2010_02 - Crazy Quilters of Federal Way

Threads . . . .
Find us online at www.quiltersfedway.com
Crazy Quilters of Federal Way
February 25, 2010
Executive Board
and Committee Chairs
- Linda Hill
Past President
- Janine Walker
Vice President
- Helen Backer
- Dee Lord
- Peggy Burgess
- Kathy Wyckoff
- Sonya Parisi
- Jill Ellis
- Teresa Koe
Block of the Month
- Diane Kellar
Community Outreach
- Barb McClure
- Carol Berge
- Mici Wiggins
- Bobbie Sox
- Pam Elliott
Liaison with Evergreen Lodge
- Barbara McClure
- Susanna Gantt
- Nita Leiser
- Janine Walker
- Laura Coy
- Kathy Wyckoff
- Gail Woods
Storage Unit
- Janine Walker
- Elena Stewart
- Margaret Mortenson
Webmaster / Public Relations
- Agnes Rischard
Lines from Linda
Our nonwinter is almost over and spring is fast approaching. The hyacinth and
crocus have popped through the soil and made their presence known. Soon we
will smell their sweet perfume. As the flowers and trees start to get their leaves, I
begin to feel my creative side come alive. There are new patterns, new fabrics,
and new adventures just waiting to be explored. I hope you will come along with
me for the ride. I can hardly wait to see where the journey will take me. Maybe
take in a quilt show or two, complete a few quilts, start a few more quilts, spend
some time with quilting friends, sun-paint some fabric, try some new techniques,
take a few classes. Wow, I get excited just thinking about the adventures ahead.
March 20 is National Quilting Day. Be sure to share your love of quilting with a
few friends on that day and celebrate who you are. This is our day, so let’s make
the most of it.
Last month we had the unveiling and voting for our Block in a Box and Row in a
Box year-long activity. What a beautiful, wonderful array of completed projects!
The creativity was amazing! Congratulations to everyone who participated in this
activity. It was a success through and through. It is my sincere hope that those
who participated learned some new techniques, expanded their knowledge and
had a great time. I can hardly wait to get started again. Anyone want to come
along with me?
Just a reminder: at our last business meeting I announced that rather than have
someone (a nominating committee, for which we had no volunteers this last year)
approach people about heading up a committee, each current committee chair is
to find her own replacement if she does not wish to continue next year. Unless I
hear differently, I will assume that current chairs wish to continue for another year.
Until next month, may you keep yourself in stitches and remember to stretch as
you go.
March Donations to the Multi-Service Center: items to be used in Easter
baskets (baskets, candy, stuffed animals) which will be handed out to children
coming to the Food Bank. For the business meeting in March let's have paper
goods; i.e., paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, tissues.
General monthly donations should be baby items, candles, children’s books,
general Food items, paperback books for adults.
Newsletter Contributors
Mici Wiggins
Barb McClure
Carol Berge
Agnes Rischard
Eileen Peacher
Kathy Wyckoff
Linda Hill
This is YOUR newsletter. If you have something you’d like to
contribute, please call me (253-927-1260), email me (jillzquilts@
hotmail.com) or send it to me (P.O. Box 4243, Federal Way 98063)
by the THIRD Thursday of the month. Thanks! jill
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Fat-Quarter Exchange at Business Meetings – Marianna Garrett
Here is a list of what we’ll exchange this month and throughout 2010:
Country / green
Novelty motifs / purples
Florals / pastels
Polka dots / yellow-to-orange
Stripes / red, white, & blue
Animals / autumn colors
Halloween / darks
Plaids / golds / browns
Red / green
In Our Thoughts
Special thoughts and big hugs
go out from all of us to:
Carolyn Savage
Fran Hubner
Pat Bernard
Theresa Fancher
Zora Buckenberger
Your name will be in the drawing for each fat quarter you bring, so the
more you bring, the more chances you have of winning. Reminder: A fat quarter is 18x22 inches. If you’re
bringing more than one, please make them different, so we get a variety of fabrics.
