5 Paragraph essay on if you support our drone warfare

Persuasive essay on if you support our
drone warfare program:
• You must pick either, “I support…” or “I do not support….”
– No in-betweens! (I understand the greys, but take a side)
• 1st paragraph: Introduction
• 2nd paragraph: Your first reason, supported by evidence
from the Just War Criteria, the video we watched, the
readings on drones, or other sources (cited!)
• 3rd paragraph: Your second reason, supported by evidence
• 4th paragraph: Explain one opposing argument, supported
by evidence, and why you disagree, supported by evidence
• 5th paragraph: Conclusion
• This essay must be typed
• You may deviate from the above format if you do it well
• I will give you class time on Monday to work on it