.

2015 – Dec. 2016.

Contract Funding, Alzheimer’s Society of Canada ($60,000). On the Prevalence and Cost of

Dementia . (2014) Spencer, B., Grignon, M., Mulvale, G., & Bronskill, S., June – Dec. 2014.

Capacity Development Grant, Ontario Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Economic

Development and Innovation, $100,000 (2014). Learning from the experiences of adolescents with mental illness, their families and service providers to co-design more coordinated services and better transitions in Ontario: Design rules, barriers and facilitators , Mulvale, G., March 28,

2014 - March, 28, 2019.

Contract Funding, Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) ($12,000). (2014).

The Caroline Families

First Mental Health Initiative Research and Evaluation Design Project Chan-Carusone, S. &

Mulvale, G. February – Sept. 2014.

Strategic Initiative Grant, Evidence Informed Healthcare Renewal, CIHR $134,545 (2013).

Using National Frameworks to Guide Local Health Policy Development: Lessons from a Case

Study of Child/Youth Mental Health Policy Making in the Yukon.

Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S.,

Randall, G., Longo, C., Wakefield, P., March 13, 2013 – March 13,2014.


Health Systems Research Award Grant, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care $227,660

(2013). Enhancing Health System Performance and Patient-Centered Care : Child to Adult

Transitions in Health Care - The Case of Mental Health Services in Ontario, Randall, G., Mulvale,

G., Longo, C., Wakefield, P., March 2013 – March 2016.

Contract Funding, Health Canada, $16,307 (2013). Factors Facilitating and Impeding

Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Primary Health Care Teams: A Systematic Review of Canadian and International Literature. Mulvale, G.

, Jan. 16, 2013 – March 28, 2013.

Contract Funding, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, $133,732.50 (2012). Scopes of

Practice that Support Innovative Models of Care for a Transformed Health Care System ,

Bourgeault, I. Mulvale, G., Merritt, K., October 1st 2012- March, 2014.

Travel Award, DeGroote School of Business, Mulvale, G., McMaster University, (2012).

Start up funds. DeGroote School of Business, Mulvale, G., McMaster University, $25,000


Meeting and Dissemination Grant, CIHR, $10,000 (2011). An interactive workshop:

Incorporating perspectives and preferences of people with lived experience of mental illness into the planning and evaluation of collaborative care of depression in Canada.

McCusker, J. Yaffe,

M., Sussman, T., Kates, N., Mulvale, G., Jayabarthan, A., Law, S. & Haggerty, J.

Contract Funding, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, $23,000 (2007). Preferences and Care-Seeking Experiences of Unattached Patients in Ontario . Mulvale, G., Abelson, J. &

Pasic, D.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, CHEPA/Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care ,

$34,900 (2006).

Factors Affecting Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Family Health Teams in

Ontario. Mulvale, G., Bourgeault, I. & Pasic, D.

CHEPA Studentship, McMaster University, $6,000 (2003).

Mental health service delivery in

Ontario Canada: How do policy legacies shape prospects for reform?

Mulvale, G. & Abelson,

J. CHEPA Studentship, McMaster University.

CHEPA Fellowship, McMaster University, $10,000 (2002). Mental Health Policy and Service

Delivery in Canada: Issues in Policy Reform, Access to Care and Use of Mental Health


Mulvale, G., Abelson, J. & Hurley, J.




Published Journal Articles:

Mulvale, G., Nguyen, T., Miatello, A., Embrett, M., Wakefield P., Randall, G. E. (2016).

Lost in Transition or Translation? Care Philosophies and Transitions Between Child and Youth and

Adult Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review. Journal of Mental Health.

Published online first Jan. 6, 2016. DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2015.1124389

Mulvale, G. and Bartram, M. (2015). No More ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Integrating Recovery and Well-

Being into a Conceptual Model for Mental Health Policy. Canadian Journal of Community

Mental Health . Published on the web 15 December 2015, 10.7870/cjcmh-2015-010

Di Rezze, B., Nguyen, T., Mulvale, G., Barr, N., Longo, C. J., Randall, G.E., (2015).

