Part 1a -

Who did Adam’s sons marry-21
Who cares -age of earth-46
Red Giant
Saturn’s Rings
Magnetic Field
Spin of the Earth
Sahara Desert
Ice Caps
Mississippi Delta
Methuselah Tree
Coral Reef
Salt in Oceans
Chinese Calendar
moon dust
Seminar Part 1b: La edad de la tierra
Session 2 of 14.
A Creation Seminar by
Dr. Kent Hovind
c/o 29 Cummings Road
Pensacola, FL[32503]
Toda escritura es dada por
inspiración de Dios, y es útil
para doctrina, para redargüir,
para corregir, para
instrucción en justicia,
All scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16
2 Timteo 3:16
Kent & Jo
July 14, 1973
La Familia Hovind Junio 2004
En el principio
creó Dios los
cielos y la tierra
In the beginning God
created the heaven
and the earth
Genesis 1:1
Génesis 1:1
Y Tú, Señor, en el
principio fundaste la
tierra; y los cielos son
obras de tus manos:
Hebreos 1:10
And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast
laid the foundation of the earth; and the
heavens are the works of thine hands:
Hebrews 1:10
When was “the beginning”?
¿Cuándo fue el principio?
Porque por él [Jesús] fueron
creadas todas las cosas que hay
in los cielos, y que hay en la
tierra...todo fue creado por él, y
para él.
Colosenses 1:16
For by him (Jesus) were all things created, that are in
heaven, and that are in earth…all things were created by
him, and for him:
Colossians 1:16
Y él respondiendo, les dijo:
¿No habéis leído que el que
los hizo al principio, macho y
hembra los hizo...?
Mateo 19:4
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not
read, that he which made them at the beginning
made them male and female,
Matthew 19:4
Pero desde el
principio de la
creación, macho y
hembra los hizo Dios.
But from the beginning of the creation
God made them male and female.
Marcos 10:6
Por tanto, así como el pecado
entró en el mundo por un
hombre, y por el pecado la
muerte y la muerte así pasó a
todos los hombres por cuanto
todos pecaron.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world,
and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,
for that all have sinned:
Romanos 5:12
Porque por cuanto la muerte vino
por un hombre, también por un
hombre vino la resurrección de los
muertos. Porque a la manera que
en Adam todos mueren, así también
todos en Cristo serán vivificados.
For since by man came death, by man came also the
resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even
so in Christ shall all be made alive.
El Pecado de Adan también afectó
los animales y las plantas.
Vea: Gen. Gen. 3:17-19 (maldito es
Adam´s sin also affected plants and animals
See: Gen. 3:17-19 (Cursed is the
ground-thorns, etc.) Rom. 8:18-22
la tierra). Rom. 8:18-22
1 Corinthians 15:21 y 22
Y así está escrito: fue hecho
el primer hombre Adam en
alma viviente; el postrer
Adam fue hecho en espíritu
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living
soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
1 Corintios 15:45
Y vivió Adam ciento y
treinta años (130), y
engendró un hijo...y llamó
su nombre Seth.
And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat
a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called
his name Seth:
Génesis 5:3
Y vivió Seth ciento
y cinco años (105),
y engendró a Enós
And Seth lived an hundred and five years,
and begat Enos:
Génesis 5:6
Y vivió Enós
noventa años (90), y
engendró á Cainán.
And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan:
Génesis 5:9
130+105+90+70+65+162+….=4000 B.C.
Last page
of seminar
from CSE
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50.,
850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5. Or 6/$20
Creationist’s Time Line
Tabla de la Creación
(4000 BC) years ago
Creation Flood
6000 YA
Evolutionist’s Time Line
Tabla de La Evolución
Big Bang
4004 a.C.
Scofield Reference Bible 1909
La Biblia de Scofield de 1909
Atheists often ask me...
Los Ateos muchas veces me preguntan...
Who did Adam’s
sons marry?
¿Con quién se
casaron los hijos
de Adam?
Y salió Caín de delante de Jehová, y
habitó en tierra de Nod, al oriente de
Edén. Y conoció Caín a su mujer, la cual
concibió y parió a Henoch: y edificó una
ciudad, y llamó el nombre de la ciudad
del nombre de su hijo, Henoch.
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and
dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain
knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and
he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after
the name of his son, Enoch.
(it does not say he found her there)
Génesis 4:16 & 17
(no dice que la encontró allí)
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50., 850-4793466, Also available laminated $5. Or 6/$20
Those who believe in
evolution have a very serious
problem with this issue!
¡Los que creen en la evolución
tienen una problema muy
grave con este asunto!
Prentice Hall “18 to 20 billion…”
Prentice Hall General Science,
1992, page 61
p. 398
Holt Earth Science 1994 p. 281
Earth evolving (Atlas)
Holt Earth Science 1994 p. 282
Biology The Unity
and Diversity of
Life Wadsworth 1992
p. 301
Evolutionist’s Time Line
La Historia Según La Evolución
Big Bang
Dog breeds
Evolutionist’s Time Line
Tabla de La Evolución
Big Bang
Who did Adam’s
sons marry?
¿Con quién se
casaron los hijos
de Adam?
Y fueron los días de Adam,
después que engendró a
Seth, ochocientos años: y
engendró hijos e hijas.
And the days of Adam after he had begotten
Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat
sons and daughters:
Génesis 5:4
Y fueron los días de Adam,
después que engendró a
Seth, ochocientos años: y
engendró hijos e hijas.
And the days of Adam after he had begotten
Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat
sons and daughters:
Génesis 5:4
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE
$8.50., 850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5.
My friend, Jim Bob
Duggar, has 15 kids in
15 years. He was an
Arkansas State
Mi amigo, Jim Bob
Duggar, tuvo 15
niños en 15 años.
El fue un senador
del estado de
Adam’s sons married sisters.
1. There is no other choice. (No one would have thought it was wrong).
2. Who would you report them to? (They were the only People in the world).
3. There were no laws against it until 2500 years later.
There was no need for the law till then.
See: Lev. 18:6-18
4. Adam married his rib!
Los Hijos de Adam se casaron con sus hermanas.
1. No tenían otra opción. (Nadie pensaría que era mal).
2. ¿A quién les reportará? (Fueron las únicas personas en el mundo)
3. No había ley contra esto hasta 2500 años después. No se
necesitaba esta ley hasta aquello tiempo. Vea: Levi. 18:6-18
4. Adam se casó con su costilla.
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50.,
850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5.
6) ...Y tomó de su fruto, y comió;
y dio también a su marido, el cual
comió así como ella.
23) Y sacólo Jehová del huerto
de Edén
6) she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave
also unto her husband with her; and he did eat…
23) Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the
garden of Eden,
Génesis 3:6 y 23
El Diluvio
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50.,
850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5.
Y dijo Faraón a Jacob: ¿Cuántos son los días
de los años de tu vida? Y respondió a Faraón:
Los días de los años de mi peregrinación son
ciento y treinta años; pocos y malos han sido
los días de los años de mi vida, y no han
llegado a los días de los años de la vida de mis
padres en los días de su peregrinación.
