
Student Affairs Senate
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Callen Conference Center
The Student Affairs Senate was called to order Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 1:03 pm by
Vice President Lindsey Jones.
Roll Call
a. 44 members present
i. Members absent at time of roll call: Katie Larson, Beau Kelly, Phil Bakken
a. No corrections or changes to minutes from Sept. 13th
a. Vice President
i. It is strongly encouraged that Committees work together
b. Parliamentarian
i. No report
c. Secretary
i. Place nametag in front of you at every SAS meeting
d. Treasurer
i. Any money issues that need to be addressed-talk to Doug
e. Tech advisor
i. Everyone should be connected on Blackboard
ii. Start using the “misc drive” to share files – a tutorial is on Blackboard
Committee Reports
a. Academic Affairs
i. Meet after SAS
ii. Explained committee’s job
b. Budget
i. Meet after SAS to change meeting time
ii. Explained committee’s job
c. Campus Grounds and Safety
i. Meet after SAS for a brief meeting
ii. Lining up safety walk
iii. My Turn to Drive and Wesleyan Wheels are two current projects
i. Meet after SAS
ii. If anyone feels like a group on campus is underrepresented – talk to MAMV
e. PRE
i. Communicating on a time for weekly meetings
ii. Brainstorming different advertising strategies
iii. Goals for next semester
iv. Explained committee’s job – run elections and publicize social activities
f. Student Affairs
i. Meet at 8pm
ii. Explained committee’s job – bring legislation before senate for organizations
desiring funds
New Business
a. Confirm Peer Review Board Members
i. Brent Hogeland, Meg Pierson, Grand Nordby, Lizzie Dowart, Jenna Miller, Caty
Reed, Danielle Morrison, Nikki Pointer, Taylor Zacharias, Dallas Polivka, Betsy
Kincanon, Chloe Petit, Jacob Bailey, Kelsey Chaney
ii. Steven Anderson spoke about the Peer Review Board
1. Training involves a 2 or 3 hour process to learn the judicial review. If an
RAC thinks someone needs extra punishment the PRB has a very formal
hearing. PRB decides on the severity of a sanction.
iii. 43 confirm. 1 abstention.
Exec Board’s Expectations of Senators
i. Attend senate and committee meetings, or provide Justina with an excuse
ii. Constituent emails 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month
iii. Read and respond to all emails regarding SAS
iv. Be prepared for meeting
v. Read and understand all governing documents in SAS
vi. Be a good representative of SAS
vii. Everyone plays a part in SAS initiative-attend events we host
Expectations of Exec Board
i. Empower Senators
ii. Be approachable
iii. Decrease communication barrier between Student Body and SAS
All-Senate Orientation of Parliamentary Procedure
i. Official business of Senate must follow proper procedure in order to officially
pass bills
ii. Brief video about parliamentary procedure
iii. Parliamentary procedure can be used to win a debate
1. “I move to…” must be said to begin an official debate
2. “Move to previous question” – action to actually move the bill.
3. The chair can “entertain a motion” – there is a motion on the floor and
the chair would like to continue the process
4. Personal inquiry – bathroom breaks
5. Point of order – calling someone out
Budget Procedure – Ben Schilling
i. Resolution’s legislation must be received one week in advance
ii. Allocation of Student fees
1. Each semester a fee is charged
2. Senate receives 1/3 of student fees
iii. Overview session on Oct. 2nd – “How do you make a budget…”
1. All Student Organizations are required to attend!
iv. Allocations will be done by mid-November
i. Job – update and ensure consistency on website
ii. Committee Chairs and Exec. Board have more privileges on Blackboard
iii. Send an email to SAS members
1. Blackboard – SAS tab – Communication – Send email – All Users/Select
iv. Misc Access
1. Wesmail – Huxley – Huxley Home/Misc – Groups – SAS –
v. Atomic Learning Tutorials
1. Current Undergraduates – CS/IT Home – User login with Wesleyan
credentials – Get Support – Atomic Learning link – Applications
(instructional technology)tutorial
g. Lunch at Wesleyan House on Oct. 9th
i. ~30 people
h. Announcements
1. Willard and Zeta Psi Rock-A-Thon, Thursday from 5:30-8pm
2. Don’t Hear It Through the Grapevine-Get Your KXL Pipeline Facts Now, Thursday
5pm Olin B
3. RHA Burger Madness, Tuesday, September 20th @ 9:00 pm, Dining Hall
4. Buy a ticket from GSL member to get a song played from the bell tour, and
support students in China – tickets in the great Hall and Student Center
5. Guidance to Success meeting Tuesday from 6:30 – 8pm
6. Lip-sync, Wednesday at 7pm
7. Band (Scratch Track) 9pm followed by Pep Rally
8. Faculty staff band at farmers market from 4 to 6 pm
9. Raising Canes after pep rally
10. S’mores after Raising Canes
11. Eat at the tailgate at 11 am on Saturday – dining hall is closed
12. Football game is at 1pm – Doane game
13. Friday dance at Theta Chi from 10pm – 1am
14. 9/11 window painting will be taken down at 7pm today – please come and help
15. Interested in forum committee (topics for Visions and Ventures) – talk to Phil
16. New Senator Orientation session – Thursday at 1pm in Olin A, required for new
senators, old senators can come
17. Meet at the green space at 9 pm if interested in going to pep rally with the SAS
Adjourn at 1:54 pm