A scoping review of evaluated interventions addressing developmental transitions for youth with mental health disorders. Child: care, health & development.

Embrett, M., Randall, G.E., Longo, C.J, Nguyen, T., Mulvale, G. (2015). Effectiveness of Health

System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental Health Care: A

Systematic Review of Academic Literature. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and

Mental Health Services Research, DOI 10.1007/s10488-015-0638-9, 1-11.

Mulvale, G., Chodos, H., Bartram, M., MacKinnon, M-P. Abud, M. (2014). Engaging civil society through deliberative dialogue to create the first Mental Health Strategy for Canada:

Changing Directions, Changing Lives. Social Science and Medicine, 123, 262-268.

Graham, J .

and Mulvale, G. (2013). Framing people as the problem: The effects of problem definition in ‘Brian’s Law’ on people with mental illness.

McMaster University Medical Journal ,

10 (1): 36-38.

McCusker, J., Yaffe, M., Sussman, T., Kates, N., Mulvale, G., Jayabarathan, A., Law, S.,

Haggerty, J. (2013). Developing an Evaluation Framework for Consumer-Centred Collaborative

Care of Depression Using Input From Stakeholders. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry , 58 (3),


Arnold, I.M., Mulvale, G., GermAnn, K., Baynton, M. (2011). Opportunities Abound to Improve

Mental Health and Psychological Safety in the Workplace, HealthcarePapers, 11 (S): 85-90.

Mulvale, G. and Bartram, M. (2009). Recovery in the Canadian Context: Feedback on the

Framework for Mental Health Strategy Development, Canadian Journal of Community Mental

Health , 28 (2), Fall, 7-15.


Mulvale, G. and Hurley, J. (2008). Insurance Coverage and the Treatment of Mental Illness:

Effect on Medication and Provider Use. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics , 11 (4),


Mulvale, G., Danner, U .

and Pasic, D. (2008). Advancing Community-Based Collaborative

Mental Health Care through Interdisciplinary Family Health Teams in Ontario. Journal of

Community Mental Health , 27(2), Fall, 55-73.

Mulvale, G., Abelson, J., and Goering, P. (2007). Mental health service delivery in Ontario

Canada: how do policy legacies shape prospects for reform? Health Economics, Policy and Law ,

2 (4), 363–389.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2007). Finding the Right Mix: How Do Contextual Factors

Affect Collaborative Mental Health Care in Ontario?

Canadian Public Policy , Vol. (XXXIII),

Special Supplement on Health Human Resources Policy in the 21 st Century: 49-64 .

Bourgeault, I. and Mulvale, G. (2006). Collaborative Health Care Teams in Canada and the USA:

Confronting the Structural Embeddedness of Medical Dominance. Health Sociology Review , 15

(5): 481-495.

Journal Abstracts:

Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Fast, M., Winkup, J., Randall, G., Wakefield, P., Longo, C., Abelson,

J. (2015) . Competency Development to Meet Rural and Remote Mental Health Needs: A Case

Study of Child and Youth Mental Health Policy in Yukon, Canada. The Journal of Mental Health

Policy and Economics, 18 (Suppl.1). S12

Embrett, M. G., Randall, G. E., Longo, C. J., Nguyen, T., & Mulvale, G. (2015). Effectiveness of

Health System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental Health Care: A

Systematic Review of Academic Literature. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics,

18 (Suppl. 1). S12

Longo, C., Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Fast, M., Winkup, J. (2015). An analysis of Mental Health

Program funding for child and youth in the Canadian Yukon Territory. The Journal of Mental

Health Policy and Economics, 18 (Suppl. 1). S12

Accepted for Publication:

Lurie, S., Mulvale, G. (2015). Introduction to the Special Issue. Accepted for Publication in

Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health .


Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Randall, G., Wakefield, P., Longo, C., Abelson, J., Winkup, J., Fast,

M. (2014). Do National Frameworks Help in Local Policy Development? Lessons from the

Yukon about the Evergreen Child and Youth Mental Health Framework. Accepted for

Publication in Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health .