And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? And Jacob said
unto Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage are an
hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years
of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years
of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.
Génesis 47:8 y 9
El Diluvio
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE
$8.50, 850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5.
Textbooks say the
earth is billions of
years old.
Los libros científicos
dicen que la tierra tiene
billiones de años.
Y él respondiendo, les dijo:
¿No habéis leído que el que
los hizo *al principio, macho y
hembra los hizo...?
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which
made them at the beginning* made them male and female,
*Was Jesus lying?
Did he not understand modern science?
Or was he right?
Mateo 19:4
* ¿Mintió Jesús?
¿No entendiá ciencia moderna?
o ¿Fue correcto?
Holt Earth Science, 1989, p. 502
Merrill 4th Grade Science,
1989, p. 116
1995 p.398
Algunos que enseñan
que el mundo tiene
millones de años:
Hugh Ross, Don Stoner,
Gerald Schroeder, Navigators,
James Dobson, Dake’s and
Scofield study Bibles, Pat
Robertson, John Ankerburg,
Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Lee
Stroble, Hank Hannegraff,
Chuck Colson, Norman Geisler
Be sure to see our 5 hour video
debate series with Dr. Ross.
This teaching clearly puts death before sin. The question is
simple: did man bring death into the world or did death bring
man into the world?
Much more on that heresy on video #2 or CSE 101!
Merrill 4th Grade Science 1989, p. 116
Esta enseñanza claramente tiene la muerte antes
del pecado. El pregunta simplemente es: ¿Trajo
el hombre la muerte en este mundo, o trajo la
muerte al hombre a este mundo?
Mas reinó la muerte
desde Adam hasta
Nevertheless death reigned
from Adam to Moses,
Romanos 5:14
Porque por cuanto la muerte vino
por un hombre, también por un
hombre vino la resurrección de los
muertos. Porque a la manera que en
Adam todos mueren, así también
todos en Cristo serán vivificados.
For since by man came death, by man came also the
resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even
so in Christ shall all be made alive.
1 Corintios 15:21 y 22
Who cares about the age of the earth?
1. The credibility of the book of Genesis is at stake. Can the average
person read it and understand or do we need a Guru to lead us?
2. The credibility of Jesus is at stake. (Jesus cited Genesis 25 times –
see Defender’s Bible p. 1556)
3. Nearly every other book in the Bible refers to Genesis. 200x in New
Testament alone – see Defender’s Bible p. 1545-1556.
4. The evolutionists care. Their entire theory looks silly without
“billions of years” to hide it in.
¿A quién le importa la edad de la tierra?
1. La credibilidad del libro de Génesis esta en juego. Podemos leerlo y
entenderlo, ó necesitamos un erudito para guiarnos?
2. La credibilidad de Jesús esta en juego. (Jesús citó Génesis 25 veces)
3. Practicamente todos los libros de la Biblia hacen referencia a
Génesis. (200 veces solomente en el Nuevo Testamento)
4. A los evolucionistas les importa. Su teoría parecería insensata sin
“billones de años” para esconder su falta de evidencia.
Porque si vosotros hubieseis
creído a Moisés, me habríais
creído a mí: porque de mí
escribió él. Pero si a sus
escritos no creéis, ¿Cómo
creeréis a mis palabras?
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he
wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye
believe my words?
John 5:46-47
There are numerous
scientific ways to show
the universe is not billions
of years old.
Hay muchas maneras científicas
para mostrar que el universo no
tiene billones de años.
July 24, 1999 Star Tribune
Minneapolis, Minn.
La semana pasada la
población del mundo pasó
a 6 billones de personas.
La Población del Mundo
Billones de almas
Human Population Chart
Moderno de los
1 billion in 1810
Merrill Earth Science 1993 p. 503
¿Hay demasiada gente en el mundo?
Is the world
National Geographic Oct. 1999
Thomas Malthus’s Essay on the Principle of
Population had a great influence on Darwin.
Over 25 billion square feet
Más que 25 billones de pies cuadrados
New Mexico, Sept. 2004
New Mexico, Sept. 2004
Si hay demasiada gente donde tu vives:
If it’s overcrowded where you are:
Si hay demasiada gente donde tu vives:
¡Debes Mudarte!
If it’s overcrowded where you are:
La Población del Mundo
See also: Scientific Creationism P. 167,
Billones de almas
Human Population Chart
personas por
¡Esto sería
Población del Mundo
150,000 people per
square inch! That
would be crowded! h
Y los bendijo Dios; y díjoles
Dios: Fructificad y
multiplicad, y henchid la
tierra, [tener muchos niños]
And God blessed them, and God said
unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish (fill) the earth,
[have lots of kids!]
Génesis 1:28
Porque así dijo Jeohvá, que creó los
cielos; él es Dios, el que formó la
tierra, el que la hizo y la compuso;
no la creó en vano, para que fuese
habitada la creó: Yo Jehová, y
ninguno más que yo.
For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens;
God himself that formed the earth and made it; he
hath established it, he created it not in vain, he
formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there
is none else.
Isaías 45:18
“In order to
stabilize world
population we
must eliminate
350,000 people
per day.”
“Para estabilizar la
población del mundo,
debemos eliminar 350,000
personas cada día.”
- Jacques Cousteau
Demanding Accountability
United Nations Development
Fund for Women. 1994, p. 84-85
“A total world population
of 250-300 million people, a
95% decline from present
levels, would be ideal.”
“Una población del mundo de 250 – 300
millones de personas, 95% menos de
niveles presentes, sería ideal”
- Ted Turner- CNN
Human Population in Billions
La Población Humana en Billones
Goal of NWO
La meta del
Nuevo Orden
Población del mundo en billones de personas
Y Jehová Dios dijo a la serpiente:
Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita
serás entre todas las bestias y entre
todos los animales del campo; sobre
tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás
todos los días de tu vida:
And the LORD God said unto the serpent (Satan), Because
thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and
above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go,
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Génesis 3:14
Y enemistad pondré entre
ti y la mujer, y entre tu
simiente y la simiente suya;
ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y
tú le herirás en el calcañar.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head,
and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Génesis 3:15
Herodes entonces, como se vio
burlado de los hombres sabios, se
enojó mucho, y envió, y mató todos
los niños que había en Bethlehem y
en todos sus términos, de edad de
dos años abajo,
Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise
men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the
children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts
thereof, from two years old and under,
Mateo 2:16
“People are the cause of all the
problems; we have too many of
them; we need to get rid of some of
them, and this (ban of DDT) is as
good a way as any.”
“La Gente es la causa de todos los problemas;
hay demasiada; debemos eliminar algunos, y
esta (ley contra DDT) sería una buena manera
como cualquier otra.”
- Charles Wurster,
Environmental Defense Fund
Convention on Biological Diversity Signed
by Bill Klinton, United States in New York
June 4, 1993.
