Stickney News - August & September 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of the Stickney News. Firstly I
would like to offer heartfelt thanks to two volunteers for
answering my plea for offers of help at the Midsummer
Festival, we are very grateful for all the help we can get.
By the time you read this the summer Festival will be over and
hopefully will have been as successful as the last two Fetes the
Jubilee Committee has organised. There will be a full report in
the October magazine, after the break in September.
Are you enjoying the sunshine that has decided to show its face
at last? Hopefully it will last throughout the holidays and
In September it will be ‘back to school’ for our young people and
we would like to wish all those going on to secondary school ‘all
the best’ in the next stage of their education as well as to the
young children starting primary school, at the beginning of their
Welcome to any newcomers in the village. We hope you will
enjoy living in our community. You will find useful information in
this mag and important phone numbers are on the back cover.
Stickney Outdoor Bowls Club
The clubhouse is situated off the Main Road and accessed via the
entrance to the picnic area and turning right at the mini roundabout.
If you would like to take part in the Bowls Club as
a new member or as someone who would like to
try a new sport please come along and join us
at any time.
If you require any further information please contact Mrs S Hutton:
01790 752996
(Fixed weekly meetings in the Village Hall (VH) and Youth Centre (YC))
Toddler Group 9.30am – 11.30am (term time only) (YC) 07833 797682
Dance Class 4.00pm - 7.00pm (YC)
07947 486290
Ladies Club 7.30pm (2nd Tues in month) (YC)
01205 480292
Badminton Junior and Senior 7.00pm (VH)
01205 368077
Stickney & District Gardening Club 7.30pm (YC)
(4th Tuesday in month)
01205 480802
Short Mat Bowls 1.00pm - 4.00pm (VH)
01205 480397
Table Tennis 7.30pm (winter months only) (YC)
01205 480653
Thursday Over 60’s Club 1.30pm - 4.00pm (YC)
(1st Thursday in month)
01205 480802
Short Mat Bowls 6.30pm - 9.00pm (VH)
01205 480397
Coffee/Tea & Crafts (YC) 2.00pm – 4.00pm
(3rd Thursday in month)
01205 480802
Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (YC)
01205 270352
(First Thursday in the month with Public Forum 7.20pm)
Cash Bingo, eyes down 7.30pm (YC)
Monday 31 August
01205 480802
Prize Bingo in the Youth Centre – eyes down 7.30pm
Any donations of prizes would be greatly appreciated.
Proceeds to St Luke’s church
Cyclists, Gift Day and the Summer Festival: we're not quite there yet as I
write, but we anticipate a busy day on 18 July. We have a cheque to present
to the sponsored pedlars, amounting to £353.70, for Cancer Research UK
which was raised at the June bingo. Thank you for your support as always.
The result for St. Luke's Gift Day will be announced in the October Stickney
Our LATE SUMMER HOLIDAY BINGO on Monday 31 August will be held in
Stickney Youth Centre at 7.30pm. Prizes can be passed on at any time
beforehand, and again we thank you for your generosity.
16 August from approximately 3.00pm, and you are all welcome. There will
be various activities, and a chance to chat with friends over a "cuppa" and a
bite to eat. Fun, we hope, in the sun!
CHANGE TO PATTERNS OF WORSHIP from September: Cluster Services
will be held on first Sunday of each month, and Family or All-Age worship with
The New Name will take place on the third Sunday of each month.
Our HARVEST FESTIVAL will be on Sunday 20 September, and the
HARVEST SUPPER on Monday 21September. Please make a note on your
The coming few weeks will bring a welcome break for many families from the
daily trek to and from schools, with a chance for more relaxed activities. For
many young people it's a time of change, anticipating new beginnings with
new teachers and making new friends. Some may be looking ahead to
college, university, apprenticeships or experience in the workplace. May the
coming holiday be a time for refreshment and renewal for all who are facing
new challenges.
Travelling forward together to serve God and our communities.
The Church is open daily from 9.30am until late
There is a good range of second-hand books and jigsaws for sale in the
church, all proceeds are for St Luke’s church.
A coffee morning is held from 10.00am every Thursday.
