Diagnosis is based on analysis of clinical manifestations and

Vice Rector of TMA
Professor Teshaev O.R.
«27» august 2015 y.
Subject: Hospital surgery
on a practical lesson on the topic:
Tashkent – 2015
Compiled by:
Professor Xakimov M.Sh.
Docent Imamov A.A.
Assistant Alidjanov H.K.
Technology training approved:
At the faculty meeting protocol number 1 of «27» august 2015 y.
Theme: Symptomatic arterial hypertension
1. Tuition technology model at practical lessons
Time – 6 h
Form of lesson
Structure of the lesson
Number of students – 8-10 pers.
Practical classes in the clinic and workshop
using in this lesson "WEB".
Department of faculty and hospital surgery,
training room, dressing.
1. Introduction
2. The practical part
- Supervision of patients
- Implementation of practical skills
- Discussion of the practical part
3. The theoretical part
- Discussion of the theoretical part
4. Estimation
- Self appraisal and mutual appraisal
- Appraisal by the teacher
5. Conclusion made by the teacher.
Appreciation of knowledge.
Giving a list of questions for the next theme.
The aim of the lesson: clarifying the theme by showing the importance of topics
for the training of students, introducing students the symptomatic arterial
hypertension, the reasons for their development, clinical features, differential
diagnosis, optimal methods of treatment, postoperative care, rehabilitating
The purpose of the teacher:
1. To consolidate and deepen the
students' knowledge about the
features clinics and course
2. Explain the principles of the
differential diagnosis.
The results of studies:
A student should know:
- Diagnosis and differential diagnosis and
- Interpretation of the results of instrumental
diagnostic studies to substantiate the
diagnosis and the choice of a rational
3. Students' skills of selftreatment;
informed decision-making in - Preoperative characteristics of this category
of patients;
rehabilitation for patients with - Determine the nature of surgery and
varicose disease.
conservative treatment, to know their
4. Provide
prevention - To prevent complications during and after
- To learn a special survey methods.
A student should be able to:
Perform practical skills to acquire some
practical skills in the examination of patients
with symptomatic arterial hypertension,
perform special techniques, survey data of
patients to determine indications and
contraindications for surgical interference.
Methods and techniques of
Methods "WEB", graphic organizer – a
conceptual table.
Teaching facilities
Manuals, training materials, slides, video and
audio, medical history.
Forms of tuition
Individual work with patients, conjoint activity
in groups, presentations.
Place for tuition
Audience chamber, training room, operating
room, dressing.
Oral control: questions for control, solving the
given tasks in groups; written control: testing.
Monitoring and estimation
2. Motivation
Instilling students with the need for timely development of adequate
operations to severe complications, and in their development, encountering with
the most informative and modern methods of diagnosis, surgical treatment,
meeting with potential complications of surgery and operating out during the
period of prevention, development of clinical thinking of students. The
development of the modern view of the problem issues from the perspective of
world medicine and general practice.
3. Intra and interdisciplinary communication
Teaching this topic is based on the knowledge bases of students on anatomy,
normal and pathological physiology of circulation. Knowledge acquired during the
course will be used during the passage of gastroenterology, internal medicine and
other clinical disciplines.
4. The content of lessons
4.1. Theoretical part
Diseases of the cardiovascular system took first place in the overall morbidity
of the population, being one of the causes of disability, premature disability and
death. The most common of heart and vascular disease are hypertension.
Symptomatic arterial hypertension - a very diverse group of diseases that are
grouped one feature - high blood pressure (Goghin E.E. et al. 1978). Included in
this group of clinical forms not only represent different disease entities with
dissimilar etiology, pathogenesis different, but belong to different medical
specialties - internal medicine, surgery, urology, endocrinology, etc. Distinguish
the following forms of symptomatic arterial hypertension:
• renal parenchymal caused by diseases of the renal parenchyma
(pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, polycystic kidney disease,
diabetic nephropathy, etc.)