Section 9.2,3,2 claims
that we must either reduce the
earth’s human population to 1 billion
or reduce the standard of living to an
agrarian “peasant” status.
“Debemos reducir la población del mundo a 1
billón o reducir el estándar de vivienda a un
estatus de probreza agraria.”
Platform for United Nations urban-ecological
summit held in Istanbul, Turkey, June 1996
“Christianity is our foe. If animal
rights is to succeed, we must
destroy the Judeo-Christian
religious tradition.”
“El Cristianismo es nuestro
enemigo. Si los derechos de los
animales puede tener éxito,
debemos destruir la tradición
religiosa Judeo-Cristiana.”
- Peter Singer, professor at Princeton, favors killing babies up to 28
days old. The “father of animal rights.” AP Nov. 22, 1999
“The world has
cancer, and the
cancer is man.”
“El mundo tiene cáncer, y
este cancer es el hombre.”
- Alan Gregg, Mankind at The Turning Point 1974.
He was a longtime official for the Rockefeller Foundation.
“If I could be reincarnated, I
would wish to return to Earth
as a killer virus* to lower
human population levels.”
- Prince Philip, (husband of Queen Elizabeth)
President-World Wildlife Fund
Major investor in ADM- Majority %
of world food distribution.
“Si yo podría ser reencarnado, me
gustaría regresar a la tierra como
un virus asesino para disminuir los
niveles de la población humana.”
“Food is power, we use it to control
behavior,… we do not apologize.”
“La comida es poder, y la
usamos para controlar el
comportamiento, ... no nos
disculpamos por esto.”
- Catherine Bertino, Exec.
Dir., UN Food distribution.
From a UN speech Sept. 14, 1997
*See Emerging Viruses by Dr. Len
Horowitz. Every person in the
military or considering having their
children vaccinated needs to read
this info. Learn what really caused
Gulf war syndrome
etc. 1-800-336-9266
Both available
from CSE
“More than 22,000 reports of
hospitalizations and injuries,
including 300 deaths,
following hepatitis B
vaccinations have been
reported since 19
to the government’s
Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System.”
The Eagle Forum, Spring 2000 p.1
“I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed
a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that
they are useful, but if you look at the proper
statistics and study the instances of these diseases
you will realize that this is not so . . You cannot
immunize sick children, malnourished children, and
expect to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children
than would have died from natural infection.”-Dr
Kalokerinos MD
“....There is growing suspicion that immunization
against relatively harmless childhood diseases
may be resposible for the dramatic increase in
autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations
were introduced. These are fearful diseases
such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease,
lupus erthematosus, and the Guillain-Barre
syndrome.”--Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.
“Dr. Hovind, We have a son that has been damaged
by the MMR vaccine. He lost his ability to walk, talk
and feed himself. The government has a fund that
compensates for injuries due to vaccines. Our
8 year old Joshua has won this. (National Vaccine
Injury Program). This business of ‘Shots for Tots’ is
aimed at seeing to it that children under 2 are fully
vaccinated by their doctor’s offices. You
would not believe what is going on in this
area. After studying this for the last 4
years, Satan is seeing to it that well
meaning parents are destroying their
babies immune system by putting over
22 viruses into their system before they
are two.”
7+ miles N. of
Elberton GA on
Hwy 77, 100
yards off the
road on the
right, are
the Georgia
erected March
22, 1980 by the
The Cherokee Indians
called this place ALYEHLI
which means “Center of
the Universe
Los Indios Cherokis llamarón a
éste lugar ALYEHLI, lo cual
significa “Centro del Universo”
These stones have “The Ten
Commandments of the New Age”
Una Tabla en Georgia, EEUU que
contiene Los Diez Mandamientos
de la Nueva Era
Señor Hovind mirando estas tablas
#1. “Maintain Humanity Under
500,000,000 (1/2 billion) in
Perpetual Balance with Nature.”
#1. “Tener la población del mundo bajo de 500,000,000
(1/2 billón) en balanza perpetua con la naturaleza.”
(These stones are full of Masonic symbols)
see: And
For lots more on the
New World Order plans
to reduce the world
population see our
college class CSE 101.
We cover the entire
seminar in CSE 101-104
Call the office
for details.
850-479-DINO (3466)
Pese al futuro, la población actual demuestra un
crecimiento en sólo 4400 años.
Población del Mundo
Billions of souls
Regardless of the future, the current population
shows only 4400 years of growth.
Based on DNA studies, scientists are now
putting forth the theory that there was a
catastrophe 70,000 years ago that reduced
the human population to a few thousand
creating a genetic bottle neck. They propose
that a volcano caused this near extinction of
mankind. Discover Channel, May 12, 2002
find and scan
make it spin
Eta Carinae
Super nova
Astronomers have observed that
about every 30 years a star “dies”
and explodes into a super nova.*
If the universe is billions of years
old, how come there are less than
300 super nova (dead stars)? There
should be several hundred million
of them. Are the stars wrong,
or the evolution theory?
*ICR september, 1998
Some try to say
they have proof
of stars forming.
They point to spots
getting brighter.
Obviously this
could just be dust
clearing and a star
behind showing
Textbooks say Red
Giant Stars evolve into
white dwarf stars over
billions of years.
Prentice Hall Earth Science 1995
Egyptian hieroglyphs from 2000
B.C. described Sirius as red.
Cicero, in 50 B.C., stated
Sirius was red.
Seneca described Sirius as
being redder than Mars.
Ptolemy listed Sirius as one of
the six red stars in 150 A.D.
Today it is a white star-binary.
Textbooks say it should take
billions of years for this to happen.
It’s a Young World Paul Ackerman
Jupiter’s moon Ganymede has a strong magnetic field.
“Magnetic fields are generated by the liquid motion of
molten metal inside a body. Yet Ganymede should have
cooled solid billions of years ago.”
Denver Post Dec. 13, 1996 Jupiter Probe detects mysterious moon dust. By K.C. Cole
Holt Earth Science 1994 p. 579
Saturn’s rings
Saturn’s rings
Los aros de Saturno
See It’s a
Young World
After All
by Paul
Also In the
Beginning by
Walt Brown
p. 29 & 69
Saturn’s rings are unstable
CSE- $24.50
and cannot be billions
of years old.
Available from ICR (619) 448-0900
Receding moon drawing
from Impact
La Edad temprana para la luna y la tierra
Por Dr. Thomas G. Barnes
The Inverse Square Law:
The force of attraction between
two objects is inversely
proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
The Inverse Square Law:
If the distance is 1/3, the force of
attraction between two objects is
9 times greater.
1/3 inverted is 3/1. 32 = 9
This fact alone puts the age of the Earth/Moon system at
less than 1.2 billion year max.
In the Beginning by Walt Brown, available from CSE
Esta evidencia en si misma nos enseña que la luna y
la tierra tienen el máximo de 1.2 billones de años.
That explains what
happened to the
tall dinosaurs.
