Fun With XNA - Programming Wiki

Using Namepsaces
This section lists the
namespaces that the
application will be
using frequently.
Saves the
programmer from
specifying a fully
qualified name every
time that a method
that is contained
within is used.
(MSDN, 2012)
New Namespace
When you create a new game, XNA automatically
creates a new namespace that is named whatever
your game (filename) is named. In this example,
the filename is “collision”.
When you create a new
game, your game is split
into two projects
Gamename and
 Game1.cs holds the guts of
your game (all pertinent
 Program.cs holds the “Main”
method which creates a new
object of type “Game1”
 Holds your resources:
images/sounds/effects, etc
for game
 (reed, 2010)
XNA generated code
When your game is
created, by default it
will automatically
create a
constructor/class for
Game1, a couple
class level variables,
and five other
methods (initialize(),
Update(), Draw())
(reed, 2010).
Class-level variables
Class level variables
can be used
anywhere within the
class (class we begin
working with is
Two class-level
variables created by
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
Don’t forget the syntax for declaring
VariableType VariableName;
The variable type:
GraphicsDeviceManager allows you to
access the graphics device on your PC,
Xbox 360, or Windows Phone 7 device
(GraphicsDeviceManager has a property
called “GraphicsDevice” that acts as a
“pipeline” between the XNA game and the
graphics card on your machine (GPU –
Graphics Processing Unit); everything you
do on the screen in your XNA game will
run through this object
 The variable type: SpriteBatch allows you
draw sprites (2D or 3D image integrated
into a larger scene).
(reed, 2010)
The Five Methods
Initialize Method is called
first. It is used to initialize
variables (set values) and
other objects associated
with the Game1 object.
LoadContent Method is
used to load any content
(sounds, images, etc)
needed for the game;
called after the initialize
method and any time the
game needs to reload
(player changes settings).
(reed, 2010)
After the LoadContent
method is finished loading,
your XNA game will enter
into what is referred to as
a “Game Loop”.
The Game Loop consists
only of the Update and
Draw Method (called 60
times per second).
When the game is exited
(back button on gamepad,
red X on window, or
alt+F4) the
UnloadContent method
will start.
XNA Game Cycle
(reed, 2010)
Using the Draw and Update Methods
All logic that will affect the game play should be
in the Update or Draw method.
The draw method (used to draw things) should
only be used when drawing your seen.
Everything else needed to run your game
(moving objects, checking for collisions,
updating scores, etc) should be coded in the
Update method.
(reed, 2010)
Typical (nongame) development vs. Game
development (VB .NET vs. XNA/C#)
development is
event-driven (waits
for the user to do
something; i.e. vb
.NET = clickEvent,
vent, etc.)
(reed, 2010)
Game development
is “poll-driven”. The
game is constantly
looping (via game
loop – draw/update)
and “polling” to see
if an event has
taken place.
Draw Method
(reed, 2010)
Protected is the access modifier. The protected modifier denotes that a
member of a class is accessible only within that class and all derived
override is a keyword that denotes that the method overrides another
void is the return type (in this case, the method returns nothing)
Parameters are sets of data that are passed to a method. The method will
not be able to use the information if it is not sent to it. Similar to forwarding
e-mail/text msgs.
The draw method receives a parameter. Type is GameTime, variable
name is gameTime.
This variable (which is also passed to the Update Method) is used to keep
track of the time in the game.
GameTime will be used later to help control framerate, animations, sounds,
and other effects.
The Clear method via the GraphicsDevice
The Clear method erases everything on the screen and covers the
screen with the color specified (i.e. CornflowerBlue).
This screen is erased and draw 60 times per second.
It is more efficient to erase and redraw everything 60 times per
second, rather than keep track of everything that moves in a scene
from one frame to the next, draw the moved items in their new
locations, and draw whatever was behind the object previously….
1. Each scene that is drawn (from draw method) is referred to as a
2. Displaying frames (very quickly) gives the illusion of motion –
persistence of vision; multiple frames make up an animation in
a game.
3. The number of frames drawn per second is known as the
“framerate” (60fps = 60 frames per second).
(reed, 2010).
Adding Sprites
All graphics, sounds, effects, and other items are
loaded in XNA through the “content pipeline”. This
tool converts files (jpg, png, bmp, etc) into an XNA
friendly format (reed, 2010).
At this time please find an XNA logo (png) file from
the internet. Save this file in your documents; name
it: logo.png
Once you have done this please go to your XNA
Adding Sprites
You should have a
new game named
collision (Windows
Game 4.0)
In the solution
explorer, right-click
click Add, and
select a New
Folder. Name your
New Folder
Adding Sprites
Right click your
newly created
images folder
Click add and select
“existing item”.
Once the file window
opens up, navigate
to your logo file.
Click add.
Adding Sprites
Your logo.png file should now appear within the
images folder.
