
Chapter 1
New Media Technology:
An Industry Overview
New Media Technology
New Ways to Communicate
Project Candide
Tony Padovano
Drew Fellman
Mike Bettison
Robert Thomas
Christine McKenna
Conceptual Map of
New Media Technology
Production Technology
Gather and Process Information
Digital Camera
Optical Scanner
Remote sensing devices, etc.
Distribution Technologies
Transmission and Movement of Electronic Data
Radio, Citizen Band (CB), Mobile Radio
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), ISDN, ADSL
Coaxial Cable
Wireless transmission
Electrical Power Lines
Display devices
Present Electronic Information Data to End Users
text data
convergent devices
By Nokia, the Mediascreen utilizes
digital Television (DVB-T), Internet
and Mobile Phone technology
Storage technologies
Devices Used to House Electronic Information Data
Floppy Magnetic Diskette
Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)
Digital Video Disk (DVD)
Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), etc.
Are There Consequences for the
Development of New Media
Communication Professionals
Nature of the product or content
Structure of Communication Industries
Nature of media audience/society at large
Transformation of
1400s Movable Type/Typewriter
1565 Pencil
1835-1837Camera/Movie Camera
1929 Television
1945 Magnetic Tape Recorder
Transformation of
1835-Photographic Negative on Paper
William Henry Fox Talbot
In Britain, Talbot made the earliest known surviving
photographic negative on paper in the late summer of
1835, a small photogenic drawing of the oriel window in
the south gallery of his home, Lacock Abbey: this rare
item is now in the photographic collection of the Science
Museum at the National Museum of Photography, Film
and Television at Bradford.
Transformation of
Joseph Nicéphore Niepce
In 1826 the first photographa by camera obscura in the world was taken by a
man named Joseph Nicephore Niepce, at his home in France. Heliography
was the process he used, and the image is a view of the rooftops outside the
artist's workroom window. The photo is a part of the Gernsheim Collection.
Image discovered by Helmut Gernsheim (photo-historian) in 1952. (Harry
Ransom Center, Unv. Of Texas, Austin )
Transformation of
First Camera
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre
(1789 -1851)
Made his first Daguerreotype in 1837 using a polished
silver-plated copper plate, sensitised with vapourised iodine and
developed with the fumes of mercury and later was able to mass
produce a camera box to take daguerreotype photos.
Main Users of New Media
Communication Professionals
Newspaper, Radio, Television, & Cyber Journalist
Public Relations
Administrative & Media Personnel, etc.
 Newsroom Developments
Greater Access to Data
Improved Efficiency
New Demands Due to New
Media Technologies
New Staffing
Additional Training for Current Staff
Additional Staff - More Technical Work
Clear Examination of Ethics
Caution: Graphics/Manipulation/Recreation
Technology Critics Interject
Caution - Toward the Growth of New
Media Technologies
Will written & verbal literacy be affected?
What Happens to Photo-realism?
New Digital Editors
Availability of News/Loosing Penny Press
Decentralized Communication Workers
New Media Technology
Social Environments
Intellectual Environments
Changing Players (i.e. Owners)
International Multimedia
Stealth Monopolies
What’s at Stake
with the Development of
New Media Technologies
Economic Forces (growth/strength)
Industry Overview of New
Media Technologies
Revenues are Up
Electronic Information, Data Processing, Network Servicing
Users/Subscribers are Up
Cellular Phones, Fiber Optics, Wireless Communication
Employment in Sector is Up
Estimates top 5 million for 1996
Distribution and Projections
Chapter 4
The Technology
New Media Technology Map
The Creation Machines
Electronic Information Processing Technologies
(NT, WebTV, PC, Workstations, mainframes, mini- &
supercomputers, etc.)
What’s so special about computers
Photographic and Sensing Devices
Digital Camera,camcorder, satellites, remote
sensing devices, etc.
Why are these devices important
New Media Technology Map
New Transmission Systems
Switched communication
Coaxial and fiber optical cable
Power lines
Name specific companies that either
maintain or use the above for
On-ramps to the Information
Superhighway Access and Display
Pocket notebook/Organizers/Address
books/record keepers, etc.
LCD, LED, Diamond-Coated
High-definition Television
Interactive TV
On-ramps to the Information
Superhighway Access and Display
Full Service Network (FSN)
Video on Demand/Shopping on-line
Interactive TV
Playing TV game shows while the are on (i.e.
Playing jeopardy while Jeopardy! Is on.)
Optical Revolution:
Improved storage capabilities
Chapter 2
The Internet: Today’s Information
Information Superhighway
Interconnected Networks
some 100,000
Use a common language or protocol
• Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocols
Origins of the Internet
Department of Defense’s Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPAnet)
Developments- that helped MIT
Digitalization, Packet-switching and TCP/IP
Information Superhighway
World Wide Web (WWW)
HTML Primer
Browser Wars
Mosaic, Netscape, and Beyond
Jim Clark & Marc Andereessen
James Gosling
Information Superhighway
Search engines
Yahoo, Webcrawler, excite, infoseek, lycos
New media content
VDOlive, Vivio, Xing, M-Bone, CU-SeeMe,
QuicktimeTV and Quicktime-
Chapter 5
Convergence Technology
From Convergence to the
Information Superhighway
all electronic mediated communication in
digital form, driven by computers, accessed
by network technology.
the process of condensing large amounts of
data by removing redundant information in
one digital/video frame to the next.