They got “Mooned”
to death!
Esto nos explica lo que pasó con los dinosaurios.
¡Fueron matados por la luna!
Short period
are losing
material and
have a life
of less than
10,000 years.
R.A. Littleton, Mysteries of the
Solar System (Oxford, England:
Clarendon Press, 1968), p. 110
If your outgo exceeds
your income,
Your upkeep will
be your downfall!
Si sus gastos exceden su salario,
lo que necesita para mantenerse
lo llevará a la bancarrota.
Short period
are losing
material and
have a life
of less than
10,000 years.
Why are they
still here?
Matson devoted an entire web site to me.
There are now hundreds (some say about
1000) anti-Hovind web sites. I answer all
phone calls and scores of emails on my
world wide radio program from 5-6 CST,
M-F at
call 850-479-3466 ex 136 to join us.
El Señor Matson produjo una página en la red
contra mí. Ahora hay mas que 1000 páginas
de Internet que son “anti-Hovind”.
8 hours
answering the
web sites. DVD
or VHS $45
Video de ocho
horas contestando
las paginas del red
que son “AntiHovind”.
“In 1950, based on a study of
the orbits of several longperiod comets, the Dutch
astronomer Jan Oort proposed
(hoped, wished, prayed) that a
great spherical shell of
(comets) existed at the remote
frontiers of our solar system.”
“Better statistics in more
recent years have
supported the existence of
the Oort cloud and put it at
a distance of 50,000 AU
(AU=astronomical units).”
From Matson’s web site “answer”
to my young earth arguments.
Pluto is 39 AU from the sun and cannot be seen
without a powerful telescope. Seeing a
comet at 50,000 AU is impossible!
Prentice Hall Earth Science 1991 p. 73
No one has ever seen the Oort
cloud. It is hard to see a
comet 1 AU from earth.
Oort never saw the Oort cloud!
“Oort proposed a cloud of comets
surrounding the solar system
based on mathematical errors.”
See Raymond Littleton, “The Non-existence of
the Oort Cometary Shell.” Astrophysics
and Space Science, Vol. 31
December 1974, pp. 385-401
“Many Scientific papers are
written each year about the
Oort Cloud, its properties, its
origin, its evolution. Yet
there is not yet a shred of
direct observational
evidence for its existence.”
Comet 1997, p. 148 Carl Sagan
and Ann Druyan, p. 210
Matson said, “Sorry fellas,
but if you want to use this
comet argument it is up to
you to prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that the
Oort cloud and other
sources don’t exist!”
From Matson’s “answer” to my young earth arguments.
Suppose I said,
are blue inside
until you cut the
skin. Prove
I’m wrong!
This is called
shifting the burden
of proof.
Imagínate si yo digo,
“Sandías son azules
adentro hasta que las
¡Pruébeme incorrecto”!
Matson said, “Sorry fellas,
but if you want to use this
comet argument it is up to
you to prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that the
Oort Cloud and other
sources don’t exist!”
From Matson’s “answer” to my young earth arguments.
Los cielos cuentan la
gloria de Dios, y la
expansión denuncia la
obra de sus manos.
The heavens declare the glory of
God; and the firmament sheweth
his handywork.
Salmos 19:1
Evolutionary theory has the
sun and stars evolving before
the earth. God said He created
earth before sun and stars.
La teória de Evolución dice que el
sol y las estrellas vinieron antes de
la tierra. Pero Dios dijo que creó la
tierra antes del sol y las estrellas.
Génesis 1
Does the Bible match evolution?
¿Enseña la Biblia la evolción?
1. Earth before sun
2. Oceans before land
3. Light before sun
4. Land plants first
5. Fruit trees before fish
6. Fish before insects
La Biblia
1. Sun before earth
2. Land before oceans
3. Sun before light
4. Marine life first
5. Fish before fruit trees.
6. Insects before fish
•1. La Tierra vino antes del sol
•1. El sol antes de la tierra
•2. Oceanos antes de la tierra
•2. La tierra antes de los oceanos
•3. Luz antes del sol
•3. El sol antes de la luz
•4. Plantas primero
•4. Vida aquática primero
•5. Arboles frutales antes de peces
•5. Peces antes de los árboles frutales
•6. Peces antes de los insectos
•6. Inséctos antes de los peces
Does the Bible match evolution?
¿Enseña la Biblia la evolción?`
7. Plants before sun
8. Marine mammals before
land mammals
9. Birds before reptiles
10. Atmosphere between
two layers of water
11. Man brought death into
the world
12. God created man
La Biblia
7. Sun before plants
8. Land mammals before marine
9. Reptiles before birds
10. Atmosphere above water
11. Death brought man into the
12. Man created God
7. Plantas antes del sol
•7. El sol antes de las plantas
8. Animales aqúaticos antes de los de tierra
•8. Animales de tierra antes de los del oceano
9. Aves antes de reptíles
•9. Reptíles antes de aves
• 10. Atmósfera entre dos lugares de agua
•10. Atmósfera arriba del agua
• 11. Hombres trajeron la muerte al mundo
•11. La muerte trajo el hombre al mundo
• 12. Dios creó a los hombres.
•12. Los hombres creó a Dios.
Couldn’t God have used evolution to create?
The “god” that would use evolution is
cruel, wasteful and retarded.
He is not the God of the Bible!
¿Pudo Dios usar la evolución para
crear los hombres?
Un “dios” que usara la evolución sería cruel,
despilfarrador, y retardado.
¡Ese no es el Dios de la Biblia!
Cuando considero tus
cielos, obra de tus dedos,
La luna y las estrellas que
tú formaste,
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers,
the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
Salmos 8:3
Enardecióse mi corazón
dentro de mí; Encendióse
fuego en mi meditación,
While I was musing the fire burned:
Salmos 39:3
Acordéme de los días
antiguos; Meditaba en todas
tus obras, Reflexionaba en las
obras de tus manos.
I remember the days of old; I meditate on
all thy works; I muse on the work of thy
Psalm 143:5
Cuando considero tus
cielos, obra de tus dedos,
La luna y las estrellas que
tú formaste:
When I consider thy heavens, the work
of thy fingers, the moon and the stars,
which thou hast ordained;
Psalm 8:3
¿Qué es el hombre, para
que tengas de él en
memoria, Y el hijo del
hombre, que lo visites?
What is man, that thou art mindful of
him? and the son of man, that thou
visitest him?
Psalm 8:4
It’s been estimated that there are enough stars for
every individual on earth to own 11 trillion of them.
Se ha estimado que hay estrellas
suficientes para que cada persona tenga
11 trillones de ellas.
Se pueden observar más estrellas que las que
se pueden contar en esta pequeña área.
More stars were seen in this
small area than could be counted!
O habla a la tierra, que
ella te enseñará: Los
peces de la mar te lo
declararán también.
Or speak to the earth, and it shall
teach thee: and the fishes of the
sea shall declare unto thee.
Job 12:8
Los magnetos pierden su
magnetismo con el tiempo.