• adrenal due to diseases of the adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma, Conn's
syndrome, Cushing's syndrome)
• central origin, caused by diseases of the brain (encephalitis, tumors, trauma)
• malformations of the great vessels (aortic coarctation, congenital hypoplasia
and aplasia of the aorta)
• renovascular hypertension
Renovascular hypertension (AWG) - a form of symptomatic arterial
hypertension, which develops as a result of violations of the main renal blood flow
without primary lesions of the renal parenchyma and urinary tract. Ranked Among
all forms of hypertension renovascular hypertension is 2-5% (Table. 1).
Table 1
Causes of secondary hypertension in a population of hypertensive
Cause of hypertension
Frequency in%
Parenchymal kidney disease
renovascular hypertension
primary aldosteronism
Thyroid disease
Cushing's syndrome
drug effects
The basis renovascular hypertension is always a one- or bilateral renal artery
constriction of any one or more of its major branches. As a result, through the
artery to diseased narrowed opening into the kidney is supplied per unit time is less
than blood. This leads to the development of renal tissue ischemia, the severity of
which depends on the degree of stenosis of the affected artery.
Isolated congenital and acquired causes of renovascular hypertension.
Among the most common birth:
• fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) of the renal arteries
• hypoplasia of the aorta and renal arteries
• renal artery aneurysms
• Congenital arteriovenous fistulas
Acquired causes:
• Atherosclerosis
• Non-specific aortoarteriit or Takayasu's arteritis
• Nephroptosis
• renal infarction
• Injury
• Dissecting aortic aneurysm
Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of renovascular hypertension in persons
older than 40 years and is 60-85% of cases. Atherosclerotic plaque-cal localized
mainly in the mouth or in the proximal third of the renal artery. In most cases,
there is a unilateral lesion of the renal artery, while its bilateral disease occurs in
about 1/3 of cases and leads to a more severe course of renovascular hypertension.
The disease most often (2-3 times) in men.
Fibromuscular dysplasia as the cause of renovascular hypertension is second
only to atherosclerosis. Fibromuscular dysplasia occurs predominantly in young
and even children's age (12 to 44 years); the average age is 28-29. In women, it is
found in 4-5 times more often than men. Fibromuscular dysplasia morphologically
manifested in the form of dystrophic and sclerosing changes, exciting
predominantly middle and inner membrane of the renal arteries and their branches.
When this muscle hyperplasia wall elements can be combined to form
microaneurysms. As a result, there is an alternation of contraction and expansion
areas (aneurysms), which gives a peculiar form of the arteries - a thread of pearls
or beads. Pathological process, though, and is common, but in 2/3 of the cases is
One reason for renovascular hypertension may be non-specific aortoarteritis
(Takayasu's arteritis). The disease was first described by an ophthalmologist
Takayasu in 1908 as pulseless disease, It is prevalent with involvement in the
pathological process, mainly vessels 2 pools - bracheocephalic arteries and
thoracoabdominal aorta and its branches. Among other reasons, renovascular
hypertension, the share of non-specific aortoarteritis with lesions of the renal
arteries is necessary 17-22% of cases. In this disease, renal artery lesion often
bilateral and occurs in both sexes, but mostly in young women. The disease usually
begins at the age of 11-20 years and 2-3 years have seen the narrowing of the renal
Renovascular hypertension may develop as a result extravasal compression of
the renal artery, resulting in thrombosis or embolism, renal artery aneurysm
formation, hypoplasia of the main renal artery, Nephroptosis, tumors, cysts,
anomalies of the kidney and others.
