signed minutes mpc 13.04.15 - Mundesley-on

Cllr C. West (Chairman), Cllr W.Firmin (Vice - Chairman) Cllrs P Gray; Derek Smith; P Blencowe;
R.Steer; P.Keddell; L.Stango; C. Payne
County Councillor: Wyndham Northam
PCSO De Fathalla
Members of Public; 16 (for part of the meeting)
Clerk: Miss A Blencowe (Temporary clerk)
Prior to the start of the meeting, the chairman asked if anyone present wished to film or record
proceedings. There were no applications.
Cllr J. Parke
Cllr C. Payne – Item 8.1 – Owner
Cllr D. Smith – Item 12 – Member of Landmine Clearance Memorial Committee
Cllr L. Stango – Item 12 – Member of Mundesley First Responders
Cllr P. Blencowe – Item 12 – Member of Mundesley Resilience Forum
The minutes of the meeting held on MONDAY 23rd of MARCH 2015 were agreed and
signed by the chairman.
Cllr West noted that the statement of persons nominated has been released. The
election is uncontested with only 9 candidates for MPC’s 13 seats. There will not,
therefore, be an election on the 7th of May for parish councillors. Cllr West established
that Cllr Steer did not seek re-election and thanked him for his years of service as a
parish councillor.
The chairman noted that there will be the annual parish meeting on Monday 27th of May
To receive county and district councillors’ reports
Cllr Wyndham Northam gave both reports, highlights include:
 Although there was a 0% increase in the council’s precept for council tax,
the police department’s precept was increased by 2%. A survey indicated
that 64% of the public were in agreement with this.
 During budget deliberations the proposals to reduce the opening hours
for the Worstead Recycling Centre and charge fees was referred back for
reconsideration. A decision has been deferred until September.
Following departmental reorganisation the council have been able to
gain extra revenue by leasing out their annexe building to the county
council’s children’s service department.
There is an anticipated under spend of £462,000, which will be kept in
reserve to cover the predicted gap f £1.2million in funding for 2017/18
Mundesley First and Junior are school are to form a federation governing
body with Bacton Primary School from September, An executive head
teacher will be appointed to cover the three schools.
The Fire Service has obtained planning permission to build a live fire
training unit at the former RAF Coltishall.
The council is making significant savings after the introduction of Early
Help Teams to assess children at risk of being taken into care. With the
support of these professionals, the council is ensuring that children are
not taken away from their guardians prematurely and are thus cutting
Trading Standards warn of an increase in cold callers offering garden
work and hedge cutting, carrying out the work at an inflated cost.
PSCO De Fathalla reported the Crime Stats from 24/03/15:
3 Crimes of criminal damage (all undetected)
1 Crime sexual offence (under investigation)
2 Crimes of theft (1 detected / 1 undetected) phone and garden equipment
3 Crimes of violence against person (2 detected / 1 undetected)
Crime Total: 9
It was established that two of the crimes of violence against a person and one of the
criminal damage reports occurred in the same instance but it was necessary to log them
as separate crimes.
PSCO De Fathalla noted that the recent fire at Kiln Cliffs Caravan Park was originally
thought to be a crime but, after investigation by the police forensics unit, was confirmed
as an accident.
After enquiry by the council, PSCO De Fathalla noted that as yet there was no evidence
to suspect anyone of the boat fire in the playground. The clerk noted that she had
received a visit from PC Green, who is working on the case, and had been informed by
her that there were indeed two suspects, one of whom had admitted to the crime during
an interview. PC Green had suggested that the suspect would receive a talk from the
arson specialist and should receive a caution.
PCSO De Fathalla left the meeting at 19:27
To consider planning applications
Erection of four detached dwellings, detached garages, creation
of new vehicle access and private drive
30 Cromer Road, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8DB
The Chairman allowed time for members of the public to voice their concerns about this
Denise Revell noted that the address for the planning application is incorrect as the plot
is situated some distance from 30 Cromer Road. She also indicted a Planning Notice has
not been erected outside the plot. The clerk will make enquiries with NNDC.
Bev Reynolds asked from further information about the bylaws that enable residents of
properties at risk of coastal erosion (such as trimmingham) be rehousing in Mundesley
and noted that Loop Road does not have four properties to be replaced. She also voiced
concern about the difficulty large quantity of traffic using Cromer Road and the
difficulties this new development might cause to the access of Gunner Close.
Diana Townsend noted a worry that permission for four properties might lead to further
developments at a later date in addition to the increased pressure this might put on the
village’s services such as the surgery. She also noted that the village is in need of
affordable housing instead of large, detached properties,
Janet Munro expressed concern that a private address has been used on the planning
Peter King noted that he had spoken with the planning department about the incorrect
address and was informed that this would be investigated.
