Do Now: Grab a worksheet and do the *Do Now*

Do Now: Who took over after
Lincoln got assassinated?
Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) describe Andrew
Johnson's plan (2) analyze a video for key information
Andrew Johnson Facts
 17th President
 Representative in TENNESSEE
 Major events while in office:
 13th Amendment
 14th Amendment
 Purchase of Alaska
 Impeached but not kicked out of
 Disagreed with many on
Johnson’s Plan
“Restoration Program”
 Johnson offered a pardon to all former Confederacy citizens who took
oath of loyalty
 People NOT allowed to take oath:
 Confederate officers and officials
 People who owned $20,000+ in property
 Had to apply personally to president for pardon
Johnson’s Plan Cont…
 States called new convention:
 Had to ratify 13th amendment
 Reconstruction underway
(congress MAD):
 Johnson pardoned
 Southern voters elected
Confederate officials to
 Alexander Stephens (VP of
Black Codes
 Passed by Southerners
 Limited African American
 Examples of Black Codes:
 AA forced to enter into 1
year working contract
 Children had to accept
apprenticeships (Could be
 Licenses for non-farming jobs
 Tax to do certain jobs
Andrew Johnson - Video
Write down facts on Andrew Johnson as you watch the best
video of all time!
Do Now: What did the
14 and 15 amendments do?
 Objectives: Students will be able to…(1) explain military
reconstruction (2) analyze a map for key information
Finish Poster
Radical Republicans Take
 Congress angry over
reconstruction plan. Why?
 Pass Civil Rights Act of 1866:
 All persons born in US Citizens
 African Americans treated
equally in court
 Government could sue people
who violated
 14th Amendment proposed –
Citizenship for all born or
naturalized people and equal
rights (Except Native Americans)
Literacy Challenge
 If you get a 100% you do not have to do work in class
until after April break.
 Passed after Ulysses S. Grant wins 1868 election for
 Amendment – The right to vote can not be denied
because of race
Propaganda Poster!
 Create a Propaganda Poster promoting the 14th and 15th
Do Now: Answer the Map
Skills Questions on pg. 394
Objectives: Students will be able to…(1) analyze a map for
key information (2) define Military Reconstruction
Homework: Voting Rights Worksheet
Military Reconstruction
 Congress passed Military
Reconstruction Act – wiped
out Johnson’s plan
 Divided South into 5 Districts,
each run by Military General
 Tennessee – Ratified 14th
Amendment and didn’t have
 New constitution acceptable to
 Ratify 14th Amendment
Complete the map activity
using page 394
1.Label the states
2.Color-code each
3.Write the year
they were
brought back
into the Union
Do Now: Define impeach,
in your own words…
Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) define
carpetbaggers and scalawags (2) analyze a video for key
Homework: 12.3 Notes
Volunteers needed….
 Congress – Worried Johnson
wouldn’t enforce laws
 Passed Two acts:
 Command of Army Act Forced military orders to go
through Grant and Sec of
State Stanton
 Tenure of Office Act – Senate
had to approve any removal of
 Johnson fires Stanton – he
refuses to leave
 House of Reps. votes to
impeach – charge with “high
crimes and misdemeanors”
 Refusing to uphold acts
 Trial lasts two months – one
vote shy of 2/3 majority
Ulysses S. Grant – 18th
President (Republican)
 Only 5’8”
 Little experience in politics
 Nearly drowned while fishing at age 7
 Planned to be a professor of math early on in life
 He owned a slave
 Weighed only 135 pounds during war
 Tone deaf
 Intense migraines throughout life
I See/It Means
Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
 Many Northerners moved to South during Reconstruction
 Some wanted to help, some wanted to take advantage
 Scalawags – Scotch-Irish term for weak, underfed, worthless animals
(Southerners who worked with Republicans)
Republicans getting power in
the South
 Republicans in power started reforming things
 Black codes
 Hospitals, orphanages, institutions for hearing/visually
impaired and mentally ill
 Rebuilt railways, roads, and bridges
 Established public schools
 Not all were good  some took $$$ for bribes
 Graft – gaining $$$ illegally through politics
African Americans in the
 Gaining Political Power
 14 Seats in the House of Reps
– 2 Senate Seats
 Schools forming  4,000
schools, 9,000 teachers, 200,000
people being educated
 Churches and Social
 Became centers of African
American communities
Fight for Equal Rights Worksheet
 Complete before the end of class!
Do Now: Grab a
worksheet from up front.
Objectives: Students will be able to…(1) define the KKK (2)
analyze a video for key information.
Homework: Finish 12.3
Ku Klux Klan
 KKK despised “Black
Republican” governments
 Started by former
confederate soldiers in
 GOAL: Drive out Union
troops and carpetbaggers
 Terrorized Freedman Bureau
officials, broke up
Republican meetings, burned
African American homes,
churches, and schools
Watch Next 2 Parts of Aftershock
 Answer questions as you go along.
Response to KKK
 Enforcement Acts:
1. Federal crime to interfere with voting
2. Federal elections under supervision of federal marshals
3. KKK Act: Outlawed activates of the Klan