Submitted for Publication:

Barr, N., Vania, D., Randall, G. and Mulvale, G. (2016). The Impact of Information Technology on Interprofessional Collaboration for Chronic Disease Management: A Systematic Review.

Submitted to Health Communication.

Mulvale, G., Embrett, M.G., Razavi, S. (2015) 'Gearing Up' to Improve Interprofessional

Collaboration in Primary Care: A systematic review and conceptual framework, Submitted to

BMC Family Practice.

Mulvale, A., Miatello, A., Hackett, C., Mulvale, G. (2015). Applying Experience-Based Co-Design with Vulnerable Populations: Lessons From A Systematic Review of Methods to Involve Patients,

Families and Service Providers in Child and Youth Mental Health Service Improvement. Submitted to Patient Experience Journal.


Mulvale, G. (2006). Mental Health Policy and Service Delivery in Canada: Issues in Policy

Reform, Access to Care and Use of Mental Health Providers. (PhD), McMaster, Hamilton,


U npublished Documents:

Other - Policy Frameworks and Documents

Mulvale, G. M., Kutcher, S., P., Randall, G. E., Wakefield, P. A., , Longo, C., Abelson, J.,

Winkup, J.L., Wishart, J.A. In Conjunction with the Yukon Working Group. (2015). Final

Research Report: A Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions Framework for the Yukon.

McMaster University: Hamilton, ON.

Grignon, M. Spencer, B., Bronskill, S., Mulvale, G., Gandhi, S., Winkup, J., Wang, L. (2015).

On the Prevalence and Costs of Dementia in Canada: A Review of the Evidence . McMaster

University, Hamilton, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON.

Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Winkup, J. (2014). A Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions

Framework for the Yukon . McMaster University: Hamilton, ON.


Nelson S, Turnbull J, Bainbridge L, Caulfield T, Hudon G, Kendel D, Mowat D, Nasmith L,

Postl B, Shamian J, Sketris I. (2014) Optimizing Scopes of Practice: New Models of Care For a

New Health Care System. Report of the Expert Panel appointed by the Canadian Academy of

Health Sciences. [ Not listed as author of report due to CAHS guidelines ] Available at:


Mulvale, G., Embrett, M., Razavi, S. (2013). Factors Facilitating and Impeding Effectiveness of

Interdisciplinary Primary Health Care Teams: A Systematic Review of Canadian and

International Literature A Report to Health Canada.

Milicic, S., Mulvale, G., Petersen, S. (2013). Accelerating Healthcare Improvement in Canada:

A Review of Policy Options to Sustain, Improve and Transform Healthcare , Canadian

Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.

Denis, J.L., Mulvale, G., Petersen, S., Amiot, J. (2012). The Transformative Capacity of the

Nova Scotia Health System: Diagnosis and Policy Considerations, A Report to the Nova Scotia

Department of Health , Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.

Jacobs, P., Dewa C., Lesage A., Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, H-M. Carissa Escober, C., Mulvale,G. and Yim, R. (2010). The Cost of Mental Health and Substance Abuse services in Canada: A

Report to the Mental Health Commission of Canada , Institute of Health Economics.

Chodos, H., Mulvale, G., Bartram, M. (2009). Towards Recovery and Well-Being: A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada. Mental Health Commission of Canada. ntal_Health_ENG.pdf

Mulvale, G., Pasic, D. & Danner, U. (2008). How does Context Influence Mix of Providers and

Quality of Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Family Health Teams in Ontario? A Case Study of

Emerging Family Health Teams in Ontario . A report prepared for Family Health Teams and

Primary Health Care, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Mulvale, G. (2004). Competencies and Workforce Planning for Community Mental Health

Human Resources: Lessons from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand.

Report prepared for

Strategic Policy Unit, Mental Health and Rehabilitation Reform Branch, Ontario Ministry of

Health and Long-Term Care, December.

Mulvale, G. (2002). Attitudes Affecting Help-Seeking For Postpartum Mood Disorders: Pilot

Study. Report prepared for Postpartum Support Services – Canada, September.




Hackett, C., Tompa, E., Mulvale, G. (2015). Work Disability Policy and Mental Health

Recovery . Poster Presentation. National Symposium: Informing the Roadmap for Work

Disability Policy in Canada (Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy), Toronto, ON, Nov.