Magnets lose their strength with time.
The Earth’s
magnetic field is
getting weaker.
1. It cannot be billions
of years old.- 25,000
2. Carbon dating
cannot work for more
than a few thousand
years. See video #7 and
Impact # 189 for more on
Earth’s magnetic strength has declined
10% in the last 150 years.
Astronomy and the Bible Donald DeYoung, p. 18
See ICR’s Impact # 188 for more on this.
Also Scientific Creationism by Henry Morris p. 157, (619)-448-0900
“The lower leg of the Fairbanks
Creek mammoth had a radiocarbon age of 15,380 RCY (radio
carbon years), while its skin and
flesh were
21,300 RCY.”
Harold E. Anthony, “Natures
Deep Freeze,” Natural History,
Sept. 1949, p. 300, See also:
In the Beginning Walt Brown
p. 124
“One part of the
Vollosovitch mammoth
carbon dated at 29,500
years and another part
at 44,000.”
Troy L. Pewe, Quaternary
Stratigraphic Nomenclature in
Unglaciated Central Alaska,
Geological Survey Professional
Paper 862 (U.S. Gov. printing
office, 1975) p. 30
Will say
There are
In the rock.
“There are no magnetic
Reversals on the ocean floor.”
There are only areas of
Weaker magnetism.
Merrill Earth Science
1993 p. 343
What they don’t tell you:
1. Africa has been shrunk 35-40% to make
them fit.
2. Mexico and Central America are gone.
Lo que no te dicen:
1. Africa ha sido disminuido 35-40% para
que quepa.
2. Mexico y America Central no existen.
Dónde ésta:
Costa Rica?
McGraw Hill Earth Science, 1973, p. 228
#4 If you take the water out of the oceans
you will notice there is dirt underneath.
Si se quita todo el agua
de los oceanos, se
puede ver tierra abajo.
La Tierra tiene una superficie sólida, no se
hallan vacíos debajo de los oceanos.
The earth has a solid crust. It is
not hollow under the oceans!
Holt Earth Science 1994 p.18
More about
on seminar
part 6
Más acerca de
“pangaea” en
lección 6
La tierra esta girando a mas de 1000 millas por hora en el equador.
Time to Kill
“Earth’s Rotation is slowing down.
To compensate for this lagging
motion, June will be one second
longer than normal. This ‘Leap
Second’ announced by the
International Earth Rotation Service
in February, will keep calendar time
in close alignment with international
-Astronomy Magazine, June 1992, p. 24
Time to Kill
“Earth’s Rotation is slowing down.
To compensate for this lagging
motion, June will be one second
longer than normal. This ‘Leap
Second’ announced by the
International Earth Rotation Service
in February, will keep calendar time
in close alignment with international
-Astronomy Magazine, June 1992, p. 24
Time to Kill
“Earth’s Rotation is slowing down.
To compensate for this lagging
motion, June will be one second
longer than normal. This ‘Leap
Second’ announced by the
International Earth Rotation Service
in February, will keep calendar time
in close alignment with international
-Astronomy Magazine, June 1992, p. 24
Past leap seconds:
Jan. 1973
Jan. 1974
Jan. 1975
Jan. 1976
Jan. 1977
Jan. 1978
Jan. 1979
Jan. 1980
July 1981
July 1982
July 1983
July 1985
Jan. 1988
Jan. 1990
Jan. 1991
July 1992
July 1993
July 1994
Jan. 1996
International Earth
Rotation Service
June, 1994
The spin
of the
Prentice Hall
Earth Science
1995, p. 499
The Sahara
Desert has
a prevailing
This causes the
desert to grow.
This process is
HBJ Earth Sci
About 4000
years old.
See: Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research in Germany. July
15, 1999 Geophysical Research
Tiene acerca de 4000 años
HBJ Earth Science, 1989, p. 277
Oil wells can have up to 20,000 psi!
The rock can only hold that
pressure for 10,000 years or
See: Creation Ex Nihilo Vol 12
No. 2, p. 30 for How fast can oil form?
Oil and gas are from “organisms that once lived in the
sea. …changed by heat and pressure”… into oil.
Holt General Science, 1988, p. 294. See also Journal of Petroleum
Geology Leigh Price 1983 p. 32 for oil in 1000-10,000 years! And How Fast
can Oil Form by Andrew Snelling 1990, Creation Ex Nihilo, 12(2):30; and Impact #155
Aceite y gas son hecho de “organismos que una vez
vivieron en el mar...cambiado al aceite por calor y presión.
See: Creation Ex Nihilo Vol 12
No. 2, p. 30 for How fast can oil form?
Also “Converting Organic Wastes to Oil,” by Hadden
R. Appell, US Dept. of Interior, Bureau of mines.
1971 for oil being made in 20 minutes.
In 1996 a $22.4 million proposal
was approved in Western
Australia that will build a plant
to create oil from sewage
sludge in 30 minutes.
See Creation/Evolution: Does it Matter what
we Believe? By Mike Riddle, ICR, p. 28
Anything to Oil
Technological savvy could turn
600 million tons of turkey guts and
other waste into 4 billion barrels
of light Texas crude each year
By Brad Lemley
Discover Vol. 24 No 5 (May 2003)
Gasolinera Americana
Sinclair gas and oil
company uses the
dinosaur as their logo.
They say dinosaurs
turned into oil.
Hecho en 80 millones de años
Ark floating over dead animals
¡Adios Abuelo!
Denver, Colorado
A giant freezer to store the ice cores in
the Federal Center in Denver, Colorado
Ice core
See Impact
From ICR
for more.
Prentice Hall
Earth Science 1989,
p. 297
Ancient Antarctic Ice
studies in Denver lab
“LAKEWOOD, Colo. (AP)---Ten ice core samples yanked
from a remote Antarctic
glacier are resting in a giant
freezer here waiting to be
(National Ice Core Laboratory –
Denver, Colorado)
They told me the layers
represented annual rings
because in summer the top
layer of snow melts and
re-freezes as clear ice which
shows up dark here.
In winter the snow packs and
shows up as a white layer.
“In Greenland and Antarctic,
where the weather is
consistently dry and very cold,
the glaciers are miles thick but
the annual rings are very thin.
The deepest cores can measure
over 10,000 feet… cores from
Greenland drilled since 1990
show the northern climate was
erratic… 135,000 years ago.”
Creation ex nihilo June-Aug. 1997 p. 10
The planes landed in 1942 in Greenland.
Estos aviones aterrizaron en Groenlandia en 1942.
The lost
squadron was
covered by 263
feet of ice in
48 years!
Creation ex nihilo
June - August 1997
p. 13 (800)-350-3232
The restoration of one P-38
was done in Middleboro, KY
ph. 606-248-1149
Dismantling the P-38,
The Lost Squadron p. 178
Middlesboro, KY
Ice rings in
The Lost
1942 - 1990 = 48 years.
The planes were 263 feet
below the surface.