March Hospitality and Birthdays
Please bring hospitality goodies to guild meetings during the month of your birthday. In addition to bringing treats,
you are responsible for helping with room setup and cleanup. Contact Pam Elliott, 253-941-9052,
if you have questions or are unable to attend.
Happy Birthday!
Peggy Pierce
Diane Kellar
Pat Larson
Kay Thomas
Marianna Garrett
Jane Knudtson
Jean Markl
Mauvaneen McMullen
Jilleen Homer
Donation to Haiti Earthquake Victims
At the January Business meeting, it was voted to donate $100 of guild money to the Red Cross organization to help
out the earthquake victims in Haiti. Several generous guild members donated cash, also, for another $110. The
$210 donation was made through The Boeing Company, who matched employee donations up to $1,000,000.
Raffle Quilt 2009
The winning ticket was drawn at the January business meeting. The winner was Linda Graves, and the ticket was
purchased at the Innovations Quilt Show last fall. Kathy Wyckoff also made two pillows to go with the quilt. No
information was provided as to how many tickets were sold or if we made a profit.
2010 CQ Retreat Schedule
Those who didn’t attend the previous retreat may sign up first. Questions? Contact Janine Walker. Retreats
are $30 a night.
Reminder: if you’d like to attend a retreat, but
May 21-24
October 22-25
find it to be a financial burden, the guild may be
July 9-12
November 15-18
able to sponsor you. Contact Janine Walker.
From the 1949 Singer Sewing Manual – Contributed by Colleen Linstead
Prepare yourself mentally for sewing. Think about what you are going to do. . . Never approach sewing with a sigh
or lackadaisically. Good results are difficult when indifference predominates. Never try to sew with a sink full of
dirty dishes or beds unmade. When there are urgent housekeeping chores, do these first so your mind is free to
enjoy your sewing. . ..When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible. Put on a clean dress. Keep a little
bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine to dust your fingers at intervals. Have your hair in order, powder
and lipstick put on . . . [If] you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband will come home and
you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as you should. .
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Community Outreach – February – Barb McClure
What a great time to sew
Carol Berge, who is the other half of the Community Service Committee, has been the creative force behind the “Block of the
Month” patterns for the Monthly Newsletter for several years. She has been making kits with a pattern and fabric cut to size
ready for you to sew. When these completed kits are returned, along with the Block pattern in the newsletter (to be made from
stash, in the color scheme requested) the blocks are made into quilts to give to charities that request them. Each year we need
to have at least 14 quilts ready to be tied when we volunteer for 2 weekends to demo this method at the Puyallup Fairgrounds.
Right now we have 10 quilt tops most of which have binding and backing already with the quilt (thanks to Carol). All of them
need to have the batting cut. All of this takes time. If we arrive at the fair and something is missing in the quilt bag, it’s too late
and it’s embarrassing! We need “hands on” work to be done at my home, because that is where the Club’s fabric and supplies
are stored. Three large rooms are “dedicated” as the Club’s workshop. Please put your name and phone number on the “signup” sheet when it is being passed around at our meetings. Sometime in April or May we will devote our time for this project.
We need to have all these “Demo Quilt Kits” ready for Linda Hill to take to the Fairgrounds in July. Once the quilt package has
been completed we need to reopen and re-measure everything inside. This includes the top, back, batting and the binding.
This is our “Quality Control System”. The binding isn’t put on the quilts at the Fairgrounds, but instead travels with the quilt to
be completed. After each demo a volunteer from each of our demo shifts will take the quilt home to be bound and then return to
one of our meetings. Please keep it in the bag with the leftover binding in the baggie for recycling into our supplies.
A special thank you goes out to Betty Grover for stuffing 40 diagnosis dolls. We give these to the Swedish Hospital. The
children who receive these dolls add faces and decorate the doll with fabric and lace.