It was noted that council would look into these regulations before further discussion.
The council agreed that further investigation and research should be undertaken by
councillors before a decision is made. Cllr Firmin noted that the MPC now have a gauge
of the public’s opinion of this application. It was resolved that MPC’s decision should be
deferred until the Planning, Building and Environment Committee meeting on the
It was noted that residents with concerns can make objections to applications in a
number of ways, firstly by writing to NNDC planning department; by making comments
on the online application and also by electing a spokesperson to attend the NNDC’s
planning committee meeting to speak on their behalf.
To consider planning decisions
Retention of Timber Outbuilding
35 Trunch Road, Mundesley, Norwich, NR 11 8JU
Decision: Appeal Approved
Erection of single-storey dwelling and garage
Land at rear of 61 Cromer Road, Mundesley NR11 8DA
Decision: PERMIT
Use of land for siting six mobile units (4 caravan, 2 pods) for
residential accommodation for family and friends and use of
existing dwelling for shared facilities (amended description)
67 Cromer Road, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8DF
Decision: Appeal Approved
It was noted that approval was given on the condition that the
development is for use by family and friends only.
To receive update on other issues discussed
PBL Builders have quoted £95 to repair the damage to the wall outside Back
Street ladies toilets. The council resolved to accept this quote. Action Cllr West
Clerk noted that NNDC have replied to queries about repainting the pump
outside the museum and the shelter to the right of the beach access. These areas
are included in their maintenance plans for the next two years.
Inspection reports on the gym equipment continue to mark the shortcomings of
the gym equipment’s welding and paintwork.
To receive update on the purchase of new equipment and agree action
Cllr Firmin noted that Renosteel have started to install the fencing around the
playground and will install the new equipment once this has been completed.
To receive update on fencing and gates and agree action
Please Item 9.1
10.1 To consider payments to be made
The council agreed to the payment of invoices for Ink Cartridges from Viking and
for work completed by Amelia Blencowe (temporary clerk) and Edit Garrard
(Book Keeper).
To receive update on other issues discussed
Despite attempts to close MPC’s account with TSB, the latest bank statement
suggests that this has not taken place. It was propose that a cheque be written
out to pay the remaining amount in to the new account.
Eon have contacted MPC and have quoted a rate of 0.1537 per unit if their
contract is renewed for the supply of electricity to the feeder pillar on Station
Road. If the contract is for 2 years the rate is reduced to 0.1486. It was agreed
that Eon’s contract should be renewed with payments made by direct debit for
further savings.
The chairman noted that MPC have finally received a refund from Travis Perkins
to the value of £193.
It was noted that there had been an issue with the gates with two children being locked
inside due to a lack of access to the bolts from inside the facility. Cllr Blencowe has
cable-tied the bolts so that the gates do not lock for the time being. The supplier, who is
returning to complete work on the MUGA’s ground markings, will see what can be done
to solve this issue.
It was noted that there is great deal of litter in the MUGA despite a litter bin being
located near to the entrance. It was suggested that it might be worth installing a small
notice reminding users to remove their litter when exiting the facility. It was also noted
that Trevor Rivett might be asked to pick up the litter whilst he is working in Gold Park,
in the summer months.
To consider grants to be awarded at the Annual Parish meeting on 27/04/15:
The clerk distributed details of the applications for grant, including details of previous
grants awarded to applicants. It was established that there is £2,650.00 available from
2014 car boot takings.
Landmine Clearance Memorial Committee
Mundesley Festival
“Don’t Be Alone At Christmas” Lunch
Coronation Hall Film Club
Mundesley Table Tennis Club
First Responders
Mundesley Resilience Forum
Norfolk Age UK
Total awarded
A decision regarding the application on behalf of the Mundesley Players for new lighting
has been deferred until further information is received about the costs involved.
It was noted that decisions whether these grants should be taken out of car boot takings
or made as S137 payments will be decided at a later date.
The Clerk will write to all applicants to inform them of the council’s decision, inviting
successful applicants to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on the 27th of April
Cllr Gray noted that in the future Fred’s Shed, used for storage near the office will need
repairing shortly and so remaining car boot funds might be saved for this work.
Cllr West noted that the election is uncontested and so there will not be a parish council
election on May 7th. There will, however, be local elections for district councillors.
It was resolved that the candidates for Mundesley Ward’s two district council seat will
be invited to the Annual Parish Meeting to give a 3-4 minute talk about their aims,
should they be elected. It was noted that a doctor from the Medical Centre has also been
invited to give a talk at the meeting. Carol Howard will provide refreshments.
To receive reports from member representatives on outside bodies
 Coronation Hall – The building will soon be repointed.
 Citizens Advice Bureau – 95 people from Mundesley have consulted CAB this
year. Cllr Stango provided the clerk with a breakdown of enquiries to be filed.