That’s about 5.5 feet/year.
10,000’  5.5’ = 1,824 years .
Deeper ice is pressed into finer
layers so 4,400 years to accumulate
the ice at the poles is no problem!
Note – The planes do not sink in the ice due to pressure on the ice.
Planes are nose heavy and would not be horizontal if they sank.
In April, 1999 I visited Bob
Cardin at the museum in
Middleboro, KY.
He helped dig out and restore
the P-38.
At 62 feet down they hit
a plywood cover left by
the 1983 expedition eight years
years earlier! 8ft/yr!
He told me there were
many hundreds of layers
of ice above the planes
when they dug them out!
4-18-01 Bob told me that 30-40
rings accumulated in 9 years.
This article still calls
these ice core lines
annual layers when
they are from warm
and cold spells.
Scientific American Feb. 1998 p. 82
can be fixed.
Stupid is
La ignorancia se
puede resolver.
Pero, ¡estupidez es
para siempre!
“Dr. Hovind,
I got 15 layers
of snow on
my car in 8 hours!
The Inuipt Indians (Alaska North Slope
Eskimos) have 42 or 43 words for snow! Icy
snow has its own word. So does powdery
snow, and so on.” Michael S. Pankion,
A Test-Book of Geology by Charles Schuchert,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. London p. 784
This 30 foot petrified
tree is one of hundreds
found in the Kettles
coal mines near
Cookville, TN. The top
and bottom are in
different coal seams
dated thousands of
years different in age.
Scientists estimate there
are 20,000 trees in the
bottom of Spirit Lake.
Many of them are buried
upright and some are
already 15 feet deep
in sediments.
They seem to settle
out by species giving
the appearance of a
complete forest.
wood in
815-2536390 p. 65
A mother Ichthyosaur giving birth.
Fossilization is not a slow process!
Creation Magazine 12-99, 1-800-350-3232
Petrified cowboy leg found in a dry creek bed near the
West Texas town of Iraan, about 1980 by Mr. Jerry
Stone, an employee of Corvette Oil company.
The bones of the partial leg and foot within the boot were revealed by an
elaborate set of C.T. Scans performed at Harris Methodist Hospital in Bedford,
Texas on July 24, 1997. The Radiologic Technician was Evelyn Americus, AART.
A complete set of these scans remains with the boot at the Creation Evidence
Museum in Glen Rose, Texas. 254-897-3200
Prentice Hall General Science,
1992 p. 145
See In the Beginning
Walt Brown p. 24
30,000 years to
accumulate the
mud in the delta.
Tree ring dating is not an exact science. Trees often produce more
than one ring each year. 4300 would be the max. for this tree. It is
probably younger. Allyn and Bacon Biology, 1977, p. 180, Some trees with more rings
have now been counted but the actual age of 4300 is more reasonable.
¡Tiene menos de 4200 años!
Holt Earth Science, 1989, p. 279
Del lado Canadiense
Canadian Side
Heath Earth
Science 1994,
p. 178
Crest lines showing recession
of Horseshoe Falls since 1764.
865 feet in 185 years
is approximately
4.7 feet per year.
Source: Niagara Falls Museum Guide
¡Las cataratas están
aquí ahora!
The falls are now here!
In 1841 Charles Lyell visited the falls.
He said they were 10,000 years old.p. 179-182 *
“A gorge about 7 ½ miles long runs
just below Niagara Falls. A simple
calculation show that it has been
9900 years…” Holt Earth Science, 1984, p. 384
See also: In the Minds of Men, by Ian Taylor, p. 83, available from CSE.
See also Creation Ex Nihilo Sept-Nov, 2000 p. 8
Niagara Map
7.5 miles =39,600 feet. Divided
by 4.7 feet/year =8426 years.
(They used 4 feet/year not 4.7 for the public
school textbook.)
Holt Earth Science, 1989, p. 279
Oceans today are 3.6% salt.
They could have gone
from fresh water to salt in
less than 5000 years.
Holt Biology 1994, p. 225
Agua Dulce
Fresh Water Crocodile
Agua Salada
Salt Water Crocodile
Changing from a fresh
water crocodile to a salt
water crocodile is a minor
change compared to the
evolution myth.
Cambiar de un cocodrilo agua dulce
a un cocodrilo de agua salada es
una cosa menor comparado al míto
de la evolución.
Changing from a fresh
water crocodile to a salt
water crocodile is a minor
change compared to the
evolution myth.
They teach that a rock
changed to a crock!
According to self professed infidel
Dave Matson, “the Bulletin of the
National Speleological Society (37:
p.21, 1975) gave their observed
growth rates as ranging from
0.1 to 10 centimeters
[2.5 inches ] per thousand years.”
And “Moore and Sullivan (1978, p.
47) give an upper average rate of
‘only a little more’ than 0.1 mm/year
Lincoln Memorial built 1922
photo 1960’s *
Bat covered in
1953 p. 442
2 inches,
2000 years?
Refrigeration shed built 1926-1927 inside
Fort Pickens in Pensacola, Florida
40 years in
Picture taken in
1987 of level 5
of the lead mine
at Mt. Isa, QL,
Australia. The
mine was 55 years
old at time
of photo.
Creation Magazine
March-May 1998 p. 27
Note sign for
“Switch” and miners
13 in. stalactite growing under bld.
90747, the Oasis Café at Hurlburt Field,
FL. The building was opened in the fall
of 1993.
Photo by David Fosse 850-244-8373.
On the floor
under it this
since it was
a hazard to
trip on.
Bld. 90747, the Oasis
Café at Hurlburt Field,
FL. The building was
opened in the fall of
Found by David Fosse
Mike Croft
6103 Wagon Bend
Austin, TX 78744
Home 512-488-1639
2-17-03 Dear Dr. Hovind,
These stalactites are growing in the garage of a private
student condominium near UT campus at Austin Texas.
The name of the condominium complex is Centennial
Condos on the corner of 28th and Rio Grande. This
structure was completed in October of 1997. They have
had to put up tin attached to the beams of the garage in
places so that stalagmites wouldn’t grow on the kids
100 year old flowstone formation
in Thermopolis, Wyoming
Liberty Magazine, May/June 1993, page 24
started a
few years
later down
the street.
At the current rate of
erosion the continents
would erode flat in 14
million years.
How can we have rocks
300 times older than that
still above sea level?
See In the Beginning by Walt Brown
Erosion features all over the earth show there was much
greater erosion in the past-probably from Noah’s flood.
Erosion features all over the earth show there was much
greater erosion in the past-probably from Noah’s flood.
Zagros mountains
“the first developed systems
of word writing appeared only about 5000
years ago.”
World Book Encyclopedia
“The oldest language that can reasonably
be reconstructed is already modern,
sophisticated, complete from an
evolutionary point of view.”
The Biological Nature of Man, G.G. Simpson Science, Vol. 152,
April 22, 1966, p. 477.
“...Los primeros sistemas de escritura
al nivel mundial comenzaron hace
5000 años atras.”
