E-mail Etiquette (cont.)

Fact: email has overtaken the ____________
as a communication tool in the workplace.
(ranking: email, ______________, mobile
phones, instant messaging).
Why Lack of Email Etiquette?
1. Lack of knowledge of what the ___________are.
2. Don’t consider email as ______________
(#2 could be big mistake!)
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
1. Personal name: Identifies you better than your e-mail address
alone. Don’t use non-sensible names.
Examples: jbat11@uga.edu (___)
John Batton<jbat11@uga.edu> (____)
topdawg@uga.edu (____)
Unacceptable for a Great professional
(ugadawgz@, navydog@, junky41@, foxybrat@, trueblood, g10, etc,)
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
2. Subject line: Always include a subject line in
your message.
This is often the only __________ the recipient has
about the contents of the email. Make the subject
line meaningful. One or two general words does
not usually help the recipient. If replying to a
message, it is sometimes helpful if the subject line
is changed accordingly.
• Subject: blank (________________)
• Subject: Meeting tonight (bad)
• Subject: Karate Club Meeting Tonight (good)
• Subject: Karate Club Meeting Tonight at
6:00pm (better)
• Subject: Karate Club Meeting Tonight at
6:00pm, Room 112 Tate Center. (best)
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
3. TO: Don’t list all recipients here. Only put the
e-mail address of the person(s) you are
________________ directing it to. Use CC or BCC
for others who might or should be aware of the email.
E-Mail Etiquette (cont.)
4. CC (Carbon Copy): Only copy e-mail to
those who need to read it.
Be careful with the “___________________”
option when responding to a message. Be
sure you want your reply to be read by
everyone listed on the original e-mail.
• Be careful of email programs that
_______________ insert the person’s email
address on the “To” line.
(double check that the right address is being
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
5. BCC (______________________________): Addresses
put on this line will NOT be shown when the email is
received by those on the TO or CC lines. Use this option
when addressing a message that will go to a large group of
people who don’t necessarily know each other.
NOTE: Just as it is not proper to give out a person’s telephone
number without his or her knowledge, it is not proper or polite
to give out someone’s email address in certain situations or
among groups of people who do not know each other. Many
believe it is unethical to use BCC.
• Some people are very sensitive to having
their email address shared with others.
• This can be honored by putting the email
addresses in the BCC and __________email
address on the To line.
E-Mail Etiquette (cont.)
6. Salutations: How personal? Depends on
how ______________ you are with the
person being sent the e-mail. Dear Sir, Dear
Ms, Dear Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones, Dear
Robert, Hi or Hey Robert, Bob, or no
salutation at all. This is a personal choice. (K.
Karnok does not believe “no salutation” is appropriate under
any circumstance. When in doubt, error on the side of more
formal. Use name found on website or other materials until
told differently).
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
7. Message: Keep it appropriate in length.
Try to keep to the subject as much as possible.
If necessary to branch off to a new subject, it may
be advisable to start a new email. This allows for
easier filing. Only one or two topics, don’t
Provide enough _______________information at
the beginning of the e-mail for the recipient to
know what the matter is about. Attach
E-Mail Etiquette Message (cont.)
• Use correct punctuation and grammar.
• Don’t use all ___________ (shouting) or all lower
• Don’t use multiple exclamation points. One
exclamation point is all that is needed when
• Acronyms, abbreviations and smilies :-), 8-), :-(,
etc may be okay depending on the situation and
familiarity with the recipient.
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
• Don’t forget to include your name with the
closing of the email.
• If you began the email formally (i.e. Dear
Ms Jones), then it should close with
Sincerely or something appropriate.
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
• Signature: This is the small block of text
appended to the end of your messages which
usually contains your contact information
(mailing address, phone, fax, etc.).________!
• Quote or saying at end. Careful not to add
something that could be offensive (race,
religion, politics, etc.). A bit of tasteful humor
or quote is usually okay.
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
Miscellaneous Reminders
a. Don’t expect an immediate answer.
(But you should always try to reply as
soon as possible).
b. Before sending,
__________________________ and
ask what your reaction would be if
you received it?
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
• Always __________ ___________before sending.
• Don’t be over familiar with the recipient if you
don’t know the person that well (e.g. Hey Bob)
• Keep download size to a minimum. Always attach
the first time.
• Be careful when forwarding jokes, chain emails,
etc. This can be very _____________to some
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
• Personal emails using company email
account can be considered _______________
company communications. Setup multiple
email accounts.
• Don’t send emails when you are angry
(nasty emails called “____________.”). If
you are flamed, ignore it and go on.
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
• Remember, no such thing as a
_________________ email system. Some
organizations/companies are able to screen
every email sent or received for specific
words deemed “unacceptable.”
• Avoid saying anything you wouldn’t say on
the back of a postcard.
• Do not overuse the “High Priority,”
“Request Delivery,” read receipts options or
use “Important,” “Urgent,” etc. on the To
line unless it really is.
E-mail Etiquette (cont.)
• Try to reply to all emails received even if it
is only to acknowledge that you received the
email. This is __________ _____________.
• If unable to reply for several days, use the
_______________reply option letting the
sender know you are out of town and will
reply when you return (state the date of
• Send a correct and proper email to
crss3100@gmail.com State what you would
like to see covered in CRSS3100 and why.
Be sure to closely follow the etiquette points
discussed during this lecture.
NOTE: crss3100@gmail.com