2500 word research paper

Brandon Mitsunaga
Period 7
Research Paper
The National Basketball Association is a very popular association throughout the
whole world. The league is most well known for having the finest athletes that shows
their own spectacular basketball talents night in and night out in different arenas
throughout the country. All the athletes who make it into the National Basketball
Association are all the finest athletes in the world because only the best basketball players
in the world can make it into the National Basketball Association. The very main people
who the league is most well known for around the entire world is the main core superstars
such as Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, Dwight howard,
Kevin Durant, Derrick Rose, Kevin Love, Blake Griffin, Chris Paul, and John Wall. The
league is not only well known for these main all star players but the league is respected
all around the world for the international players that they have in the league that come
from all kinds of different countries such as Yao Ming, Dirk Nowitzki, Serge Ibaka,
Steve Nash, Tony Parker, and Jeremy Lin. These players come from all kinds of
different countries around the world and since these players come from these different
countries it makes people from other countries want to watch them play which brings in
more money into the National Basketball Association. The National Basketball
Association makes so much money, not only from our own countries citizens watching
the games, paying for concession while at the games, and from people paying for
television feeds through their cellular devises, etc. All in all this are why the league
makes so much money and why this league is so important for the United States Of
Americas economy. There are reasons why this league is so important for the United
States Of Americas economy and these reasons are very important to keep the United
States of America going. The United States of American government had to get involved
when the National Basketball Association had its league wide lockout. There are three
very simple reasons for why the United States Government had to get involved with the
lockout. The first reason is simply because the league allows a lot of money to flow
around the nation, with paying the player, receiving money from the fans, and the
spending players and owners do throughout the country. The second reason is because
not only does the countries citizens bring revenue and wide spending throughout the
country, but since the country has its super stars from different countries make citizens
from other countries want to watch and spend on watching their home country favorites
play in the league too. The third reason is because the National Basketball Association
has former players who used to play in the league making contributions into keeping the
league going and allowing revenue to be flowing into the country. This third reason is
important because with the people keeping the league going make the league strong and
everlasting. This will make the league last long and the money will keep flowing through
for sure, and this is why the league is so trust for the country to keep a lot of money
One of the main reasons that the National Basketball Association is so important
for the economy is because of the way it allows millions of dollars at a time to flow
around the country. Players in the National Basketball Association on average make at
least a million dollars. The great highly regarded players like Kobe Bryant, LeBron
James, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, and Kevin Durant at average make thirty
million a year. People with that kind of money simply just spend it and that not only
helps the economy with its budget problems, it also helps those businesses they buy from.
These are just the players who make the millions at a time during the National Basketball
Association season. This does not even count all the managers, coaches, and owners of
the teams in the National Basketball Association league. All these people make in about
the millions per year on average also so that is a lot of money being spread around the
league. That is why when the National Basketball Association went into its lockout for
almost half the season there was a lot of money being held up from the countries
economy. There were people jobless for a little while because the arenas did not have
anything going on because usually games are being played in there. All those people feel
in the economy because they were not making any money for themselves or for their
families. The people who bought season tickets for the upcoming two thousand and
twelve season spent their hard earned money on having half the season not even going
on. The middle class was not the only people affected by the economy when the National
Basketball Association went on its lockout. The players took big financial falls as well
because they were not getting paid for anything during the time either. All the things they
have like their expensive houses and their expensive cars; the monthly payments they
have for those things eventually lower the amount of money that they have in their bank
account. Players began to threaten to start playing for other countries instead of wait for
the National Basketball Association to begin the season because they were getting too
close to running out of money. It was a scary time for people who are involved in
anyway with the National Basketball Association along with the players, managers,
coaches, owners, cheerleaders, and etc. There is so much that the league going on
provides for the economy and without it we would not have one of the main things that
keeps our economy going. While it was gone there was too much money not being spent
or made to allow the money to flow nicely through the economy. That is the main reason
to why the United States of America government had to get involved with the National
Basketball Association’s lockout.
