Objective I can evaluate an author's use of chronological order

November 7, 2014 - Chronological Order Over the Top of the World
Have a great weekend! :)
I can evaluate an author's use of chronological order pattern of organization in an informational text.
Warm Up:
In your notes, create a timeline detailing 5 important events in your life. Be as specific as
you can be for the dates.
the way ideas and information are
arranged and organized in a text
Pattern of Organization
main idea and supporting
chronological order
cause and effect
compare and contrast
problem / solution
Chronological order
the arrangement of events in the order in which they happen.
Chronological order: Examples
short stories
auto / biographies
procedural texts
uses words like before, after, next, later and time words such as the next morning,
Friday or a specific date.
Turn to pg. R9 in your Literature book.
Let's go over the Reading Strategies together.
Chronological order:
strategies for reading
look for sub / headings that may indicate c.o. such as Early Life or Later Years
look for words that identify times - in a year, 3 weeks later
look for words that signal order - first, then, during
a paragraph with c.o. will have several time order words
ask yourself: Are the events in time order?
Chronological order:
practice and apply
1. List at least 4 words or phrases in the last three paragraphs that indicate time
2. List all the events in Confucius life that are mentioned in the model.
3. Create a timeline, beginning with Confucius' birth and ending in 479 B.C. that
shows all the events you listed for question 2.
Turn to pg. 290 in your Interactive Reader.
Over the Top of the World
Read the text (pgs. 291-295). Answer all the sidebar questions in the IR
and create a timeline of events from April 10th-July 3rd in your notes
April 10
April 24
April 17
April 16
April 22
July 3
May 13
May 3
June 24
April 10
April 16
April 17
April 22
April 24
May 3
May 13
June 24
July 3