 MADRAS – Cllr Gray confirmed that several events are being organised for the
summer months.
 Mundesley Youth and Community – An official opening for the MUGA will be
arranged in the coming months.
 Museum – Cllr West confirmed that the museum is awaiting quotes for linoleum.
The museum will open over the bank holiday weekend at the end of May. Cllr
Blencowe noted that Janet Munro must be thanked for efforts in archiving 700
photos from the museum in digital format. There is also a full quota of
volunteers for this season.
Inshore Lifeboat – The team recently participated in the final training session of
the Sea King Rescue Helicopter. The coastguard will carry out air/sea rescue
operations from now on.
Parochial Church Council – The AGM is taking place this Friday. Interviews for
the new rector will take place next Monday.
Visitors’ Centre – Cllr Steer reported that the centre is now open. It was noted
that a new representative should be sought from the council members since Cllr
Steer has not sought re-election.
Christmas Working Group – The next meeting will take place on the 17th of May.
This year the fayre will take place on a Sunday.
Cllr Payne reported that the left hand side of the slope leading to the beach from the
main beach access has been fenced off by NNDC. Due to the surge of 2013, the structural
integrity of the slope was weakened and so a large hole developed whilst the Beach Huts
were being re-instated. NNDC is looking into repairs.
The clerk noted that a recent newsletter from NALC contained some useful information
regarding parking charges, which have been the source of debate at several meetings.
The government has published a consultation paper asking local councils questions
about their attitudes towards parking charges and bylaws. The clerk urged all council’s
to read this information.
It was noted that there were a number of cars unable to park on Easter Sunday as the
gated access to the overflow car park in Gold Park was locked. It was agreed that the
council should decide how this gate is managed at the planning meeting.
After a lengthy discussion is was confirmed that, despite Cllrs Gray and Payne being
unavailable to erect the partition fence on Gold Park until the 29th of April, the car boots
will commence on the 22nd of April as scheduled. Cllr Steer will collect monies from stall
holders in Cllr Gray’s place.
To consider any correspondence and agree action
 Email from James Kingston requesting information about the local area and
specifically All Saints Church during WW2, for a novel he is writing. Mr Kingston
should be referred to All Saints Church for further information.
 Letter from Derek Kirk of Mundesley Festival informing the council that the
festival would like to display their banner from Monday 13th of July- Sunday 26th
July 2015 – It was confirmed that this is an acceptable period.
 Email from Cllr Blencowe providing numbers of Mundesley’s Phone Boxes and
requesting that council resolve to Adopt each – It was agreed that this should be
discussed at the Finance and General Purposes Meeting on the 17th of June.
 Email from Tactile Boats, providing a quote for repairs to the fire damaged boat
in the playground. After discussing the quote of £520 (excl. VAT) it was resolved
that the quote should be accept. Cllr Gray will investigate whether this cost will
be covered by MPC’s insurance.
The meeting was adjourned for a specified period in the resolution to allow
member s of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interest to speak.
Denise Revell enquired about the start time of the PBE meeting to be on Wednesday
15/03/15 and to whom letters objecting to plans for 30 Cromer Road should be
addressed - Cllr West confirmed that the PBE meeting will start at 7pm, whilst the clerk
noted that letters of objection for this application should be addressed to Mr G Linder at
NNDC’s planning offices.
Janet Munro requested that the poster, displaying opening times for the museum is
removed as it is out of date. She established that, given the correct information, she
would be happy to create a replacement.
Mrs Munro also noted that balls from the MUGA are frequently thrown into the
memorial gardens. This is causing people to climb over the fence in order to retrieve
them. - After a discussion about the possibility of having a gate installed to prevent
damage to the fence, it was agreed that a section of fencing might simply be removed to
allow access to the memorial garden.
Mrs Munro also enquired how quickly the boat will be finished. - It was established that
the boat builder is required to carry out all works on site due to the condition of the boat
and so it will be completed over three days when the weather permits. It was also noted
that MPC should seek restorative justice for the damage caused to the boat.
Peter King enquired whether anything might be done to prevent dog fouling. - The
council agreed that dog fouling is a large concern throughout the village, however
admitted that little can be done to prevent its occurring. It was noted that NNDC have
two dog wardens for the whole district but very few prosecutions are made. The cost of
emptying dog bins in Mundesley is around £2,000 per year and MPC would appreciate
any suggestions about how fouling can be prevented.
The date of the next meeting of Mundesley-on-sea Parish Council will be held on
Monday 18th May 2015 in the Coronation Hall at 7pm.
A resolution was made under the Public Bodies (Admission of Strangers) Act 1960 that
the Press and Public be excluded during the discussion of CONFIDENTIAL Employment
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9:30pm