The National Basketball Association does not only make money off of the
people who live in this country alone. This brings us to the second reason to why the
National Basketball Association is so important to the economy. Other countries begin to
get involved in watching the National Basketball Association through their hometown
players that make it into the National Basketball Association. The way it works when
other countries start to contribute to the money the National Basketball Association
makes throughout the season is simple. First if one of their hometown players or players
of their ethnicity make it into the National Basketball Association and naturally their
hometown gets all excited for them. If those players who make it into the league make it
big and do good while they are in the league people from the other countries see them as
inspirational want to watch them. Once that happens the National Basketball Association
begins to start televising the games those players on in to other countries and people there
do not hesitate to watch. For example players like the Pau Gasol and Mark Gasol, the
two seven feet tall brothers from Spain, both are all stars in the National Basketball
Association. People from Spain mainly watch the Los Angeles Laker and The Memphis
Grizzles games to watch those two players play. Yao Ming brought in millions of
viewers from China during his all-star career playing for the Houston Rockets. Another
prime example is Jeremy Lin. Thailand has never has televised showings of National
Basketball Association games, but through the up rising of Jeremy Lin with the New
York Knicks the National Basketball Association had no choice but to televise his games
in Thailand. Even though Jeremy Lin was not originally from Thailand, people still
wanted to watch him as an inspiring figure to his Asian ethnicity. People from different
countries though do not only watch the National Basketball Association games just
because of they are from hometown or are of the same ethnicity as them. The big players
again such as Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, LeBron James, Kevin Durant, and Carmelo
Anthony are very popular in other countries. They know those players through their
stardom here in the United States of America. People in other countries want to watch
the key matchups between the star players they know and love who play in the National
Basketball Association. When teams such as Kobe Bryant’s Los Angeles Lakers team
plays in a key game against Dwayne Wade and LeBron James’ Miami Heat team the
National Basketball Association will televise the game in other countries for those people
to see. This is how other countries also contribute to how much money the National
Basketball Association brings in. Gaining money from other countries is very important
to the United States of America’s economy too, to keep the United States of America the
most powerful country. This is why the United States of American government had to
get involved with the National Basketball Association’s lockout.
The next reason that the National Basketball Association is very important to the
United States of America’s economy is because of the veterans who have played there
contributing to the next National Basketball Associations continuing. This is important
because there are a lot of resources in this world that are not as reliable as they seem to
be. An example of that is like when companies you think are so powerful and strong
suddenly go bankrupt. Sometimes a company that does that causes you to lose money,
lose your job, or even make you go bankrupt as well. This is why it is so important to
know that the National Basketball Association is pretty much everlasting throughout the
upcoming years. You know this to be true because of the people who have played before,
and how they make their contributions into making the season’s go on. They mainly do
this in two different ways, one of the ways that they do this is through the National
Basketball Association veterans running clinics and becoming coaches. Great former
players such as Michael Jordan, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Phil Jackson, Larry Bird, and
Reggie Miller start to host clinics and/or become coaches for a National Basketball
Association team. This allows the league to continue to have amazingly talented players
who come into the league and keep people wanting to watch. If the league did not have
star power players who can do phenomenal things then the National Basketball
Association would not be as popular as it is right now. That is why it is important for
new up and coming talent to learn from the clinics that old National Basketball
Association superstar’s host then be coached by the players who were once in their shoes.
The other main thing that the veterans from the league do that keeps the National
Basketball Association going is by the contributions that they make to the league on and
off the court. Some veterans spend their time and money into making sure that the league
keeps on running and this is one of the main things that keep the league going on. These
players and the remembrance of these players throughout the year not only through the
fans but through the people who play after them as well is what gives people the
inspiration to keep on playing. The players who remember these players know the old
players moves and the things that the old great players did during their careers as
examples to how they act and play today. The league continuing to be powerful and
trustworthy to always continue is why the National Basketball Association is so valuable
to the economy. Having something that we can rely on as trustworthy as this to keep our
economy going is one of the main reasons to why the United States of America needs
these kind of things to keep on going so it is good that we can trust on it to keep going.
This is why the United States of American government had to get involved with the
National Basketball Association’s lockout.
The government had to get involved with the National Basketball Association’s
lockout. This was a very dangerous thing to the economy. The lockout was going on for
several months, and those are months that the already weak economy had to run without
one of the main things that keep the money flowing. If the lockout lasted more than half
the season then The United States of America would have a serious problem
economically. This is why the United States government had to get involved with the
National Basketball Association not running. If they just let the National Basketball
Association run without them stepping in to make sure it would restart before the entire
National Basketball Association season ended the economy could have collapsed right
there and then. It is already obvious the United States government had to step in at
sometime since the leagues owners and players could not reach an agreement. The
league was about to lose players, fans, and supporters through the whole things and not
only does the lockout now only hurt the United States of America in the short term, but it
hurts them in the long run as well. The United States government could not at all afford
to let the National Basketball Association lockout any longer than it did because it would
have hurt the entire countries economy too much. The United States government would
not want to dig them deeper into a hole that they are already in involving the economy so
they had to step in by all means necessary. Since the government did realize that they
needed to step in, there are things they can do to keep the economy from having such a
dangerous thing happening to it when the National Basketball Association locked out.