We Crazy Quilters are very generous and dedicated in helping all of our charities and those individuals in need of comfort when
facing health issues. The total donated from May 2007 through December 2008 (a total of 20 months) was 776 items. Our
donations continue to grow. In just 2009 our total donations were 590 items. These 590 donated items consisted of quilts from
infant through king size. Also there were dolls, receiving blankets, burp cloths, diaper changing pads, baby caps; crocheted
items like hats, scarves, lap robes; Christmas stockings, pillow cases and “Kitty Tush Cush pads”. Not counted but received by
those in need this past year from club members were small “sample size” toiletries from motels and hotels. Also, the Multi
Service Center received food, clothing, baby food and diapers, candles, books, school supplies, kitchen supplies, toilet paper,
towels, sheets, costume jewelry, underwear, full size toiletries, makeup, purses, toys, stuffed animals, shoes, hats, etc. All of
these items are welcomed at each of our meetings. Please keep these items coming! There are people in need.
Some of the charities receiving our donations are: Federal Way Multi Service Center, Evergreen Lodge, Swedish Hospital,
Vocational Rehabilitation, Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer, Thomas Jefferson High School Band, King County Animal Control
(located in Pet smart in Federal way). Although I’ve not kept track of the monetary donations, we have given cash and checks
that were doubled by the Boeing Corporation. Also, for every dollar given to the Federal Way Food Bank, they receive $4 value
of food and supplies to be handed out to our community in need.
I received an update from the Evergreen Lodge Activity Director that most of the current residents don’t have the lap quilts we
make. She did pass some out when residents said they were cold. It’s been about 3 years since an activity director was “up-todate” with the current residents’ need for quilts from us. During that time many of the residents have moved on, so we need to
direct our attention to Evergreen again to keep them with enough quilts to hand out. At present count there are 26 quilts, almost
half of these are crocheted lap robes. The approximate size needed is 40” square. Any thing close to that dimension is fine
because people come in all different sizes.
If you would like to crochet or knit a lap robe and need yarn, please contact me at one of our meetings. There’s a “stash” for
yarn. Also, if you would like fabric to make patchwork lap robes, please ask because we have fabric that has been donated by
past and present members to Crazy Quilters for our use.
When I’m so focused on a sewing project, time, cooking cleaning, sleeping, eating (not necessarily in order of importance) go
right out the window. In just the last few weeks I’ve exploded a hard-boiled egg, burned another egg to a crisp in a Teflon pan,
and smoldered a kitchen towel while microwaving a potato wrapped in it. I ate all these experiments in cooking, except the egg
whites that had egg shell fragments. I’m very thankful the smoke detector didn’t come on; otherwise I’d have had to deal with
that and it would have delayed getting back into the sewing room. After that I didn’t trust myself to cook anything else unless
my husband was around.
As you know, Quilters are very creative. Before the game on Super Bowl Sunday, our 5 guests helped tie square knots on a
huge stack of “Kitty Tush Cushs” that I had made. This prompted a guest we met for the first time to send a thank-you note that
ended: “I now have a basis for my continued knot-tying education.” I’ll snag a volunteer any way I can!
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2.5-inch Strips Exchange at Business Meetings – Jill Ellis
18 inches across
Cutting directions: Lay your fat quarter down so the 18-inch sides are across
the top and bottom. Cut seven 2.5-inch strips from that fat quarter, so they will
be 2.5 x 22 inches. Cut 10 fat quarters into strips, then put them into 7 piles of 10.
Put your 7 bundles of strips into a large Ziplock or paper bag with your name on it
and bring it to the business meeting. There are a lot of patterns calling for strips,
and I’d be happy to provide info on some of those. You can also go to
www.quiltville.com for good ideas on using 2.5-inch strips.
22 inches long
UFO Challenge Guidelines 2009-2010 – Linda Hill
Project must have been started prior to June 2009 and completed by April 22, 1010.
 Project start date is the date CQ member began work on the project.
 “Started” means some progress has already been made. Simply buying fabric/patterns doesn’t qualify as a UFO.
 Total outside perimeter must be at least 54 inches.
 “Finished” means that quilting and binding are done. Embellishments are optional.
 UFO Entry forms should be submitted when project is shown during “Show ‘n’ Tell at business meetings.
 Entry forms may be submitted with a picture of completed project (if project is not be available for show ‘n’ tell)
 UFO projects other than quilts are eligible for entry if project has at least 6 hours labor involved in completion.
