Africa Before 1800

Africa Before 1800
Ben Tucker, Josh Hampshire, Nate Harris
Period 3
Nok head from Rafin Kura
N: Nok head from Rafin Kura
D: Ca. 1520
P/S: Benin, ivory carving
A: unknown
M/T: Ivory, Iron
Function: worn at the waist of Obe Esigie
C: Esigie’s mother Idia helped him in warfare,
and in return he created the Queen Mother for her
• DT: High relief, proportional, balanced, very geometric
• Ideas: Divinity
Waist pendant of a Queen Mother
N: Waist pendant of a Queen Mother
D: 500 BCE-200 CE
P/S: African, Nok
A: unknown
M/T: Terracotta
Function: unknown
C: unknown
DT: Hollow, full round, exaggerated
features, made by women
• Ideas: Expression of face could indicate
position of power
Master of the Symbolic Execution
N: Master of the Symbolic Execution
D: 1,490-1,540 BCE
P/S: Sapi-Portuguese
A: unknown
M/T: Ivory
Function: unknown
C: Main example of Portuguese explorers on
Sapi culture
• DT: High relief, small examples of geometric
shapes/symmetry, execution scene (slight narrative)
• Ideas: Figures below could represent future victims of execution;
executioner placed on top to emphasize his role
Core beliefs and Expression in
• Common beliefs throughout all of Africa included honoring ancestors, worshiping
nature deities, and elevating rulers to sacred status. These beliefs were expressed
greatly in the large variety that African Art consisted of. They were expressed in Rock
engraving and painting, body decoration masquerades (and other festivals), figural
sculpture, and sacred and secular architecture. Many African sculptures are
representations of family ancestors and are carved to idolize their spirits, this is an
example of how their respect for ancestors was expressed in their art. In the Ivory Belt
Mask, worn by Oba Esigie, king of the Benin, around the crown are stylized Portuguese
heads alternating with mudfish, which represent royalty for their land, and sea lifestyle,
as a king is human and divine. This is an example of the core belief of elevating rulers to
sacred status. They valued trees and the wood that they provided, wood being their
favorite art medium, and would repay trees in certain ways. This could be an example of
how they worship nature Deities.
Traditions of full-round Sculpture
Full round sculptures had a very large significance in many of the ancient African
tribes. They were especially important in the Lle-Lfe tribe’s traditions. These
sculptures were all created by native Africans and were typically made out of stone,
terracotta, or copper. Carbon dating says that these sculptures go back about the 11th
or 12th century.
Function of objects
The sculptures were often used for ceremonies of instillation, funerals and the annual
affirmation of the king’s grace. The figures used idealized naturalism, meaning that
they were realistic in their shape and proportions, but were idealized in the sense of
ideal form and sculpting the carvings to depict the prime time of the subject's life. It is
also believed that the sculptures could have been individually craved for specific
Trade Network of Zimbabwae
Great Zimbabwe had a vast trade network well before Europeans began costal
voyaging. There are finds of beads and pottery from the Near East and China along with
copper and gold objects. This could have affected the styles and artwork during the
time period of Great Zimbabwe, in Great Zimbabwe. By adding a foreign and
completely different feel to the generic African Rubric that can be noticed in all African
Portuguese Impact
When Portuguese explorers and patrons came to the Atlantic coast of Africa, the people of
Sapi, attempted to please or fit the needs of these foreign people through works of art. The
Portuguese commissioned many items, including delicate silverware and elaborate saltcellars,
boxes, hunting horns, and weaponry handles. The many influence of the Portuguese were
the saltcellars, which were items for the elites of Europe. These were the main influences the
Portuguese had on the Sapi culture. Their direct influence changed their method and
demand of art, all due to foreign exposure.
Comparative Analysis
Both are in the full round
Both stiff, frontal views
Both display types of idealized naturalism where the sculpture is realistic
but flawless and represents perfect human form
Left: Greek, full height, Marble, Grave marker, naked
Right: African, mini, zinc-brass, ceremony, clothed
Waist pendant
of a Queen