Pathogenesis. Narrowing or occlusion leads to a decrease of renal blood flow
and decrease renal perfusion pressure. Development of renal tissue ischemia leads
to cell hyperplasia juxtaglomerular apparatus, resulting in a hypersecretion of
renin. Renin (this - enzyme) coming from the liver converts angiotensinogen into
angiotensin I, which is under the influence of the angiotensin converting enzyme
converted into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II - one of the strongest vasoconstrictor,
which is directly affecting the systemic arterioles, causing them to spasm and
dramatically increases peripheral resistance. In addition, angiotensin-aldosterone
stimulates the adrenal cortex, resulting in the development of secondary
hyperaldosteronism, with sodium and water retention. Peripheral vasoconstriction,
hypernatremia and hypervolemia exacerbate hypertension.
To the natural flow of atherosclerotic VRH characterized by progressive
decline in renal blood flow, which ultimately leads to a complete loss of kidney
function ("ischemic nephropathy"). This disease is manifested in the middle or old
age. On the contrary, fibromuscular dysplasia usually manifests at a young age, is
more common in women who did not have progressive course and rarely leads to
ischemic nephropathy.
Clinic. Renovascular hypertension symptoms characteristic of certain forms
of hypertension (Conn's syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytoma) no.
Complaints of the patients can be divided as follows:
1. Complaints specific to cerebral hypertension, - headaches, a feeling of
heaviness in the head, tinnitus, pain in the eyeballs, memory loss, poor sleep.
2. Complaints relating to the overload of the left heart and coronary-term
failure - pain and heart palpitations, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.
3. The feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region, not intensive pain in the case
of renal infarction.
4. Complaints specific to ischemia of other organs, major arteries which
struck simultaneously with the renal arteries.
5. Complaints specific to the syndrome of inflammation in general (non-specific aortoarteritis).
6. Complaints specific to secondary hyperaldosteronism: muscular-valued
weakness, paresthesias, seizures, tetany, isohypostenuria, polyuria, polydipsia,
However, it should be noted that approximately 25% of patients with
renovascular hypertension asymptomatic.
Important for diagnosis following medical history:
1. The development of stable hypertension in children and adolescents.
2. Stabilization and refractory to treatment of hypertension in persons older
than 40 years who previously a benign disease, and antihypertensive therapy was
effective, identifying these patients intermittent claudication or \ and symptoms of
chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
3. Communicate the beginning of hypertension with pregnancy and childbirth
(without nephropathy)
4. Communicate with the beginning of hypertension instrumental studies or
manipulation in the kidneys, with operations in the kidneys and abdominal aorta.
5. The development of hypertension after an attack of pain in the lumbar
region and haematuria in patients with heart disease, arrhythmias, or in patients
with myocardial infarction, and episodes of arterial embolism in other basins.
On examination, measure the pressure on the upper and lower limbs that
would eliminate coarctation syndrome and identify arterial lesions of the upper and
lower extremities, as well as in the horizontal and vertical position. If orthostatic
blood pressure above position, you can think about nephroptosis.
Need auscultation abdominal aorta and renal arteries - about 40% of patients
auscultated systolic murmur in the projection of the renal arteries or abdominal
aorta. Diagnosis can help listening systolic murmur over the superficial arteries:
carotid, subclavian and femoral - as a sign of systemic lesions in atherosclerosis
and the aorta
Based on the survey and a series of studies can reveal the following features
that can be suspected renovascular hypertension:
• hypertension, resistant to two or more antihypertensive drugs and diuretics;
• the emergence of hypertension before age 20 years in women, or after 55
• rapidly progressive or malignant hypertension;
• the existence of different manifestations of atherosclerotic disease;
• azotemia, especially developing during treatment with ACE inhibitors or
angiotensin receptor blockers II;
• systolic murmur over the abdominal aorta and the renal arteries;
• differences in the size of the kidneys in excess of 1.5 cm (based on the US);
The above features allow only suspect assume renovascular hypertension,
often quite reasonable, but they are not allowed to fully confirm this diagnosis. To
confirm or exclude the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension more research is
needed. The most authentic and reliable method for diagnosing renovascular
hypertension is renal angiography, which can be performed in specialized vascular
centers. Angiography to determine the cause of the stenotic process, assess the
degree of stenosis and its location, which is crucial to decide on surgical treatment.