 Have fun. Get creative
Stash Bash – Ongoing Competition – Jill Ellis
Using only your stash, create something wonderful. You can purchase fabric for the four Bs (back, borders, binding,
and batting), but the fabric for the rest of the top has to come from what you already have, using nothing purchased
or given to you after June 1, 2009.
Each item will be measured along all four sides and the total number of inches will be on the slip put in the drawing
box (I will provide a tape measure at each meeting). Those with the highest amount of inches at the May 2010
business meeting will be winners (number of winners to be figured out later). The item must be complete, which
means quilted and bound, in order to count as a finished item.
Upcoming Events for Crazy Quilters
March 11
Program Night: 7:00, Evergreen Lodge
CQ Demo Night: VPs Dee Lord and Helen Backer will be demonstrating how to make a
10-minute table runner, pillowcases, and a patchwork jacket. Instructions and handouts
will be provided. Bring your creative imaginations.
March 25
Business meeting, Evergreen Lodge
6-7 p.m. Social Hour
7:00, start of meeting. Committee Reports, Show & Tell
Friday Friends
(every Friday)
Join several club members every Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Milton Community Center, 1000 Laurel Street, Milton 98354
Bring your lunch, work on your unfinished projects or start a new one, and have fun with
fellow Crazy Quilters. We generally do not meet the Friday before a major 3-day
holiday such as July 4, Memorial Day, Labor Day, or if the Community Center is closed.
Available for our use: iron & table top ironing board, large cutting mat & some rulers
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The International Quilt Study Center & Museum (IQSCM) in Lincoln, Nebraska, is partnering with American
Patchwork & Quilting to share information on quilting traditions from around the world.
Global Perspective: Australian Wagga Quilts - Written by Maria V. Schwamman – from AllPeopleQuilt.com
From the feed sack quilts stitched during the Depression Era to the scrappy quilt patterns of today, the art of
making do has resonated with quilters for generations. And this is not a phenomenon limited to North American
quilters. As a result of hardship caused by drought, depression, war, and plagues, Australia has its own rich
tradition of make-do quilting that dates back to the late 19th century: utilitarian quilts known as waggas.
Dr. Annette Gero, author of The Fabric of Society: Australia’s Quilt Heritage from Convict Times to 1960 (The
Beagle Press, 2008), classifies waggas in three categories: those made from agricultural bags for use around the
farm; “depression rugs” made from worn-out clothing during the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s; and “salesman's samples,”
quilts made from pinked-edge cotton swatches carried by traveling sales representatives. While waggas vary in
construction and material, they were all thrifty solutions for providing warmth.
Historians speculate that in the 1890s bushmen and itinerant workers were the first to crudely stitch early versions
from several unopened wheat or jute flour bags using bag needles and lengths of twine. Other versions were
stuffed with agricultural bags and covered in old fabric. It’s believed that waggas were named after the Wagga Lily
Flour sacks used by the Murrumbidgee Flour Milling Co-operative in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales. In
Australia’s National Quilt Register, these first waggas made by men are known as “traditional waggas,” while later
versions made by women are considered “domestic waggas.”
Waggas are generally subdued in color because palettes were limited to the available scrap materials, but some
women took care to create attractive waggas for their homes. In her book Australia’s Quilts: A Directory of
Patchwork Treasures (AQD Press, 2000), Jenny Manning says waggas were “designed for thrift and need rather
than beauty, through some were not only warm but also decorative.”
In the 1960s, when conditions improved and resources became more readily available, the number of waggas
being created declined.
“Sometimes the social history, which they tell, is even more valuable to us than the item itself,” Gero says in her
book. “The waggas seem to evoke a particular emotion and fondness in all those who remember them and yet
domestic crafts such as the wagga have only recently begun to be acknowledged and given due status.”
Resourcefulness and pragmatism made waggas possible during times of hardship, and Ducey sees a resurgence
of these ideas today. “I think that any time the economy is really challenging for people it seems like there is an
interest in creating something handmade,” Ducey says. “It’s a practical response to not being able to buy
For information on Dr. Annette Gero’s book, The Fabric of Society: Australia’s Quilt Heritage from Convict Times to
1960, visit annettegero.com.