The Police try to attend the coffee morning on the third Thursday of each
Parish Council representatives are available at the coffee morning on the
last Thursday of each month for anyone to speak to about any Parish
Rural Dean:
Canon Peter Coates
01790 752526
Parish Priest and
PCC Chairperson:
Rev’d Fran Jeffries
01205 481183
Church Wardens :
Mrs A Brady
Mrs B Gosling
01205 480661
01205 480641
PCC Secretary:
Mrs M Weston
01205 480127
Treasurer (General
Mrs D Cooley
01205 480397
Treasurer (Fabric
Mrs B Gosling
01205 480641
Sunday 02
Family Service at St James, Spilsby
Holy Communion at Old Bolingbroke
Sunday 09
Sunday 16
Holy communion with Baptism
Tea in the Rectory Garden
Sunday 19
Cluster Holy Communion at New Leake
Sunday 23
Sunday 30
Morning Worship
Holy Communion
Deanery Holy Communion
Sunday 06
Sunday 13
Morning Worship
Sunday 20
Harvest Festival
Sunday 27
Holy Communion
Every Thursday
Morning Prayer
William Lovell Foundation, Stickney
The Trustees of the William Lovell Foundation invite applications from
students aged 18 years and over, who are about to start or are in full time
further education. To qualify for a grant you must live or have lived in the
village for at least five years and have attended either the Stickney Primary
School or the William Lovell Academy.
You may apply in writing, giving details of your past schools, the
university whose conditional offer has been met and accepted, and a brief
outline of the course subject.
Applications to:
Mrs B Gosling
Horbling Lane
PE22 8DQ
By 23 October 2015
Stickney History
A History of Stickney Exhibition will, once again, be organised in the
Village Hall for 12 and 13 September 2015. On display will be the
censuses for Stickney and many of the surrounding villages and over 800
photographs. Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, records of Stickney and
other local Churches, many newspaper cuttings from the village past.
There are booklets about the history of Beer houses, shops, and the
numerous trades that once thrived in the parish, and a display of over 100
letter heads, trade bills and much more. It will be open from 10.00am
until 6.00pm on both days with free admission. Light homemade
refreshments will be available. We would always appreciate any old
photos to copy or anything to do with the history of Stickney.
Contact Martin Gosling on 01205 480641 or visit
Chicken Wraps
Great for fussy eaters and easy to prepare with kids.
 olive oil
 chicken breast, diced
 1 carrot, grated
 25g cheese, grated
 2 tortillas
 lettuce shredded
 tomato sliced
 any other salad ingredients you fancy (peppers, spring onions,
cucumber, radish)
1. Fry some chicken breast pieces in a tiny bit of olive oil in a non-stick
2. Meanwhile grate some carrot and some cheese
3. Warm one or two flat tortilla wraps each in the microwave for 20
4. Give the kids a tortilla each with some chicken on, then let the kids help
themselves to a handful of each of the other ingredients, roll them up
and... yum!
Ha Ha
Q: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A: A tuba toothpaste.
Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours?
A: Nacho cheese!
Q: Where do pencils go on holiday?
A: Pencil-vania.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it's freezing out here!
Spot the difference
Find the 10 differences between the pictures.
Word Play
1. Complete the chain of words by changing just one letter at a time.
Example: CAT, COT, DOT, DOG.
Can you find the missing words?
WARM, ______, WORD,______, WOOL, COOL.
2. Look at the clues and see if you can make new words by changing just
one letter in each of these words:
a. Change RIVER into a jockey
b. Change SHORT into something to play
c. Change RUMBLE into a fall
3. Put a different letter in front of ONE each time to make words with the
following meanings:
a. A dog might like one
b. Finished
c. Not there anymore
4. Can you rearrange the jumbled letters into an 11-letter word for an
5. Can you also use some of the letters in question 4 to find three 5-letter
a. An animal
b. Footwear
c. A fruit
6. Can you find part of a plant in the words below?
Gardening tips for August and September!
Because this edition's notes are to cover two months, it's straight on to
suggestions for activities in our gardens over the coming period.
Firstly, August
1. POTATOES OUT OF SEASON. Garden Centres are beginning to stock
potato tubers which have been stored in temperature-controlled conditions to
keep them dormant. Plant these in late July/through August in large pots in
compost mixed with a general-purpose fertilizer. Cover with up to 8" of
compost, keep watered and bank up with soil to cover as soon as plants
break through. Repeat this process each time leaves appear. The
advantage of growing them in pots is that they can be moved into a
greenhouse when the temperature drops. Then you can look forward to new
potatoes at Christmas! (Incidentally, there's no need to chit.)
2. Keep feeding tomatoes once a week, (or twice if the leaves are yellowing)
with a diluted fertilizer.