However, there are a number of minimally invasive, screening methods,
which can detect loss of the renal arteries and to determine the indications for
angiography and avoid it for those patients who have a different genesis of
hypertension. In particular, high sensitivity scintigraphy are ACE inhibitors,
doppler - ultrasonography, magnetic resonance and CT angiography, and they can
be used separately or in combination to achieve adequate screening patients prior
to revascularization, or conventional angiography.
Renoscintigraphy angiotensine inhibitors of the enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
The use of ACE inhibitors in functionally significant renal artery stenosis leads to a
decrease in glomerular filtration rate, as a result of eliminating or significantly
reducing constriction of efferent arterioles. This results in a characteristic changes
renogram (1a and 1b).
Scintigram using angiotensin-converting-present enzyme (ACE) should be
interpreted consistently with low, medium and high probability of renovascular
hypertension. The most specific diagnostic criterion for renovascular hypertension
scintigraphy is an ACE inhibitor-induced changes.
The first step in diagnosing renovascular hypertension is a clinical diagnosis
and selection of patients with moderate to high probability of this disease on
clinical criteria. Non-invasive screening tests provide the impact the selection of
patients with a high probability of renal artery stenosis, thereby reducing the
frequency of the potential side effects of X-ray angiography with its wide use. In
patients with a high probability of the disease should be taken X-rays to determine
the intended renal artery stenosis. Spiral CT can provide excellent visualization of
the renal vessels, but requires a lot of contrast. Currently MRA gives a good image
of the renal vessels without risk to the patient, but, with its higher cost and lower
availability, it should be reserved for patients with undefined image results, but a
high clinical suspicion of VRH, and patients who have a contraindication to
standard angiography: renal failure or allergy to iodine preparations
Treatment. We can distinguish the following types of treatment:
1. Conservative - with contraindications to surgery.
2. Surgical methods:
• Reconstructive surgery: transaortic endarterectomy, replantation of the renal
artery, renal artery resection, prosthetic renal artery.
• Organ- resectioning operations - nephrectomy.
3. endovascular methods: tranluminal angioplasty in renal arteries (balloon
dilatation or rentgenendovascular -RED) with or without stenting; simultaneous
RED on the adrenal glands to correct secondary hyperaldosteronism.
The most effective treatment for renovascular hypertension - surgery aimed at
removing the causes of renal artery stenosis and the restoration of normal renal
blood flow. Until 1952 the only method of surgical treatment was nephrectomy,
which was used in a unilateral lesion and obviously in an advanced stage of the
disease. Nephrectomy is applied at the moment, if the restriction is dominated by
intrarenal vessels or in severe hypoplasia of the affected kidney and substantial
violation of its functions. Indication for nephrectomy is to reduce the size of the
kidneys to 8 cm or less. In other instances, well-used organ operations aimed at
restoring renal blood flow. Results of surgical treatment more effective, the earlier
the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension, and the reason for its occurrence.
At the same time in patients with renovascular hypertension, even with
malignant course is sometimes possible to achieve a good effect with individually
selected antihypertensives. However, with proven renal artery stenosis is not
recommended drug therapy, as a decrease in blood pressure leading to further
deterioration of renal blood flow and development in a short time secondary renal
scarring and loss of its function.
Depending on the etiology of the disease in 80% of cases can be successful
CHTPA or stenting. However, these procedures are invasive and can lead to
rupture or dissection of an artery, an atheromatous emboli or renal lower limbs,
due to acute renal failure, nephropathy induced by contrast, bleeding at the
puncture site and side (rarely) the death of the patient.
Surgical revascularization remains the reserve method for those patients who
have failed CHTPA and stenting, as well as for patients with concomitant
abdominal aortic lesion requiring surgical intervention. Patients with high and
poorly controlled hypertension, if this reduced the size of the kidneys and
significantly reduced its function, shows a nephrectomy.
