Solicitud de Juana Briones a la Comandancia General pidiendo se

Solicitud de Juana Briones a la Comandancia General pidiendo se le reciba
información para adoptar como hija a la neófita Cecilia, December 8, 1838,
Documentos para la historia de California, BANC MSS C-B 5, No. 267-2, The Bancroft
Library, University of California, Berkeley
1838 Diciembre 8: Solicitud de Juana Briones a la Comandancia General pidiendo se le reciba
información para adoptar como hija a la neófita Cecilia, con permiso de su esposo
(On the margin is written)
Sonoma Diciembre, 9 de 1838
Por presentada la certificación que se refiere: recíbase información que esta parte ofrece ante
la autoridad de este lugar. (Signed by Vallejo)
Sor. Comandante de esta Frontera
Juana Briones, vecina de la jurisdicción de San Francisco, como mas convenga digo: que con
motivo de hallarme con algunos intereses: he resuelto adoptar por hija a la neófita Cecilia, de
doce o trece años, y consiente ser adoptada, mediante lo cual y que de ejecutarse la adopción,
que se le sigue notoria utilidad, y para que tenga efecto; a V. S. suplico se sirva mandar se me
reciba información al tenor de este pedimento, y constando su certeza en la parte que baste,
deferir a mi pretensión y concederme licencia para formar la escritura de adopción
correspondiente, interponiendo a su autoridad y judicial decreto, para mayor estabilidad;
pues así procede de justicia que pido.
Y por hallarse fuera mi esposo, yo que soy su legitima mujer, por ausencia de él,
puedo autorizar y hacer la adopción de dicha neófita; pues para ello me ha dado toda
facultad y derecho mi legitimo esposo, Apolinario Miranda.
Por tanto a V.S. suplico se digne decretar como mas convenga, esperando recibir de
V.S. merced y gracia.
Sonoma 8 de diciembre de 1838 y por no saber firmar pongo esta señal. Juana Briones
No va en papel del sello correspondiente por no haberlo en este lugar. y por ruego de
la interesada firmo yo..... (signed) José de la Rosa
1838 December 8: Petition by Juana Briones to the Comandancia General, requesting
authorization to adopt as her daughter, the neophyte Cecilia, with the permission of her
Written on the margin:
Sonoma, December 9, 1838
Since the required certification has been presented, information that this party offers before
the authority of this place shall be accepted. Signed by Vallejo
Señor Comandante of this frontier:
I, Juana Briones, a resident of the jurisdiction of San Francisco, truthfully declare that since
I find myself with the financial means to do so, I have decided to adopt as my daughter, the
neophyte Cecilia, who is twelve or thirteen years old. She has consented to the adoption, by
means of which she will continue to receive the obvious benefits, once the adoption has been
rendered legal. And for this to take effect, I appeal to Vuestra Señoría to kindly order that
all information in accordance with this petition be accepted as evidence. As soon as it has
been established that the information is valid, if you would kindly intervene and defer to my
claim, and grant me the authorization to have the appropriate certificate of adoption drawn
up. A judicial decree from you would have a great impact. That is how the justice I seek will
be carried out.
Since my husband Apolinario Miranda is away, I, who am his lawfully-wedded wife,
in his absence can authorize and go forth with the adoption of the neophyte, for which my
husband has given me full power and authority.
Therefore, I ask you to be so kind as to decree in this matter as you see fit, hoping
that Vuestra Señoría will be merciful and grant me this favor.
Sonoma, December 8, 1838. Since I do not know how to write, I make this mark.
Juana Briones +
This statement was not written on paper with the official seal, since there is none at
this place, therefore, the interested party requested that I sign it. (signature of José de la
Transcription and translation by Rose Marie Beebe, Santa Clara University