Mulvale, G. (2015). Health & Business: Square Peg, Round Hole , McMaster Children & Youth

University, October 24.

Mulvale, G. (2015). Estimating Dementia Prevalence in Canada Using Data from National

Surveys: Potential Use of CLSA Data, Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Webinar

Series, June 15.

Mulvale, G. (2014). Optimizing Scopes of Practice: Findings from the In-Depth Economic

Analysis , Canadian Health Workforce Summit, Ottawa: ON, Oct. 20.

Mulvale, G. (2014). Moving from Barriers to Facilitators: Funding and Remuneration Models that better Optimize Health Professional Scopes of Practice , CHRRN Webinar Series: HHR

Tools & Innovations, June 19.

Mulvale, G. (2014). Health Care Funding Models.

Presentation to Children’s Mental Health

Ontario Funding Model Task Force, Children’s Mental Health Ontario, Toronto, ON, June 18.

Mulvale, G. (2013). How Policy and Within Team Factors Influence Collaboration in

Interprofessional Primary Healthcare Teams: A Case Study of Family Health Teams in Ontario.

OHHRN HHR Research Showcase Event, Ontario Health Human Resources Network, Toronto,

ON, March 1.

Mulvale, G. (2012). The Meaning of Recovery for Policy-Making: Canadian Perspectives and

Lived Experience . Mental Health Leadership Assembly, Mental Health Commission of Canada,

Ottawa, ON, Oct. 16.

Mulvale, G. (2011). Moderator, Panel on Fiscal Sustainability at “Health, Everyone’s Concern

Conference”, Montreal, QU, Nov. 3.

Mulvale, G. (2011). Patient-centered collaborative care of depression: perspectives of national


mental health and health care organizations” CIHR Sponsored interactive workshop:

Incorporating perspectives and preferences of people with lived experience of mental illness into the planning and evaluation of collaborative care of depression in Canada, Halifax, NS, June23.

Mulvale, G. (2010). How a Transformed Mental Health System Could Have Made a Difference in My Life.

Opening Plenary, 8ième Journées en Santé Mentale, Montreal, QU.

Mulvale, G. (2010). Reflections on the Mental Health Strategy Framework . Psychiatry Rounds,

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, April 2010.

Mulvale, G. (2009). Reflections on the Mental Health Strategy Framework.

Plenary Presentation at Into the Light National Conference on Mental Health, Vancouver, BC, Nov. 29, 2009.

Mulvale, G. (2009). Developing a Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada.

Presented to the 2 nd

National Child and Youth Mental Health Symposium, Ottawa, ON, Nov


Mulvale, G. (2009). Towards Recovery and Well-being in the Workplace.

4th Annual Canadian

Congress on Research on Mental Health and Addiction in the Workplace, Toronto, Oct. 30.

Mulvale, G. (2009). A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada: What Have we

Heard About Promotion and Prevention?

Canadian Public Health Association Annual

Conference, Winnipeg, MB, June 8.

Mulvale, G. (2009). A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada: What does it mean for Collaborative Care?

10 th Annual Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference,

Hamilton, ON, May 29.

Mulvale, G., (2009). Mental Health System Transformation Phase 1: Building Support for Goals for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada.

Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy

Research Conference, Calgary, Alberta, May 12.

Mulvale, G. (2008).

Life After Graduation: What’s Next?

Research in Addictions and Mental

Health Policy and Services (RAMHPS) Fall Institute, Toronto, ON Nov. 26.

Mulvale, G. (2008). Life After Graduation . Ontario Training Centre (OTC) in Health Services and Policy Research Learning Lunch, Toronto, ON Nov. 26.

Mulvale, G. (2008). A Mental Health Strategy for Canada: What’s Needed for Seniors?

Canadian Council on Senior’s Mental Health 2008 National Conference, Vancouver, BC Sept. 3.


Mulvale, G. (2008). Toward a National Strategy to Promote Mental Wellness in Canadian


Canadian Public Health Association 2008 Annual Conference. Halifax, NS, June 4.