Adrenal hypertension caused most of his tumors. The most common are:
aldosteronoma, pheochromocytoma, mixed tumor of the adrenal cortex,
corticosteroma, androsteroma, corticoesteroma. All these types of tumors may be
benign or malignant.
Aldosteronoma (primary hyperaldosteronism, Conn's syndrome) develops
from the glomerular zone of the adrenal cortex. The vast majority of patients the
tumor is benign, and only 5% of detected malignant growth pattern. Tumor tissue
develops in excess aldosterone.
Pathogenesis. Excess aldosterone production causes various biochemical and
morphological changes in the organism. First of all, for this disease is
characterized by marked electrolyte disturbances. Aldosterone affecting tubules
leads to a decrease in potassium and water reabsorption, and conversely, to
increase reabsorption sodium. Increased urinary excretion of potassium leads to the
development of hypokalemia (less than 3.0 mmol / l). Potassium ions in the cell are
replaced by sodium ions and hydrogen. Reduced natriuresis increases the content
of sodium ions in the intra- and extracellular space. Sodium ion keeps being
hydrophilic and attracts water. As a result of edema of tissues, especially vascular
wall, decreasing its inner lumen at the level of arterioles, increased vascular tone
and peripheral vascular resistance, and hypertension develops.
The disease is more common in older women. Symptoms aldosteroma can be
divided into 3 groups:
1) neuromuscular
2) Renal
3) associated with high blood pressure
Neuromuscular symptoms are caused by hypokalemia and associated with
this disorders of neuromuscular conduction. Patients complain of severe muscle
weakness, the degree of which varies - from fatigue to flaccid paralysis, covering
most of the leg muscles. It is often observed paresthesia and cramps.
Among renal symptoms most frequently observed polyuria, nocturia,
hypostenuria In connection with the loss of large amounts of fluid in the urine
develops a thirst.
Hypertension - the main, sometimes the only symptom aldosteroma. During
hypertension usually stable. The level of increase in blood pressure ranges from
mild (160/100 mm Hg) to severe (220-250 / 120-140 mm Hg). Most patients
complain of severe headaches, which are caused by high blood pressure.
Hypertension leads to severe left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiogram
showing signs of hypokalemia. Very often, a vascular lesion of the fundus with an
impaired vision.
Diagnosis is based on analysis of clinical manifestations and laboratory data.
Radioimmunoassay reveals an increase in plasma aldosterone concentration in
basal conditions and its paradoxical decrease after the test with a 4-hour walk, a
decrease in plasma renin activity. Biochemical studies reveal hypokalemia,
hypernatremia. Certain diagnostic value may have alkaline reaction of urine.
Among the instrumental methods are important ultrasound and CT. Due to the fact
that aldosteroma have small dimensions (1.5 cm -2) by means of ultrasound can
reveal approximately 60% of patients. The most accurate method of diagnosis is
computed tomography. CT revealed the formation of low density (12-14 units.
Treatment: surgical - adrenalectomy
Pheochromocytoma - a tumor of neuroectodermal origin of the chromaffin
tissue, producing catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine). The
most commonly develops from the adrenal medulla (90%). In 10% of detected
pheochromocytoma (paraganglia) extraadrenal localization (often in the para-aortic
sympathetic ganglia, bladder, posterior mediastinum). The tumor may be single or
multiple, benign and malignant. The disease most often occurs in middle age men
about equally often. There are reports of familial pheochromocytoma.
In the pathogenesis of disorders developing in patients with
pheochromocytoma, primary importance is the hypersecretion of catecholamines
and periodic volley throw them into the systemic circulation. Catecholamine levels
during the crisis, particularly norepinephrine, is ten times higher than normal, and
their excess causes stimulation of alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors, which
leads to a marked spasm at the level of arterioles and a sharp increase in total
peripheral resistance, thereby increasing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
The clinical picture. The cardinal symptom of pheochromocytoma is
hypertension, which can be of three types - a stable, paroxysmal and mixed, in
connection with which emit corresponding types of clinical course of the disease.