To learn more about the IQSCM’s extensive collection of more than 2,300 quilts and the history behind them, visit
CQ Website – Agnes Rischard
Our website is scheduled to be down February 21-25 due to data migration by our host, InMotion Hosting, Inc.
They didn't ask me, they just told me. Anyone, wanting to access the newsletter or block of the month will have to
wait a couple of days after our guild meeting. This should have no additional impact on our site. I will check after
the work is complete to assure that all is well.
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Places to Go . . . Quilts to See!
How about a road trip? Near or far, there’s a trip for you.
La Conner Quilt Museum: Info www.laconnnerquilts.com. 703 South Second Street,
La Conner WA. Hours Wed-Sun 11-5, closed major holidays. Admission $5, members & children under 12 are free.
January 13-March 28, “Imagery and Imagination, featuring works by textile artist Lura Schwarz Smith.
February 1-28, Project Linus Fabric Drive, Pacific Fabrics. Pacific Fabrics is a Fabric Drive during the month to
benefit local Project Linus chapters. Project Linus creates comfort blankets for seriously ill and traumatized children.
Needed are cotton or fleece fabric, one-half yard pieces or larger; fabric must be clean, child-friendly, and in good
condition. For every yard you donate at one of the Pacific Fabric stores, you’ll receive a coupon good for 5-20% off
your next purchase; the amount of the coupon depends on the amount of fabric donated.
February 19-20, “A Quilter’s Journey, sponsored by Kitsap Quilters, 24th annual Quilt Show. Kitsap County
Fairgrounds, President’s Hall, Bremerton WA. Featured artist Margaret Mathisson. Vendors, cafe, demos, raffle
quilt. Fri 10-8, Saturday 10-5. Info www.kitsapquilters.com.
February 25-28, Sewing & Stitchery Expo, Puyallup Fairgrounds. Gates open at 8, shopping hours Thu-Sat 8:30-6,
Sunday 8:30-5. General admission $12; tickets may be purchased at select fabric stores for $10 (see website). New
this year on the website: “We are asking you to discontinue bringing carts, carriers, and suitcases to the Expo. You
may check purchases at the Coat & Package Check Booth located on the grounds.” The full brochure is located at
February 26-27, “Quilted Things and Apron Strings,” presented by In Stitches and Stitch ‘n Go quilt groups.
Centralia Christian School, 1315 South Tower Avenue, Centralia. Over 200 quilts, mostly hand-quilted; featured
quilts by Marla Williams; bed turning, Dear Jane display, Tea Room, and hand-crafted items for sale. Fri 10-7, Sat
10-5, $5 admission with proceeds benefitting the school. More info, Mary Ann Wilson, 360-748-7538 or
March 12-14, “A Festival of Quilts,” 36th annual show presented by Northwest Quilters, Inc. Portland Expo Center,
Exhibit Hall A, 2060 North Marine Drive, Portland. Hours 10-6, admission $5, children under 12 free. Demos, silent
auction, lectures, merchant mall, baby boutique, build-a-block for Habitat for Humanity Quilts, raffle quilt.
Participate More info 503-222-1991, www.northwestquilters.org.
March 19-21, “Tradition Meets Innovation,” sponsored by Quilter’s Anonymous, 29th Annual show. Evergreen State
Fairgrounds, 14405 179th Avenue SE, Monroe. Fri & Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4. No admission listed, but last year it was
$7.00. More info, www.quiltersanonymous.org.
March 26-27, “Smell the Roses...Quilt You Dreams,” Tri-City Quilters’ 27th Annual quilt show. Three Rivers
Convention Center, 7016 West Grandridge Boulevard, Kennewick. Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5, admission $5. Info
April 10-11, Purge Party Fabric Consignment Sale. See Page _____ for details. 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Warren G.
Magnusen Park, Workshop 30 (adjacent to Hangar 30), 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle 98115. Cost: FREE
April 16-18, “Fabric of the Forest, “Rainfest 2010 sponsored by the West Olympic Council of the Arts (WOCA).