3. Pick your runner beans as they become long enough. The more you pick
the more they produce. If you are going away, encourage your neighbour to
have a pick. Spray bean aphids with a soap-based or plant oil based
4. Water and pick courgettes consistently so they continue to flower and crop
5. You can still sow lettuces, radishes and spinach. Think about buying
Japanese and hardy onions to be planted for next summer. Though they
keep for only a few months, they bridge the gap between two years' main
6. Sow spring cabbage seed.
Then in September
1. If you have got any outdoor bush tomatoes, you may need to cover them
with cloches to protect them from low temperatures whilst they continue to
2. If you have fruit trees, you can protect against pests which travel up and
down trunks during the next few months. Girdle the trunks (and any
supports!) with prepared grease bands purchased from garden centres.
3. Keep on cultivating the plantlets which grow from parent strawberry plants
into small pots, ready for use next year.
4. Plant out spring cabbage plants from last month's sowings. Cover to
protect them from pigeons.
5. Sow hardy spring onions to overwinter (perhaps covered) for use in next
year's early salads.
As usual there is a feeling of mainly scratching at the surface, but I'm sure
there is enough above to be getting on with. Comments or suggestions (via
the editor) would be much appreciated.
In conclusion it's worthwhile thinking on Gurney's words, 'One is nearer God's
Heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.'
Happy gardening!
The Horbling Ladies
Macmillan Coffee Mornings will be held on 04 and 25 August
between at 10.30am to 2pm. These are to be held in the garden
at 56 Horbling Lane, weather permitting - you can always
confirm by telephoning 01205 480769 if in any doubt!
June's coffee morning raised £150.00 and on 14 July we
managed a grand total of £230.00.
Thank you everyone that came for your generosity in supporting
us on these mornings.
We serve homemade hot and cold lunches and desserts and, of
course, wonderful cakes to eat in or take home, so come along
and be spoiled for the morning and enjoy a relaxing time with us.
Thank you again from the Horbling Ladies.
Stickney Bus Service!
The market day service is available on 05 and 19 August, on 02, 16 and 30
September and on 14 and 28 October, the cost of the service is £5.00 per
person. You can book your seat by phoning 01205 480241.
Mobile Library Visits
The mobile library now visits Stickney on MONDAY’S at the Youth
Centre, Hall Lane between 10.15am and 11.15am and at Horbling
Lane between 11.30am and 12.00noon. The next visits will be
10 August, 07 September and 05 October.
Stickney Residents Association
The next meeting of the Stickney Residents Association will be held
on 10 September 2015 in the Youth Centre, Hall Lane, Stickney at
7.00pm. The Residents Association is open to all residents of
Stickney aged 14 years and over.
Vacancy on Parish Council
Cllr Tony Lewis has resigned as a Parish Councillor leaving a
vacancy. Notices will be placed in the notice boards to fill the
vacancy. Anyone interested in becoming a Parish Councillor should
look for the notices and consider standing for election. If no-one
stands for election then the vacancy can be filled by co-option.
Present: Cllrs Edwards, Littlewood, Spring, Wood and Bolland (Chairman), Dist Cllrs Ashton
and Jones, County Cllr Ayling and nine members of the public.
The members of the public came along to speak: One member of the public reported that the
outline planning application for 100 properties off Main Road had been refused and thanked
everyone for their help. Questions were asked about the Litter Picker. Questions were asked
about the Parish Paths Partnership. A lot of complaints were made about the car boot sales,
not that they actually take place, but the dust created, the noise on the previous evening from
people camping, the smell from the cockle shells on the car park, the tanoys used by the
sellers, problems of access for the residents to their homes and that this will now be taking
place on Sunday’s in the form of an Auto Jumble. A number of issues at the cemetery were
reported, the hedge needs to be cut back and a little lower if possible.
Reports from Representatives On Outside Bodies
County Cllr Ayling reported:
A Big Society Grant of £312.00 towards the cost of the inflatables at the Midsummer Festival
has been given to the Jubilee Committee. The Mobile Library has been given more operating
hours. Traffic calming needs to be looked at for the Main Road. The dust/mud and traffic
problems at the car boot have been reported to LCC Highways.
Dist Cllr Ashton reported:
The refusal of application S/169/02469/14 was due to excessive intrusion into the countryside
of the development and lack of information received from Anglian Water. The applicant can
appeal and more information/evidence will be required to backup any comments.