In paroxysmal hypertensive crises are marked with an increase in blood pressure
up to 250 - 300 mm Hg or higher. The sudden increase in blood pressure
accompanied by sharp headaches, palpitations, fear of death, chills, fever,
sweating. Often marked shortness of breath, pain in the lumbar region, in the
abdomen, behind the breastbone. There may be nausea and vomiting. Stroke
duration from a few minutes to several hours. For catecholamine crisis
characterized hyperskeocytosis, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria. BP crisis is normal
and diseased no complaints.
When a stable form of hypertension observed a persistent increase in blood
pressure without crises. When mixed form catecholamine crises observed against
the background of high blood pressure (160 / 100-180 / 120 mm Hg). Undocked
catecholamine crisis can lead to death, that may be caused acute heart failure,
pulmonary edema, bleeding in the brain.
Diagnostics. leading role in establishing the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma,
along with the clinical picture belongs to study the concentration of catecholamines
in the urine (daily or collected after the crisis). Hyperproduction of norepinephrine
and increased urinary excretion of the hormone at normal concentrations of
adrenaline extraadrenal localization typical for tumor. The simultaneous increase
in the concentration of both hormones in the urine is more characteristic of adrenal
tumor localization in practice often used to determine the concentration vanillylmandelic acid in urine. This acid is a metabolite of both hormones, and its
concentration in urine is several tens of times higher than the concentration of
epinephrine and norepinephrine. For typical pheochromocytoma significant
increase in the concentration-vanillyl mandelic acid in urine. Given the large size
of the tumor, they can easily be identified by ultrasound and CT .
Treatment of pheochromocytoma is only surgery - removal of the tumor
Among other diseases of the adrenal glands, it is necessary to allocate a
symptom of endogenous hypercortisism that combines various pathogenesis, but
similar clinical manifestations of the disease. A similar clinical picture is caused
due to the overproduction of glucocorticoid hormones, primarily cortisol.
Distinguish Cushing's syndrome and Cushing's disease. Cushing's syndrome is
caused by a tumor that develops from the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex
(benign tumor - corticosteroma, malignant - сortiсoblastoma). Tumor tissue in an
excess of cortisol produces. Sick more often women (almost 80%) aged 20--40
years. The clinical picture of the syndrome and Cushing's disease is quite typical.
The most constant symptom is obesity and hypertension. Appear early fatigue and
muscle weakness, decreased performance, sexual dysfunction. In a later date joins
osteoporosis. Obesity is associated with excessive production of cortisol and
ACTH, retarding fat-mobilizing effect of growth hormone. Arterial hypertension in
Cushing's syndrome has a stable flow, without crises, there is a proportional
increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resistant to antihypertensive
therapy. Characterized by the appearance of patients - moon face, purple-bluish
color of the face and upper chest, the presence of "red stretch marks" - purplebluish stripes on the skin of the abdomen, waist, breasts, thighs. The skin becomes
dry, the limbs become bluish-colored marble.
Diagnosis: the decisive role belongs to the study of the concentration level of
17 corticosteroids (17-CS) in blood and urine. When corticosteroma this figure
significantly increased, especially in malignant nature of the tumor. Diagnostics ultrasound, CT.
Treatment: surgical - adrenalectomy - removal of the tumor (corticosteroma)
along with the adrenal gland.
Androsteroma develops from the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex. The
clinical picture is caused by overproduction of androgens. The disease occurs in
young and middle age. More common in women. In childhood, girls appear
hypertrichosis, accelerated growth, excessively developed muscles, the voice
becomes low, the rough. In boys, precocious puberty occurs, characterized by
strengthening of muscles, short stature, short legs. In women, the disease manifests
itself with the appearance of symptoms of masculinization of male sexual
characteristics - reduction of subcutaneous fat, increased muscle development,
atrophy of the breasts, menstrual dysfunction; often hirsutism. In the study of the
hormonal profile of the patient's attention is drawn to the contents of a huge 17-CS
in urine. To determine the localization of the tumor used ultrasound and CT.