Forks High School Auxiliary Gym, on Spartan Avenue across from Bank of America (Forks is small, they don’t need
addresses; interesting note: the brochure says, ‘Home of Twilight.’ Quilt classes and lecture by Roxanne Carter;
must preregister for classes, held at Dept of Natural Resources Conference Center. The vendors look interesting.
Quilt show hours Fri 12-6, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-4. Info www.piecemakerquiltclub.org
April 24-25, Stray Threads Hollywood Premier, The Hollywood Schoolhouse, 14810 NE 145th Street, Woodinville.
April 25, Project Linus Blanket Bee, Pacific Fabrics. If you can quilt, sew, knit, crochet, or tie a know, go to a Pacific
Fabrics store and help stitch up donated fabrics into blanket and quilts for Project Linus. Hours noon to 5:00 p.m.
They promise lots of fun, a chance to meet new friends, treats and the lasting smile you'll take home knowing that
you made a difference in the life of a seriously ill or traumatized child. Noon to 5:00 p.m., any Pacific Fabrics.
April 1-30, “Of Your Hands" Quilt Show, all Pacific Fabrics stores. Here's your chance to enter a Quilt Show!
Whether you're a quilting veteran or newbie, the Pacific Fabrics & Crafts "Of Your Hands" quilt show is a nice,
friendly way to show off what you've made. Quilts are displayed in the stores, customers do the voting and you
might win a prize! Quilts will be accepted at each store for entry March 22-29; voting and display will be April 1-23;
winners will be on display April 24-30.
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Business Meeting Minutes – January 28 – Kathy Wyckoff
Our meeting was called to order by President Linda Hill at 7:00 pm. The meeting was started with voting on our favorite quilt blocks and
favorite quilt row from the Block in a Box Challenge 2009. This wrapped up a full year of participants exchanging boxes full on fabric
provided by other participants. Each month we passed the box off to the next person on the list and we had a month to create and make a
block or row of blocks for that box. These blocks and rows were displayed on a large piece of fabric and hung for all of us to view and
choose our favorites. The blocks and rows that received the most red dots (votes) were presented with wonderful embroidered and pieced
“BEST BLOCK” Award ribbons made by our own Diane Kellar. Diane that was such a wonderful thing you did…you went over and beyond
and I know each of us that received one are very proud to display them in our sewing rooms.
Winners: Best Block
Barb Lobdell won on Jane Knudtson’s quilt
Kathy Wyckoff won on Cathy Norgaard’s quilt
Kathy Wyckoff won on Pam Elliott’s quilt
Barb Lobdell won on Zora Buckenberger’s quilt
Sonya Parisi won on Barb Lobdell’s quilt
Barb Lobdell won on Marianna Garrett’s quilt
Barb Lobdell won on Nancy DePoorter’s quilt
Kathy Wyckoff won on Sonya Parisi’s quilt
Nancy DePoorter won on Gail Wood’s quilt
Barb Lobdell won on Kathy Wyckoff’s quilt
Kathy Wyckoff won on Fran Hubner’s quilt
Winners: Best Row
Pat Forza won on Dorothy Le’s quilt
Pat Forza won on Kay Thomas’s quilt
Diane Kellar won on Carol Berge’s quilt
Pat Bernard won on ?? (so sorry, not in my notes)
Kay Thomas won on Margaret Mortenson’s quilt
Pat Forza won on Eileen Peacher’s quilt
Eileen Peacher won on Pat Forsa’s quilt
Carol Berge won on Linda Hill’s quilt
Carol Berge won on Diane Kellar’s quilt
Grand Prize Winners:
Quilters Choice: Pat Bernard’s quilt
Best Row Quilt: Pat Bernard’s quilt
Best Block Quilt: Barb Lobdell’s quilt
Congratulations to all who won and to all who participated….great job! It was wonderful to walk into that room and see all those beautiful
quilts on display, it was hard to know which way to go first. My quilt sisters continue to amaze me, I am in awe of your talents.
During the announcements of these winners it was very busy (and noisy, I might add) in the room and if I wrote the wrong name down I
apologize and if I missed anyone, please forgive me. Let me know any corrections and I will put them in the next minutes. Many thanks.