Dist Cllr Jones reported:
Flood Risk areas are to be reviewed in two years, this means that the Parish Council will be
able to say where the flood risks ought to be. £140,000.00 has been given to ELDC to
investigate Housing Benefit fraud. £60,000.00 has been given to ELDC to help pay for
enforcement with regard to Travellers. The first phase of Broadband is almost complete, the
second phase will be by dish.
The Dist Councillors were asked about a donation towards the payment of the cave for the
Midsummer Festival, they had been previously asked by email. It was agreed that £500.00
would be given from the Councillor’s Community Grant.
The Police reported, by email, incidents between 02 June and 30 June 2015:
1 incident of noise nuisance – car boot sales on a Saturday; 1 incident of criminal damage –
hosepipe slashed at village hall; 1 incident of malicious communications; 1 concern for safety
– house fire; 2 concerns for safety – vulnerable persons/panic alarms and 2 road traffic
collisions – non injury, damage to vehicles only.
The Mobile Police Station will be at Holmes Road on 19 August between
10.30am and 12.30pm.
Planning Applications Received
The Parish Council looked at OBJECTED to the following application:
PL/0096/15 – LCC - Erection of a single storey PKL kitchen pod, incorporating necessary
services and drainage at Stickney Church of England Primary School.
21 parking spaces are to be lost. A mobile unit was removed from this site, this provided
additional parking for the school and pre-school staff. Where will the existing staff and the
additional 2 staff park? The appearance of the building is not in keeping with the school
building, it looks like a toilet block! There is only one door to this kitchen pod, should it have a
fire exit? One window for a kitchen in which people will be working gives the impression that it
will be dark inside and hot for the employees. The work has already started.
Planning Decisions
The Parish Council have looked at and sent OBJECTIONS to:
S/120/01096/15 - Acorus Rural Property Services - Environmental Impact Assessment (EEC
Directive 85/337/EEC as amended by council directive 97/11 EC) for a scoping opinion with
respect to the erection of a poultry unit at Poplars Farm, Midville Lane, Stickney
The roads leading to the site are not suitable for heavy traffic and access to Midville Lane, from
every direction, is not good for heavy vehicles. The air quality, where there are 60,000 laying
hens, will be affected and could cause problems for the local residents and the local
environment. The plans show the measurements of the building do not show the height, or
siting of silos - both of which could have a detrimental effect on the area which is currently flat
landscape. Local residents have been spoken to and they would oppose such a development
on environmental and possible health issues.
Planning Permission has been received for:
S/169/00792/15 - Mrs T Paul - Outline erection of 9 dwellings (with means of access to
be considered) at field Adjacent to Sunnyside Farm, Main Road.
Your Shout has advised the Parish Council that application S/203/01106/15 can now be
viewed online at the ELDC website.
A few complaints have been received regarding the spraying of the grass around the
headstones in the cemetery, all the grass was dark brown, but is a bit lighter now.
It was resolved that the contract will be looked at and new quotations sought in October for the
2016 cutting season. The weeds around the kerbed graves have now been strimmed, but left
on the ground. Following discussion it was resolved to ask North Sea Camp if they would
clear the weeds etc from the kerbed area in the cemetery. The hedge needs to be cut back,
Clerk to contact the contractor and ask him to do this as soon as possible.
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 03 September 2015 in the Youth
Centre at 7.30pm. There will be a public forum from 7.15pm.
Parish Councillors:
Cllr M Bolland (Chairman)
01205 480015
Cllr L Edwards
01790 760558
Cllr J Littlewood
01205 480548
Cllr L Spring
01205 480030
Cllr B Wood
01205 480253
Clerk to the Parish Council:
Mrs E L Arnold
Crookes Cottage
Wrangle Bank
PE22 9DL
01205 270352
Parish e-mail address:
Parish Website:
County Councillor:
Cllr Victoria Ayling
07764 536867
District Councillors:
Cllr Tom Ashton
Cllr Neil Jones
07812 522372
07577 957392
Police phone numbers:
PCSO N Miller
PCSO P Pollard
PCSO M Pearson
PC Paula Young
Police Office
07810 058306
07939 312883
07944 777039
07939 312650
Doctors phone number
01205 480237
Hospital phone number
01205 364801
Post Office phone number
01205 480225
Stickney Primary School
01205 480254
William Lovell Academy
01205 480352
Youth Centre and Village Hall bookings – Mr Gosling
01205 480641