Treatment: surgical - adrenalectomy.
4.2. New teaching technologies used in this lesson
1. Previously students are given time to prepare questions on the passed
2. Participants sit in a circle.
3. One of the participants is given skein of thread, and he sets his prepared
question (for which he must know the full answer), hold the end of the filament
coil and transferring to any student.
4. A student who receives skein, answers the question (in this party, who
asked him, commented on a response) and passes the baton on the
issue. Participants continue to ask questions and answer them until everything will
be in the web.
5. Once students have completed all the questions, a student holding a roll,
returning his party, from whom he received the issue, while asking his question,
and so on, until the "unwinding" of the coil.
Note: To prevent the students who should be attentive to each answer,
because they do not know who to throw skein.
4.3. Analytical part
Situational problem:
The patient of 25 years. Within a week notes a diarrhea to 4 times a day.
Yesterday there was a reddening and a pain on a course of veins in the bottom third
of hip which was enlarged today also reddening has risen above.
I. Your diagnosis and the reason of this condition.
II. Your tactics of treatment.
III. What can be complications at untimely treatment.
5. Practical part
- The information required for diagnosis;
- Assessment of the likelihood of disease;
- Identification of other sources of information (relatives, other physicians,
- Establishing a trusting relationship with the patient;
- Assessment of the patient's personality and its relationship to disease
(internal picture of the disease);
- To evaluate the state of consciousness and mental status of the patient, his
position, general view, the state of external covers and individual parts of the body.
Indications: survey is mandatory for all patients who are conscious;
inspection carried out in all patients.
Equipment: well-lit chambers, doctors' offices, fluorescent lighting.
Conditions: no unauthorized persons, confidential atmosphere.
Spent steps:
Not fulfilled implemented
Questioning passport data
collection of complaints
Collection of medical history
Anamnesis of life
Epidemiological, allergic history
An objective examination of the patient
Will survey plan
Correct diagnosis
9. differential diagnosis
10 Make a treatment plan
Objective: To teach and conduct a differential diagnosis to justify the final
Spent steps:
Not fulfilled implemented
1. List, clinical symptoms, which are similar to
the disease
2. Differential diagnosis of major clinical
3. On the basis of complaints, anamnesis,
objective data and results of laboratory and
instrumental investigations, as well as
differential diagnosis to put a definitive
6. Forms of control knowledge, skills and abilities
- oral
- Decision of situational problems
- Demonstration of practical skills
7. The evaluation criteria of the current control
in %
The level of knowledge of the student
The full right answers on questions. Sums up
and makes decisions, creatively thinks,
independently analyzes. Situational problems
solves correctly, with the creative approach,
with a full substantiation of the answer.
Actively, creatively participates in interactive
games, correctly makes well-founded decisions
and sums up, analyzes.
The full right answer on questions. Creatively
thinks, independently analyzes. Situational
problems solves correctly, with the creative
approach, with an answer substantiation.
Actively, creatively participates in interactive
games, correctly makes decisions.
The put questions are shined completely, but
there are 1-2 discrepancies in the answer.
Independently analyzes. Discrepancies at the
decision of situational problems, but at the
correct approach.
Actively participates in interactive games,
makes correct decisions.
The put questions are shined completely, but
there are 2-3 discrepancies, errors. Puts into
practice, understands a question essence, tells
Situational problems are solved correctly, but
an answer substantiation insufficiently full.
Actively participates in interactive games,
correctly makes decisions.
Correct, but incomplete illumination of a
question. Understands a question essence, tells
confidently, has exact representations. Actively
participates in interactive games. On situational
problems gives incomplete decisions.
Correct, but incomplete illumination of a
question. Understands a question essence, tells
confidently, has exact representations. On
Satisfactory The right answer on half of put questions.