Mulvale, G. (2008). Issues in Access to Mental Health Care in Canada.

The Canadian

Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference (CAHSPR), ‘Bridging Silos’

Plenary Session on Equity.” Gatineau, QU, May 28.

Mulvale, G. (2008). Towards a National Strategy for Child/Youth Mental Health.

School Health

Conference, Plenary Session on National Strategies, Gatineau, QU, April.

Mulvale, G. (2008). Bridging the Divide In-House: Reflections on a New Knowledge Transfer


Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Research Advisory Panel

Meeting, Toronto, ON, January.

Mulvale, G. (2007). Connecting People to Enhance the Use of Research – Knowledge Brokering,

Student Placements and Networks.

CHSRF Research Use Week, Sudbury, ON, May 16.

Mulvale, G. (2007). Measuring the Impact of Patient Enrolment Models and Team-Based Care on Health Human Resource Requirements in Primary Care in Ontario . FPT Meeting on Health

Human Resources, Vancouver, BC, Feb. 15.

Mulvale, G. (2007). An Invitation to Participate in Research Pertaining to Newly Developing

Family Health Teams in Ontario . Association of Ontario Health Centres Annual Meeting,

Toronto, ON, Jan. 10.

Mulvale, G. (2006). Reflections on the OTC Programme in Health Services and Policy Research:

A Student’s Perspective . McMaster OTC Student Showcase, Ontario Training Centre in Health

Service and Policy Research, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, March.

Mulvale, G. (2005). Workforce Competencies and Human Resource Planning for Community

Mental Health: Lessons from the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand . Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Mental Health Human Resource Working Group, Toronto, ON,


Mulvale, G. (2002). Attitudes Affecting Help-Seeking For Postpartum Mood Disorders. PASS-

CAN Heartache and Hope Conference, King City, ON, June.

Peer Reviewed

Miatello, A., Hackett, C., Mulvale, A. & Mulvale, G (2015). Development of a Smart Phone and

Web App for Qualitative Data Collection: Key Considerations . Qualitative Health Research


Conference, Toronto, ON, October 20.

Mulvale, G., Kutty, A., Miatello, A., Hackett, C., Mulvale, A. (2015). Capturing Experiences of

Youth Mental Health Service Transitions: myEXP App.

Table Top Presentation. International

Association for Youth Mental Health Conference, Montreal, QU, October 9.

Bartram, M., Mulvale, G. (2015).

No More ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Integrating Recovery and Well-

Being into a Conceptual Model for Mental Health Policy . Oral Presentation. Pathways to

Resilience III Conference, Halifax, NS, June 19 2015.

Embrett, M.G., Randall, G.E., Longo, C.J., Nguyen, T., and Mulvale, G. (2015). Examining interventions to address the transition gap: A systematic review of youth to adult mental health services . Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research conference. Montreal,

QU, May 26-28.

Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Fast, M., Winkup, J., Randall, G. E., Wakefield, P., Longo, C.,

Abelson, J. (2015).

Competency Development to Meet Rural and Remote Mental Health Needs:

A Case Study of Child and Youth Mental Health Policy in Yukon, Canada.

Poster Presentation.

International Health Workforce Collaborative Conference, London, UK, May 13-15.

Mulvale, G., Bourgeault, I-L. (2015). Moving from Barriers to Facilitators: Funding and

Remuneration Models to Optimize Health Professional Scopes of Practice . Poster Presentation.

International Health Workforce Collaborative Conference, London, UK, May 13-15.

Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Randall, G., Wakefield, P., Longo, C., Abelson, J., Fast, M., Winkup,

J. (2015). Competency Development to Meet Rural and Remote Mental Health Needs: A Case

Study of Child and Youth Mental Health Policy in Yukon, Canada . Oral Presentation.

International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Twelfth Workshop on Costs and

Assessment in Psychiatry, Venice, Italy, March 27-29.

Embrett, M. G., Randall, G. E., Longo, C. J., Nguyen, T., & Mulvale, G. (2015, March 28).

Effectiveness of Health System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental

Health Care: A Systematic Review of Academic Literature.

