Self Checklist When Finished with Essay

Definition Essay Self Checklist
______ Directions: Write your initials next to each item on the list that you have completed
(including reading these directions).
_______ There are no 1st person pronouns in my essay (ex., I, me, my, we, us) unless I was using a personal experience
as one of my three supporting details in a paragraph. Otherwise, there should be NO lines such as, “I think…,”
“I believe…,” or “I am going to tell you about….” I know you think it, believe it, and are going to tell me about
_______ I have used either a handheld thesaurus or Microsoft Word’s synonyms function to make my diction, or word
choice, less repetitive and more memorable. To use the Microsoft Word synonym function, simply place your
cursor on a word, right click the mouse, and choose “synonyms.” If you choose a synonym to replace your
original word, though, be sure it has the same/similar denotation/connotation as your original word. For
example, I really don’t want to see the word hero or heroism 8 bazillion times, so try to spice it up every once
in a while with a synonym.
_______ I have created a catchy title that relates to my definition of a hero. The title is not simply: Definition Essay on
Heroism. BORING!!!
_______ I have changed any contraction in my essay (ex. didn’t) to its two-word counterpart (ex., did not).
_______ I have indented every paragraph.
_______ My introductory paragraph begins with a lead, or something interesting on the general topic of
heroes/heroism. The last sentence of my introductory paragraph is my thesis statement that states the point
of this essay: defining heroes by their actions, character traits, and what they are not.
_______ Each body paragraph has a clear topic sentence that lets the reader know what I will be focusing on each
paragraph. Each body paragraph also contains at least one parenthetical citation.
_______ My function body paragraph stays focused on the ACTIONS of a hero. Each general statement about heroism
in this paragraph shows something a hero DOES.
_______ My example body paragraph stays focused on SPECIFIC PEOPLE whom I consider heroes. I give support for
each person or people as to why they are heroes.
_______ My negation body paragraph stays focused on what a hero is NOT. Each general statement about heroism has
a negative word like “not” or “never.”
_______ My concluding paragraph restates my thesis in slightly different wording. It also sums up my 3 main points
from my body paragraphs. Finally it leaves the reader with something to think about, or a challenge.
_______ I have used transition words throughout (Springboard p. 74 and you have a handout of some).
_______ I have incorporated at least 2 quotes from Springboard texts in Unit 1 and have used the TLQC format of
writing the quotes (p. 76).
_______ I have printed a copy of my essay.