Understands a question essence, tells
confidently, has exact representations only on
theme individual questions. Situational
problems are solved truly, but there is no
answer substantiation.
Satisfactory The right answer on half of put questions. Tells
uncertainly, has exact representations only on
theme individual questions. Commits errors at
the decision of the situational.
Satisfactory The answer with errors on half of put
questions. Tells uncertainly, has partial
representations on a theme. Situational
problems are solved incorrectly.
Unsatisfactory The right answer on 1/3 put questions.
Situational problems are solved incorrectly at
the wrong approach.
The right answer on 1/4 put questions.
Situational problems are solved incorrectly at
the wrong approach.
Illumination of 1/5 put questions with errors.
Gives incomplete and partially wrong answers
to questions.
Illumination of 1/10 parts of questions at the
incorrect approach.
On questions doesn't give answers.
8. Technologic plan of practical classes based on solving cases
Forms of the
Stages of lessons
1. Introductory substantiation of the theme
made by the teacher.
in min.
2. Discussion topics practical lessons,
assessment of baseline knowledge of
students with new educational technologies
(small groups, case studies, business games,
slides, videos, etc.).
3. Summing up the discussion.
4. Providing students with visual aids and
giving explanations to them.
5. Self-study students in mastering skills.
6. Clarification of the extent to which lessons
Oral interview,
objectives on the basis of developed
written survey,
theoretical knowledge and practical testing, checking
experience on the results and taking into
the results of
account this evaluation activities of the
practical work,
discussion debate.
7. Conclusion on the theme by the teacher.
Estimation knowledge of every student by
100-points and announcement of their
marks. Give questions for the theme of the
next lesson (see by rotation).
questions for selfstudy.
9. Control questions
1. Physiology of symptomatic arterial hypertension.
2. Methods of diagnosis of symptomatic arterial hypertension.
3. Concept of symptomatic arterial hypertension.
4. Diagnosis of diseases of the symptomatic arterial hypertension.
5. Features of the differential diagnosis.
6. Principles of treatment.
7. Principles of reabilitation, prevention.
10. The recommended literature
I. Basic literature:
1. Хирургик касаликлар. Ш.И.Каримов. Тошкент, 2005.
2. Хирургические болезни. Ш.И.Каримов. Ташкент, 2005.
3. Hirurgik kasalliklar. Sh.I.Karimov. Toshkent, 2011.
4. Хирургик касаликлар. Ш.И.Каримов, Н.Х.Шамирзаев. Тошкент, 1995.
5. Хирургические болезни. Под ред. М.И.Кузина. Медицина, 2002.
6. Методическое пособие по госпитальной хирургии. Назыров Ф.Г. с
соавт. Ташкент, 2004.
7. Клиническая хирургия. Под ред. Ю.М.Панцырева. Москва,
«Медицина», 1988.
8. Справочник практического врача (в 3х томах). А.Воробьев. 1990.
9. Клиническая хирургия. Р.Конден, Л.Нейхус. Москва, «Практика»,
10. Справочник-путеводитель практикующего врача. Ф.Г.Назиров,
И.И.Денисов, Э.Г.Улугбеков. Москва, 2000.
11. Руководство по хирургии. Под ред. Б.В.Петровского. (в 12 томах).
Москва, «Медицина», 1959-1966.
II. Additional literature:
12. Практическое руководство по хирургическим болезням.
В.Г.Астапенко. Минск, 2004.
13. 50 лекции по хирургии. В.С.Савельев. Москва, 2004.
14. Основы оперативной хирургии. Под ред. С.А.Симбирцева. 2002.
15. Диагностический справочник хирурга. В.Н.Астафуров. 2003.
предоперационная подготовка. И.Я.Макшанов. 2002.
17. Internet: www.rmj.net;
www.mediasphera.ru; www.medmore.ru;
www.consilium-medicum.com; www.medilexicom.com; www.encicloperdia.com.