The year 2000 was 4700 on
the Chinese calendar.
Maybe they started with
the birth of Shem or Noah
before the flood.
For more on calendars see: Creation Ex Nihilo Feb. 2000, p. 46
El año 2000 era 4700 en el calendario Chino.
Tal vez comenzaron su calendario con el
nacimiento de Sem o Noé antes del diluvio.
Our year 2000
was the year
5760 on the
Hebrew calendar.
Nuestro año de 2000 fue el año 5760
en el calendario Hebreo.
The Saxons in
England had a
genealogy going back
to Adam, the
Danes and
Norwegian king
lists go back to
Egyptian king
lists are
as shown by
Cruncher p. 49
Why are the oldest
reliable historical records
less than 6000 years old?
¿Por qué es que los
documentos históricos
fehacientes mas
antiguos son menos de
6000 años?
Una tierra
El mundo viejo
Why aren’t students
shown the evidence
for the universe being
¿Por qué no se enseña a
los alumnos la evidencia de
un universo joven?
Book? Many
textbooks are
books about
evolution not
books about
Publishers are using our schools to
spread their religion at our expense.
Millones de años pasados...
This is calling Jesus a liar!
¡Esto es como llamar mentiroso a Jesús!
I Can Read About Prehistoric Animals
Y él respondiendo, les dijo:
¿No habéis leído que el que
los hizo al principio, macho y
hembra los hizo...?
Mateo 19:4
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not
read, that he which made them at the beginning
made them male and female,
Matthew 19:4
Did they really live to be 900+?
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50., 850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5.
¿Y qué de los dinosaurios?
Mirad que nadie os saquee como
despojo por filosofía y vano
engaño, según la tradición de los
hombres, según los elementos
del mundo, y no según Cristo:
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy
and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the
rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Colosenses 2:8
How will
he view
after 12
or 16
in your
En el principio creó Dios
los cielos y la tierra.
In the beginning God created the
heaven and the earth.
Génesis 1:1
The Bible is right about the beginning. It is right
about the end also. Are you ready?
La Biblia es correcta sobre el principio. Es
correcta acerca del fin también. ¿Estás listo?
Dios hizo la tierra.
El es el dueño de ella.
El hace las leyes.
Cada uno de nosotros somos culpables
de romper las leyes de Dios.
Let’s summarize
God made the world.
He owns it.
He makes the rules.
We are all guilty of breaking God’s rules.
10 Commandments Ex. 20
1. No other God’s before me.
2. No graven images.
3. Don’t take God’s name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath.
5. Honor your father and mother
6. Thou shalt not kill.
Los Diez Mandamientos
1. No tendrás dioses ajenos
delante de mí.
2. No te harás imagen.
3. No tomarás el nombre de
Jehová tu Dios en vano.
4. Acordarte has del día del
5. Honra á tu padre y á tu madre.
6. No matarás.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. No cometerás adulterio.
8. No hurtarás. (No robarás).
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10. Thou shalt not covet.
9. No hablarás contra tu
prójimo falso testimonio.
10. No codiciarás.
1. God made the world.
2. He owns it.
3. He makes the rules.
(like the 10 commandments)
We are guilty of breaking His rules.
5. We will be punished or
We must find a
substitute to take
our place.
Jesus is willing
and able.
Dios hizo la tierra.
El es dueño de ella.
El hace las reglas y leyes
Estamos culpables de romper sus reglas
Debemos estar castigados o
Debemos encontrar
un sustituto para
tomar nuestro
Jesús puede y
El fuego no tocará a aquellos en el agua. El juicio
de Dios no les tocará a aquellos que están en Cristo.
The fire will not touch the ones in the water.
God’s judgment will not hurt those in Christ.
Población del Mundo
Goal of NWO
1940 1950
1980 1990
If you died today,
where would you go?
Si mueres hoy, ¿dónde irá su alma?
Estarás muerto por muuuuuucho tiempo.
You will be dead for a loooooong time!
Sólo lo que tienes
es esta linea.
Úsala por el Señor
“Estoy bien ocupado, y no tengo tiempo para esto.”
Some claim to
be atheists.
Psalms 14:1 The fool
hath said in his heart,
there is no God.
Available from CSE
Algunos dicen que
son ateos.
Salmos 14:1 “Dijo el
necio en su corazón:
no hay Dios.”
Available from CSE
El Señor no tarda su promesa como
algunos la tienen por tardanza;
empero es paciente para con
nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno
perezca, sino que todos vengan al
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as
some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to
us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that
all should come to repentance.
2 Pedro 3:9
What on earth are
you doing for
heaven’s sake?
¿Qué estas haciendo por
la causa del cielo?
Llámenos ó escríbenos
por un catálogo gratis:
Call or write for
a free catalog.
Creation Science
29 Cummings Rd
Pensacola, FL
12 Topical videos on
other subjects like:
School Ideas, Magic
Tricks, and Health.
All 12 for $99
17 hour seminar
on DVD or VHS
plus notebook for
20 Debate tapes.
Dr. Hovind vs. evolutionists in
various fields of science all
20 for $169
*All 39 tapes for $350
12 Topical videos on other
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Ideas, Magic Tricks, and
Health. All 12 for $99
Seminar also available in
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If Creation is True: If Evolution is True:
Si la Creación es la Verdad:
1. There is a Creator.
1. Hay un Creador.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
1. There
is ais
1. There is no Creator.
1. There
1. No hay un Creador.
1. Creator.
Hay un Creador.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
1. There
is ais
1. There is no Creator.
1. There
1. No hay un Creador.
1. Creator.
Hay un Creador.
2. There are rulesright and wrong.
2. Existen reglas y leyes.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
1. There
is ais
1. There is no Creator.
1. There
1. Creator.
Hay un Creador.
1. No hay un Creador.
2. There are rulesright and wrong.
2. Existen reglas y leyes.
2. There are no rules-no
commandments-no law.
2. No hay leyes ni reglas ni
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
3. There
is ais
1. There
to Creator.
3. Hay un propósito para la vida.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
3. There
is ais
3. There is no purpose
1. There
to life.
to Creator.
3. Hay un propósito para la vida.
3. No hay propósito para la vida.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
3. There
is ais
3. There is no purpose
1. There
to life.
to Creator.
3. Hay un propósito para la vida.
4. Man is a
fallen creature
in need of a
4. El hombre es una criatura
caída que tiene necesidad de un
3. No hay propósito para la vida.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
3. There
is ais
3. There is no purpose
1. There
to life.
to Creator.
3. Hay un propósito para la vida.
4. Man is a
fallen creature
in need of a
4. El hombre es una criatura
caída que tiene necesidad del
3. No hay propósito para la vida.
4. Man is
evolving with no
need of a Savior.
4. El hombre esta evolucionando
y no tiene ninguna necesidad del
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
5. Man
1. There
is adeath
the world.
5. El hombre trajó la muerta a
éste mundo.