Oral Presentation. International

Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Twelfth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in

Psychiatry, Venice, Italy, March 27-29.

Longo, C., Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S., Fast, M., Winkup, J. (2015). An analysis of Mental Health

Program funding for child and youth in the Canadian Yukon Territory.

Poster Presentation.

International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Twelfth Workshop on Costs and

Assessment in Psychiatry, Venice, Italy, March 27-29.


Mulvale, A., Miatello, M., Mulvale, G., Hackett, C. (2015). Using experience-Based co-design methods in child and youth mental health services: A Systematic Review . Poster Presentation.

CE&B’s 12 th

Annual Research Day, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, March 26.

Randall, G., Barr, N., Di Rezze, B., Embrett, M., Longo, C., Miatello-Skubberang, A., Mulvale,

G., Nguyen, T., Wakefield, P. (2014). Exploring Child/Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental

Health Care. Poster Presentation.

Children’s Mental Health Ontario Annual Conference,

Toronto, ON, Nov. 23.

Mulvale, G., Kutcher, S. (2014). Tackling Rural and Remote Access Issues Through Competency

Development for Community-Based Workers: A Yukon Child and Youth Mental Health

Framework. Canadian Health Workforce Conference. Oral Presentation. Ottawa, ON, Oct. 21.

Bourgeault, I., Nelson, S., Mulvale, G., Ries, N.


Challenging Health System Leaders to

Align Optimal Scopes of Practice and Innovative Care Models to Enable Health System

Transformation in Canada.

Panel presentation to Canadian Association for Health Services and

Policy Research (CAHSPR) Annual Conference. Panel Presentation. Toronto, ON, May 15.

Mulvale, G., Nguyen, T., Miatello-Skubberang, A. (2014).

Philosophies of Care in Child and

Adolescent vs. Adult Mental Health Services: Are Youth Being Lost in Transition Because of

Ideological Differences?

Presentation to Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy

Research (CAHSPR) Annual Conference. Oral Presentation.Toronto, ON, May 14.

Mulvale, G. Kutcher, S., Fast, M., Duncan, L. (2014). Using National Frameworks for Local

Policy Development: A Case Study of Child and Youth Mental Health in the Yukon . Panel presentation to Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR)

Annual Conference. Panel Presentation. Toronto, ON, May 13.

Mulvale, G, Embrett, M. and Razavi, S. (2014).

‘Gearing Up’ to Improve Collaboration in

Interprofessional Primary Care Teams: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework . Poster presentation to Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR)

Annual Conference. Poster Presentation. Toronto, ON, May 13.

Randall, G.E., Barr, N.G., Di Rezze, B., Embrett, M.G., Longo, C.J., Miatello, A., Mulvale, G.,

Nguyen, T., and Wakefield, P.A. Child/youth to adult transitions in mental health care: Mind the gap!

Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research conference (CAHSPR).

Toronto, ON, May 12-15, 2014.

Mulvale, G., Embrett, M. and Razavi, S. (2013). Factors Affecting Effectiveness of

Interdisciplinary Primary Health Care Teams: A Systematic Review of Canadian and

International Literature , poster presentation to 14 th

International Health Workforce Conference,

Quebec, QC, May 7-9.


Mulvale, G., and Bourgeault, I. (2012). How social, political and economic factors shape formation and integration of interprofessional primary healthcare teams: A case study of family health teams in Ontario , presented to Accelerating Primary Care Conference , Banff, AB, Nov.


Mulvale, G., and Bartram, M. (2009). An Integrated Model of Recovery and Well-being.

Into the

Light, National Conference on Mental Health, Vancouver, BC, Nov. 30.

Mulvale, G., Abud, M. & McKinnon, P. (2009).

The Role of Dialogue and Deliberation in

Mental Health System Transformation. Canadian Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation,

Toronto, ON, October 23, 2009.

Mulvale, G. & Bougeault, I. (2009). Building A Common Vision for Interdisciplinary Health

Service Delivery in Primary Care in Ontario: The Role of Contextual Factors.


Education, Research and Practice Summit, Ottawa, ON, March 7.