2009 Raffle quilt was won by Linda Graves, Jean Snedden will contact Linda.
Fat Quarters were won by Connie (Connie is a lucky lady of late, seems like she wins allot!) Congrats!
We passed a motion to continue our association with the Multi-Service Center of Federal Way for one more year and to continue our rotation
on donations items.
We passed a motion to send money to the Haiti Relief as a group. Eileen Peacher made the motion and Jill Ellis 2nd…we gave $100.00, we
will go through Boeing because Boeing will match our donation and so we are really helping out by $200.00. Thank you, Jill, for taking care
of that for Crazy Quilters.
Officer/Charimanship Nominations were taken for the upcoming year. There have several committee chair positions to fill. What I know so
far is that Jean Snedden will do the Raffle Quilt for 2010: Jill Ellis will continue Membership and Newsletter: Barb McClure will continue
Evergreen and Community Outreach: Janine Walker will continue Retreats: and Suzanna Gantt will do the Library. So we need to fill Audit,
Block of the Month, E-mail, Storage Unit, Fat Quarter and probably others I can’t think of right now. Anyone who can help….please do. It is
fun to participate and a great way to get to know your quilt sisters better. We need your help and appreciate your participation on any level.
If you want to do something and want a buddy, just let it be known and we will set you up with a cochairman. Keep in mind that this
organization is your organization and if you don’t participate in its growth, it will not be there for us. As you can see, several people are
continuing with jobs, but we need everyone to do their part, so step up to the plate and participate.
Nominations for Officers: President …………………..Linda Hill
Vice-President……………Cathy Norgaard and Peggy Burgess
Secretary……………………..Kathy Wyckoff
Treasurer…………………………..Nan Naubert
We were once again amazed at what we saw………….wow! The remix quilts were great. What an array of
fabulous finished quilts for Show and Tell. Again you blow me away. I can’t believe that you get done as much as you do.
Beautiful….Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations with us. For those of you who don’t bring to show and
tell……..consider bringing something next month. We all love seeing what CQ members are doing and we would love to see your quilts.
Laura Coy has raffle tickets for sale. This very pretty blue scrappy bow tie quilt was donated by CQ to benefit Laura long time and very
good friend, Kathy, who is in the fight of her life right now. Kathy is a nurse at Swedish and has dedicated her life to helping others; now she
is the one in need of help, she has used her vacation and sick leave up and is struggling to make ends meet. Laura hopes that the quilt will
bring some financial relief to Kathy as she struggles with Cancer. $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00; don’t be shy, buy lots. Please help by
purchasing a few ticket…you may be the winner of this lovely quilt. Contact Laura at 206-824-6087 or e-mail at quiltrose054@comcast.net.
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Community Service Block - February – Carol Berge
CQ Member Recipes
A few years ago, recipes were submitted for a CQ cookbook. No decision was ever made as to what to do with the recipes,
which were compiled by Mici Wiggins, so I’m going to include one or two in each issue of Threads. Here’s one of my favorites:
Jambalaya – Eileen Peacher
2 T Olive Oil
1 C rice
2 C chicken broth
14-oz can diced tomatoes
1 medium onion, chopped
3 T green Tabasco sauce (optional)
1-lb pkg smoked sausage, sliced ¼-inch thick
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 C peppers (red, yellow or green bell), chopped
Using large, heavy skillet, sauté onion and garlic in olive oil using medium-high heat. Add peppers and sausage. Cook about
5 minutes until vegetables are tender. Stir in rice, Tabasco, chicken broth, tomatoes. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and
simmer for 25 minutes.
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Crazy Quilters of Federal Way
P.O. Box 3002
Federal Way, WA 98063
Federal Way
The four-fold purpose of Crazy Quilters is to:
 Promote the art of quilting and quilt making by workshops,
lectures, and exhibitions offered to members and the
general public;
 Preserve the heritage of quilt making and quilt
 Provide an information base for those interested in quilt
making and related arts, and encourage excellence in
those areas; and
 Provide a source of inspiration and fellowship for quilt
Published by Crazy Quilters of
Federal Way 11 times per year.
Send material by email or call:
Jill Ellis
Our newsletter and guild are only as good as
our guild members’ contributions to them!