GSC Meeting Nov10 Action points - update 111103

All points in grey are under action by IASC or OCHA
Global Shelter Cluster Meeting – 4-5 November 2010
Issues arising from current & recent country level clusters – action points
Intercluster coordination too complex,
poorly defined, inconsistent
Recommended action
Establish predictable
intercluster coordination
By whom/Lead
Roles and responsibilities between
clusters, intercluster coordination
group, HCT etc. inconsistent and
inadequately defined e.g. which body
is responsible for determining response
Guidance to be developed
and/or provided on roles and
responsibilities of different
coordination bodies
OCHA, with input
from cluster leads
w/interested cluster
Process to allocate country level cluster
role unclear, and requirements of
country level lead inadequately defined
1. Cluster lead allocation
1. OCHA, cluster co-
GSC leads have advocated at IASC fora
OCHA working on it
2. Minimum requirements for
2. Cluster co-leads
Working session to be held at the GSC meeting 2011
process to be prescribed in
more detail
country level cluster lead to
be defined
Lack of defined accountability of
country level cluster lead agencies to
cluster partners, and inadequately
defined linkage/mutual accountability
between country and global level
Consistency of cluster-based country
level contingency planning to define
coordination roles and cluster response
Continuity of coordination function,
through predictable activation,
handover and staffing.
Accountability framework to be
Approach to mainstreaming
country level coordination
outside of disasters to be
developed incl. national level
coordination capacity building,
with an initial focus on select
countries. Regional linkages
reflecting existing structures
leads and
interested cluster
2. Institutional commitment of
Progress to date
GSC leads have advocated at IASC fora
OCHA working on it
GSC leads have advocated at IASC fora
OCHA working on it
cluster agencies
Interested cluster
agencies w/cluster
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
agencies (informed by
Included in MRP* as gap area.
Note Performance
Management System
previously developed by the
shelter cluster.
- IASC WG reviewing paper written by UNHCR, InterAction, WFP and OCHA
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendations 1.1 & 1.3
on contingency planning and
3.8 on learning).
- IASC guidance developed.
- CARE has appointed an advisor to review accountability with IFRC.
- Shelter Cluster Contingency Planning checklist developed. Click here
1. Review/revision/clarification 1. OCHA w/cluster
of cluster activation and
handover processes.
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 2.2),
produce IASC guidance on
intercluster coordination
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendations 2.3 & 2.4),
strengthening the role of the
HCs in the cluster approach,
reviewing and revising
guidance on HCTs, mapping,
analysing and rationalising
established intercluster
coordination mechanisms
co-leads &
2. Cluster co-leads
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendations 1.1, 1.2 &
2.6) incl. create IASC
Guidance Note on the
Transition from the Cluster
Draft document on phased approach under development by IFRC. It will be
shared for feedback with interested partners.
agencies to coordinating
the transitional and/or
recovery phase
3. Development/expansion of
coordination rosters from
personnel from co-leads
and partners, with
predictable funding.
cluster agencies
3. Cluster co-leads
cluster agencies
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 2.8 re
coordination training and 4.1
and 4.2 re cluster
coordination as a career
Inconsistent understanding of role of
country level cluster coordination i.e.
facilitation, service provision, direction,
monitoring etc.
Generic cluster ToRs to be
reviewed and themed, to
enable country level clusters to
define type and scope of
coordination role (to include
role of team management).
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
Need for clarity on role of cluster re
humanitarian shelter, transition shelter
and housing reconstruction and
timeframe of cluster etc.
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
- See 3.2
Need for clarity on role and
responsibilities of cluster partners
Development of guidance note
to define scope and role of
cluster across the phases of a
response (as initiated at the
March 2010 GSC meeting)
Review and revision of
2005/2006 matrix of roles and
responsibilities for global and
country level
Defining preferred profiles for
agency representatives
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
IASC consultation ongoing
Interested cluster
agency/agencies with
support from cluster
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
IASC consultation ongoing.
Consultation paper on Minimum Commitments drafted by NGO
consortium. (Version of 31 August 2011, SCHR, InterAction and ICVA)
10. Level of decision-making authority of
representatives of participating
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendations 2.7 & 4.4 re
finalize generic ToRs for
cluster coordinators at country
level, and 4.3 re service
mentality of clusters).
- See 3.2
11. Ensuring consistency of support
provided by a cluster partner as part of
a main cluster service or hub cluster
Defining indicative minimum
12. Responsibilities for certain key services
inadequately defined within cluster
approach e.g. rubble removal, urban
planning, clarification of land
ownership/tenure, overlapping shelterrelated issues with
13. Clarification on different services that
could/should be provided by a country
level cluster
Cluster to provide
recommendations on tasking of
shelter-related responsibilities
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
agencies and in
consultation with
other cluster lead
Recommendations drawing
upon recent experiences and
understanding of scope of
cluster, and service needs of
cluster agencies
Identification/development of
shelter assessment capacity
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 4.3
regarding cluster service
Working session to be held at the GSC meeting 2011
Interested cluster
agency/agencies with
support from cluster
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 3.5),
regarding common
- Participation in Needs Assessment Task Force (NATF) initiatives
including Multi sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) more info
- IFRC and ACTED working on a methodology, to be presented at
GSC meeting 2011.