Mulvale, G. & Bourgeault, I. (2008). Advancing Collaborative Mental Health Care Through

Primary Care Reform in Ontario.

2008 National Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference,

Victoria, BC, May 15-17.

Mulvale, G. & Bourgeault, I. (2008). Advancing Collaborative Mental Health Care Through

Primary Care Reform in Ontario. Making Connections for Health Conference, Montreal, QU,


Mulvale, G., Singh, D. (2007). Connecting Human Resource Forecasts to Numbers of Primary

Care Patients Served. CIHI Health Human Resources Conference ‘Connecting Issues and

People’, Ottawa, ON, December.

Mulvale, G., Hurley, J. (2007). Insurance Coverage and the Treatment of Mental Illness in

Canada: Effect on Service Utilization, Type of Provider and Medication Use.


Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Toronto, ON, June.

Mulvale, G., Abelson, J. and Goering, P. (2007). Mental Health Service Delivery, Ontario,

Canada: How do Policy Effects Shape Prospects for Reform?

8 th Workshop on Costs and

Assessment in Psychiatry Venice, Italy, March.

Mulvale, G., Hurley, J. (2007). Insurance Coverage and the Treatment of Mental

Illness in Canada: Effect on Service Utilization, Type of Provider and Medication Use. 8 th

Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry Venice, Italy, March.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2006). Finding the Right Mix: How do Contextual Factors Affect

Inclusion of Mental Health Providers in Family Health Teams in Ontario?

Making Gains in


Mental Health and Addictions Conference, Toronto, ON, November.

Mulvale, G. and Hurley, J. (2006). Insurance Coverage and the Treatment of Mental Illness:

Effect on Medication and Provider Service Use.

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation

Primary Care Research Symposium, Vancouver, BC, September.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2006). Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Mental

Health Service Delivery in Ontario: The Role of Contextual Factors in Determining the Provider

Mix and Quality of Collaboration.

Trillium Primary Care Research Forum, Hamilton, ON, June.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2005). Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Mental Health Service

Delivery in Ontario: Provider Perspectives on the ‘Rules of the Game.’ 6 th

National Conference on Shared Mental Health Care, Ottawa, ON, June.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2005). Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Mental

Health Care Delivery: Structural Barriers to Professional Integration in Ontario . International

Professions Workshop, McMaster University. April.

Mulvale, G. (2005). Health Human Resource Planning for Community Mental Health Services:

Lessons from the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Canadian Employment Research

Forum (CERF) Conference, Hamilton, ON, May.

Mulvale, G. (2005). Institutions and Mental Health Service Delivery: How the Rules of the Game

Shape Prospects for Change . CE&B Third Annual Research Day, McMaster University,

Hamilton, ON, January.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2004). A Survey of Collaborative Models of Mental Health Care in Ontario. McMaster University Graduate Student Research Day , Hamilton, ON, October.

Mulvale, G. and Bourgeault, I. (2004). Collaborative Models of Mental Health Care in Canada:

Who Ends Up Doing What and Why?

5 th National Conference on Shared Mental Health Care,

Vancouver, British Columbia, June.

Mulvale, G. (2002). Attitudes Affecting Help-Seeking For Postpartum Mood Disorders. Poster

Presentation at McMaster Graduate Student Research Day, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,



Member, Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization Committee, September 9, 2015, continuing.


Member, Undergraduate Recruiting, Admissions, and Student Affairs Committee, July 1,

2015 – continuing.

DeGroote School of Business Representative to Faculty of Health Sciences (elected) July

2015 – continuing.

DeGroote School of Business Representative to McMaster Research Showcase: Healthy

Communities, March 2015 – continuing.

Health Policy PhD Comprehensive Examination Board Member, 2014, continuing.

Member, DeGroote School of Business Undergraduate Curriculum and Policy

Committee, 2013 – continuing.

Member, DeGroote School of Business Student Awards Committee, 2012 – continuing.

Representative De Groote School of Business, McMaster Indigenous Graduate Students

Working Group, 2013 – continuing.

CHEPA liaison to Research Groups Across McMaster, June 2014 – continuing.

Member, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, 2012 – continuing.