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
5. Man
5. Death brought man
1. There
is adeath
into the world.
the world.
5. El hombre trajo la muerte a
éste mundo.
5. La muerte trajo al hombre a éste
“thus from the war of nature,
from famine and death, the most
exalted object which we are
capable of conceiving,
namely, the
production of
higher animals,
directly follows.”
Charles Darwin
The Origin
of Species… p. 243
If Creation
is True:
If Evolution is True:
If Creation
Si la Evolución es la Verdad:
Si la Creación
es la Verdad:
6. There
is life
6. There is no after-life.
1. There
is after
6. Hay vida despúes de la muerte.
7. There is comfort
in knowing the
7. Hay consuelo en saber el
6. No hay vida después de morir.
7. There is no
hope of knowing
the future.
7. No hay esperanza de saber el
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
The first 3 days are not
literal days without the
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
The first 3 days are not Ex. 20:11 puts all 7 days
literal days without the as being the same.
Scores of other
scriptures indicate a 6
day creation.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
The first 3 days are not Ex. 20:11 puts all 7 days
literal days without the as being the same.
Scores of other
scriptures indicate a 6
day creation.
There is no closure
(“evening and
morning”) to the 7th day
so it
could be billions of
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
The first 3 days are not Ex. 20:11 puts all 7 days
literal days without the as being the same.
Scores of other
scriptures indicate a 6
day creation.
Ibid. The Hebrew calls for
There is no closure
“Day 7”. It is very literally a
(“evening and
normal 24 hr. day. Many
morning”) to the 7 day
scriptures refer to “The 7th
so it
day.” The seventh day is
could be billions of
symbolic of God’s rest but it
was a literal day in Gen. 1.
Were the Jews to work 6 days
and take the rest of their life
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Science has proven
the Earth is billions of
years old.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Science has proven
All evidence that says
the Earth is billions of the Earth is billions of
years old.
years old is based on
flawed logic. See Sem.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Science has proven
All evidence that says
the Earth is billions of the Earth is billions of
years old.
years old is based on
flawed logic. See Sem.
The “death before sin”
only indicates human
death. Adam’s sin did
not effect creation.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Science has proven
All evidence that says
the Earth is billions of the Earth is billions of
years old.
years old is based on
flawed logic. See Sem. 1
The “death before sin”
only indicates human
death. Adam’s sin did
not effect creation.
Because of man’s sin,
plants grew thorns and
thistles. Gen. 3:18. Abram
sacrificed an innocent
Gen. 22. Scores of
scripture references tell of
nature’s suffering because
of man’s sin. Rom. 8:18-22.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Many intelligent, godly
men teach that the
earth is billions of years
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Many intelligent, godly
men teach that the
earth is billions of years
God’s word is the judge not
majority opinion. History is
replete with examples
where the majority has
been wrong.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Many intelligent, godly
men teach that the
earth is billions of years
This should not be a
major divisive issue.
God’s word is the judge not
majority opinion. History is
replete with examples
where the majority has
been wrong.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
Many intelligent, godly
men teach that the
earth is billions of years
This should not be a
major divisive issue.
God’s word is the judge not
majority opinion. History is
replete with examples
where the majority has
been wrong.
Then agree with me and
there will be no division.
Jesus always divides.
See: Luke 21:51, Jn.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
II Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4
indicate a day may be a
thousand years.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
II Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4 Neither of these passages
are talking about the
indicate a day may be a
creation. Both say
thousand years.
thousand not billion.
Plants (day 3) cannot
survive billions of years
with with the sun (day 4) or
insects (day 5).
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
II Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4 Neither of these passages
are talking about the
indicate a day may be a
creation. Both say
thousand years.
thousand not billion.
Plants (day 3) cannot
survive billions of years
with with the sun (day 4) or
insects (day 5).
God was using simple
language to explain
the creation for a
simple people.
Old Earth vs. Young Earth
II Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4 Neither of these passages
are talking about the
indicate a day may be a
creation. Both say
thousand years.
thousand not billion.
Plants (day 3) cannot
survive billions of years
with with the sun (day 4) or
insects (day 5).
God was using simple
language to explain
the creation for a
simple people.
This assumes ancient
man was dumb and
we need modern
Gurus to tell us what
God’s Word means.
(Cults get started this
Scratches on a space
capsule porthole from
the dust in space.
Lyttleton felt that x-rays
and UV light striking
exposed moon rocks
“could during the age of
the moon be sufficient to
form a layer over it
several miles deep.”
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society of London Vol. 115, 1955, pp. 585-604
Issac Asimov (1959)
“I get a picture,
therefore, of the first
spaceship, picking out
a nice level place for
landing purposes,
Coming in slowly
downward tailfirst and sinking
out of sight.”
Issac Asimov, Science Digest, Jan., 1959 p. 36
book about
going to the
moon written
in 1959.
“There is
just deep,
gray dust.
Dust, dust,
You Will go to
the Moon by Mae
and Ira Freeman
Random House
Ranger and Surveyor
space programs were
sent to the moon
to asses the “dust
problem.” Evolution
theory cost us billions
of wasted dollars.
The landing
pads were
added and
the legs
because of
over the
layer of
The ladder was
18 inches too
short in
of a thick dust
The ladder
was 18
inches too
short in
of a thick
dust layer.
See Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1969 Sec. 1, p. 1;
It’s a Young World after All by Ackerman, p. 19.
Also In The Beginning by Walt Brown p. 213. available from
Meteoritic Flux vs.
Particle Mass
Published data
Inferred data
Particle Mass (gm)
of the moon
dust is from space*. The
actual measured amount
of dust turned out to be 2.7
inches per million years
or 1033 feet in 4.6
billion years.
In the Beginning by Walt Brown
p. 214. CSE $17.50 *the rest is
kicked up lunar soil.
In 1981, I had a conversation with
Dr. Herbert A. Zook of the U.S.
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). He had been
intimately involved in estimating the
thickness of the dust layer on the moon
before the first Apollo moon landing. He
also helped analyze the lunar material
brought back from the moon. Of the
many interesting things he told me and
sent me by mail,
one is critical in answering
the above question.
NASA did not realize until the moon dust
and rocks were analyzed that only one
part in 67 (or 1.5%) of the debris on the
moon came from outer space. The rest
was pulverized moon rock. In hindsight,
this makes perfect sense. Meteorites
that strike the moon travel about seven
times faster than a bullet-averaging 20
km/sec. When they strike the moon, they
are not slowed down by an atmosphere
(as on earth), because the
moon has no atmosphere.
Therefore, the projectile, regardless of
size, instantaneously vaporizes and kicks
up a cloud of pulverized moon rock. The
vaporized meteorite then condenses on
the pulverized moon rocks. This was
determined by slicing moon rocks and
finding them coated by meteoritic
material–material rich
in nickel. Uncoated moon rocks have
practically no nickel. In this way, NASA
arrived at the factor of 67.2
Center for Scientific Creation, In the Beginning
by Walt Brown p. 214. CSE $17.50