14. Cluster participation in
multisectoral/intercluster assessments
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 2.5), generic
guidance to be developed on
roles and responsibilities of
co-leads at national and
subnational level
- IFRC approach defined here:
IASC consultation ongoing
- See 3.2
- See 3.2
15. Cluster capacity to address crosscutting issues
Recommendations on current
environmental advisory
capacity, and guidance on
other key cross-cutting issues
16. Need for clarity on role/responsibility of Guidelines/accountability
cluster re beneficiaries and their
involvement in the cluster
17. Engagement with/inclusion of private
sector and affected populations in
country level clusters
Recommendations to be
developed on mechanisms and
Interested cluster
agency/agencies with
support from cluster
Interested cluster
agency/agencies with
support from cluster
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
18. Role of cluster in supporting/including
host government
Recommendations to be
developed on mechanisms and
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
19. Need for clarity on advocacy role of
cluster re appropriate shelter strategies
re timeframes and evolving disaster
20. Country level cluster strategies need to
be regularly updated to reflect
changing context and to remain
relevant to operations
Identification Development of
key messages/template.
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
Defining an ongoing strategy
development and review
process, to complement the
use of established strategy
templates etc.
Agreement with cluster donors
on country level funding
requirements and mechanisms
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
21. Consistent and predictable funding for
country level coordination
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 3.6),
regarding integration of crosscutting issues
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 3.2),
regarding accountability to
affected populations
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 3.3),
regarding involvement of local
actors incl. access to pooled
See soon to be finalised IASC
Guidance Note on Working
with National Authorities. Also
action point in MRP* (subrecommendations 1.1 & 1.2)
UNHCR drafts tools in development on HIV, Gender and Environment. To
be shared with interested partners.
Funding of country level
coordination to be discussed
at the cluster donors/global
cluster leads meeting in
January 2011
- Framework for coordination costs and functions in Humanitarian
Emergencies at the country level.
- See point 4
- Disaster Resource Partnership
- Business partnerships with the UN (
- IASC Guidance note finalised.
Action point in MRP* (subrecommendation 5.1),
regarding funding
22. Preference for operational coordination
to be close to the response i.e. hub
and sub hub cluster coordination
23. Ensuring adequate shelter coordination
services when the cluster approach has
not been activated
24. Consistency in shelter
options/parameters defined by the
cluster, particularly in similar or repeat
Recommendations to be
developed on tiering of
coordination services and
resource requirements
Recommendations to be
developed on minimum level of
services required, and options
on how such services can be
Development of a limited
number of recommended
shelter options for defined
Interested cluster
agencies with support
from cluster co-leads
- Haiti sub-hub coordination case study finished. Click here
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
IFRC transitional shelter
catalogue with engineered
solutions with detailed
drawings and BoQs plus users
guide, and UNHCR’s TS
product development in
- IFRC catalogue on transitional shelter designs
- Shelter Projects Catalogue by IFRC/UN-HABITAT/UNHCR
25. Role of cluster in supporting/promoting
engagement with the private sector
26. Lack of sufficient familiarity with the
use of cash programming to support
shelter interventions
Promoting of recently agreed
collaboration with WEF/DRP
and protocols.
Consolidation of current
guidance and further
development as required
Cluster co-leads with
WEF and interested
cluster agencies
Interested cluster
agencies with support
from cluster co-leads,
linking to previous &
current initiatives
27. Provision of joint procurement/stock
mobilisation service for interested
cluster agencies
Joint procurement/stock
mobilisation service to be
Cluster co-leads
w/interested cluster
Kenya, are possible
Ref presentation by WEF of
DRP model at the meeting
Session on cash programming
at March 2010 Global Shelter
Cluster meeting; Oxfam &
IFRC previously convened
“cash & shelter” forum;
current CaLP initiative funded
by ECHO.
Presentation at March 2010
Global Shelter Cluster of IFRC
scoping study of shelter stock
preparedness gaps and
disaster trends
See 17
- UNHCR summary on Cash interventions by UNHCR
- CaLP/IFRC Shelter and CASH training on the 2 November 2011.
- OCHA website on Global Mapping of Emergency Stockpiles click
- IFRC scoping study on standby until funds are received.
*Management Response Plan (MRP) to the Phase II Cluster Evaluation. Action points identified by the evaluation team were reviewed by the Task Team on the Cluster Approach (TTCA) at the instruction of the IASC Working
Group, for further recommendations by the TTCA on new or additional actions and the tasking of these actions to IASC subsidiary bodies, Global Cluster Lead Agencies, specific clusters, donors, OCHA etc.