Click on the logo.png file
The properties should display at the bottom. You
know there are no problems using your file if you see
“Texture – XNA Framework” located in the Content
Importer and Processor properties. A texture is a 2D
image that will be applied to a surface; this will be
discussed in more detail when we get to 3D objects.
Please note the Asset Name (logo) not the filename
(logo.png) is used to reference this file during runtime
(this will be explained in further detail).
Asset Names can be changed, but they must be
unique (no duplicates).
By creating subfolders (i.e. images) for your
resources, you can use duplicate resource names in
different folders (i.e. creating a sound called
explosion and placing in a subfolder named “sound”
and using an image named “explosion” and putting it
in the “image” folder.
(reed, 2010)
Using your Sprite
Now that content
pipeline recognizes
your image, it can be
drawn on the screen.
Before the image can
be drawn, resources
need to be loaded
from the content
pipeline into variables
that can be
(reed, 2010)
The default object
used to store an
image is Texture2D.
We will add a variable
named texture using
this object/type
 Syntax:
 Texture2D texture;
Declare this variable in
the Game1 class
(right beneath the
graphics and
spriteBatch variables).
Creating the texture variable
Your code should look like the code above
This creates the variable (texture) to hold your
image file in.
(reed, 2010)
The content property of the
Game class is how you assign
the image to the variable. As you
can see from the code below, the
Content.Load method is passed a
parameter = the path to the
image file.
The @ symbol makes sure the
string that follows (“ ”) is
interpreted literally and ignores
the escape sequences (/).
(@”images/logo”) can also be
written as (“images//logo”)
Now that you have loaded your image file into your
texture variable, it can be drawn on the screen. To
the Draw Method we go!
Drawing our Sprite
Add the three lines of code:
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
Your code should now resemble the code below.
Your screen should look like this:
Let’s look at those last three
(reed, 2010)
All three lines are using the spriteBatch
variable/object. It is of the “SpriteBatch” type and we
defined earlier as a class-level variable
And we instantiated (set) it as a new
SpriteBatch (using the GraphicsDevice of the
PC, Xbox, or Windows Phone 7 device) in the
LoadContent method
What’s happening?
With Begin and End calls, the SpriteBatch object is telling
(through XNA) the graphics device that it’s going to send it
a sprite (or 2D image). The graphics device will receive
large amounts of data throughout the XNA game, and the
data will be in different formats and types. You have to let
the graphics device know what kind of data is being sent.
Thus, in order to call the spriteBatch.Draw method you
must let the graphics card know the sprite data that is
being sent, hence the texture, Vector2.Zero, and
Color.White parameters that are passed to the method.
(reed, 2010)
spriteBatch.Draw parameters
The Texture2D object that holds the image file
you want to draw.
The position (in 2D coordinates) at which you
want to begin drawing the image. The image is
always drawn starting from the upper-left corner.
The tinting color. Specifying White will not tint the
image, whereas specifying any other color will
cause the image drawn to be tinted with that
color (try it).
(reed, 2010)
Vector2.Zero is a simplified way of saying new
Vector2(0,0) with 0 for X and Y coordinates (X,Y)
 Vector2.Zero = new Vector2(0,0).
 In 2D the X,Y coordinate set to 0,0 is the upper-left
corner of the screen. Coordinates move in positive X
to the right and positive Y downward.
 Play with the coordinates to move the sprite/image.
(reed, 2010)
Centering the Image
(reed, 2010)
In order to center an image you must first find the center
of the window and offset the upper-left corner coordinate
appropriately. You can find the size by accessing the
Window.ClientBounds property of the Game class. The
Window.ClientBounds properties are always equal to the
width and height of the window. Dividing this value by 2
will center the image.
Your screen should look like
spriteBatch.Draw parameters
(reed, 2010)
The texture to be drawn.
The coordinate for the upper-left corner of the
drawn image.
Allows you to draw only a portion of the source
image. Use null for now.
The tinting color.
Rotates the image. Use 0 for now.
Indicates an origin around which to rotate. Use
Vector2.Zero for now.
Scales the image. Use 1f to draw the image the
same size as the original image. For now use
1.5f (150% of image)
Uses the SpriteEffects enum to flip the image
horizontally or vertically.
Allows you to specify which images are on top
of other images. Use 0 for now.
Let’s do it again!
Search the web for a
transparent XNA game
or open up PhotoShop
and make your XNA
logo transparent.
 Save the file as:
 Load your file to the
image folder in your
XNA game
 Create a new variable of
the Texture2D type
Instantiate your new
variable to the file path
of your image.
 Draw your new sprite
beneath your texture
sprite. (note: you only
need one Begin and
End for spriteBatch).
 Change the clear
method to draw a black
 Set spriteEffects to 0.
MSDN. (2012). Using Namespaces (C#
Programming Guide). Retrieved on November 3,
2012 from
Reed, Aaron (2010). Learning XNA 4.0. O’reilly
Media, Inc.: ebook.