The government should be able to keep the National Basketball Association from having
this kind of dispute again that would at all keep the season from going on. There are
ways the United States government can make sure that the National Basketball
Association’s players and owners can get equal treatment financially from the money
they rightfully make from the league. There is no reason to why they should be getting
any kind of unequal or different treatment from the leagues earnings. There are reasons
to why the league is important for people and what makes the league be able to make the
money that it makes. The way the league allows money to flow and through the
economy not only from the country but from other countries as well make the league an
obvious power house and make us know that the league will be going on for many years
to come. This is why the American government got involved with the National
Basketball Association’s lockout. Them getting involved with the lockout is the reason
to why the economy still has a chance of ever getting better.
Annotative Biblographies
Gregory, Sean. "The NBA Lockout and the Economy: An Overstated Impact."
TIME.com. TIME Moneyland, 7 Nov. 2011. Web. 03 Apr. 2012.
Without question, sporting events generate sizable, if often overstated, amounts of
game-day spending in cities. According to the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce,
for example, every Oklahoma City Thunder game pours $1.3 million into the local
economy. As The Atlantic recently pointed out, Spurs games generate $95 million for
San Antonio, the Portland Trail Blazers made a $2 billion local impact between 1970 and
2004, according to a study, and in 2010 the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce
estimated that the Grizzlies and their arena, the FedEx Forum, general an annual
economic impact of $223 million.
Investopedia. "The Financial Impact Of The NBA Lockout." Forbes. Forbes Magazine,
03 Nov. 2011. Web. 03 Apr. 2012.
Initially, the league entered negotiations with a proposed 61/39 split of basketballrelated income (BRI). Besides ticket sales, BRI includes merchandising, parking and
concession stand fees, television contract income and advertising revenues. This would
have forced the players to reduce their share by 18 percent, down from the 57 percent
guaranteed by the expiring collective bargaining agreement. Subsequently, the league
bettered its offer to a 50/50 split which was presented as an equal partnership.
Lemov, Penelope. "The Liabilities of an NBA Lockout." GOVERNING: State
Government News on Politics, Management & Finance. Governing Magazine, 16 Nov.
2011. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. <http://www.governing.com/columns/publicfinance/liabilities-NBA-lockout.html>.
Memphis isn't the only city that has been fingering its worry beads over the NBA
lockout. In fact, Moody's, the credit-rating agency, announced in mid-October that the
NBA lockout was a credit negative for small-market cities that rely on revenue generated
by NBA home games. As the lockout drags on, cities are in danger of losing more
revenue. But on the plus side, Moody's Valentina Clark notes that "these arenas host
other sporting events and other events so there is other revenue coming in." Eleven of the
29 NBA arenas, for instance, are home to National Hockey League teams.
Withers, Tom. "NBA Lockout Hiting Some Cities Hard." The Huffington Post.
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 6 Oct. 2011. Web. 03 Apr. 2012.
While Cleveland may be undergoing a minor renaissance with new construction,
including a downtown casino being built by a group headed by Cavs owner Dan Gilbert,
unemployment remains high. There's a thriving one-block strip of East Fourth Street,
where upscale eateries lure guests no matter the time of year.
ParkWhiz. "The Economic Impact of the NBA Lockout: Not Just the Players Locked Out
of Jobs." ParkWhiz. ParkWhiz Blog, 21 Nov. 2011. Web. 03 Apr. 2012.
In some cities, the NBA Lockout is costing some residents more than just their jobs. City
researchers in Memphis are estimating that taxpayers may be responsible for paying as
much as $18 million for Fed Ex Forum if the entire season is canceled due to an
agreement between the NBA and the municipal government when first opened in
2004. The city council just approved the resolution that may lead to a lawsuit against the
NBA. By the end of this lockout, it will be a miracle if anyone still has money left.