From Convergence to the
Information Superhighway
Hypertext - non-linear text
Term coined by Ted Nelson in 1962.
Reciprocal influence
Term coined by William Gibson in 1984
From Convergence to the
Information Superhighway
What is the information superhighway?
Most exciting application of computing
AI - Artificial Intelligence
Virus - self replicating computer organism
Name some commercial application on the
From Convergence…
Five Killer Application
1894 Pay-broadcast-Electrophone Company of London
Home shopping
Video games
Direct-response advertising
Information Superhighway
converging media...
Electronic Mail
1992 reached White house
1994 who typed in “Let’s get started.” from
the White House
Electronic Bulletin Boards
Mult-user Domains (MUDs)
Multi-User Dungeons-at least two participants
on-line games
The Race for Content
Chapter 6
Masters of the Universe
Global Players
Media Companies
Telecommunication companies
Computer and electronic companies
New Media Technology companies
The Big Investors
Computing & Information appliances
Communication networks
Information and computing resources
Skilled, well-trained people
Media Producers
Electronic Arts, Inc./Broderbund Software,
Acclaim Entertainment
Software Toolworks
Support Cast
Rising Stars
Ameritech, BellSouth, GTE, and SBC
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Walt Disney
Ted Turner
Rupert Murdoch
And others see book p177
From Cave Paintings to the
Information Superhighway
Computer revolution
Bugs in the machine
Transistor and a revolution in computing
From Cave Paintings to the
Information Superhighway
Creating a sexy robot
Mexican revolution
Lost in cyberspace
New ways of writing and reporting
Chapter 7
Rewriting the Editorial and
Creative Process
Rewriting: Creative and Editorial
Process in Cyberspace
Multimedia Communication
Multi-user Networks
Concepts of Finality
Rewriting: Creative and Editorial
Process in Cyberspace
Design in a new media product
Electronic Publishing
Management Style/Organization
Rewriting: Creative and Editorial
Process in Cyberspace
A New Hair Club for Men
Rewriting: Creative and Editorial
Process in Cyberspace
Disney Classics
Marketing Electronic
First ask questions
publishing multimedia
desktop market
CD-ROM titles
Arts and Entertainment
Training and Education
Chapter 8
Marketing Electronic Publications
Marketing Electronic
Packaged products
Desktop products
CD-ROM (& eventually DVD):
• In the Future--Throw away your phone books
• Games- Most powerful home computing device
– process full-motion video and high quality graphics
in real time
– Who introduced the video game market
– Atari
Marketing Electronic
Other Players in the market
Nintendo & Sega
Arts & Entertainment, Software,
Reference, Training and Education
Marketing Electronic
Publications : CD-ROM
Placing the PC-Where will the Media
Technology be located-infers usage
Portable Market
Electronic Books
Strategic Consideration
Video Cartridge
On-line Services
Adopters of New
Implication for advertisers
Chapter 9
The Legeal and Regulatory Environment
The Legal and Regulatory
Federal Communication Commission
Public Utility Commission
International Telecommunication Union
World Intellectual Property Organization
The Legal and Regulatory Environment:
A decade since the judgement-AT & T
Clinton Administration
Clinton Administration
Build it and they will come
Telecommunication Act 1996
National Research and Education Network
Deconstruction the FCC
mass media bureau
Clinton Administration
Government Fears
Codes for Kids
Digital Signatures
Copyright Laws/Royalties
Chapter 10,
part 1: pages284-312
Social and Cultural Consequences
Social Consequences of New Media Technology:
Enduring Issues
Improvements in Social Institutions
Information Society
computers make faster flow of information
new activities, processes and products
social and political change, global thought
Social Consequences of
New Media: Case Study
WebTV & the Global Village
Shared Viewing Experiences (3TV>500ci+)
Virtual Communities
New Forums
Electronic Mob-Immediate Access-on Politics
Violence-Information Warfare
Institutional Consequences of New
Changing the way we do business- Faster
Multi-directional communication
Political System
Education System
Chapter 10,
part 2: pages312-335
Social and Cultural Consequences
Sociological Perspective
on New Media Technology
Computer Dirty Work
Cutting People Out of the System
Networked For Emergency
Chapter 11
The Future:
Age of Random Access
On the Holodeck
Media Landscape
Wireless communication
Digital Video
The Companies-Access/Locked Out
User Control & User Choice:
New & Improved Media
Video on demand
from Media control to user control of
fiber in the sky from CellularVision
Parallel and Divergent Universe-Costs
Consequences of Convergence
Better/Worse/Cost for Whom/TimeChange
Digital Publishing
Content Providers - Who??
Verifying Information - Digital Finger Print
Information vs Entertainment
Tomorrow’s News
Limits to digital space
Artificial Life
Children and Technology